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Anno 1800 Wiki

Oil Power Plant is a Production Building which consumes Oil Oil to generate electricity, providing it to buildings placed within the power plant's range. It can be built only in the Old World (and Cape Trelawney). With New World Rising DLC icon New World Rising DLC there is also a New World version of the power plant available, known as a Power Station Power Station.


Oil power plant consumes 1 ton of oil in 5 seconds so the consumption rate is 12 tons of oil per minute. Productivity cannot be changed by adjusting working conditions or using items, the only exception is Hall of Collective Property item - lowered productivity from that item results in lower consumption of oil while maintaining the same range of the power plant. One power plant can be provided with enough oil by production from 3 oil wells at default productivity.

If there is not enough workforce available, the power plant still functions normally, consuming the same amount of oil per minute and having the same range. The power plant stops consuming oil and stops providing electricity only when available workforce is lower than half of the required amount.

Oil used by the power plant has to be delivered from the Oil Harbour Oil Harbour by trains. The oil power plant has two entry points for trains, placed on the opposite sides of the building. At least one of them needs to be connected via railway to the oil harbour. If both are connected, the trains can also pass through the power plant without stopping inside of it.

Providing electricity[]

For more information, see: Electricity.

Electricity provided by oil power plants can be used in several ways. One of them is to fulfill the basic need for electricity of three population tiers in the Old World (and Cape Trelawney): Engineers Engineers, Investors Investors and Scholars Scholars. Another purpose is to increase productivity of various production buildings, multifactories etc. - when electrified their productivity is increased by +100% and their horse carts turn into trucks which transport and load/unload goods much faster. Some buildings, including some production buildings, require electricity and cannot properly function without it.

While an oil power plant has enough oil in its internal storage and enough engineer workforce, it provides electricity to other buildings. Like in case of public buildings, the oil power plant can affect only those buildings which are connected to it by roads and are placed within its range. Its range (dark green) is 33 tiles for Dirt Road dirt roads and 49 tiles for Paved Street paved streets. The range can be extended to up to 108 tiles for dirt roads or 161 tiles for paved streets by taking advantage of the effects of the Department of Welfare of the Palace (or Local Department). The City Wide Web Act increases the range by +15 for dirt roads and +22 for paved streets, while the passive effect of the department at maximum prestige level can increase the range by +60 for dirt roads or +90 for paved streets.


Some items when equipped in trade unions can have an impact on oil power plants.

Specific items[]

Hears singing in the wires.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Oil Power Plant Oil Power Plant
Power Station Power Station
Maintenance Cost: -15%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +10
He's always been drawn to the field.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Oil Power Plant Oil Power Plant
Power Station Power Station
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Oil Oil every 5th cycle
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +20
Leading Electrical EngineerLeading Electrical Engineer
He is a beacon, positively crackling with big ideas.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Oil Power Plant Oil Power Plant
Power Station Power Station
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Oil Oil every 3rd cycle
Chance of Fire: -90%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +30
ExpeditionNavigation Navigation: +10
Former Pyrphorian WhizzFormer Pyrphorian Whizz
The Pyrphorians recognised her talent, but not her independence of thought.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Oil Power Plant Oil Power Plant
Power Station Power Station
Maintenance Cost: -25%
Workforce Needed: -80%
Chance of Fire: -100%
Explosion Chance: -100%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +40
ExpeditionNavalPower Naval Power: +20

Items for all production buildings[]

