Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki

Sewing Machines Sewing Machines are a consumer good consumed by five different population tiers: As a basic need of Artisans Artisans, Engineers Engineers, Obreros Obreros and Artistas Artistas; and as a lifestyle need of Elders Elders. By default, they can be produced only in the Old World. With New World Rising DLC icon New World Rising they can also be produced in the New World.

For a detailed look into the profitability of Sewing Machines as a consumer good, see Profitability of Consumer Goods.


Basic need[]

Sewing Machines Sewing Machines fulfill a basic need of Artisans Artisans, Engineers Engineers, Obreros Obreros and Artistas Artistas.

Consumption Influx Income
Artisans Artisans 0.000476190 2 +15/+13.5/+12
Engineers Engineers 0.000952381 6 +40/+36/+32
Obreros Obreros 0.000416667 2 +6.25/+5.625/+5
Hacienda Obrera Quarters Hacienda Obrera Quarters 0.000833334 4 +12.5/+11.25/+10
Artistas Artistas 0.000416667 5 +20/+18/+16
Hacienda Artista Quarters Hacienda Artista Quarters 0.0009375008 7 +45/+40.5/+36

Lifestyle need[]

Sewing Machines Sewing Machines fulfill a lifestyle need of Elders Elders.

Consumption Influx Income
Elders Elders 0.0003 2 +8/+7.2/+6.4


Sewing machines can be used during expeditions, they grant 30 bonus points to crafting skill and 30 bonus morale per 50 tons.


Sewing machines can be passively sold for 230Credits or purchased for 576Credits per ton. They can be actively bought from Sir Archibald Blake for 576Credits coins. No neutral trader buys sewing machines for a special price.


Sewing machines are produced in a Sewing Machine Factory Sewing Machine Factory from Steel Steel and Wood Wood. The basic production chain for sewing machines is shown below:

Sewing Machines[]

Sewing MachinesSewing Machines

Balance -1310Farmers 5Workers -300Artisans -300Attractiveness -10

Credits 26500Timber 28Bricks 40Steel Beams 16Windows 16

The Coal Mine Coal Mine may be replaced with two Charcoal Kiln Charcoal Kilns
for  Balance +10Workers +30Attractiveness -10Credits -400Timber -4Bricks +5

  • 140 Artisans Artisans Residences (up to 4200 Artisans Artisans)
or 70 Engineers Engineers Residences (up to 2800 Engineers Engineers)
or 160 Obreros Obreros Residences (up to 3200 Obreros Obreros)

Sewing Machines (New World)[]

Sewing MachinesSewing Machines
New World
New World Rising DLC icon

Balance -13670Jornaleros -560Obreros -720Artistas -600Attractiveness -210

Credits 123300Timber 258Bricks 144

• 420 Artisans Artisans Residences (up to 12600 Artisans Artisans)
or 210 Engineers Engineers Residences (up to 8400 Engineers Engineers)
or 480 Obreros Obreros Residences (up to 9600 Obreros Obreros)
or 480 Artistas Artistas Residences (up to 19200 Artistas Artistas)


Sewing Machines can be also obtained in the following production chains when particular items are equipped in a Trade Union Trade Union.

Using Iron instead of Steel[]

Dario the Mechanical EngineerDario the Mechanical Engineer
Dario is an octopus, with eight different tools in his eight different hands.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Bicycle Factory Bicycle Factory
Sewing Machine Factory Sewing Machine Factory
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Pocket Watches Pocket Watches every 8th cycle
Occasionally produces extra Gramophones Gramophones every 8th cycle

Replaced Input
Instead of Steel Steel, the building processes Iron Iron.
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +45

Sewing MachinesDario the Mechanical Engineer - epic Trade Union itemSewing Machines
Dario the Mechanical Engineer

Balance -1060Farmers -5Workers -50Artisans -300

Credits 24900Timber 16Bricks 25Steel Beams 16Windows 16

Sewing Machines Sewing Machines supply:
  • 140 Artisan Residences (up to 4200 Artisans Artisans)
  • or 70 Engineer Residences (up to 2800 Engineers Engineers)
  • or 160 Obrero Residences (up to 3200 Obreros Obreros)
Pocket Watches Pocket Watches supply:
  • 63,75 Engineer Residences (up to 2550 Engineers Engineers)
  • or 31,875 Investor Residences (up to 1593,75 Investors Investors)
Gramophones Gramophones supply:
  • 95 Investor Residences (up to 4750 Investors Investors)
  • or 95,2 Scholar Residences (up to 11428 Scholars Scholars)

