Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki

Ponchos Ponchos are a Consumer Good consumed by three different population tiers: As a basic need of Jornaleros Jornaleros and Obreros Obreros; and as a lifestyle need of Shepherds Shepherds. By default, they can be produced only in the New World.


Basic need[]

Ponchos Ponchos fulfill a basic need of Jornaleros Jornaleros and Obreros Obreros.

Consumption Influx Income
Jornaleros Jornaleros 0.000416667 2 +3.125/+2.8125/+2.5
Hacienda Jornalero Quarters Hacienda Jornalero Quarters 0.000833334 2 +6.25/+5.625/+5
Obreros Obreros 0.000833333 2 +6/+6/+5
Hacienda Obrera Quarters Hacienda Obrera Quarters 0.001666666 3 +12.5/+11.25/+10

Lifestyle need[]

Ponchos Ponchos fulfill a lifestyle need of Shepherds Shepherds.

Consumption Influx Income
Shepherds Shepherds 0.0005333333 2 +0.5/+0.45/+0.4


Ponchos can be passively sold for 20Credits or purchased for 50Credits per ton. No neutral trader buys or sells ponchos for a special price.

Regular Production[]

Ponchos are produced in a Poncho Darner Poncho Darner from Alpaca Wool Alpaca Wool. The regular production chain for ponchos is shown below:



Balance -20Jornaleros -40

Credits 1060Timber 12

• 80 Jornaleros Jornaleros Residences (up to 800 Jornaleros Jornaleros)
or 40 Obreros Obreros Residences (up to 800 Obreros Obreros)

Production with Items[]

When particular items are equipped in a Trade Union Trade Union, Ponchos can be obtained as an extra good alongside the production of other goods.

Extra Ponchos[]

Lady Jane Smythe, Queen of Haute CoutureLady Jane Smythe, Queen of Haute Couture
Lady Smythe has seen a world of colour she wishes to unite — and in doing so, create fashions entirely new.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Costume Shop Costume Shop
Framework Knitters Framework Knitters
Fur Dealer Fur Dealer
Productivity: +50%
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Ponchos Ponchos every 6th cycle
Occasionally produces extra Bowler Hats Bowler Hats every 6th cycle

Attractiveness: +8
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +45
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +25
Trait: Anthropologist
Master Craftsman FrankeMaster Craftsman Franke
Franke is an alchemist of textiles, with dedication, skilled artistry and years of experience in turning fur to cotton and back again!
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Fur Dealer Fur Dealer
Productivity: +40%
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Ponchos Ponchos every 12th cycle
Occasionally produces extra Work Clothes Work Clothes every 12th cycle
Occasionally produces extra Bowler Hats Bowler Hats every 12th cycle

Replaced Input
Instead of Furs Furs and Cotton Fabric Cotton Fabric, the building processes Iron Iron and Wool Wool.
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +45
ExpeditionNavigation Navigation: +20
Available from Artisan quest: Beyond The Horizon 3 — Come Together
Lily the Fashion DesignerLily the Fashion Designer
Lily has never been afraid to experiment with different styles.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Framework Knitters Framework Knitters
Fur Dealer Fur Dealer
Tailor's Shop Tailor's Shop
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Ponchos Ponchos every 4th cycle
Workforce Needed: -40%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +35
ExpeditionMedicine Medicine: +25
Affected Building Item Productivity Production Rate Ponchos Production Rate
Fur Dealer Fur Dealer Lady Jane Smythe, Queen of Haute CoutureLady Jane Smythe 150% (Item boosts Productivity) 3 Fur Coats/min 0.5 Ponchos/min
Lily the Fashion DesignerLily 100% 2 Fur Coats/min 0.5 Ponchos/min
Master Craftsman FrankeCraftsman Franke 140% (Item boosts Productivity) 2.8 Fur Coats/min 0.233 Ponchos/min
Framework Knitters Framework Knitters Lady Jane Smythe, Queen of Haute CoutureLady Jane Smythe 150% (Item boosts Productivity) 3 Work Clothes/min 0.5 Ponchos/min
Lily the Fashion DesignerLily 100% 2 Work Clothes/min 0.5 Ponchos/min
Tailor's Shop Tailor's Shop Lily the Fashion DesignerLily 100% 1 Tailored Suits/min 0.25 Ponchos/min

Town Hall items[]

There are no Town Hall items which involve ponchos in any way.