Bag of MoneyBag of Money
Free money!
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings when activated
When activated
Chance of Riots -40%
Destroyed after use
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +4
Hand-Blown GrenadeHand-Blown Grenade
Puts out fires.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings when activated
When activated
Chance of Fire -40%
Destroyed after use
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionForce Force: +4
Big Bag of MoneyBig Bag of Money
Lots of free money!
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings when activated
When activated
Chance of Riots -60%
Destroyed after use
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +5
Certificate of InspectionCertificate of Inspection
Makes it look like your premises are all above board.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings
Maintenance Cost: -10%
Chance of Fire: +20%
A volatile source of electric power.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings
Maintenance Cost: +100%
Explosion Chance: +70%
Provides electricity
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +30
This item can provide electricity only to buildings that can normally be affected by power plants
Fire Safety PosterFire Safety Poster
Fewer fires, for little cost.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings
Maintenance Cost: +5%
Chance of Fire: -30%
Hall of Collective PropertyHall of Collective Property
DLC Required
The Anarchist
The people own what they produce! They should be free to join a great queue to collect their quota!
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings
Productivity: -10%
Maintenance Cost: -15%
Iron GrillworkIron Grillwork
Reduces the risk of fire.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings
Chance of Fire: -30%
Old Factory BellOld Factory Bell
The old toll of toil.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings
Maintenance Cost: +10%
Workforce Needed: -20%
Suspended Frosted Glass GrenadeSuspended Frosted Glass Grenade
Puts out fires well.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings when activated
When activated
Chance of Fire -60%
Destroyed after use
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionForce Force: +5
Writing MachineWriting Machine
DLC Required
The Anarchist
Workers are enthused by the new system of written labour notes to reward their efforts.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings
Maintenance Cost: +10%
Workforce Needed: -20%
Bureau of Worker-Owned CooperativesBureau of Worker-Owned Cooperatives
DLC Required
The Anarchist
The people need somewhere they feel comfortable sharing ideas to help economise during production!
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings
Maintenance Cost: -20%
Certificate of Industrial StandardCertificate of Industrial Standard
You can make everything on the cheap, and no-one has to know.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings
Maintenance Cost: -25%
Chance of Fire: +30%
Copperplate PrinterCopperplate Printer
DLC Required
The Anarchist
A new and better printing machine helps distribute labour notes to workers at no maintenance cost!
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings
Workforce Needed: -30%
Double Iron GrillworkDouble Iron Grillwork
Reduces the risk of fire, and looks nice.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings
Attractiveness: +2
Chance of Fire: -40%
Fire Prevention DirectiveFire Prevention Directive
An investment that provides your people with the ways and means to combat a blaze.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings
Maintenance Cost: +10%
Chance of Fire: -50%
Heat Activated CTC GrenadeHeat Activated CTC Grenade
Very good at putting out fires.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings when activated
When activated
Chance of Fire -90%
Destroyed after use
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionForce Force: +6
Huge Bag of MoneyHuge Bag of Money
Life-changing sums of free money!
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings when activated
When activated
Workforce Needed -15%
Chance of Riots -90%
Destroyed after use
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +6
ImpersoN8r Nr. 531ImpersoN8r Nr. 531
DLC Required
Sunken Treasures
Some say there's a tiny boy inside pulling the levers...
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings
Workforce Needed: -15%
Crafting Cost
Scrap 15 Scrap
Light Bulbs 3 Light Bulbs
Filaments 10 Filaments
Source: crafting at Old Nate's workshop in Cape Trelawney
Iron Factory BellIron Factory Bell
Once heard, cannot be unheard.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings
Workforce Needed: -30%
Steam TurbineSteam Turbine
A safe source of electric power.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings
Maintenance Cost: +75%
Explosion Chance: +50%
Provides electricity
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +45
This item can provide electricity only to buildings that can normally be affected by power plants
Extremely Loud BellExtremely Loud Bell
A worker's gift. "Just in case you have to wake us up, boss. We can be bunch of sleepyheads sometimes..."
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings
Maintenance Cost: -25%
Workforce Needed: -50%
Fizgig's Fabulous Fireproofing FailsafeFizgig's Fabulous Fireproofing Failsafe
Better factory materials cost more money, but it's bound to be worth it in the end, argues Lord Fizgig.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings
Maintenance Cost: +15%
Chance of Fire: -70%
Hall of Mutualist IdeologiesHall of Mutualist Ideologies
DLC Required
The Anarchist
An airy space, not at all empty, but brimming with ideas for economisation! Self-sufficiency; over-abundance! Those are the topics for discussion at this venue's very functional table.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings
Maintenance Cost: -25%
Workforce Needed: -40%
Iron and Glass GrillworkIron and Glass Grillwork
Reduces the risk of fire, and looks divine.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings
Attractiveness: +3
Chance of Fire: -50%
Oxford Electrical BellOxford Electrical Bell
Shirkers begone! The shrill cry of a new day has sounded!
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings
Maintenance Cost: -20%
Workforce Needed: -40%
Pertwee's Turbo GeneratorPertwee's Turbo Generator
A highly-efficient and safe source of electrical power!
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings
Maintenance Cost: +50%
Provides electricity
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +60
This item can provide electricity only to buildings that can normally be affected by power plants
SubordiN8 Nr. 360SubordiN8 Nr. 360
DLC Required
Sunken Treasures
Compensates for its faithfulness in performing simple human tasks by being wilfully blind.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings
Workforce Needed: -30%
Crafting Cost
Nice Scrap 15 Nice Scrap
Light Bulbs 5 Light Bulbs
Work Clothes 5 Work Clothes
Filaments 15 Filaments
Source: crafting at Old Nate's workshop in Cape Trelawney
Von Malching's Labour Law ProposalVon Malching's Labour Law Proposal
Von Malching fought hard at the council to ensure children might also enjoy supervisory roles in factories.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings
Maintenance Cost: -50%
Chance of Fire: +40%
Angela "Meg" Iver, The PolyvalentAngela "Meg" Iver, The Polyvalent
Angela has an astonishing intellect, but it's her capacity to improvise that makes her really sparkle.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings
Workforce Needed: -20%
Provides electricity
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +55
ExpeditionMedicine Medicine: +25
Trait: Diver
This item can provide electricity only to buildings that can normally be affected by power plants
Human IncarN8 Nr. 9Human IncarN8 Nr. 9
DLC Required
Sunken Treasures
The nearest thing Nate has to a companion. Unlike a human servant, it won't complain when he kicks it for setting things on fire.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Production Buildings
Workforce Needed: -50%
Crafting Cost
Special Scrap 15 Special Scrap
Light Bulbs 5 Light Bulbs
Work Clothes 10 Work Clothes
Filaments 15 Filaments
Source: crafting at Old Nate's workshop in Cape Trelawney

