Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki

The perfect acoustics for any sort of melody.

Music Pavilion is a Culture Building which has a slot for items where a music sheet can be equipped in order to boost the culture building which the pavilion belongs to. It is available in Botanica DLC icon Botanica DLC and can be built only in Old World (and Cape Trelawney) and New World. The pavilion is a module for three other culture buildings: Zoo Zoo, Museum Museum and Botanical Garden Botanical Garden; it cannot be placed as a standalone building and can be built only as a module for those buildings, accessed from those buildings' menus. It can be built only once per each culture building but multiple pavilions can exist on the same island via building more zoos, museums or botanical gardens.

Music Sheets[]

One music sheet can be equipped inside the music pavilion, just like culture items can be equipped in zoo, museum or botanical garden modules.

Each music sheet increases island's attractiveness, based on its rarity. Additionally, a music sheet also gives a bonus percentage to attractiveness obtained from items belonging to certain sets, if those items are equipped in the same culture building as the music pavilion with the sheet. Different music sheets boost items from different sets. The sets do not need to be complete in order for their items to receive the bonus, and every single copy of the same item will be affected by the music sheet and will receive the bonus attractiveness.

Sheet Music Rarity Attractiveness Bonus to Sets Affected Zoo Sets Affected Museum Sets Affected Botanical Sets
Icon music score 1800 0
Anno 1800
Rare 30 Attractiveness +20% Attractiveness Extinct Species Aegean Cultures,
Empire of the Eagle,
Origin of Mankind
Icon music score 2205 0
Anno 2205
Epic 40 Attractiveness +30% Attractiveness Arctic Tundra,
Polar Circle,
Taiga Forest
Northern Sagas Subalpine
Icon music score 2070 0
Anno 2070
Epic 40 Attractiveness +30% Attractiveness Abyssal Depths,
Ocean Predators
Bronze Age,
Thule Relics
Sargasso Sea
Icon music score 1404 0
Anno 1404
Legendary 50 Attractiveness +50% Attractiveness Eastern Jungle,
Great Coral Reef
Skull and Bones Enchanted,
Near East,
Icon music score 1701 0
Anno 1701
Legendary 50 Attractiveness +50% Attractiveness Cordillera,
Lost Cities,
New World Huaca

Additional notes:

  • Because of the DLC they come in, Sheet Music is generally found together with botanical items.
  • Madame Kahina sells the rare 1800 sheet music, and in some cases epic sheet music, but legendary sheet music has to be found on Expeditions or received as World's Fair rewards (for Botanical Exhibits only). Sheet Music cannot be obtained through the Research Institute.
  • The Botanical Set Marshlands, the Museum Sets Battle of Trelawney, Gods of the Delta, Heirlooms of the Gold-Realm, Lost Tribes, Roots of Enbesa, as well as the Zoo Sets Domestic Animals, Enbesan Highlands, Great Desert, Miombo Woodlands, Proud Savannah, Teeming Lakes are the only sets that cannot have their Attractiveness buffed by any Sheet Music.
