Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki

For trading/transporting goods between different islands, see Trade routes page

Trade in Anno 1800 involves buying and selling goods, items, or ships. While it is possible to never engage in trade, many exchanges are profitable and significantly improve your company's potential and can allow it to grow more quickly. There are two different ways of trading: active trade and passive trade.

To trade with another player or character you need to have a trade agreement with them. Neutral traders are the only characters who will always be willing to trade with you, you have a permanent agreement with them. In case of other players, AI opponents and pirates, you need to sign and maintain a trade agreement via diplomacy.

Trade, both buying and selling, also improves the player's diplomatic reputation with AI opponents. When you trade a sufficient coin-value of goods with an AI opponent, your reputation with them will improve. This works with both passive and active trade, though active trading of many high value goods produces reputation improvement faster than passive trading of low value goods.

When you click on a trading post of an AI opponents' island (assuming you've established trading rights), you are shown a trade screen showing what goods can be bought or sold at that island. The selection of trade goods at an AI opponent's island can change often, making passive trade routes less efficient. The trade route screen's region-map can also show trade offers and requests when you hover over an island with which you have trading rights. The region-map feature can be an efficient way to identify where you can trade high-value goods with AI opponents.

Active Trade[]


The trade menu between a player's frigate and Eli Bleakworth's island. The central part of the menu indicates what goods and items have been selected for trade: the ones being bought are at the top, the ones being sold are at the bottom.

In case of active trade you need to actively seek trading opportunities, by checking what other players and characters have to offer, by using your ships to sail to them and make purchases etc. While goods can be traded both actively and passively, active trade is the only option available for trading items and ships. Additionally, you can gain reputation with pirates and AI opponents if you engage in active trade with them.

Click on other character's trading post to see what goods and items they want to trade with. Each offer/request is represented by an icon of the good/item, the available amount in bottom left corner, and the trading price at the top (per one ton in case of goods). Items are separated from goods and both goods and items have their own tabs (if the character trades with both, otherwise there are no separate tabs).

To trade goods and items you need to send your ships to other character's trading posts or piers. When a ship gets close enough you can open the trade menu by clicking a button with two arrows, either in the menu of the ship or the trading post. Your ship along with information about it, its cargo etc. is shown on the left side of the trade menu, while the right side shows the offers and requests of the character you are trading with. At the bottom you can adjust how many tons you wish to submit for trade with one click: either 1, 10 or all tons at a time. On the left from the buttons which adjust the amount of goods transferred there is a small button that resets the trade menu. The central part of the menu indicates what has been submitted for exchange, at the bottom there are goods and items you are going to sold, at the top those you are going to buy. At the top there is the amount of coins you receive or lose if you accept the trade. Choose what you wish to buy and sell and then confirm by clicking the trade button at the bottom of the menu.


Active buying and selling goods is limited to what other players and characters offer and request. Neutral traders and pirates have permanent offers, each of them has a specific set of goods they sell, which get restocked at constant rates up to reaching the island's storage capacity. Some offers and requests get unlocked based on player's game progression. Restock rates are dependent on the progression as well but also on the trading post restocks difficulty setting. Neutral traders and pirates will buy anything from you for regular prices, which is indicated by a request with a question mark. However, each trader also has special requests – goods for which they pay many more coins. To learn about offers, requests and restock rates of neutral traders and pirates, see the individual pages of every character. AI opponents and human players can offer and request various goods, have no fixed restock rates, and can change their offers and requests at any time. Therefore trading with them is extremely unreliable.

Instead of trading manually, you can set up trade routes which involve islands of characters who you can trade with. When setting up the routes and choosing goods to load (buy), only the goods they offer to sell at their islands will be available. When choosing goods to unload at their islands (sell), only goods that they request will be available. In case of characters whose offers and request can change, when a change happens and they no longer buy or sell goods which you included in your trade routes, ships on those routes will continue travelling on the route but they simply would not load or unload any goods anymore.



Archibald Blake's Harbour menu which shows what items he offers for sale. The number and type of items depends on game progression. The dice button allows to reroll the offered items in exchange for coins.

You can buy a lot of very useful items and sell those which you do not need. Trading with items is possible only at harbours of neutral traders, pirates and Dr. Hugo Mercier (only his main island in each region). Other human players and characters cannot trade with items. Every character has their own pool of items that they can sell, you can check from whom you it is possible to buy a particular item via items statistics menu, some items are sold only after you pass a certain game progression threshold. You cannot buy any legendary items, except for some of the items from Sunken Treasures DLC (salvager specialists and treasure maps).

Your trading partners can offer only several items at a time, the number of offered items depends on game progression. Currently available items change every 5 minutes but you can also force the change to happen immediately by clicking on the button with the dice symbol in the items tab of the trader's menu (unavailable in case of Mercier). Rerolling offered items requires money and costs more and more coins every time, for most neutral traders it starts from 5000 coins for the first time and it increases by 5000 coins every time. Old Nate is an exception, in his case it costs 1000 coins and the cost increases only by 500 coins. Pirates, on the other hand, demand more money and rerolling costs 10000 coins and increases by 10000 coins every time. The cost drops back to the starting value after 5 minutes from the last time this option has been used.

