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Anno 1800 Wiki

Research menu

Research is a feature added in Land of Lions DLC, which allows to develop items and obtain powerful abilities. All research is conducted in the Research Institute Research Institute, where Scholars Scholars and Engineers Engineers work together for the benefit of your company.

Research Points[]


Amount of research points currently available is displayed in the top left corner of the screen, between population and influence

To conduct research you need to spend Research Points research points. They are acquired mainly by fulfilling scholars' needs. Research points accumulate up to a certain limit, which is defined by the maximum amount of scholar population reached within the profile at any time. Similarly to how profile level is unlocked: the scholar population does not need to be maintained at a certain value in order to keep the maximum research points cap unlocked. The limit is calculated as follows:

Starting from 500 scholars your maximum Research Points limit will be increased of 1000 more research points per every 100 scholars you have. Above 500 scholars the limit of research points can be calculated using the following formula (the amount of scholars is rounded down to the nearest hundreds):

Earning research points[]


The main source of research points is fulfilling scholars needs, each need fulfilled generates a specific amount of research points per minute per residence. Some town hall items which affect Scholar Residences can increase how quickly the points are generated, those items are listed here. Moreover, if the maximum amount of scholars per residence is increased, the amount of research points generated per minute also increases accordingly.


A smaller amount of research points can also be acquired by providing your Elders Elders in the Enbesa region with Illuminated Script Illuminated Script, after finishing the Kidusi Anitoni storyline successfully. Then each Elder Residence provides 1 Research Points per minute if their need for Illuminated Script Illuminated Script is fully satisfied.

Donation to Science[]

Another source of research points is donating items to science. It can be done from any place, it is not required to deliver items to the island where the Research Institute is located. Even items on ships in other regions can be instantly donated. You can donate items via research menu or by selecting an item in the game world and then using key combination: Ctrl+D.

Amount of research points you get from items is varied and depends on their rarity:

  • Character items: 100
  • Common: 20
  • Uncommon: 30
  • Rare: 40
  • Epic: 50
  • Legendary: 250

Developing items[]

In the Research Institute you can develop almost every item in the game. Initially only common items are available for research but you can identify other items by investing research points in different Fields of Research or by identifying items you already own using the Research Kit (used via statistics menu).

Fields of Research[]

There are three main fields of research which you can invest your research points in: Cultural Science, Technological Advancement and Talent Development. Each time you invest you will be able to choose between three sets of three items, items you choose will be then identified and available for item development.

The cost of identifying items is separate for each field and increases each time you choose the same field again. The cost increases in the following pattern:

  • First identification: 100Research Points
  • Until 1000Research Points each next identification costs 50Research Points more than the previous one.
  • Until 5000Research Points each next identification costs 100Research Points more than the previous one.
  • Past 5000Research Points each next identification costs 200Research Points more than the previous one.

Item Development[]


Item Development menu. Items which have been identified are displayed here and you can find and select an item you want to be developed and add it to the research queue.

In the Item Development menu you can choose any item you already identified to develop it. Each item development takes some time, requires engineers workforce and a specific amount of research points. Using the slider on the upper right side of the research menu, you can assign more engineers workforce to the Research Institute to make the process faster. Between minimal and maximal workforce, the duration of the process depends linearly on the amount of assigned workforce. Developing multiple copies of the same item costs more and more research points, the cost is separate for each item. There is no cost limit for developing items, the cost can increase indefinitely.

The costs, time and workforce requirements depend on item's rarity:

Item Development
Rarity Initial Cost Cost Increase Minimum Workforce
and Time
Maximum Workforce
and Time
Common 500Research Points 500Research Points 1Engineers
Uncommon 1000Research Points 1000Research Points 100Engineers
Rare 2000Research Points 2000Research Points 250Engineers
Epic 5000Research Points 5000Research Points 500Engineers
Legendary 20000Research Points 10000Research Points 1000Engineers

Chance for a bonus

During item development there is always 5% chance to obtain one of the major discoveries. Such a bonus does not increase the cost of developing major discoveries.

Major Discoveries[]

Research Costs[]

All major discoveries, except for campus extension permits, follow the same rules when it comes to their cost. Their research points cost is separate for each discovery, and increases in the following pattern:

  • First discovery: 5000Research Points
  • Second discovery: 10000Research Points
  • Each next discovery costs 10000Research Points more than the previous one.
  • The cost stops increasing at 250000Research Points, then you can keep researching more discoveries, each of them will have the same cost.

The workforce requirement and duration of the research process is as follows:

  • Minimum workforce: 1000Engineers, time: 90 minutes
  • Maximum workforce: 10000Engineers, time: 10 minutes
  • In between, the duration of the process depends linearly on the amount of assigned workforce, following this formula:
    Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "http://mathoid-facade/v1/":): {\displaystyle \text{research time (minutes)} = \frac{890}{9}-\frac{2}{225}\cdot\text{assigned engineers}}

Campus Extension Permits[]

The cost of obtaining campus extension permits increases with every obtained permit. The cost increases in the following pattern:

  • First permit: 250Research Points
  • Second permit: 1000Research Points
  • Each next permit costs 1000Research Points more than the previous one.

