Enables visitors to make a stopover on your island.
Public Mooring is a Harbour Building which allows visitors to stop at the island it is built on. Island's attractiveness determines the number of visitors and how much income is generated from the public mooring. Additionally, whenever a new group of visitors arrives to the island, there is a chance of obtaining a specialist item that can be used in specific buildings or ships. Public mooring can be built only in the Old World (and Cape Trelawney) and the New World, it requires free coastline; only one public mooring can be built per island. It does not need any road connection.
Visitors and income[]
Islands with positive attractiveness rating can attract visitors. Constructing a public mooring is necessary to receive them and to obtain income from them. The maximum number of visitors who can visit an island is equal to its attractiveness. The income visitors generate (in coins per minute) is equal to the number of current visitors multiplied by 3.6.
New visitors periodically arrive to islands with a public mooring - they arrive on a ship every 30 minutes; every island has its own separate timer. Hovering over the ship moving in circle around the central part of the public mooring's menu shows the exact time left before the next ship arrival. Because of this mechanic, even when the attractiveness of an island increases, the number of visitors and generated income get updated only at the moment of the next shipment of visitors. However, if the attractiveness decreases, the current number of visitors and the income decrease immediately. Visitors who want to leave the island due to it getting less beautiful can be seen standing on the public mooring, waiting for the next ship. If the attractiveness increases back to its previous value before the next ship arrives, those leaving visitors come back and continue visiting the island, and the income increases again too.
The change in number of visitors between the next arrival and the last arrival is known as tendency. It is indicated at the bottom of the public mooring's menu. Tendency is negative when the attractiveness of the island gets lower than it was during the last ship arrival - as explained above, when this happens the number of visitors and the income are affected immediately. When tendency is positive, it indicates that attractiveness is higher than it was during the last arrival - the number of visitors and income will be updated upon the next arrival. When the tendency is zero, the attractiveness is stable and has not changed.
Public mooring profitability[]
As public moorings have a maintenance cost, there are specific attractiveness thresholds which an island should surpass in order to make the public mooring profitable on the island.
- In the Old World (and Cape Trelawney) public moorings cost 400 per minute so the attractiveness rating should be at least 112.
- In the New World public moorings cost 250 per minute so the attractiveness rating should be at least 70.
Obtaining specialists[]
Every time a new group of visitors arrives, there is a chance that there would be someone special among them who would want to settle on the island they visited. After accepting their request, the special visitor joins the player's company by becoming a specific specialist item, which gets added to the storage of the same island they arrived to.
Upon arrival of a special visitor, a notification appears at the top right part of the screen. It includes the name of the island the visitor arrived to and which specialist it is. Hovering over the icon of the specialist displays an infotip with the details about the item. The buttons at the bottom of the notification allow to either accept or refuse the visitor. Since the visitor's arrival there is only 1 minute available to make the decision. Accepting causes the specialist item to be added to the island's storage. Refusing results in the specialist leaving the island and the decision cannot be revoked. When the gameplay option "Accept All Visitors" is enabled, all special visitors are automatically accepted. An appropriate notification still appears, though only informing about the specialist's arrival, with no possibility to accept or refuse.
The chance of obtaining a specialist depends primarily on island's attractiveness. It can be further improved by different items, palace's effects and some culture sets. The table below lists the base chance values and how they depend on the attractiveness.
Attractiveness | Base chance for special visitor arrival |
100 | 15% |
300 | 18% |
600 | 21% |
1000 | 24% |
1500 | 27% |
2100 | 30% |
2800 | 33% |
3600 | 36% |
4500 | 39% |
5500 | 42% |
Specialist rarity[]
The rarity of arriving specialist also depends on attractiveness of the island according to the table below:
Attractiveness | Common | Uncommon | Rare | Epic | Legendary |
Fair | 70% | 30% | |||
Quaint | 55% | 45% | |||
Curious | 40% | 60% | |||
Pleasant | 35% | 55% | 10% | ||
Appealing | 30% | 50% | 20% | ||
Picturesque | 20% | 40% | 30% | 10% | |
Attractive | 10% | 30% | 40% | 20% | |
Beguiling | 15% | 45% | 30% | 10% | |
Enticing | 45% | 35% | 20% | ||
Delightful | 35% | 40% | 25% | ||
Beautiful | 25% | 45% | 30% | ||
Glamorous | 15% | 50% | 35% | ||
Impeccable | 5% | 55% | 40% | ||
Grand | 55% | 45% | |||
Superior | 50% | 50% | |||
Exquisite | 45% | 55% |
Special visitors pools[]
For more details, see: Special visitors pools
Tourist Mooring[]
Invite Tourists to join your island and stay in hotels.
Tourist Season DLC allows to upgrade public moorings in the Old World (and Cape Trelawney) into Tourist Moorings. Such an upgrade is required to enable tourists to move into the hotels on the island. Tourist mooring is the base of the bus network and a bus stop has to be placed nearby. It also satisfies the first basic need of the tourists, providing 45 tourists in each hotel connected to the bus network.
Tourist mooring still retains all functionalities of the public mooring.
Upgrade requirements:
- 10000
- 15
- 25
- 20
- 10
- Maintenance cost is increased from -400 to -800
- Unlock condition: 500 Engineers
Some items when equipped in town halls or harbourmaster's offices can have an impact on public and tourist moorings.