There is no limit of how many items you can buy, unless you have Land of Lions DLC active. With that DLC, you can buy only 20 items within a period of 30 minutes. The limit is separate for each trader, meaning that during 30 minutes you can buy 20 items from one trader and 20 items from another trader, thus within 30 minutes buying 40 items from both traders overall. You can see the timer and current limitation at every trader's trading post. In case of Dr. Hugo Mercier, this limit is lower and equal to 8 items per island.


Pirates and some of the neutral traders engage in buying and selling ships for coins. Every ship has its distinct price, buying price is twice as high as the selling price. Having ships requires influence, unless you have very few of them and are within the free limit. To buy a ship you need to have enough influence points, and selling ships gives you back appropriate amount of influence.

The number and types of ships the pirates and traders can sell is different for every character and is dependent on the game progression. The selection of ships they may currently offer never gets refreshed on its own, it is necessary to buy one of the ships from them, and after some time another ship available for sale will spawn in its place. To learn about how many and which ships characters can offer, check their individual pages.

When a ship is offered for sale, it should be located near the trader's harbour and has a coin symbol above. Clicking on the ship causes a message from the character to appear in the top right corner of the screen, containing information about their offer. If you have enough coins and influence, you can accept the offer and then the ship is yours. In order to sell one of your own ships, move it close to a trader's trading post and click on the coin symbol in the ship's menu. A similar message will appear in the top right corner, asking you whether you want to sell your ship, click on the accept button to do so.

Lowering buying prices[]

It is possible to lower the buying prices of goods and items when buying them with a ship equipped with specific items. It affects only buying, not selling. Those items are:

Trading CharterTrading Charter
I'm here on business!
Ships Equipped in Ships

On selection:
Trade Prices -5%
Destroyed after use
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +5

Grand Trading CharterGrand Trading Charter
I'm here on important business!
Ships Equipped in Ships

On selection:
Trade Prices -10%
Destroyed after use
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +10

Exporter of GoodsExporter of Goods
The secret is to pack things up really really tightly.
Ships Equipped in Ships

Trade Prices: -5%
Loading Speed: +45%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +15

Jittery PyromaniacJittery Pyromaniac
DLC Required
The Anarchist
When the goal justifies the means, throw yourself into the action!
Military Ships Equipped in Military Ships

Lets ships spit flames, setting their enemies ablaze.
Attack Range: -50%
Attack Speed: +110%
Damage per shot: -30%
Trade Prices: -10%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionForce Force: +30

Royal Letter of ImmunityRoyal Letter of Immunity
And it gets you good deals as well...
Ships Equipped in Ships

On selection:
Peace mode
Prevents the ship from getting attacked, but also prevents it attacking.
Trade Prices -15%
Destroyed after use
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +40

Royal Trading CharterRoyal Trading Charter
I'm here on Her Majesty's business!
Ships Equipped in Ships

On selection:
Trade Prices -15%
Destroyed after use
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +15

Delores the DiplomatDelores the Diplomat
When Delores walked into the embassy, he knew he had his work cut out.
Ships Equipped in Ships

Maintenance Cost: -80%
Trade Prices: -10%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +20

Drae von GastDrae von Gast
Von Gast is a powerful entrepreneur who earned much of his wealth through the trade of artisanal goods. It has since emerged, however, that some of those deals weren't entirely above board, giving Drae a cutthroat reputation. The rumour is that he's prone to blowing up entire harbours when he doesn't get what he wants...
Military Ships Equipped in Military Ships

Damage to Buildings: +50%
Trade Prices: -15%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +25
ExpeditionNavalPower Naval Power: +20
Trait: Pirate

Drew Durnil, the Speculative HistorianDrew Durnil, the Speculative Historian
An eager explorer of alternative realities, Drew harmonises with every culture he stumbles upon.
Ships Equipped in Ships

Movement Speed: +15%
Trade Prices: -15%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +45

Itsuko the International ExporterItsuko the International Exporter
Itsuko knows how to provide flawless transoceanic delivery services.
Ships Equipped in Ships

Cargo Slowdown: -80%
Trade Prices: -10%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +20

Salima the Shipping OperatorSalima the Shipping Operator
The many narrow straits of her home have made Salima adept at logistics.
Ships Equipped in Ships

Trade Prices: -10%
Loading Speed: +60%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +20

Great White FlagGreat White Flag
Wave it if you don't want a fight, and you like good deals.
Ships Equipped in Ships

Peace mode
Prevents the ship from getting attacked, but also prevents it attacking.
Trade Prices: -15%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +20

Hans Eichendorf, A Wholesale SuccessHans Eichendorf, A Wholesale Success
Refusing to be left at the margins, they say Hans knows the value of everything - except perhaps, failure.
Ships Equipped in Ships

