Wood is a Raw Material. By default, it can be produced in all three worlds.
Raw Material[]
Wood is a Raw Material, and is used for the production of other goods. See the Production Chains section for more information.
Wood can be used during expeditions, it grants 10 bonus points to Crafting skill and 20 bonus morale per 50 tons.
Wood can be passively sold for 2 or purchased for 6 per ton. No neutral trader buys or sells Wood for a special price.
Regular Production[]
Wood is produced in a Lumberjack's Hut. All regular production chains involving Wood are listed below.
Old World[]
Sewing Machines[]
Sewing Machines
★ The Coal Mine may be replaced with two Charcoal Kilns
for +10 +30 -10 -400 -4 +5
• 140 Artisans Residences (up to 4200 Artisans)
• or 70 Engineers Residences (up to 2800 Engineers)
• or 160 Obreros Residences (up to 3200 Obreros)
• 760 Investors Residences (up to 38000 Investors)
• or 95,2 Scholars Residences (up to 11428 Scholars)
Steam Carriages[]
Steam Carriages
★ The Coal Mine may be replaced with two Charcoal Kilns
for +10 +30 -10 -400 -4 +5
• 600 Investor Residences (up to 30000 Investors)
New World[]
• 280 Jornaleros Residences (up to 2800 Jornaleros)
• or 140 Obreros Residences (up to 2800 Obreros)
• or 70 Artisans Residences (up to 2100 Artisans)
• or 35 Engineers Residences (up to 1400 Engineers)
• or 83,3 Scholars Residences (up to 10000 Scholars)
• 360 Obreros Residences (up to 7200 Obreros)
• or 180 Investors Residences (up to 9000 Investors)
The Passage DLC[]
Husky Sleds[]
• 222 Technicians Residences (up to 4444 Technicians)
Land of Lions DLC[]
Illuminated Script[]
• 370,3 Elders Residences (up to 7407 Elders)
• 44,4 Scholars Residences (up to 5333 Scholars)
Advanced Cotton Fabric[]
Tourist Season DLC[]
Food & Drink Venues[]
Wood is also used at Food & Drink Venues in the following recipes:
The High Life DLC[]
Billiard Tables[]
Shopping Arcades[]
Wood is also used at Shopping Arcades in the following patents:
Production with Items[]
When particular items are equipped in a Trade Union or an Arctic Lodge, Wood is involved in specific modified production chains, or can be obtained as an extra good alongside the production of other goods.
Soap (Perfumier Prunella)[]
Perfumier Prunella Epic | ||
Prunella first made her soaps in the garden shed. How far she has come since! | ||
Equipped in Trade Union Affects Soap Factory |
Effects Replaced Input Instead of Tallow, the building processes Wood. Attractiveness: -100% |
Expedition Bonus Crafting: +40 Medicine: +20 |
Perfumier Prunella
• 480 Workers Residences (up to 9600 Workers)
• or 240 Artisans Residences (up to 7200 Artisans)
Windows (Glass Maker)[]
Glass Maker Uncommon | ||
Absolutely transparent about his processes. | ||
Equipped in Trade Union Affects Window Makers |
Effects Replaced Input Instead of Glass, the building processes Quartz Sand. |
Expedition Bonus Crafting: +25 |
Glass Maker
Sewing Machines (Dario the Mechanical Engineer)[]
Dario the Mechanical Engineer Epic | ||
Dario is an octopus, with eight different tools in his eight different hands. | ||
Equipped in Trade Union Affects Bicycle Factory Sewing Machine Factory |
Effects Extra Goods Occasionally produces extra Pocket Watches every 8th cycle Occasionally produces extra Gramophones every 8th cycle Replaced Input Instead of Steel, the building processes Iron. |
Expedition Bonus Crafting: +45 |
Sewing Machines
Dario the Mechanical Engineer
Sewing Machines supply:
• 140 Artisan Residences (up to 4200 Artisans)
• or 70 Engineer Residences (up to 2800 Engineers)
• or 160 Obrero Residences (up to 3200 Obreros)
Pocket Watches supply:
• 63,75 Engineer Residences (up to 2550 Engineers)
• or 31,875 Investor Residences (up to 1593,75 Investors)
Gramophones supply:
• 95 Investor Residences (up to 4750 Investors)
• or 95,2 Scholar Residences (up to 11428 Scholars)
Glasses (Gerhard Fuchs, of the Patent Eyeglass)[]
Gerhard Fuchs, of the Patent Eyeglass Legendary | ||
A master of the aspherical, Gerhard's snazzy glasses have attracted him quite a following of pupils. | ||
Equipped in Trade Union Affects Spectacle Factory |
Effects Productivity: +50% Extra Goods Occasionally produces extra Pocket Watches every 3rd cycle Replaced Input Instead of Brass, the building processes Wood. |
Expedition Bonus Crafting: +50 Medicine: +30 |
Gerhard Fuchs, of the Patent Eyeglass
Notice that the green custom productivity value illustrates the optimal production ratios between the buildings, IF you want to prevent under- or overproduction.
