Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki

Light Bulbs are a consumer good consumed by three different population tiers: As a basic need of  Engineers and  Investors; and as a lifestyle need of  Artistas. By default, they can be produced only in the Old World.

For a detailed look into the profitability of Light Bulbs as a consumer good, see Profitability of Consumer Goods.


Basic need[]

Light Bulbs fulfills a basic need of  Engineers and  Investors.

Consumption Influx Income
 Engineers 0.000208333 2 +35/+31.5/+28
 Investors 0.000416667 8 +87.5/+78.75/+70

Lifestyle need[]

Light Bulbs fulfill a lifestyle need of  Artistas.

Consumption Influx Income
 Artistas 0.0003333333 4 +6/+5.4/+4.8
Hacienda Artista Quarters 0.0007499999 6 +13.5/+12.15/+10.8


Light bulbs can be used during expeditions, they grant 5 bonus points to faith skill and 5 bonus morale per 50 tons.


Light bulbs can be passively sold for 1768 or purchased for 4420 per ton. No neutral trader buys or sells light bulbs for a special price.


Light bulbs are produced in a Light Bulb Factory from Filaments and Glass. All regular production chains involving Light Bulbs are listed below.

Light Bulbs[]

Light Bulbs

-7390Workers -100Artisans -200Engineers -1200

315400Timber 92Bricks 155Steel Beams 114Windows 80Reinforced Concrete 80

The Coal Mine may be replaced with two Charcoal Kilns
for   +10Workers +30 -10 -400Timber -4Bricks +5

• 320  Engineers Residences (up to 12800  Engineers)
or 160  Investors Residences (up to 8000  Investors)

The High Life DLC[]

Shopping Arcades[]

Light Bulbs are also used at Shopping Arcades in the following patents:

Banker's Lamps
Furniture Store Patent

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
• Happiness: +4
• Income: +11%
• Consumption reduction: -15% • -25%

-11430Workers -350Artisans -1360Engineers -1200 -40

538200Timber 420Bricks 785Steel Beams 466Windows 480Reinforced Concrete 300


Light Bulbs can be also used/obtained in the following production chains when particular items are equipped in a Trade Union.

Lanterns (Enbesan Bishop)[]

Enbesan Bishop
DLC Required
Land of Lions
Breaking from the teachings of his peers on Kidusi, the bishop believes the church must move with the times.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Lanternsmith Lanternsmith
Productivity: +30%
Replaced Input
Instead of Ornate Candles Ornate Candles, the building processes Light Bulbs Light Bulbs.
Expedition Bonus

Enbesan Bishop - rare Trade Union itemLanterns
Enbesan Bishop

Attention! Notice that the green and red custom productivity values illustrate the optimal production ratios between the buildings, IF you want to prevent under- or overproduction.
You can choose to actually increase productivity or you can choose a different way to obtain more of the input goods.

-4540Workers -100Artisans -200Engineers -600Elders -150

401400Timber 60Bricks 95Steel Beams 64Windows 40Reinforced Concrete 40Wanza Timber 40Mud Bricks 40

The Coal Mine may be replaced with two Charcoal Kilns
for   +10Workers +30 -10 -400Timber -4Bricks +5

Lanterns supply:
  • 144,43 Elder Residences (up to 2888  Elders)

Steam carriages production[]

Susannah the Steam Engineer
Susannah's success can be condensed down to her hybridised steam cylinders.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Cab Assembly Line Cab Assembly Line
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Light Bulbs Light Bulbs every 4th cycle
Replaced Input
Instead of Steam Motors Steam Motors, the building processes Filaments Filaments.
Expedition Bonus
Crafting: +45


There are several Town Hall items which supply light bulbs to residents, reduce consumption of light bulbs or provide some benefits from supplying light bulbs to your people. Here is a list of those items:

The Withdrawal Amendment
An eighth child? How wonderful.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects Old and New World residences, excluding scholars
Farmer Residence Farmer Residence
Worker Residence Worker Residence
Artisan Residence Artisan Residence
Engineer Residence Engineer Residence
Investor Residence Investor Residence
All Skyscrapers All Skyscrapers
Jornalero Residence Jornalero Residence
Hacienda Jornalero Quarters Hacienda Jornalero Quarters
Obrero Residence Obrero Residence
Hacienda Obrera Quarters Hacienda Obrera Quarters
Artista Residence Artista Residence
Hacienda Artista Quarters Hacienda Artista Quarters
Bonus Residents: +1
Residences gain bonus residents from Fish Fish,Bread Bread,Canned Food Canned Food,University University,Coffee Coffee,Light Bulbs Light Bulbs,Champagne Champagne,Steam Carriages Steam Carriages,Chocolate Chocolate,Fried Plantains Fried Plantains.
Happiness: -2