Cargo Slowdown: -100%
Trade Prices: -15%
Loading Speed: +75%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +25

Lalla Mazigh, Merchant of a Free MarketLalla Mazigh, Merchant of a Free Market
In trade, she sets the rules. Said to be a relative of Mme. Kahina, Lalla's offers are, by their nature, open to all.
Ships Equipped in Ships

Maintenance Cost: -100%
Movement Speed: +20%
Trade Prices: -15%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +25

Passive Trade[]

Passive trade consists of automatically buying or selling goods directly at your islands, without using your own ships and shipping them yourself. You have to manually decide which goods you want to buy or sell at your islands and then wait until a ship of another player or character visits your island and trades with you. You can see the recent history of your passive trade transactions via the storage tab of the statistics menu.

Some of the neutral traders and other characters (who you have trade agreement with) will every now and then send out their ships to travel across a region, stopping at your islands for trade. In case of neutral traders, the number and type of ships they use for trade depends on your game progression. During each transaction they have a specific coin limit, and they can sell you only those goods which they have within their global storage. All goods which pirates and traders offer via active trade belong to their global storage. If you buy those goods via passive trade, the appropriate amount is deducted from what they offer for active trade. Additionally, any goods they buy from you or other players and characters also get added to their storage.

For example, Sir Archibald Blake offers timber for active trade, he offers up to 150 tons of it. You can choose to buy timber passively at one of your trading posts. If he sends one of his ships to your island and sells you 20 tons of timber, his global timber storage decreases and therefore the current amount of timber available for active trade at his harbour decreases to 130 tons. This good is getting naturally restocked over time, so after several minutes his timber storage will increase back to 150 tons, which is the maximum. However, in case of goods such as fish, he does not offer them for active trade, and he does not have any restock rate for fish. Therefore his storage does not have any fish and he cannot passively sell fish to you. Other players or characters may sell fish to Sir Archibald Blake, though, and then his fish storage is not empty anymore. If he manages to buy fish from someone, then he can also sell those fish to you via passive trade.

There are three trading options available:

  • Buy and Sell – goods are sold when stock is above the set amount, and bought when below it; represented by two arrows pointing to opposite directions.
  • Sell – goods are sold when stock is above the set amount; represented by an arrow pointing to the left.
  • Buy – goods are bought when stock is below the set amount; represented by an arrow pointing to the right.

To decide or change what you want to trade with, select the trading post of one of your islands and then click on one of the goods. It opens up a small menu where you can set if you want to buy the good, sell it or both. At the top you can select one of the trading options, and then adjust the amount by moving the slider with arrows on the right or typing the amount in the field below the good. The number at the very bottom and the slider with the lock symbol on the right allow to adjust the minimum stock. All the options and numbers you set are valid for a specific good on a specific island. To adjust them for other goods and other islands, you need to do that individually for each case.

Harbour activity items[]

Some harbourmaster's office items and culture sets can apply a harbour activity effect on your trading posts and piers. With this effect there is a chance to obtain specific goods for free, whenever a passive trade transaction happens at your island. Each item and set applies its effect separately, the percentage of the effect indicates the chance to obtain extra goods, and an extra good is picked randomly from the set of goods indicated by the item/set. The more passive trade transactions occur at your trading posts and piers with the harbour activity effect, the more you will profit from it.

Items and culture sets which provide this effect are:

He'll sort people out.
Harbourmaster's Office Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office

Affects Trading Posts and Piers
Harbour Activity: +10%
Every time passive trade happens at the trading post, there is a chance of gaining 5t of Grain Grain, Hops Hops, Potatoes Potatoes, Grapes Grapes, Red Peppers Red Peppers.
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +10

Could sell a nut shell for the price of a schooner.
Harbourmaster's Office Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office

Affects Trading Posts and Piers
Harbour Activity: +15%
Every time passive trade happens at the trading post, there is a chance to tax 500 coins.
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +20

Savvy Customs OfficerSavvy Customs Officer
Knows every boat that washes in and out of her jurisdiction.
Harbourmaster's Office Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office

Affects Trading Posts and Piers
Harbour Activity: +20%
Every time passive trade happens at the trading post, there is a chance of gaining 5t of Weapons Weapons, Dynamite Dynamite, Advanced Weapons Advanced Weapons, Sails Sails.
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +30
ExpeditionForce Force: +10

Taxman TimTaxman Tim
When Timothy welcomes you into port, you know things will be very taxing indeed.
Harbourmaster's Office Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office

Affects All Trading Posts
Harbour Activity: +25%
Every time passive trade happens at the trading post, there is a chance of gaining 5t of Weapons Weapons, Advanced Weapons Advanced Weapons.
Takeover Lockdown
Prevents another party from taking ownership of your island when they possess all shares.
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +40
ExpeditionForce Force: +20

Hogarth the Harbourmaster, Veteran Of TrelawneyHogarth the Harbourmaster, Veteran Of Trelawney
DLC Required
Sunken Treasures
Joined after you helped the Queen at Trelawney. Was in charge of logistics during the war, so expect military efficiency at the docks!
Harbourmaster's Office Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office

