Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki

Milk Milk is an Agricultural Product, available in New World Rising DLC icon New World Rising DLC. By default, it can be produced only in the New World.


Agricultural Product[]

Milk Milk is an Agricultural Product, and is used for the production of other goods. See the Production section for more information.


Milk can be used during expeditions as extra rations, and it grants 5 bonus morale per 50 tons.


Milk can be passively sold for 1Credits or purchased for 4Credits per ton. No neutral trader buys or sells Milk for a special price.


Milk is produced by pastures of a New World Cattle Farm Cattle Farm, if the farm has access to electricity. All regular production chains involving Milk are listed below.

Ice Cream[]

Ice CreamIce Cream
New World Rising DLC icon

Balance -1600Jornaleros -215Obreros -450Artistas -600

Credits 290170Timber 216Bricks 120

• 1112.34 Artistas Artistas Residences (up to 44493.6 Artistas Artistas)

Food & Drink Venues[]

Milk is also used at Food & Drink Venues in the following recipes:

Cone O'CopiaCone O'Copia
Café Recipe
Tourist Season DLC iconNew World Rising DLC icon

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
Happiness: +3 Happiness positive
Consumption reduction:Ice Cream -65% • Coffee -15% • Chocolate -15%

Balance -3190Farmers -105Jornaleros -50Tourists -720

Credits 13870Timber 294Bricks 240