Contraception Regulation
All should be free to have as many bouncing babies as they wish, or indeed, as they don't wish.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects Old and New World residences, excluding scholars
Farmer Residence Farmer Residence
Worker Residence Worker Residence
Artisan Residence Artisan Residence
Engineer Residence Engineer Residence
Investor Residence Investor Residence
All Skyscrapers All Skyscrapers
Jornalero Residence Jornalero Residence
Hacienda Jornalero Quarters Hacienda Jornalero Quarters
Obrero Residence Obrero Residence
Hacienda Obrera Quarters Hacienda Obrera Quarters
Artista Residence Artista Residence
Hacienda Artista Quarters Hacienda Artista Quarters
Bonus Residents: +2
Residences gain bonus residents from Fish Fish,Bread Bread,Canned Food Canned Food,University University,Coffee Coffee,Light Bulbs Light Bulbs,Champagne Champagne,Steam Carriages Steam Carriages,Chocolate Chocolate,Fried Plantains Fried Plantains,Mezcal Mezcal.
Happiness: -3

Rabies Vaccine
That'll stop them foaming at the mouth!
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects Old and New World residences, excluding scholars when activated
Farmer Residence Farmer Residence
Worker Residence Worker Residence
Artisan Residence Artisan Residence
Engineer Residence Engineer Residence
Investor Residence Investor Residence
All Skyscrapers All Skyscrapers
Jornalero Residence Jornalero Residence
Hacienda Jornalero Quarters Hacienda Jornalero Quarters
Obrero Residence Obrero Residence
Hacienda Obrera Quarters Hacienda Obrera Quarters
Artista Residence Artista Residence
Hacienda Artista Quarters Hacienda Artista Quarters
When activated
Bonus Residents +2
Residences gain bonus residents from Fish Fish,Bread Bread,Canned Food Canned Food,University University,Coffee Coffee,Light Bulbs Light Bulbs,Champagne Champagne,Steam Carriages Steam Carriages,Chocolate Chocolate,Fried Plantains Fried Plantains.
Chance of Illness -90%
Destroyed after use
Expedition Bonus
Medicine: +8

Papal Paper of Prenatal Preservation
Preventing the natural course is the gravest sin, rules religious leader, and fourteenth child of his family.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects Old and New World residences, excluding scholars
Farmer Residence Farmer Residence
Worker Residence Worker Residence
Artisan Residence Artisan Residence
Engineer Residence Engineer Residence
Investor Residence Investor Residence
All Skyscrapers All Skyscrapers
Jornalero Residence Jornalero Residence
Hacienda Jornalero Quarters Hacienda Jornalero Quarters
Obrero Residence Obrero Residence
Hacienda Obrera Quarters Hacienda Obrera Quarters
Artista Residence Artista Residence
Hacienda Artista Quarters Hacienda Artista Quarters
Bonus Residents: +3
Residences gain bonus residents from Fish Fish,Bread Bread,Canned Food Canned Food,University University,Coffee Coffee,Light Bulbs Light Bulbs,Champagne Champagne,Steam Carriages Steam Carriages,Chocolate Chocolate,Fried Plantains Fried Plantains,Mezcal Mezcal.
Happiness: -4

Chief George Doughty, Smouldering Hero
Dubbed "Dragonproof", Doughty once tackled a Pyrphorian blaze bare-chested, having given his vest to an orphan.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects Old and New World residences, excluding scholars
Farmer Residence Farmer Residence
Worker Residence Worker Residence
Artisan Residence Artisan Residence
Engineer Residence Engineer Residence
Investor Residence Investor Residence
All Skyscrapers All Skyscrapers
Jornalero Residence Jornalero Residence
Hacienda Jornalero Quarters Hacienda Jornalero Quarters
Obrero Residence Obrero Residence
Hacienda Obrera Quarters Hacienda Obrera Quarters
Artista Residence Artista Residence
Hacienda Artista Quarters Hacienda Artista Quarters
Happiness: +10
Chance of Fire: -50%
Bonus Residents: +1
Residences gain bonus residents from Market Market,Bread Bread,Sewing Machines Sewing Machines,University University,Glasses Glasses,Light Bulbs Light Bulbs,Champagne Champagne,Steam Carriages Steam Carriages,Chocolate Chocolate.
Expedition Bonus
Crafting: +10
Force: +10
Medicine: +25

