Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki

Potatoes Potatoes are a Plant Product. By default, they can be produced only in the Old World.


Plant Product[]

Potatoes Potatoes are a Plant product, and is used for the production of other goods. See the Production Chains section for more information.


Potatoes can be used during expeditions, they grant Extra Rations and 5 bonus points to Medicine skill and 5 bonus morale per 50 tons.


Potatoes can be passively sold for 8Credits or purchased for 20Credits per ton. They can be actively sold to Eli Bleakworth for 32Credits coins.

Passive trade[]

Potatoes can be also be obtained by trading passively with other goods, if any of the following items is equipped in appropriate Harbourmaster's Office:

He'll sort people out.
Harbourmaster's Office Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office

Affects Trading Posts and Piers
Harbour Activity: +10%
Every time passive trade happens at the trading post, there is a chance of gaining 5t of Grain Grain, Hops Hops, Potatoes Potatoes, Grapes Grapes, Red Peppers Red Peppers.
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +10

Regular Production[]

Potatoes are produced in a Potato Farm Potato Farm or an Hacienda Potato Farm Hacienda Potato Farm. All regular production chains involving Potatoes are listed below.



Balance -60Farmers -70

Credits 272Timber 4

• 60 Farmers Farmers Residences (up to 600 Farmers Farmers)
or 30 Workers Workers Residences (up to 600 Workers Workers)
or 133,3 Explorers Explorers Residences (up to 1333 Explorers Explorers)
or 66,7 Technicians Technicians Residences (up to 1333 Technicians Technicians)
or 30 Hacienda Jornalero Quarters (up to 600 Jornaleros Jornaleros)

Advanced Rum[]

RumResearch PointsRum
Advanced Rum Distillery
Land of Lions DLC icon

Balance -6090Farmers -40Workers -50Engineers -260

Credits 24800Timber 68Bricks 25Steel Beams 60Reinforced Concrete 20

• 280 Jornaleros Jornaleros Residences (up to 2800 Jornaleros Jornaleros)
or 140 Obreros Obreros Residences (up to 2800 Obreros Obreros)
or 70 Artisans Artisans Residences (up to 2100 Artisans Artisans)
or 35 Engineers Engineers Residences (up to 1400 Engineers Engineers)
or 83,3 Scholars Scholars Residences (up to 10000 Scholars Scholars)

Tourist Season DLC[]

Food & Drink Venues[]

Potatoes are also used at Food & Drink Venues in the following recipes:

Archdukes SchnitzelArchduke's Schnitzel
Restaurant Recipe
Tourist Season DLC icon

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
Happiness: +3 Happiness positive
Consumption reduction:Bread -25% • Fish -35% • Chocolate -10%

Balance -1260Farmers -140Workers -80Tourists -240Attractiveness -22

Credits 5100Timber 106Bricks 80Steel Beams 8

Fish and FritesFish and Frites
Restaurant Recipe
Tourist Season DLC icon

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
Happiness: +1 Happiness positive
Consumption reduction:Canned Food -25% • Bread -35% • Coffee -5%

Balance -1110Farmers -45Jornaleros -35Tourists -240

Credits 2750Timber 94Bricks 80

Venison en CrouteVenison en Croûte
Restaurant Recipe
Tourist Season DLC iconThe Passage DLC icon

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
Happiness: +4 Happiness positive
Consumption reduction:Sausages -25% • Chocolate -15% • Schnapps -20%

Balance -1190Farmers -70Explorers -50Tourists -240

Credits 4000Timber 98Bricks 75

Black MuscovyBlack Muscovy
Bar Recipe
Tourist Season DLC icon

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
Happiness: +1 Happiness positive
Consumption reduction:Chocolate -15% • Schnapps -10% • Champagne -25%

Balance -2640Farmers -140Jornaleros -130Obreros -300Tourists -480

Credits 56924Timber 222Bricks 146

Age of ExplorationAge of Exploration
The Iron Tower Recipe
Tourist Season DLC iconThe Passage DLC icon

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
• Max Residents: +10%
• Bonus Residents +1: Residences gain bonus residents from:
FishBreadCanned FoodUniversityCoffeeLight BulbsChampagneSteam CarriagesChocolate
• Consumption reduction: Coffee -15% • Champagne -15% • Chocolate -15%

Balance -2820Farmers -80Technicians -500Tourists -200Attractiveness 250

Credits 44100Timber 96Steel Beams 50

Homard Lit de TerroirHomard Lit de Terroir
The Iron Tower Recipe
Tourist Season DLC iconLand of Lions DLC icon

Affects All Old World Residences:
• Max Residents: +10%
• Bonus Residents +1: Residences gain bonus residents from:
FishBreadCanned FoodUniversityCoffeeLight BulbsChampagneSteam CarriagesChocolateSeafood Stew +10
• Consumption reduction: Seafood Stew -20% • Hibiscus Tea -20% • Canned Food -10%

Balance -595Farmers -20Shepherds -70Tourists -200Attractiveness 250

Credits 6350Timber 2Wanza Timber 26Mud Bricks 8

Production with Items[]

When particular items are equipped in a Trade Union Trade Union, Potatoes can be obtained as an extra good alongside the production of other goods.