You can choose to actually increase productivity or you can choose a different way to obtain more of the input goods.
Glasses supply:
• 450 Engineer Residences (up to 18000 Engineers)
• or 225 Investor Residences (up to 11250 Investors)
• or 555,6 Elder Residences (up to 11110 Elders)
Pocket Watches supply:
• 170 Engineer Residences (up to 6800 Engineers)
• or 85 Investor Residences (up to 8500 Investors)
Gramophones (Johan the Inventor)[]
Johan the Inventor Epic | ||
Johan famously gathers anything he can find, glues it all together, and hey presto! | ||
Equipped in Trade Union Affects Gramophone Factory |
Effects Productivity: +40% Replaced Input Instead of Wood Veneers, the building processes Timber. |
Expedition Bonus Crafting: +40 Diplomacy: +20 |
Johan the Inventor
Notice that the green custom productivity values illustrate the optimal production ratios between the buildings, IF you want to prevent under- or overproduction.
You can choose to actually increase productivity or you can choose a different way to obtain more of the input goods.
Gramophones supply:
• 912 Investor Residences (up to 45600 Investors)
• or 114,2 Scholar Residences (up to 13704 Scholars)
Steam Carriages (Susannah the Steam Engineer)[]
Susannah the Steam Engineer Epic | ||
Susannah's success can be condensed down to her hybridised steam cylinders. | ||
Equipped in Trade Union Affects Cab Assembly Line |
Effects Extra Goods Occasionally produces extra Light Bulbs every 4th cycle Replaced Input Instead of Steam Motors, the building processes Filaments. |
Expedition Bonus Crafting: +45 |
Steam Carriages
Susannah the Steam Engineer
★ The Coal Mine may be replaced with two Charcoal Kilns
for +10 +30 -10 -400 -4 +5
Steam Carriages supply:
• 600 Investor Residences (up to 30000 Investors)
Light Bulbs supply:
• 80 Engineer Residences (up to 3200 Engineers)
• or 40 Investor Residences (up to 2000 Investors)
Heat (Zappy Battery #2205)[]
Zappy Battery #2205 Epic DLC Required
The Passage | ||
Not only current, but futuristic too! Old N8's futuristic zapper carbonises logs so you don't have to. | ||
Equipped in Arctic Lodge Affects Heater |
Effects Replaced Input Instead of Coal, the building processes Wood. Range: +20% |
Expedition Bonus Crafting: +35 Crafting Cost 25 Lost Expedition Scrap 30 Coal |
Source: crafting at Old Nate's workshop in the Arctic |
All Arctic Buildings, Explorers and Technicians in Range of 22 tiles.
Extra Wood with Carpenter[]
Carpenter Common | ||
Never lets good wood go to waste. | ||
Equipped in Trade Union Affects All Carpentry Works Coachmakers Gramophone Factory Marquetry Workshop Sawmill Window Makers |
Effects Extra Goods Occasionally produces extra Wood every 3rd cycle |
Expedition Bonus Crafting: +15 |
Affected Building | Productivity | Production Rate | Wood Production Rate |
Sawmill | 100% | 4 /min | 1.33 /min |
Marquetry Workshop | 1 /min | 0.33 /min | |
Window Makers | 1 /min | 0.33 /min | |
Coachmakers | 0.5 /min | 0.167 /min | |
Gramophone Factory () | 200% | 1 /min | 0.33 /min |