Affects Harbour Buildings
Harbour Activity: +30%
Every time passive trade happens at the trading post, there is a chance of gaining 5t of Coffee Coffee, Gold Gold, Cotton Fabric Cotton Fabric, Rum Rum, Chocolate Chocolate.
Loading Speed: +100%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +50
Available from The Queen quest: Tribute to a Legend
Unique: you can have only one such item in the game

Khadija Tsegaye, Angereb's Market MasterKhadija Tsegaye, Angereb's Market Master
Her humble origins as a hawker's daughter is the source of her brilliance in trade negotiations.
Harbourmaster's Office Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office

Affects Trading Posts and Piers
Harbour Activity: +30%
Every time passive trade happens at the trading post, there is a chance of gaining 5t of Ceramics Ceramics, Tapestries Tapestries, Clay Pipes Clay Pipes, Illuminated Script Illuminated Script, Lanterns Lanterns.
Loading Speed: +30%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +20
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +45
Available from Emperor Ketema quest: Full Disclosure

Lady Banes, Proponent of ProtectionismLady Banes, Proponent of Protectionism
The ultimate defender of national self-interest, Lady Banes makes sure what comes in, doesn't go out.
Harbourmaster's Office Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office

Affects All Trading Posts
Harbour Activity: +30%
Every time passive trade happens at the trading post, there is a chance of gaining 5t of Bread Bread, Goulash Goulash, Canned Food Canned Food, Sausages Sausages, Chocolate Chocolate, Fried Plantains Fried Plantains, Tortillas Tortillas, Beer Beer, Schnapps Schnapps, Champagne Champagne, Rum Rum, Coffee Coffee.
Will of Steel
Residences no longer lose happiness as a result of morale loss during island wars.
Share Lockdown
Locks the shares of your island, preventing another party from purchasing them.
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +55
ExpeditionForce Force: +25

Zoo set: Eastern Jungle

An array of exotic fauna endemic to the eastern subcontinent, as encountered through the ages by merchants on the Silk Road. This display will no doubt attract similarly wealthy visitors from afar, and perhaps even their exotic gifts!

Effect: Harbor Activity +100%. Every time passive trade happens at the trading post, there is a chance of gaining 5t of Coffee Beans, Sugar Cane, Tobacco, Cotton, Cocoa, Plantains, Pearls, Chocolate, Coffee, Fried Plantains, Tortillas, or Sugar.
The Eastern Jungle Park in your zoo attracts rich merchants from afar.

Attractiveness of the set can be increased by +50%Attractiveness from Sheet Music "Anno 1404", equipped in the Music Pavilion.

Animal Rarity Attractiveness Expedition bonus
Elephant 0 Eastern Elephant Epic 40 Attractiveness Force +25
Chital 0 Chital Uncommon 20 Attractiveness Morale +10
Crocodile 0 Crocodile Uncommon 20 Attractiveness Force +10
Peacock 0 Peacock Uncommon 20 Attractiveness Faith +15
Tiger 0 Tiger Rare 30 Attractiveness Force +20
Icon waterbuffalo 0 Eastern Water Buffalo Uncommon 20 Attractiveness

Museum set: Heirlooms of the Gold-Realm

Requires Icon dlc land of lions Land of Lions DLC

The legacy of the richest ever, Masu Masu, whose unfathomable wealth built extraordinary mosques, universities and libraries.

Effect: Applies to: Trading Posts and Piers. Harbor Activity: 20%. Every time passive trade happens at the trading post, there is a chance of gaining 5t of Gold Gold, Jewellery Jewellery
The unfathomable wealth of Masu Masu reminds traders that money is to be spent on whatever brings them happiness, even if it's just a souvenir.

Exhibit Rarity Attractiveness Expedition bonus
Icon mansa musas souvenir 0 Masu Masu's Trinket Rare 30 Attractiveness
Icon mappamundi 0 Masu's Mapamundi Rare 30 Attractiveness Navigation +10
Morale +10
Icon model of tambacto 0 Tambacto Diorama Epic 40 Attractiveness

Museum set: Lost Cities

The colossal ruined cities of stone that lie hidden beneath the canopy of the New World jungle. Learning more about these civilisations may help you discover the long lost Golden City.

Effect: Harbour Activity +100%. Every time passive trade happens at the trading post, there is a chance of gaining 5t of Gold Ore, Gold or Jewellery
The Lost Cities Exhibition in your museum contains clues about a legendary city of gold. Merchants will sometimes return from said legendary city, with gold.

Attractiveness of the set can be increased by +50%Attractiveness from Sheet Music "Anno 1701", equipped in the Music Pavilion.

