Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki

Seafood Stew Seafood Stew is a consumer good available in Land of Lions DLC icon Land of Lions. It is consumed by two different population tiers: Scholars Scholars and Elders Elders. By default, it can be produced only in Enbesa.


Basic need[]

Seafood Stew Seafood Stew fulfills a basic need of Scholars Scholars and Elders Elders.

Consumption Influx Income Research Points
Elders Elders 0.00037 3 +3.75/+3.375/+3 -
Scholars Scholars 0.0015 22 - +4.8


Seafood Stew can be used during expeditions, it grants 15 bonus morale per 50 tons.


Seafood Stew can be passively sold for 210Credits or purchased for 526Credits per ton. No neutral trader buys or sells for a special price.


All regular production chains involving Seafood Stew are listed below.

Seafood Stew[]

Seafood StewSeafood Stew
Land of Lions DLC icon

Balance -545Shepherds -140Elders -190

Credits 29740Wanza Timber 94Mud Bricks 41

  • 90,1 Elders Elders Residences (up to 1801 Elders Elders)
or 22,2 Scholars Scholars Residences (up to 2666 Scholars Scholars)


Seafood Stew can be also obtained in the following production chains when particular items are equipped in a Trade Union Trade Union.

Using Sanga Cow instead of Lobster[]

Aaden Issack, World-Famous Enbesan ChefAaden Issack, World-Famous Enbesan Chef
DLC Required
Land of Lions
Spent his childhood on Kidusi reading about traditional Enbesan food, but today it's the twist he brings that makes him a star.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Wat Kitchen Wat Kitchen
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Dried Meat Dried Meat every 5th cycle
Replaced Input
Instead of Lobster Lobster, the building processes Sanga Cow Sanga Cow.
Maintenance Cost: -50%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +55
ExpeditionMedicine Medicine: +20

Seafood StewAaden Issack, World-Famous Enbesan Chef - legendary Trade Union itemSeafood Stew
Aaden Issack, World-Famous Enbesan Chef
Land of Lions DLC icon

Balance -335Shepherds -110Elders -190

Credits 25490Wanza Timber 78Mud Bricks 25

Seafood Stew Seafood Stew supplies:
  • 90,1 Elder Residences (up to 1801 Elders Elders)
  • or 22,2 Scholar Residences (up to 2666 Scholars Scholars)
Dried Meat Dried Meat supplies:
  • 19 Shepherd Residences (up to 190 Shepherds Shepherds)
  • or 9,5 Elder Residences (up to 190 Elders Elders)

Town Hall Items[]

Enthusiast CookEnthusiast Cook
DLC Required
Land of Lions
He mastered his mother's recipes and takes the utmost pleasure in passing them on.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects All Enbesan Residences
Shepherd Residence Shepherd Residence
Elder Residence Elder Residence
Bonus Happiness: +2
Residents gain bonus happiness from Dried Meat Dried Meat,Seafood Stew Seafood Stew.
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +5

Wise Enbesan HomesteaderWise Enbesan Homesteader
DLC Required
Land of Lions
"This is like my mother's cooking," the mihurani often exclaim from their palaces of learning in the Old World.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Scholar Residence Scholar Residence
Bonus Happiness: +3
Residents gain bonus happiness from Hibiscus Tea Hibiscus Tea,Seafood Stew Seafood Stew.
Attractiveness: +5
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +10

Djimon, the Melancholic ExpatriateDjimon, the Melancholic Expatriate
DLC Required
Land of Lions
"There's no place like home," says Djimon, "but if only I had a tangible reminder of it..."
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Scholar Residence Scholar Residence
Bonus Research Points: +1
Residents provide bonus research points from Hibiscus Tea Hibiscus Tea, Seafood Stew Seafood Stew, Tapestries Tapestries, and Clay Pipes Clay Pipes.
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: -5
