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Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki

Orchid Orchid is an Agricultural Product available in New World Rising DLC icon New World Rising. It is also consumed as a lifestyle need of Elders Elders. By default, it can be produced only in the New World.


Agricultural Product[]

Orchid Orchid is an Agricultural Product, and is used for the production of other goods. See the Production section for more information.

Lifestyle need[]

Orchid Orchid fulfills a lifestyle need of Elders Elders.

Consumption Influx Income
Elders Elders 0.0008333334 3 +3.5/+3.15/+2.8


Orchid can be used during expeditions, it grants 5 bonus morale per 50 tons.


Orchid can be passively sold for 8Credits or purchased for 20Credits per ton. No neutral trader buys or sells Orchid for a special price.


Orchid is produced in an Orchid Farm Orchid Farm. All regular production chains involving Orchid are listed below.


New World Rising DLC icon

Balance -2620Jornaleros -140Obreros -250Artistas -600Attractiveness -20

Credits 207240Timber 204Bricks 190Steel Beams 40Windows 40

• 80 Artistas Artistas Residences (up to 3200 Artistas Artistas)

City Hospital[]

City HospitalCity Hospital
New World Rising DLC icon

Balance -4730Jornaleros -90Obreros -250Artistas -900Attractiveness -50

Credits 562420Timber 558Bricks 750Aluminium Profiles 135

Food & Drink Venues[]

Orchid is also used at Food & Drink Venues in the following recipes:

Cone O'CopiaCone O'Copia
Café Recipe
Tourist Season DLC iconNew World Rising DLC icon

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
Happiness: +3 Happiness positive
Consumption reduction:Ice Cream -65% • Coffee -15% • Chocolate -15%

Balance -3190Farmers -105Jornaleros -50Tourists -720

Credits 13870Timber 294Bricks 240
