Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki

Provides a public service for your residents.

Pub is a Public Service building, which fulfills the luxury need for residences of two population tiers in Old World (and Cape Trelawney): Farmers Farmers and Workers Workers.

Need fulfilment[]

Like every public building the pub can affect only those buildings which are connected to it by roads and are placed within its range. The strength of its effects is based on the street distance between the affected building and the pub. Its full range (dark green) is 28 tiles for Dirt Road dirt roads and 41 for Paved Street paved streets. Its max range (light green) is 58 tiles for dirt roads and 86 for paved streets.

When Farmer Residence Farmer Residences are in the full range of the pub, each of them gains 12 happiness and generates more income depending on game settings:

  • high income: +1.5 coins per minute per residence
  • medium income: +1.35 coins per minute per residence
  • low income: +1.2 coins per minute per residence

When Worker Residence Worker Residences are in the full range of the pub, each of them gains 6 happiness and generates more income depending on game settings:

  • high income: +3 coins per minute per residence
  • medium income: +2.7 coins per minute per residence
  • low income: +2.4 coins per minute per residence

When residences are outside of the full range but inside the max range they gain less happiness and generate less income based on the street distance from the pub.


Some items when equipped in town halls can have an impact on pubs.

Items specific for pubs[]

Midnight CurfewMidnight Curfew
Keeps people indoors in the wee hours of the morning.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Cinema Cinema
Pub Pub
Variety Theatre Variety Theatre
Maintenance Cost: -10%
Range: -5%
One-Man-Band BillboardOne-Man-Band Billboard
A fool is coming to town.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Cinema Cinema
Pub Pub
Variety Theatre Variety Theatre
Maintenance Cost: +5%
Attractiveness: +5
A stew and a brew. Excuse the roaches.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects Pubs
Pub Pub
Range: +12%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +20
The Lord's BlessingThe Lord's Blessing
The Church permits establishments to stay open longer.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Cinema Cinema
Pub Pub
Variety Theatre Variety Theatre
Maintenance Cost: +5%
Range: +15%
Evening CurfewEvening Curfew
Keeps people indoors in the evenings, and saves a few pennies.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Cinema Cinema
Pub Pub
Variety Theatre Variety Theatre
Maintenance Cost: -25%
Range: -10%
Piano Concerto BillboardPiano Concerto Billboard
A virtuoso is coming to town.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Cinema Cinema
Pub Pub
Variety Theatre Variety Theatre
Maintenance Cost: +10%
Attractiveness: +7
Sabbath Repeal LawSabbath Repeal Law
The Church permits saturnalian establishments to open on a Sunday.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Cinema Cinema
Pub Pub
Variety Theatre Variety Theatre
Maintenance Cost: +10%
Range: +25%
Archbishop Stipwick's Stiff-Lipped CurfewArchbishop Stipwick's Stiff-Lipped Curfew
Archbishop Stipwick insists people entertain themselves at home, in order to save both their blushes, and the exchequer.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Cinema Cinema
Pub Pub
Variety Theatre Variety Theatre
Maintenance Cost: -50%
Range: -15%
La Condesa Del Amor's Majestic Dance BillboardLa Condesa Del Amor's Majestic Dance Billboard
A stage dance spectacular is coming to town to captivate the crowds!
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Cinema Cinema
Pub Pub
Variety Theatre Variety Theatre
Maintenance Cost: +15%
Attractiveness: +10
Timothy's Blurry Law of Utter DepravityTimothy's Blurry Law of Utter Depravity
Lord Timothy argues that houses of good cheer should be able to open all night, for his personal benefit.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Cinema Cinema
Pub Pub
Variety Theatre Variety Theatre
Maintenance Cost: +15%
Range: +35%
Viridescent Billiard TableViridescent Billiard Table
DLC Required
The Passage
Old Nate spends his free time playing billiards against a version of himself, commentating every play.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Members Club Members Club
Pub Pub
Variety Theatre Variety Theatre
Maintenance Cost: -50%
Range: +35%
Attractiveness: +5
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +35
Crafting Cost
Lost Expedition Scrap 25 Lost Expedition Scrap
Felt 5 Felt
Timber 5 Timber
Source: crafting at Old Nate's workshop in the Arctic
Wibble Soc. Sorcery Association Membership and Tarot SetWibble Soc. Sorcery Association Membership and Tarot Set
Willie was close to tears when he presented this to you. Actually, he was sobbing his heart out.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Cinema Cinema
Pub Pub
Variety Theatre Variety Theatre
Maintenance Cost: +15%
Range: +35%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +15
Available from Willie Wibblesock quest: A Ghostly Encounter 5 — After-Images Remain