The workforce requirement and duration of the research process is as follows:

  • Minimum workforce: 1Engineers, time: 30 minutes
  • Maximum workforce: 10000Engineers, time: 10 minutes
  • In between, the duration of the process depends linearly on the amount of assigned workforce, following this formula:

Revolutionary Concepts[]

  • Campus Extension Permit 5 Campus Extension Permit - grants the permit to construct five more scholar residences. They are available in the scholars tab in the construction menu.
  • Great Eastern Permit Great Eastern Permit - grants the permit to construct one more Great Eastern at the Steam Shipyard Steam Shipyard.
  • Pier Upgrade Permit Pier Upgrade Permit - grants the permit to upgrade one of the piers to an advanced pier, which has 100% faster loading speed. It also allows to select a specific good, which the pier is limited to, meaning that to use the advanced pier, ships on trade routes have to transport the selected good (can also transport other goods alongside the chosen good). To upgrade a pier to an advanced pier, select the pier and click the upgrade button, or use the upgrade tool on a pier.
  • Research Kit Research Kit - allows to identify a specific item which you already own, making it available for item development to create more copies of that item. To use the research kit, find the item you want to identify in items tab of the statistics menu, select it and then click the button Use Research Kit, which is located on the bottom right of the statistics menu.

Mastery of Nature[]

  • Move Clay Deposit Move Clay Deposit - allows to move a clay deposit within the same island. Select a free clay deposit (without clay pit on top of it), click the Relocate button and then choose a place where you want to move the clay deposit to. You can also use the relocate tool.
  • Move Oil Spring Move Oil Spring - allows to move an oil spring within the same island. Select a free oil spring (without oil well on top of it), click the Relocate button and then choose a place where you want to move the oil spring to. You can also use the relocate tool.
  • Change Deposit Ore Change Deposit Ore - allows to change a deposit ore into a different one; applicable only in Old World regions. Click on a deposit (without a mine built on top of it), then click Change Deposit's Ore button and select which resource this deposit should have and confirm.
  • Change Fertility Change Fertility - allows to change island's fertility into another fertility; only fertilities which naturally occur in the same region can be chosen. To change fertility, click on a fertility symbol above the minimap, select new fertility and confirm the choice.

Production Methodology[]

  • Old World Coffee Production - grants the permit to construct one Advanced Coffee Roaster Advanced Coffee Roaster. The building is available in the scholars tab of the construction menu.
  • Old World Rum Production - grants the permit to construct one Advanced Rum Distillery Advanced Rum Distillery. The building is available in the scholars tab of the construction menu.
  • Old World Cotton Production - grants the permit to construct one Advanced Cotton Mill Advanced Cotton Mill. The building is available in the scholars tab of the construction menu.

Research queue[]

Instead of conducting research one item at a time, you can add several items to a queue. After the currently research item is finished, the first item in the queue will start being developed as soon as there are enough research points available. You can add many items to the queue and you can add them even if you do not have enough research points, considering that the research points get deducted only once an item starts being developed. You can remove items from the queue and you can cancel the research process of the currently developed item by clicking on a bin icon, which appears upon hovering over an item's icon. However, research points already invested will not be refunded. You can also drag items around in the queue to change the order in which they would be developed.

Items affecting research points generation[]

Associate Professor of FacultyAssociate Professor of Faculty
DLC Required
Land of Lions
Tough on his students, but in the end, they leave the course better equipped than anybody else.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Scholar Residence Scholar Residence
Bonus Research Points: +1
Residences gain bonus research points from University University.
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +10
Trait: Archaeologist

Djimon, the Melancholic ExpatriateDjimon, the Melancholic Expatriate
DLC Required
Land of Lions
"There's no place like home," says Djimon, "but if only I had a tangible reminder of it..."
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Scholar Residence Scholar Residence
Bonus Research Points: +1
Residents provide bonus research points from Hibiscus Tea Hibiscus Tea, Seafood Stew Seafood Stew, Tapestries Tapestries, and Clay Pipes Clay Pipes.
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: -5

Dean, the Dean of Deansville UniversityDean, the Dean of Deansville University
DLC Required
Land of Lions
After a hard day's debate with the windbag faculty, Dean can be seen by the banks of the bayou strumming an old Martin steel string.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Scholar Residence Scholar Residence
Bonus Happiness: +10
Residents gain bonus happiness from University University.
Bonus Residents: +24
Residences gain bonus residents from University University.
Bonus Research Points: +2
Residences gain bonus research points from University University.
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +30
Trait: Anthropologist
Trait: Archaeologist
Trait: Polyglot

Kaldi, Infuser Of TeasKaldi, Infuser Of Teas
DLC Required
Land of Lions
His goats became frisky having nibbled the red berries, but Kaldi disapproved and slung the berries into a fire, from which enticing aromas then billowed.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Scholar Residence Scholar Residence
Bonus Happiness: +10
Residents gain bonus happiness from Hibiscus Tea Hibiscus Tea.
Reduced Needs: 30%
Residents consume 30% less Hibiscus Tea Hibiscus Tea
Bonus Research Points: +4
Residences gain bonus research points from Hibiscus Tea Hibiscus Tea.
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionHunting Hunting: +30
ExpeditionMedicine Medicine: +45
Trait: Jack Of All Traits
