Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki

Repairs nearby ships and buildings.

Repair Crane is a Harbour Building and one of the defence buildings which repairs its owner's ships and buildings located within its range. It can be built in the Old World (and Cape Trelawney), the New World and Enbesa, it requires free harbour area, does not need any road connection. After construction or relocation, one minute needs to pass to train mechanics, only after this time the repair crane can start making repairs.

Repairing mechanics[]

All ships and buildings slowly repair themselves as long as they have not received any damage for some time. Their current amount of hitpoints keeps increasing until reaching the maximum. This process can be sped up by repair cranes - the only building capable of repairing other buildings and ships (together with the Docklands improved version of the repair crane). Repair crane can also perform repairs even when its target is currently under attack - allowing the target to last longer before it might get destroyed.

When a damaged building or ship is within a repair crane's radius, the crane automatically starts repairing it, increasing the target's hitpoints by 10 points per second. Every crane can repair only one object at a time, and every building or ship can be repaired by only one crane at a time. The crane performing repairs and its target might be marked by a large green gear appearing underneath them. The target additionally has a smaller green gear symbol above it.


Given that ships and buildings can repair themselves, the repair cranes might not seem very useful. However, their ability to repair even when their target is under attack makes them valuable during island sieges. They effectively extend the lifetime of defending ships, turrets and other harbour buildings under attack. For example, a battle cruiser can deal 40 damage per second and a repair crane can heal 10 damage per second. Therefore overall the cruiser deals only 30 damage per second to the ship or building which is getting repaired by the crane. Of course, attack is sometimes the best form of defence so it might still be better to place more defence turrets instead of repair cranes.

They can be used not only in defence but also during attacks on the enemy. Damaged ships can retreat to safety in order to get quickly repaired by repair cranes so that they can get back into battle again as soon as possible. Repair cranes can therefore make it easier to continue attacks on enemy islands before the siege ends while minimising losses.


Some items when equipped in harbourmaster's offices can have an impact on repair cranes.

Specific items[]

Wooden Repair Crane
It's been around a long time...
Harbourmaster's Office Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office

Affects Repair Cranes
Repair Crane Repair Crane
Repair Speed: -10%
Repair Radius: +25%
Expedition Bonus
Crafting: +20
Gantry Repair Crane
A crane with a little more reach than the norm.
Harbourmaster's Office Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office

Affects Repair Cranes
Repair Crane Repair Crane
Repair Radius: +30%
Expedition Bonus
Crafting: +30
Railway Repair Crane
A crane with a very broad range of massage techniques.
Harbourmaster's Office Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office

Affects Repair Cranes
Repair Crane Repair Crane
Repair Speed: +20%
Repair Radius: +35%
Expedition Bonus
Crafting: +40
Hydraulic Repair Crane
You'll have to crane your neck to see the top of this giant of construction.
Harbourmaster's Office Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office

Affects Repair Cranes
Repair Crane Repair Crane
Repair Speed: +40%
Repair Radius: +40%
Expedition Bonus
Crafting: +50

Items for all harbour buildings[]

Carpenter's Tools
Good for repairing buildings.
Harbourmaster's Office Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office

Affects Harbour Buildings when activated
When activated
Self-Repair +200%
Active Healing
Your buildings constantly repair themselves, even during combat.
Destroyed after use
Expedition Bonus
Crafting: +6
Builder's Tools
Excellent for repairing buildings.
Harbourmaster's Office Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office

Affects Harbour Buildings when activated
When activated
Self-Repair +300%
Active Healing
Your ship constantly repairs itself, even during combat.
Destroyed after use
Expedition Bonus
Crafting: +8
Dockyard Toolbox
Helps your harbour recover fast!
Harbourmaster's Office Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office

Affects Harbour Buildings
Maintenance Cost: +15%
Self-Repair: +50%
Expedition Bonus
Crafting: +20
Dockyard Toolchest
Helps your harbour recover even faster!
Harbourmaster's Office Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office

Affects Harbour Buildings
Self-Repair: +75%
Expedition Bonus
Crafting: +30
Dockyard Tool System
Wow, there's actually a system for keeping the dockyard running smooth now.
Harbourmaster's Office Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office

Affects Harbour Buildings
Self-Repair: +100%
Active Healing
Your buildings constantly repair themselves, even during combat.
Expedition Bonus
Crafting: +40
Deke's Indispensible Dockyard Crate
A chest any salty sailor would be proud of, filled with things to keep your dockyard running whatever the weather.
Harbourmaster's Office Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office

Affects Harbour Buildings
Maintenance Cost: -25%
Self-Repair: +150%
Active Healing
Your buildings constantly repair themselves, even during combat.
Expedition Bonus
Crafting: +50
Hogarth the Harbourmaster, Veteran Of Trelawney
DLC Required
Sunken Treasures
Joined after you helped the Queen at Trelawney. Was in charge of logistics during the war, so expect military efficiency at the docks!
Harbourmaster's Office Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office

Affects Harbour Buildings
Harbour Activity: +30%
Every time passive trade happens at the trading post, there is a chance of gaining 5t of Coffee Coffee, Gold Gold, Cotton Fabric Cotton Fabric, Rum Rum, Chocolate Chocolate.
Loading Speed: +100%
Expedition Bonus
Diplomacy: +50
Available from The Queen quest: Tribute to a Legend
Unique: you can have only one such item in the game