Gramophones production[]

Prof. Ram Devi, The Bundle of EnergyProf. Ram Devi, The Bundle of Energy
Conducts lightning. His family (from Wittenberg) has the motto, "standing still is a backward step."
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Chemical Plant: Film Reels Chemical Plant: Film Reels
Fan Factory Fan Factory
Gramophone Factory Gramophone Factory
Light Bulb Factory Light Bulb Factory
Productivity: +50%
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Pocket Watches Pocket Watches every 16th cycle
Occasionally produces extra Glasses Glasses every 14th cycle
Occasionally produces extra Penny Farthings Penny Farthings every 15th cycle
Occasionally produces extra Steam Carriages Steam Carriages every 17th cycle
Occasionally produces extra Sewing Machines Sewing Machines every 13th cycle

Provides electricity
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +55
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +25

Light bulbs production[]

Prof. Ram Devi, The Bundle of EnergyProf. Ram Devi, The Bundle of Energy
Conducts lightning. His family (from Wittenberg) has the motto, "standing still is a backward step."
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Chemical Plant: Film Reels Chemical Plant: Film Reels
Fan Factory Fan Factory
Gramophone Factory Gramophone Factory
Light Bulb Factory Light Bulb Factory
Productivity: +50%
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Pocket Watches Pocket Watches every 16th cycle
Occasionally produces extra Glasses Glasses every 14th cycle
Occasionally produces extra Penny Farthings Penny Farthings every 15th cycle
Occasionally produces extra Steam Carriages Steam Carriages every 17th cycle
Occasionally produces extra Sewing Machines Sewing Machines every 13th cycle

Provides electricity
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +55
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +25

Town Hall items[]

There are several Town Hall items which supply sewing machines to residents, reduce consumption of sewing machines or provide some benefits from supplying sewing machines to your people. Here is a list of those items:

Sewing ThreadsSewing Threads
Encourages household haberdashery.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects Residences when activated
When activated
Happiness +5
Provided Needs
Residents are provided with Sewing Machines Sewing Machines, Fur Coats Fur Coats.
Destroyed after use
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +4

Chief George Doughty, Smouldering HeroChief George Doughty, Smouldering Hero
Dubbed "Dragonproof", Doughty once tackled a Pyrphorian blaze bare-chested, having given his vest to an orphan.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects Old and New World residences, excluding scholars
Farmer Residence Farmer Residence
Worker Residence Worker Residence
Artisan Residence Artisan Residence
Engineer Residence Engineer Residence
Investor Residence Investor Residence
All Skyscrapers All Skyscrapers
Jornalero Residence Jornalero Residence
Hacienda Jornalero Quarters Hacienda Jornalero Quarters
Obrero Residence Obrero Residence
Hacienda Obrera Quarters Hacienda Obrera Quarters
Artista Residence Artista Residence
Hacienda Artista Quarters Hacienda Artista Quarters
Happiness: +10
Chance of Fire: -50%
Bonus Residents: +1
Residences gain bonus residents from Market Market,Bread Bread,Sewing Machines Sewing Machines,University University,Glasses Glasses,Light Bulbs Light Bulbs,Champagne Champagne,Steam Carriages Steam Carriages,Chocolate Chocolate.
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +10
ExpeditionForce Force: +10
ExpeditionMedicine Medicine: +25