Public and tourist moorings can be clipped between two harbourmaster's offices to double the number of items which can affect the mooring.
Specific town hall items[]
Proclamation of Knighthood Legendary DLC Required
The Anarchist | ||
The cultural capital of a city belonging to a knight of the Queen is hard to match! | ||
Equipped in Town Hall Affects Botanical Garden Museum Public Mooring Tourist Mooring Zoo |
Effects Increased Visits: +10% Attractiveness: +10% |
Expedition Bonus Diplomacy: +75 |
Available from Sir Archibald Blake quest: No Gods, No Masters 5 — Order Unique: you can have only one such item in the game |
Specific harbourmaster's office items[]
Guide Common | ||
Could tell you a couple of good places to spend the night, for the right tip. | ||
Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office Affects Public Moorings Public Mooring |
Effects Attractiveness: +15 |
Expedition Bonus Navigation: +10 |
Minor Tourism Campaign Uncommon | ||
The island is advertised as a pleasing destination. | ||
Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office Affects Public Moorings Public Mooring Tourist Mooring |
Effects Attractiveness: +20 Maintenance Cost: +35% Increased Visits: +10% |
Souvenir Seller Uncommon | ||
With her help, anyone can discover every precious little corner of the city. | ||
Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office Affects Public Moorings Public Mooring Tourist Mooring |
Effects Attractiveness: +15 Maintenance Cost: -25% |
Expedition Bonus Diplomacy: +20 |
Major Tourism Campaign Rare | ||
The island is advertised as a top destination. | ||
Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office Affects Public Moorings Public Mooring Tourist Mooring |
Effects Attractiveness: +35 Maintenance Cost: +70% Increased Visits: +15% |
Travel Agent Rare | ||
She was but eight years old when she led her first tour for visitors. | ||
Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office Affects Public Moorings Public Mooring Tourist Mooring |
Effects Attractiveness: +20 Increased Visits: +7% |
Expedition Bonus Diplomacy: +10 Navigation: +30 |
Jaafan the Cruise Impresario Epic | ||
Thanks to his passion for both sailing and touring, his ferry company became renowned all across the country. | ||
Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office Affects Public Moorings Public Mooring Tourist Mooring |
Effects Maintenance Cost: -50% Increased Visits: +10% |
Expedition Bonus Diplomacy: +20 Navigation: +40 |
Madame Kahina's Executive Tourism Drive Epic | ||
Madame Kahina knows exactly what aesthetic changes need to be made in order to make people buy into something. | ||
Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office Affects Public Moorings Public Mooring Tourist Mooring |
Effects Attractiveness: +50 Maintenance Cost: +100% Increased Visits: +20% |
Thomasina Langton, Promoter Extraordinaire! Legendary | ||
She founded the first travel agency, spreading her love for tourism to every corner of the world. | ||
Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office Affects Public Moorings Public Mooring Tourist Mooring |
Effects Attractiveness: +25 Maintenance Cost: -100% Increased Visits: +15% |
Expedition Bonus Diplomacy: +50 Navigation: +30 |
Harbourmaster's office items for all harbour buildings[]
Carpenter's Tools Common | ||
Good for repairing buildings. | ||
Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office Affects Harbour Buildings when activated |
When activated Self-Repair +200% Duration:00:45Active Healing Your buildings constantly repair themselves, even during combat. Destroyed after use |
Expedition Bonus Crafting: +6 |
Builder's Tools Uncommon | ||
Excellent for repairing buildings. | ||
Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office Affects Harbour Buildings when activated |
When activated Self-Repair +300% Duration:01:00Active Healing Your ship constantly repairs itself, even during combat. Destroyed after use |
Expedition Bonus Crafting: +8 |
Dockyard Toolbox Uncommon | ||
Helps your harbour recover fast! | ||
Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office Affects Harbour Buildings |
Effects Maintenance Cost: +15% Self-Repair: +50% |
Expedition Bonus Crafting: +20 |
Dockyard Toolchest Rare | ||
Helps your harbour recover even faster! | ||
Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office Affects Harbour Buildings |
Effects Self-Repair: +75% |
Expedition Bonus Crafting: +30 |
Dockyard Tool System Epic | ||
Wow, there's actually a system for keeping the dockyard running smooth now. | ||
Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office Affects Harbour Buildings |
Effects Self-Repair: +100% Active Healing Your buildings constantly repair themselves, even during combat. |
Expedition Bonus Crafting: +40 |
Deke's Indispensible Dockyard Crate Legendary | ||
A chest any salty sailor would be proud of, filled with things to keep your dockyard running whatever the weather. | ||
Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office Affects Harbour Buildings |
Effects Maintenance Cost: -25% Self-Repair: +150% Active Healing Your buildings constantly repair themselves, even during combat. |
Expedition Bonus Crafting: +50 |
Hogarth the Harbourmaster, Veteran Of Trelawney Legendary DLC Required
Sunken Treasures | ||
Joined after you helped the Queen at Trelawney. Was in charge of logistics during the war, so expect military efficiency at the docks! | ||
Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office Affects Harbour Buildings |
Effects Harbour Activity: +30% Every time passive trade happens at the trading post, there is a chance of gaining 5t of Coffee, Gold, Cotton Fabric, Rum, Chocolate. Loading Speed: +100% |
Expedition Bonus Diplomacy: +50 |
Available from The Queen quest: Tribute to a Legend Unique: you can have only one such item in the game |