Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki

Souvenirs Souvenirs are a consumer good available in Tourist Season DLC icon Tourist Season. They are consumed by two population tiers: As a luxury need of Tourists Tourists; and as a lifestyle need of Artistas Artistas. By default, they can be produced only in the Old World.


Luxury need[]

Souvenirs Souvenirs fulfill a luxury need of Tourists Tourists.

Consumption Happiness Income
Tourists Tourists 0.03333333 4 +1281.25/+1153.125/+1025

Lifestyle Needs[]

Souvenirs Souvenirs fulfill a lifestyle need of Artistas Artistas.

Consumption Influx Income
Artistas Artistas 0.0003333333 4 +12/+10.8/+9.6
Hacienda Artista Quarters Hacienda Artista Quarters 0.0007499999 6 +27/+24.3/+21.6


Souvenirs can be used during expeditions, it grants 10 bonus points to diplomacy skill and 20 bonus morale per 50 tons.


Souvenirs can be passively sold for 228Credits or purchased for 570Credits per ton. No neutral trader buys or sells souvenirs for a special price


Souvenirs are produced in a Chemical Plant Chemical Plant from Camphor Wax Camphor Wax, Glass Glass, and Cotton Cotton.

Tourist Season DLC icon

Balance -1080Workers -25Artisans -100Engineers -100Jornaleros -55Attractiveness -10

Credits 62950Timber 44Bricks 45Steel Beams 24Windows 15Reinforced Concrete 15

• 1 Hotel Hotels (up to 500 Tourists Tourists)