Exhibit Rarity Attractiveness Expedition bonus
Icon mayan calendar 0 Mesoan Calendar Legendary 50 Attractiveness Navigation +30
Icon mayan glyphs 0 Mesoan Glyphs Epic 40 Attractiveness Faith +15
Icon mayan seaport 0 Mesoan Harbour Legendary 50 Attractiveness Morale +25
Icon mayan house 0 Mesoan House Epic 40 Attractiveness Morale +20
Icon mayan temple 0 Mesoan Temple Legendary 50 Attractiveness Faith +30
Icon necklace epic 0 Takal's Necklace Epic 40 Attractiveness Diplomacy +15

Botanical Garden set: Sacred

Requires Icon dlc botanica Botanica DLC

The divine and revered plants of the eastern jungles. A sanctuary of sacred plants from afar may attract pilgrims who will want to make offerings to these living deities.

Effect: Harbor activity +100%, Passive Trade chance for 5t of Coffee Beans, Cocoa, Plantains, Pearls, Felt, Bread, Grapes, or Chocolate

Pilgrims are arriving from everywhere to experience the meditative splendour of your Sacred Garden, and leave offerings behind when they move on.

Attractiveness of the set can be increased by +50%Attractiveness from Sheet Music "Anno 1404", equipped in the Music Pavilion.

Plant Rarity Attractiveness Expedition bonus
Icon sacred lotus 0 Angel Wings Lotus Epic 40 Attractiveness Morale +10
Icon magnolia champaca 0 Champak Uncommon 20 Attractiveness Faith +10
Icon cherry blossom 0 Oriental Cherry Uncommon 20 Attractiveness Morale +10
Icon downy jasmine 0 Star Jasmine Uncommon 20 Attractiveness Faith +10
Icon banyan 0 The Banyan Tree Legendary 50 Attractiveness Faith +50
Icon tulsi 0 Tulsi Uncommon 20 Attractiveness Faith +10

Export/import via Docklands[]

For more information about export/import feature, see: Export/Import

Using export/import feature available in Docklands DLC is based on exchanging one good for another and is also considered as passive trade. It works with the harbour activity effect and it is also included in the passive trade tab in the storage statistics.

Goods prices and availability[]

The tables below present trade prices of all goods in the game, divided by DLCs and sorted by population tiers. Last column also indicates whether any neutral trader or pirate has a special offer regarding these goods. Selling price indicates how many coins you receive per ton when selling goods, buying price indicates how much you need to pay per ton when buying.

In case of passive trade at your islands and active trade with pirates and neutral traders, buying price is always the same, regardless of the buying method. Selling price is the same too, except for active selling when a trader has a special request for the goods. In case of active trade with other players and AI opponents at their islands, the prices are set up from their perspective, meaning that when they sell goods to you, the price of goods is the selling price, even though for you it is a purchase. And vice versa, if they buy goods from you, they buy them for the buying price, even though from your perspective you are selling goods so for you it feels like it should be the selling price instead. All in all, it means that trading actively with other players and AI opponents is more profitable than other forms of trade (except when a trader buys goods from you for special price).

For example in case of coal its selling price is 8 coins, buying price is 20 coins. Buying coal via passive trade or from Eli Bleakworth who offers coal at his harbour costs 20 coins per ton. However, buying coal from an island of one of the AI opponents would cost only 8 coins per ton (for them it is their selling price). Selling coal via passive trade or actively to pirates and neutral traders gives you 8 coins per ton. However, selling coal at islands of AI opponents, if they request it, gives you 20 coins per ton (for them it is their buying price). When it comes to selling coal to Eli Bleakworth at his harbour, he pays you 32 coins per each ton, as it is his special request.

Buying price is 2.5 times higher than the selling price. When a pirate or neutral trader has a special request, you can actively sell those goods to them for 4 times more than the regular selling price.

Base game - Old World[]

Goods Passive Trade Active Trade
Selling Price Buying Price Special Requests
Wood Wood 2Credits 6Credits
Timber Timber 4Credits 10Credits Offered by Archibald Blake for 10Credits

Offered by Old Nate for 10Credits

Fish Fish 16Credits 40Credits
Potato Potatoes 8Credits 20Credits Requested by Eli Bleakworth for 32Credits
Schnapps Schnapps 20Credits 50Credits Requested by Anne Harlow for 80Credits

Requested by Jean La Fortune for 80Credits

Wool Wool 4Credits 10Credits
Work clothes Work Clothes 16Credits 40Credits
Clay Clay 4Credits 10Credits
Bricks Bricks 20Credits 50Credits Offered by Archibald Blake for 50Credits
Pigs Pigs 8Credits 20Credits
Sausages Sausages 38Credits 96Credits
Sails Sails 34Credits 86Credits Offered by Anne Harlow for 86Credits

Offered by Jean La Fortune for 86Credits

Grain Grain 16Credits 40Credits
Flour Flour 36Credits 90Credits
Bread Bread 84Credits 210Credits
Iron Iron 10Credits 26Credits Offered by Eli Bleakworth for 26Credits

