Steam Carriages are a consumer good consumed as a basic need of Investors. By default, they can be produced only in the Old World.
For a detailed look into the profitability of Steam Carriages as a consumer good, see Profitability of Consumer Goods.
Basic need[]
Steam Carriages fulfill a basic need of Investors.
Consumption | Influx | Income | |
Investors | 0.000111111 | 4 | +187.5/+168.75/+150 |
Steam carriages can be used during expeditions, they grant 30 bonus points to force skill and 30 bonus morale per 50 tons.
Steam carriages can be passively sold for 16650 or purchased for 41626 per ton. They can be actively sold to Emperor Ketema for 66601. No neutral trader sells steam carriages for a special price.
Steam carriages are produced in a Cab Assembly Line from Chassis and Steam Motors. The basic production chain for steam carriages is shown below:
Steam Carriages[]
Steam Carriages
★ The Coal Mine may be replaced with two Charcoal Kilns
for +10 +30 -10 -400 -4 +5
• 600 Investor Residences (up to 30000 Investors)
Steam Carriages can be also obtained in the following production chains when particular items are equipped in a Trade Union.
Using Filaments instead of Steam Motors[]
Susannah the Steam Engineer Epic | ||
Susannah's success can be condensed down to her hybridised steam cylinders. | ||
Equipped in Trade Union Affects Cab Assembly Line |
Effects Extra Goods Occasionally produces extra Light Bulbs every 4th cycle Replaced Input Instead of Steam Motors, the building processes Filaments. |
Expedition Bonus Crafting: +45 |
Steam Carriages
Susannah the Steam Engineer
★ The Coal Mine may be replaced with two Charcoal Kilns
for +10 +30 -10 -400 -4 +5
Steam Carriages supply:
• 600 Investor Residences (up to 30000 Investors)
Light Bulbs supply:
• 80 Engineer Residences (up to 3200 Engineers)
• or 40 Investor Residences (up to 2000 Investors)
Gramophones production[]
Prof. Ram Devi, The Bundle of Energy Legendary | ||
Conducts lightning. His family (from Wittenberg) has the motto, "standing still is a backward step." | ||
Equipped in Trade Union Affects Chemical Plant: Film Reels Fan Factory Gramophone Factory Light Bulb Factory |
Effects Productivity: +50% Extra Goods Occasionally produces extra Pocket Watches every 16th cycle Occasionally produces extra Glasses every 14th cycle Occasionally produces extra Penny Farthings every 15th cycle Occasionally produces extra Steam Carriages every 17th cycle Occasionally produces extra Sewing Machines every 13th cycle Provides electricity |
Expedition Bonus Crafting: +55 Diplomacy: +25 |
Light bulbs production[]
Prof. Ram Devi, The Bundle of Energy Legendary | ||
Conducts lightning. His family (from Wittenberg) has the motto, "standing still is a backward step." | ||
Equipped in Trade Union Affects Chemical Plant: Film Reels Fan Factory Gramophone Factory Light Bulb Factory |
Effects Productivity: +50% Extra Goods Occasionally produces extra Pocket Watches every 16th cycle Occasionally produces extra Glasses every 14th cycle Occasionally produces extra Penny Farthings every 15th cycle Occasionally produces extra Steam Carriages every 17th cycle Occasionally produces extra Sewing Machines every 13th cycle Provides electricity |
Expedition Bonus Crafting: +55 Diplomacy: +25 |
Town Hall items[]
There are several Town Hall items which provide some benefits from supplying steam carriages to your people. Here is a list of those items:
The Withdrawal Amendment Uncommon | ||
An eighth child? How wonderful. | ||
Equipped in Town Hall Affects Old and New World residences, excluding scholars Farmer Residence Worker Residence Artisan Residence Engineer Residence Investor Residence All Skyscrapers Jornalero Residence Hacienda Jornalero Quarters Obrero Residence Hacienda Obrera Quarters Artista Residence Hacienda Artista Quarters |
Effects Bonus Residents: +1 Residences gain bonus residents from Fish, Bread, Canned Food, University, Coffee, Light Bulbs, Champagne, Steam Carriages, Chocolate, Fried Plantains. Happiness: -2 |
Contraception Regulation Rare | ||
All should be free to have as many bouncing babies as they wish, or indeed, as they don't wish. | ||
Equipped in Town Hall Affects Old and New World residences, excluding scholars Farmer Residence Worker Residence Artisan Residence Engineer Residence Investor Residence All Skyscrapers Jornalero Residence Hacienda Jornalero Quarters Obrero Residence Hacienda Obrera Quarters Artista Residence Hacienda Artista Quarters |
Effects Bonus Residents: +2 Residences gain bonus residents from Fish, Bread, Canned Food, University, Coffee, Light Bulbs, Champagne, Steam Carriages, Chocolate, Fried Plantains, Mezcal. Happiness: -3 |
Rabies Vaccine Rare | ||
That'll stop them foaming at the mouth! | ||
Equipped in Town Hall Affects Old and New World residences, excluding scholars when activated Farmer Residence Worker Residence Artisan Residence Engineer Residence Investor Residence All Skyscrapers Jornalero Residence Hacienda Jornalero Quarters Obrero Residence Hacienda Obrera Quarters Artista Residence Hacienda Artista Quarters |