Jakob Sokow, The Charitable BankerJakob Sokow, The Charitable Banker
No Christmas ghosts here — Sokow would never permit his privilege to blind him to the needs of the community.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects Old and New World residences, excluding scholars
Farmer Residence Farmer Residence
Worker Residence Worker Residence
Artisan Residence Artisan Residence
Engineer Residence Engineer Residence
Investor Residence Investor Residence
All Skyscrapers All Skyscrapers
Jornalero Residence Jornalero Residence
Hacienda Jornalero Quarters Hacienda Jornalero Quarters
Obrero Residence Obrero Residence
Hacienda Obrera Quarters Hacienda Obrera Quarters
Artista Residence Artista Residence
Hacienda Artista Quarters Hacienda Artista Quarters
Bonus Residents: +1
Residences gain bonus residents from Market Market,Bread Bread,Sewing Machines Sewing Machines,University University,Glasses Glasses,Light Bulbs Light Bulbs,Champagne Champagne,Steam Carriages Steam Carriages,Chocolate Chocolate,Fans Fans.
Income per house: +2%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +25
ExpeditionNavigation Navigation: +25

Louis P. Hecate, Arm-Puncturing PioneerLouis P. Hecate, Arm-Puncturing Pioneer
An exceptional bacteriologist, Hecate's vaccinations will be saving lives long after he himself has departed.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects Old and New World residences, excluding scholars
Farmer Residence Farmer Residence
Worker Residence Worker Residence
Artisan Residence Artisan Residence
Engineer Residence Engineer Residence
Investor Residence Investor Residence
All Skyscrapers All Skyscrapers
Jornalero Residence Jornalero Residence
Hacienda Jornalero Quarters Hacienda Jornalero Quarters
Obrero Residence Obrero Residence
Hacienda Obrera Quarters Hacienda Obrera Quarters
Artista Residence Artista Residence
Hacienda Artista Quarters Hacienda Artista Quarters
Bonus Residents: +1
Residences gain bonus residents from Market Market,Bread Bread,Sewing Machines Sewing Machines,University University,Glasses Glasses,Light Bulbs Light Bulbs,Champagne Champagne,Steam Carriages Steam Carriages,Chocolate Chocolate,Fans Fans.
Happiness: +10
Chance of Illness: -50%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +30
ExpeditionMedicine Medicine: +55
Trait: Anthropologist

Pietro Jonah Proud, The Philosopher of the Public GoodPietro Jonah Proud, The Philosopher of the Public Good
DLC Required
The Anarchist
Famous for his paradoxes that baffle the conscience of the privileged and empower the poor.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Farmer Residence Farmer Residence
Worker Residence Worker Residence
Artisan Residence Artisan Residence
Engineer Residence Engineer Residence
Investor Residence Investor Residence
All Skyscrapers All Skyscrapers
Bonus Income: +1
Residents gain bonus income from Market Market,Bread Bread,Sewing Machines Sewing Machines,University University,Glasses Glasses,Light Bulbs Light Bulbs,Champagne Champagne,Steam Carriages Steam Carriages,Chocolate Chocolate.
Bonus Residents: +1
Residences gain bonus residents from Market Market,Bread Bread,Sewing Machines Sewing Machines,University University,Glasses Glasses,Light Bulbs Light Bulbs,Champagne Champagne,Steam Carriages Steam Carriages,Chocolate Chocolate.
Bonus Supply
Residences with the Electricity Electricity need fulfilled, are provided with Bank Bank, Members Club Members Club
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +60
ExpeditionFaith Faith:+30

Trivia and History[]

The use of machines for sewing and fabric work was one of the first applications of "industrialization", taking what had been the job of individual artifice and making it into a mass-production operation through mechanization. This was not a universally popular move as it greatly impoverished the artificers who now found one machine doing the work of ten of them, and produced counter-movements such as the Luddites who attacked industrialization as a tool of wealth-hoarding and capital.

The personal sewing machine, however, was a later development designed to aid the time-consuming and often difficult job of household sewing, which required excellent eyesight and careful handiwork. The sewing machine instead used mechanical motion -- usually generated via a foot pedal, though it would be replaced with electric motor drive decades later -- to move the needle or shuttle in a preset motion that allowed for fast, precise sewing, saving large amounts of time.

The personal sewing machine had several major inventors and contributors, such as Walter Hunt, John Fisher, and Elias Howe. The first patent and subsequent commercial success, however, went to Isaac Meritt Singer in 1851, whose Singer Corporation would go on to be a leading producer of sewing machines for decades to come and eventually the first producer of electric sewing machines. The confused heritage of the sewing machine, compounded by subsequent inventions, would cause such a gridlock of patents and interests that it would result in a massive legal battle known as the Sewing Machine War.