Offered by Old Nate for 26Credits

Coal Coal 8Credits 20Credits Offered by Eli Bleakworth for 20Credits

Requested by Archibald Blake for 32Credits

Steel Steel 28Credits 70Credits Offered by Old Nate for 70Credits
Steel beams Steel Beams 58Credits 146Credits Offered by Archibald Blake for 146Credits
Weapons Weapons 228Credits 570Credits Offered by Anne Harlow for 570Credits

Offered by Jean La Fortune for 570Credits

Requested by Isabel Sarmento for 912Credits

Tallow Tallow 16Credits 40Credits
Soap Soap 96Credits 240Credits Requested by Eli Bleakworth for 384Credits
Hops Hops 24Credits 60Credits
Malt Malt 76Credits 190Credits
Beer Beer 260Credits 650Credits Requested by Anne Harlow for 1040Credits

Requested by Jean La Fortune for 1040Credits

Quartz sand Quartz Sand 100Credits 250Credits
Glass Glass 180Credits 450Credits
Windows Windows 342Credits 856Credits
Beef Beef 80Credits 200Credits
Red Peppers Red Peppers 80Credits 200Credits
Goulash Goulash 320Credits 800Credits
Canned food Canned Food 450Credits 1126Credits
Sewing machines Sewing Machines 230Credits 576Credits Offered by Archibald Blake for 576Credits
Rum Rum 24Credits 60Credits Offered by Madame Kahina for 60Credits

Requested by Anne Harlow for 96Credits

Requested by Jean La Fortune for 96Credits

Furs Furs 40Credits 100Credits
Fur Coats Fur Coats 248Credits 620Credits Requested by Madame Kahina for 992Credits
Cement Cement 100Credits 250Credits Offered by Eli Bleakworth for 250Credits
Reinforced concrete Reinforced Concrete 528Credits 1320Credits
Zinc Zinc 100Credits 250Credits Offered by Eli Bleakworth for 250Credits
Copper Copper 100Credits 250Credits Offered by Eli Bleakworth for 250Credits
Brass Brass 400Credits 1000Credits
Glasses Glasses 1780Credits 4450Credits
Steam motors Steam Motors 7028Credits 17570Credits Offered by Old Nate for 17570Credits
High wheeler Penny Farthings 698Credits 1746Credits Requested by Emperor Ketema for 2793Credits
Saltpeter Saltpetre 800Credits 2000Credits Offered by Old Nate for 2000Credits
Dynamite Dynamite 1616Credits 4040Credits
Advanced weapons Advanced Weapons 9644Credits 24110Credits Offered by Anne Harlow for 24110Credits

Offered by Jean La Fortune for 24110Credits

Coffee Coffee 80Credits 200Credits Offered by Madame Kahina for 200Credits
Gold Gold 1108Credits 2770Credits Offered by Anne Harlow for 2770Credits

Offered by Jean La Fortune for 2770Credits

Requested by Old Nate for 4432Credits

Pocket watch Pocket Watches 3328Credits 8320Credits Offered by Archibald Blake for 8320Credits

Requested by Emperor Ketema for 13312Credits

Carbon filament Filaments 588Credits 1470Credits Offered by Old Nate for 1470Credits
Light bulb Light Bulbs 1768Credits 4420Credits
Grapes Grapes 160Credits 400Credits
Champagne Champagne 740Credits 1850Credits
Wood veneers Wood Veneers 602Credits 1506Credits
Cigars Cigars 864Credits 2160Credits Offered by Madame Kahina for 2160Credits
Chocolate Chocolate 30Credits 76Credits Offered by Madame Kahina for 76Credits
Jewelry Jewellery 4538Credits 11346Credits
Gramophone Gramophones 11002Credits 27506Credits Offered by Archibald Blake for 27506Credits

Requested by Emperor Ketema for 44009Credits

Chassis Chassis 1622Credits 4056Credits Offered by Old Nate for 4056Credits
Steam carriages Steam Carriages 16650Credits 41626Credits Requested by Emperor Ketema for 66601Credits

Base game - New World[]

Goods Passive Trade Active Trade
Selling Price Buying Price Special Requests
Wood Wood 2Credits 6Credits
Timber Timber 4Credits 10Credits Offered by Archibald Blake for 10Credits
Fish Oil Fish Oil 4Credits 10Credits Requested by Old Nate for 16Credits
Plantains Plantains 2Credits 6Credits
Fried plantains Fried Plantains 30Credits 76Credits Requested by Isabel Sarmento for 121Credits
Sugar cane Sugar Cane 2Credits 6Credits Offered by Isabel Sarmento for 6Credits
Rum Rum 24Credits 60Credits Offered by Madame Kahina for 60Credits

Requested by Anne Harlow for 96Credits

Requested by Jean La Fortune for 96Credits

Cotton Cotton 4Credits 10Credits
Cotton fabric Cotton Fabric 8Credits 20Credits Offered by Isabel Sarmento for 20Credits
Sails Sails 34Credits 86Credits Offered by Anne Harlow for 86Credits

