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Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki

Plantains Plantains are a Plant Product. By default, they can be produced only in the New World.


Plant Product[]

Plantains Plantains are a Plant product, and are used for the production of other goods. See the Production section for more information.


Plantains can be used during expeditions, they grant Extra Rations and have no other effects.


Plantains can be passively sold for 2Credits or purchased for 6Credits per ton. No neutral trader buys or sells Plantains for a special price.


Plantains are produced in a Plantain Plantation Plantain Plantation. All regular production chains involving Plantains are listed below.

Fried Plantains[]

Fried PlantainsFried Plantains

Balance -25Jornaleros -50Attractiveness -5

Credits 2780Timber 14

• 70 Jornaleros Jornaleros Residences (up to 700 Jornaleros Jornaleros)
or 35 Obreros Obreros Residences (up to 700 Obreros Obreros)

Tourist Season DLC[]

Food & Drink Venues[]

Plantains is also used at Food & Drink Venues in the following recipes:

Banana SurpriseBanana Surprise
Café Recipe
Tourist Season DLC iconLand of Lions DLC icon

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
Happiness: +2 Happiness positive
Consumption reduction:Coffee -10% • Chocolate -20% • Champagne -5%

Balance -1065Jornaleros -45Shepherds -60Tourists -240

Credits 4050Timber 96Bricks 80Wanza Timber 10

Daiquiri TropicDaiquiri Tropic
Bar Recipe
Tourist Season DLC icon

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
Happiness: +2 Happiness positive
Consumption reduction:Schnapps -10% • Beer -25% • Rum -25%

Balance -2140Jornaleros -130Tourists -480

Credits 9780Timber 208Bricks 140


Plantains can be also used in the following production chains when particular items are equipped in a Trade Union Trade Union.

Fried Plantains (Master Confectioner)[]

Master ConfectionerMaster Confectioner
He'll dip anything in chocolate to keep the customers happy.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Fried Plantain Kitchen Fried Plantain Kitchen
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Chocolate Chocolate every 3rd cycle
Replaced Input
Instead of Fish Oil Fish Oil, the building processes Cocoa Cocoa.
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +30

Fried PlantainsMaster Confectioner - rare Trade Union itemFried Plantains
Master Confectioner

Balance -30Jornaleros -55

Credits 23240Timber 20

Fried Plantains Fried Plantains supply:
  • 70 Jornalero Residences (up to 700 Jornaleros Jornaleros)
  • or 35 Obrero Residences (up to 700 Obreros Obreros)
Chocolate Chocolate supplies:
  • 12,5 Investor Residences (up to 625Investors Investors)

Tortillas (Tlayolotl Savor, King of the Corn)[]

Tlayolotl Savor, King of the CornTlayolotl Savor, King of the Corn
Like a true son of the Earth goddess, Tlayolotl plants by the ancient calendar, and the corn grows like crazy.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Tortilla Maker Tortilla Maker
Productivity: +50%
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Fried Plantains Fried Plantains every 3rd cycle
Replaced Input
Instead of Corn Corn, the building processes Plantains Plantains.
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +25
ExpeditionMedicine Medicine: +25
Trait: Polyglot

TortillasTlayolotl Savor, King of the Corn - legendary Trade Union itemTortillas
Tlayolotl Savor, King of the Corn

Attention! Notice that the green custom productivity values illustrate the optimal production ratios between the buildings, IF you want to prevent under- or overproduction.
You can choose to actually increase productivity or you can choose a different way to obtain more of the input goods.

Balance -155Jornaleros -50Obreros -100

Credits 11240Timber 21Bricks 2

Tortillas Tortillas supply:
  • 105 Obrero Residences (up to 2100 Obreros Obreros)
Fried Plantains Fried Plantains supply:
  • 17,5 Obrero Residences (up to 350 Obreros Obreros)


The following items may mention Plantains, or share a name with an item that does.

Tlayolotl Savor, King of the CornTlayolotl Savor, King of the Corn
Like a true son of the Earth goddess, Tlayolotl plants by the ancient calendar, and the corn grows like crazy.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Tortilla Maker Tortilla Maker
Productivity: +50%
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Fried Plantains Fried Plantains every 3rd cycle
Replaced Input
Instead of Corn Corn, the building processes Plantains Plantains.
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +25
ExpeditionMedicine Medicine: +25
Trait: Polyglot