When activated Bonus Residents +2 Duration:02:00:00Residences gain bonus residents from Fish, Bread, Canned Food, University, Coffee, Light Bulbs, Champagne, Steam Carriages, Chocolate, Fried Plantains. Chance of Illness -90% Destroyed after use |
Expedition Bonus Medicine: +8 |
Papal Paper of Prenatal Preservation Epic | ||
Preventing the natural course is the gravest sin, rules religious leader, and fourteenth child of his family. | ||
Equipped in Town Hall Affects Old and New World residences, excluding scholars Farmer Residence Worker Residence Artisan Residence Engineer Residence Investor Residence All Skyscrapers Jornalero Residence Hacienda Jornalero Quarters Obrero Residence Hacienda Obrera Quarters Artista Residence Hacienda Artista Quarters |
Effects Bonus Residents: +3 Residences gain bonus residents from Fish, Bread, Canned Food, University, Coffee, Light Bulbs, Champagne, Steam Carriages, Chocolate, Fried Plantains, Mezcal. Happiness: -4 |
Chief George Doughty, Smouldering Hero Legendary | ||
Dubbed "Dragonproof", Doughty once tackled a Pyrphorian blaze bare-chested, having given his vest to an orphan. | ||
Equipped in Town Hall Affects Old and New World residences, excluding scholars Farmer Residence Worker Residence Artisan Residence Engineer Residence Investor Residence All Skyscrapers Jornalero Residence Hacienda Jornalero Quarters Obrero Residence Hacienda Obrera Quarters Artista Residence Hacienda Artista Quarters |
Effects Happiness: +10 Chance of Fire: -50% Bonus Residents: +1 Residences gain bonus residents from Market, Bread, Sewing Machines, University, Glasses, Light Bulbs, Champagne, Steam Carriages, Chocolate. |
Expedition Bonus Crafting: +10 Force: +10 Medicine: +25 |
Jakob Sokow, The Charitable Banker Legendary | ||
No Christmas ghosts here — Sokow would never permit his privilege to blind him to the needs of the community. | ||
Equipped in Town Hall Affects Old and New World residences, excluding scholars Farmer Residence Worker Residence Artisan Residence Engineer Residence Investor Residence All Skyscrapers Jornalero Residence Hacienda Jornalero Quarters Obrero Residence Hacienda Obrera Quarters Artista Residence Hacienda Artista Quarters |
Effects Bonus Residents: +1 Residences gain bonus residents from Market, Bread, Sewing Machines, University, Glasses, Light Bulbs, Champagne, Steam Carriages, Chocolate, Fans. Income per house: +2% |
Expedition Bonus Diplomacy: +25 Navigation: +25 |
Louis P. Hecate, Arm-Puncturing Pioneer Legendary | ||
An exceptional bacteriologist, Hecate's vaccinations will be saving lives long after he himself has departed. | ||
Equipped in Town Hall Affects Old and New World residences, excluding scholars Farmer Residence Worker Residence Artisan Residence Engineer Residence Investor Residence All Skyscrapers Jornalero Residence Hacienda Jornalero Quarters Obrero Residence Hacienda Obrera Quarters Artista Residence Hacienda Artista Quarters |
Effects Bonus Residents: +1 Residences gain bonus residents from Market, Bread, Sewing Machines, University, Glasses, Light Bulbs, Champagne, Steam Carriages, Chocolate, Fans. Happiness: +10 Chance of Illness: -50% |
Expedition Bonus Crafting: +30 Medicine: +55 Trait: Anthropologist |
Pietro Jonah Proud, The Philosopher of the Public Good Legendary DLC Required
The Anarchist | ||
Famous for his paradoxes that baffle the conscience of the privileged and empower the poor. | ||
Equipped in Town Hall Affects Farmer Residence Worker Residence Artisan Residence Engineer Residence Investor Residence All Skyscrapers |
Effects Bonus Income: +1 Residents gain bonus income from Market, Bread, Sewing Machines, University, Glasses, Light Bulbs, Champagne, Steam Carriages, Chocolate. Bonus Residents: +1 Residences gain bonus residents from Market, Bread, Sewing Machines, University, Glasses, Light Bulbs, Champagne, Steam Carriages, Chocolate. Bonus Supply Residences with the Electricity need fulfilled, are provided with Bank, Members Club |
Expedition Bonus Diplomacy: +60 Faith:+30 |
Saint D'Artois, Vision of the Valley Legendary | ||
D'Artois appeared as a vision to a poor beggar man, entrusting him with spreading her illuminating wisdom. | ||
Equipped in Town Hall Affects Old and New World residences, excluding scholars Farmer Residence Worker Residence Artisan Residence Engineer Residence Investor Residence All Skyscrapers Jornalero Residence Hacienda Jornalero Quarters Obrero Residence Hacienda Obrera Quarters Artista Residence Hacienda Artista Quarters |
Effects Bonus Residents: +2 Residences gain bonus residents from Fish, Bread, Canned Food, University, Coffee, Light Bulbs, Champagne, Steam Carriages, Chocolate, Fried Plantains. Chance of Illness: -50% Chance of Riots: -50% |
Expedition Bonus Faith:+50 Medicine: +30 Trait: Hypnotist |