Offered by Jean La Fortune for 86Credits

Alpaca wool Alpaca Wool 2Credits 6Credits
Poncho Ponchos 20Credits 50Credits
Caoutchouc Caoutchouc 20Credits 50Credits Offered by Old Nate for 50Credits
Pearls Pearls 30Credits 76Credits Offered by Madame Kahina for 76Credits

Offered by Isabel Sarmento for 76Credits

Requested by Old Nate for 121Credits

Clay Clay 4Credits 10Credits
Bricks Bricks 20Credits 50Credits Offered by Archibald Blake for 50Credits
Corn Corn 20Credits 50Credits
Beef Beef 80Credits 200Credits
Tortilla Tortillas 140Credits 350Credits
Coffee beans Coffee Beans 20Credits 50Credits
Coffee Coffee 80Credits 200Credits Offered by Madame Kahina for 200Credits
Gold Ore Gold Ore 500Credits 1250Credits Offered by Eli Bleakworth for 1250Credits
Felt Felt 4Credits 10Credits
Bowler hats Bowler Hats 22Credits 56Credits
Beer Beer 260Credits 650Credits Requested by Anne Harlow for 1040Credits

Requested by Jean La Fortune for 1040Credits

Tobacco Tobacco 40Credits 100Credits Offered by Isabel Sarmento for 100Credits
Wood veneers Wood Veneers 602Credits 1506Credits
Cigars Cigars 864Credits 2160Credits Offered by Madame Kahina for 2160Credits
Sewing machines Sewing Machines 230Credits 576Credits Offered by Archibald Blake for 576Credits
Cocoa Cocoa 4Credits 10Credits Offered by Isabel Sarmento for 10Credits
Sugar Sugar 6Credits 16Credits Offered by Isabel Sarmento for 16Credits
Chocolate Chocolate 30Credits 76Credits Offered by Madame Kahina for 76Credits

Sunken Treasures DLC[]

Goods Passive Trade Active Trade
Selling Price Buying Price Special Requests
Scrap Scrap 9Credits 24Credits
Nice Scrap Nice Scrap 94Credits 236Credits
Special Scrap Special Scrap 1012Credits 2530Credits

The Passage DLC[]

Goods Passive Trade Active Trade
Selling Price Buying Price Special Requests
Whale Oil Whale Oil 160Credits 400Credits Offered by Qumaq for 400Credits
Caribou Meat Caribou Meat 40Credits 100Credits Offered by Qumaq for 100Credits
Pemmican Pemmican 504Credits 1260Credits Offered by Qumaq for 1260Credits
Seal Skin Seal Skin 280Credits 700Credits Offered by Qumaq for 700Credits
Goose Feathers Goose Feathers 48Credits 120Credits
Sleeping Bags Sleeping Bags 380Credits 950Credits
Oil Lamps Oil Lamps 672Credits 1680Credits
Bear Fur Bear Fur 64Credits 160Credits Offered by Qumaq for 160Credits
Parkas Parkas 412Credits 1030Credits
Huskies Huskies 600Credits 1500Credits Offered by Qumaq for 1500Credits
Sleds Sleds 600Credits 1500Credits
Husky Sleds Husky Sleds 1440Credits 3600Credits
Gas Gas 3856Credits 9640Credits
Lost Expedition Scrap Lost Expedition Scrap 94Credits 236Credits

Land of Lions DLC[]

Goods Passive Trade Active Trade
Selling Price Buying Price Special Requests
Icon wansa wood 0 Wanza Timber 3Credits 8Credits Offered by Emperor Ketema for 8Credits
Icon goat milk 0 Goat Milk 4Credits 10Credits
Icon linen farm 0 Linseed 8Credits 20Credits
Icon linen fabric 0 Linen 16Credits 40Credits Offered by Emperor Ketema for 40Credits
Icon traditional clothing 0 Finery 32Credits 80Credits
Icon watusi 0 Sanga Cow 8Credits 20Credits Offered by Emperor Ketema for 20Credits
Salt Salt 6Credits 16Credits
Icon dried meat 0 Dried Meat 24Credits 62Credits
Icon hibiscus farm 0 Hibiscus Petals 12Credits 30Credits Offered by Emperor Ketema for 30Credits
Icon hibiscus tea 0 Hibiscus Tea 84Credits 210Credits
Icon teff grass 0 Teff 8Credits 20Credits
Icon mud bricks 0 Mud Bricks 52Credits 130Credits Offered by Emperor Ketema for 130Credits
Icon indigo 0 Indigo Dye 20Credits 50Credits
Icon ceramics 0 Ceramics 64Credits 160Credits
Icon tapestries 0 Tapestries 112Credits 280Credits
Icon spices 0 Spices 20Credits 50Credits
Icon teff flour 0 Spiced Flour 58Credits 146Credits
Icon seafood 0 Lobster 32Credits 80Credits
Icon wat stew 0 Seafood Stew 210Credits 526Credits
Icon tobacco pipes 0 Clay Pipes 259Credits 648Credits
Icon paper 0 Paper 13Credits 34Credits
Icon scriptures 0 Illuminated Script 233Credits 584Credits
Icon beeswax 0 Beeswax 28Credits 70Credits
Icon candles 0 Ornate Candles 80Credits 200Credits
Icon lanterns 0 Lanterns 500Credits 1250Credits
Icon leather shoes 0 Leather Boots 288Credits 720Credits
Icon suits 0 Tailored Suits 384Credits 960Credits
Icon telephones 0 Telephones 1912Credits 4782Credits

