Post Office is a building which can perform two different roles, depending on active DLCs and the region it is placed in. With Empire of the Skies DLC it is a Production Building which as a part of the Postal Service system produces Local Mail based on the number of residents living within the post office's radius; it can be built in the Old World (and Cape Trelawney) and the New World. With The Passage DLC it is a Public Service building, which can be built in The Arctic where it fulfills the basic need for residences of Technicians. However, with both The Passage DLC and Empire of the Skies DLC, the post office in The Arctic performs both roles of the production building and the public service, producing local mail and fulfilling the need of technicians.
Post Office as a production building[]
Post Office as a Production Building produces Local Mail. Its productivity and production rate are based on the number of residents living within the building's radius: 500 population corresponds to 100% productivity and to the production rate of 1.33 t/min. The highest possible productivity is 3100%, reached at 15500 residents within the radius. Additionally, post offices increase the island's storage capacity for mail by 65 tons in case of the Old World, and 50 tons in case of the New World and The Arctic.
The radius of a Post Office cannot overlap with radiuses of Post Boxes and other Post Offices.
Post Office as a public service[]
Post Office in The Arctic is a Public Service building, which fulfills the basic need for residences of one population tier in The Arctic: Technicians.
Like every public building the post office can affect only those buildings which are connected to it by roads and are placed within its range. The strength of its effects is based on the street distance between the affected building and the post office. Its full range (dark green) is 30 tiles, its max range (light green) is 50 tiles.
When Technician Shelters are in the full range of the post office, each of them gains 3 inhabitants and generates more income depending on game settings:
- high income: +7.5 coins per minute per residence
- medium income: +6.75 coins per minute per residence
- low income: +6 coins per minute per residence
When residences are outside of the full range but inside the max range they gain less inhabitants and generate less income based on the street distance from the post office.
The Arctic versions of the Post Office[]
Post Office in The Arctic has two versions, depending on whether the Empire of the Skies DLC is active or not:
Without Empire of the Skies DLC[]
When Empire of the Skies DLC is not active, The Arctic post office acts only as a public service, fulfilling the basic need of Technicians within the street range of the post office.
Building's properties:
- Construction Cost: 2500 • 20 • 10
- Maintenance: -75
- Size: 3x4
- Range: Full 30 / Max 50
- Building Type: Public Service
- Unlock Condition: 100 Technicians
With Empire of the Skies DLC[]
When Empire of the Skies DLC is active, The Arctic post office acts both as a public service and as a production building. Based on the street distance between residences and the post office, it fulfills the basic need of Technicians. Based on the circular radius, it produces Local Mail, according to the size of the population living within the radius. While the mail production requires workforce and residents within the radius and can be paused or stopped, the post office need gets fulfilled independently from mail production. Even when there is not enough workforce available or when the mail production is paused, the need of technicians is still fulfilled - the only requirement is the appropriate road connection.
Building's properties:
- Construction Cost: 10000 • 30 • 30
- Maintenance: -400 • -45
- Size: 3x4
- Range: Full 30 / Max 50
- Radius: 24
- Building Type: Public Service • Production
- Unlock Condition: 100 Technicians
Some items when equipped in town halls or arctic lodges can have an impact on post offices.
Town hall items[]
New World Science Reporter Epic DLC Required
Land of Lions Empire of the Skies | ||
A highly respected scientific authority, apart from that one article on the medicinal benefits of ingesting mashed parrot. | ||
Equipped in Town Hall Affects All New World post offices and post boxes Post Office Post Box |
Effects Extra Goods Occasionally produces extra New World Reports every 3rd cycle |
Expedition Bonus Diplomacy: +15 |
Arctic lodge items[]
Arctic Science Reporter Epic DLC Required
The Passage Land of Lions Empire of the Skies | ||
An accomplished penguinologist. | ||
Equipped in Arctic Lodge Affects Post Office |
Effects Extra Goods Occasionally produces extra Arctic Reports every 3rd cycle |
Expedition Bonus Diplomacy: +17 |