Items that affect all public services[]

Noon Closure ActNoon Closure Act
No-one is ever very helpful around lunchtime.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects Public Services
Bank Bank
Beach Beach
Boxing Arena Boxing Arena
Chapel Chapel
Church Church
Cinema Cinema
Marketplace Marketplace
Members Club Members Club
Monastery Monastery
Musicians' Court Musicians' Court
Pub Pub
Radio Tower Radio Tower
Samba School Samba School
School School
University University
Variety Theatre Variety Theatre
Maintenance Cost: -10%
Range: -5%
Potholes DecreePotholes Decree
Better maintains your roads.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects Public Services
Bank Bank
Beach Beach
Boxing Arena Boxing Arena
Chapel Chapel
Church Church
Cinema Cinema
Marketplace Marketplace
Members Club Members Club
Monastery Monastery
Musicians' Court Musicians' Court
Pub Pub
Radio Tower Radio Tower
Samba School Samba School
School School
University University
Variety Theatre Variety Theatre
Maintenance Cost: +5%
Range: +15%
City Map ActCity Map Act
Provide maps of every city district to improve logistics.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects Public Services
Bank Bank
Beach Beach
Boxing Arena Boxing Arena
Chapel Chapel
Church Church
Cinema Cinema
Marketplace Marketplace
Members Club Members Club
Monastery Monastery
Musicians' Court Musicians' Court
Pub Pub
Radio Tower Radio Tower
Samba School Samba School
School School
University University
Variety Theatre Variety Theatre
Maintenance Cost: +10%
Range: +25%
Early Closure ActEarly Closure Act
Don't try to interrupt them during siesta time.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects Public Services
Bank Bank
Beach Beach
Boxing Arena Boxing Arena
Chapel Chapel
Church Church
Cinema Cinema
Marketplace Marketplace
Members Club Members Club
Monastery Monastery
Musicians' Court Musicians' Court
Pub Pub
Radio Tower Radio Tower
Samba School Samba School
School School
University University
Variety Theatre Variety Theatre
Maintenance Cost: -25%
Range: -10%
Eagerly's Every-Fifth-Day-a-Half-Day ActEagerly's Every-Fifth-Day-a-Half-Day Act
Lord Eagerly thinks everyone should take more days off, if only because it means paying the blighters less!
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects Public Services
Bank Bank
Beach Beach
Boxing Arena Boxing Arena
Chapel Chapel
Church Church
Cinema Cinema
Marketplace Marketplace
Members Club Members Club
Monastery Monastery
Musicians' Court Musicians' Court
Pub Pub
Radio Tower Radio Tower
Samba School Samba School
School School
University University
Variety Theatre Variety Theatre
Maintenance Cost: -50%
Range: -15%
Mssr. Fontaine's Street Signage SolutionMssr. Fontaine's Street Signage Solution
Everybody knows where to go now, thanks to Mssr. Fontaine's super signage!
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects Public Services
Bank Bank
Beach Beach
Boxing Arena Boxing Arena
Chapel Chapel
Church Church
Cinema Cinema
Marketplace Marketplace
Members Club Members Club
Monastery Monastery
Musicians' Court Musicians' Court
Pub Pub
Radio Tower Radio Tower
Samba School Samba School
School School
University University
Variety Theatre Variety Theatre
Maintenance Cost: +15%
Range: +35%

Items that affect all buildings[]

Keeps the doctor away.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects All Buildings when activated
When activated
Chance of Illness -40%
Destroyed after use
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionMedicine Medicine: +4
Foam ExtinguisherFoam Extinguisher
Foam party!
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects All Buildings when activated
When activated
Chance of Fire -40%
Destroyed after use
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionForce Force: +1
Its secret was a mouldy petri dish!
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects All Buildings when activated
When activated
Chance of Illness -60%
Destroyed after use
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionMedicine Medicine: +6
Soda-Acid ExtinguisherSoda-Acid Extinguisher
A cocktail from your kitchen cupboard.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects All Buildings when activated
When activated
Chance of Fire -60%
Destroyed after use
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionForce Force: +2
CTC ExtinguisherCTC Extinguisher
A marvellous and most modern vapouriser!
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects All Buildings when activated
When activated
Chance of Fire -90%
Destroyed after use
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionForce Force: +3