Tourist Season DLC[]

Goods Passive Trade Active Trade
Selling Price Buying Price Special Requests
Jam Jam 20Credits 50Credits
Shampoo Shampoo 160Credits 400Credits
Lemonade Lemonade 848Credits 2120Credits
Souvenirs Souvenirs 228Credits 570Credits
Cinnamon Cinnamon 20Credits 50Credits
Coconut Oil Coconut Oil 20Credits 50Credits
Citrus Citrus 20Credits 50Credits
Camphor Wax Camphor Wax 20Credits 50Credits

The High Life DLC[]

Goods Passive Trade Active Trade
Selling Price Buying Price Special Requests
Elevators Elevators 7896Credits 19740Credits
Cinnamon Cinnamon 20Credits 50Credits
Chewing Gum Chewing Gum 700Credits 1750Credits
Citrus Citrus 20Credits 50Credits
Biscuits Biscuits 300Credits 750Credits
Cherry Wood Cherry Wood 20Credits 50Credits
Cognac Cognac 600Credits 1500Credits
Ethanol Ethanol 668Credits 1670Credits
Resin Resin 20Credits 50Credits
Lacquer Lacquer 1032Credits 2580Credits
Typewriters Typewriters 1700Credits 4250Credits
Camphor Wax Camphor Wax 20Credits 50Credits
Celluloid Celluloid 1360Credits 3400Credits
Billiard Tables Billiard Tables 1840Credits 4600Credits
Violins Violins 1560Credits 3900Credits
Toys Toys 2880Credits 7200Credits
Coconut Oil Coconut Oil 20Credits 50Credits

Seeds of Change DLC[]

Goods Passive Trade Active Trade
Selling Price Buying Price Special Requests
Spices Spices 20Credits 50Credits
Hot Sauce Hot Sauce 28Credits 70Credits
Atole Atole 28Credits 70Credits
Dung Dung 4Credits 10Credits
Fertiliser Fertiliser 16Credits 40Credits

Empire of the Skies DLC[]

Goods Passive Trade Active Trade
Selling Price Buying Price Special Requests
Bauxite Bauxite 50Credits 126Credits Offered by Sir Archibald Blake for 126Credits
Aluminium Profiles Aluminium Profiles 440Credits 1100Credits Offered by Isabel Sarmento for 1100Credits
Industrial Lubricant Industrial Lubricant 76Credits 190Credits
Helium Helium 960Credits 2400Credits
Bombs Bombs 7120Credits 17800Credits
Sea Mines Sea Mines 6240Credits 15600Credits
Pamphlets Pamphlets 96Credits 240Credits
Care Packages Care Packages 8000Credits 20000Credits
Water Drop Water Drop 0Credits 2Credits

New World Rising DLC[]

Goods Passive Trade Active Trade
Selling Price Buying Price Special Requests
Bauxite Bauxite 50Credits 126Credits Offered by Sir Archibald Blake for 126Credits
Aluminium Profiles Aluminium Profiles 440Credits 1100Credits Offered by Isabel Sarmento for 1100Credits
Nandu Leather Nandu Leather 6Credits 16Credits
Soccer Balls Soccer Balls 84Credits 210Credits
Citrus Citrus 20Credits 50Credits
Herbs Herbs 4Credits 12Credits
Mezcal Mezcal 76Credits 190Credits
Calamari Calamari 4Credits 12Credits
Jalea Jalea 28Credits 70Credits
Milk Milk 1Credits 4Credits
Ice Cream Ice Cream 96Credits 240Credits
Fire Extinguishers Fire Extinguishers 988Credits 2470Credits
Orchid Orchid 8Credits 20Credits
Ethanol Ethanol 668Credits 1670Credits
Coconut Oil Coconut Oil 20Credits 50Credits
Perfumes Perfumes 4360Credits 10900Credits
Minerals Minerals 196Credits 490Credits
Pigments Pigments 628Credits 1570Credits
Nandu Feathers Nandu Feathers 2Credits 6Credits
Costumes Costumes 1072Credits 2680Credits
Police Equipment Police Equipment 1096Credits 2740Credits
Electric Cables Electric Cables 588Credits 1470Credits
Camphor Wax Camphor Wax 20Credits 50Credits
Celluloid Celluloid 1360Credits 3400Credits
Motor Motor 4160Credits 10400Credits
Fans Fans 612Credits 1530Credits
Film Reel Film Reel 2140Credits 5350Credits
Medicine Medicine 5012Credits 12530Credits
Scooter Scooter 10080Credits 25200Credits