Extra Potatoes[]

Dr. Ali Al-Zahir, the Botanical DirectorDr. Ali Al-Zahir, the Botanical Director
Fruit-bearing or otherwise, Dr Al-Zahir's trees are living sculptures, each with distinct personalities.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All New World Crop Farms
Caoutchouc Plantation Caoutchouc Plantation
Cocoa Plantation Cocoa Plantation
Coffee Plantation Coffee Plantation
Corn Farm Corn Farm
Cotton Plantation Cotton Plantation
Hacienda Farm Hacienda Farm
Herb Garden Herb Garden
Orchid Farm Orchid Farm
Plantain Plantation Plantain Plantation
Sugar Cane Plantation Sugar Cane Plantation
Tobacco Plantation Tobacco Plantation
Productivity: +30%
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Red Peppers Red Peppers every 16th cycle
Occasionally produces extra Potatoes Potatoes every 13th cycle
Occasionally produces extra Grapes Grapes every 17th cycle
Occasionally produces extra Grain Grain every 14th cycle
Occasionally produces extra Hops Hops every 15th cycle

Attractiveness: +7
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +50
Alexander HancockAlexander Hancock
Hancock has spent his life travelling in search of the perfect potato. He's sieved most of the known world for the perfect soil and spud varieties, and now sells his secrets to the highest bidder (payment in potatoes accepted).
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Old World Crop Farms, and Hacienda Potato Farm
Grain Farm Grain Farm
Hacienda Potato Farm Hacienda Potato Farm
Hop Farm Hop Farm
Potato Farm Potato Farm
Red Pepper Farm Red Pepper Farm
Vineyard Vineyard
Productivity: +80%
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Potatoes Potatoes every 8th cycle
No. of Modules: +35%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionFaith Faith:+25
ExpeditionMedicine Medicine: +20
Trait: Hypnotist
Horticulturalist HermannHorticulturalist Hermann
Hermann's favourite tree is the Black Locust, whose long, dark pods fall in autumn.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Caoutchouc Plantation Caoutchouc Plantation
Cocoa Plantation Cocoa Plantation
Coffee Plantation Coffee Plantation
Cotton Plantation Cotton Plantation
Hacienda Caoutchouc Plantation Hacienda Caoutchouc Plantation
Hacienda Cocoa Farm Hacienda Cocoa Farm
Hacienda Coffee Farm Hacienda Coffee Farm
Herb Garden Herb Garden
Plantain Plantation Plantain Plantation
Productivity: +20%
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Red Peppers Red Peppers every 12th cycle
Occasionally produces extra Potatoes Potatoes every 11th cycle
Occasionally produces extra Grapes Grapes every 13th cycle

No. of Modules: -20%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +40
Affected Building Item Productivity Production Rate Potato Production Rate
Potato Farm Potato Farm, Hacienda Potato Farm Hacienda Potato Farm Alexander HancockHancock 180% (Item boosts Productivity) 3.6 Potatoes/min 0.45 Potatoes/min
Grain Farm Grain Farm 1.8 Grain/min 0.225 Potatoes/min
Hop Farm Hop Farm 1.2 Hops/min 0.15 Potatoes/min
Red Pepper Farm Red Pepper Farm, Vineyard Vineyard 0.9 /min 0.113 Potatoes/min
Plantain Plantation Plantain Plantation Horticulturalist HermannHermann 120% (Item boosts Productivity) 2.4 Plantains/min 0.218 Potatoes/min
Coffee Plantation Coffee Plantation, Caoutchouc Plantation Caoutchouc Plantation, Cocoa Plantation Cocoa Plantation, Cotton Plantation Cotton Plantation, Hacienda Coffee Farm Hacienda Coffee Farm, Hacienda Caoutchouc Plantation Hacienda Caoutchouc Plantation, Hacienda Cocoa Farm Hacienda Cocoa Farm 1.2 / min 0.109 Potatoes/min
Plantain Plantation Plantain Plantation, Hacienda Potato Farm Hacienda Potato Farm, Hacienda Sugar Cane Farm Hacienda Sugar Cane Farm Dr. Ali Al-Zahir, the Botanical DirectorAli Al-Zahir 130% (Item boosts Productivity) 2.6 /min 0.2 Potatoes/min
Coffee Plantation Coffee Plantation, Caoutchouc Plantation Caoutchouc Plantation, Cocoa Plantation Cocoa Plantation, Cotton Plantation Cotton Plantation 1.3 /min 0.1 Potatoes/min
Hacienda Corn Farm Hacienda Corn Farm, Hacienda Coffee Farm Hacienda Coffee Farm, Hacienda Caoutchouc Plantation Hacienda Caoutchouc Plantation, Hacienda Cocoa Farm Hacienda Cocoa Farm, Hacienda Spice Farm Hacienda Spice Farm, Hacienda Grain Farm Hacienda Grain Farm 1.3 /min 0.1 Potatoes/min
Tobacco Plantation Tobacco Plantation 0.65 Tobacco/min 0.05 Potatoes/min