Jakob Sokow, The Charitable Banker
No Christmas ghosts here — Sokow would never permit his privilege to blind him to the needs of the community.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects Old and New World residences, excluding scholars
Farmer Residence Farmer Residence
Worker Residence Worker Residence
Artisan Residence Artisan Residence
Engineer Residence Engineer Residence
Investor Residence Investor Residence
All Skyscrapers All Skyscrapers
Jornalero Residence Jornalero Residence
Hacienda Jornalero Quarters Hacienda Jornalero Quarters
Obrero Residence Obrero Residence
Hacienda Obrera Quarters Hacienda Obrera Quarters
Artista Residence Artista Residence
Hacienda Artista Quarters Hacienda Artista Quarters
Bonus Residents: +1
Residences gain bonus residents from Market Market,Bread Bread,Sewing Machines Sewing Machines,University University,Glasses Glasses,Light Bulbs Light Bulbs,Champagne Champagne,Steam Carriages Steam Carriages,Chocolate Chocolate,Fans Fans.
Income per house: +2%
Expedition Bonus
Diplomacy: +25
Navigation: +25

Louis P. Hecate, Arm-Puncturing Pioneer
An exceptional bacteriologist, Hecate's vaccinations will be saving lives long after he himself has departed.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects Old and New World residences, excluding scholars
Farmer Residence Farmer Residence
Worker Residence Worker Residence
Artisan Residence Artisan Residence
Engineer Residence Engineer Residence
Investor Residence Investor Residence
All Skyscrapers All Skyscrapers
Jornalero Residence Jornalero Residence
Hacienda Jornalero Quarters Hacienda Jornalero Quarters
Obrero Residence Obrero Residence
Hacienda Obrera Quarters Hacienda Obrera Quarters
Artista Residence Artista Residence
Hacienda Artista Quarters Hacienda Artista Quarters
Bonus Residents: +1
Residences gain bonus residents from Market Market,Bread Bread,Sewing Machines Sewing Machines,University University,Glasses Glasses,Light Bulbs Light Bulbs,Champagne Champagne,Steam Carriages Steam Carriages,Chocolate Chocolate,Fans Fans.
Happiness: +10
Chance of Illness: -50%
Expedition Bonus
Crafting: +30
Medicine: +55
Trait: Anthropologist

Pietro Jonah Proud, The Philosopher of the Public Good
DLC Required
The Anarchist
Famous for his paradoxes that baffle the conscience of the privileged and empower the poor.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Farmer Residence Farmer Residence
Worker Residence Worker Residence
Artisan Residence Artisan Residence
Engineer Residence Engineer Residence
Investor Residence Investor Residence
All Skyscrapers All Skyscrapers
Bonus Income: +1
Residents gain bonus income from Market Market,Bread Bread,Sewing Machines Sewing Machines,University University,Glasses Glasses,Light Bulbs Light Bulbs,Champagne Champagne,Steam Carriages Steam Carriages,Chocolate Chocolate.
Bonus Residents: +1
Residences gain bonus residents from Market Market,Bread Bread,Sewing Machines Sewing Machines,University University,Glasses Glasses,Light Bulbs Light Bulbs,Champagne Champagne,Steam Carriages Steam Carriages,Chocolate Chocolate.
Bonus Supply
Residences with the Electricity Electricity need fulfilled, are provided with Bank Bank, Members Club Members Club
Expedition Bonus
Diplomacy: +60

Saint D'Artois, Vision of the Valley
D'Artois appeared as a vision to a poor beggar man, entrusting him with spreading her illuminating wisdom.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects Old and New World residences, excluding scholars
Farmer Residence Farmer Residence
Worker Residence Worker Residence
Artisan Residence Artisan Residence
Engineer Residence Engineer Residence
Investor Residence Investor Residence
All Skyscrapers All Skyscrapers
Jornalero Residence Jornalero Residence
Hacienda Jornalero Quarters Hacienda Jornalero Quarters
Obrero Residence Obrero Residence
Hacienda Obrera Quarters Hacienda Obrera Quarters
Artista Residence Artista Residence
Hacienda Artista Quarters Hacienda Artista Quarters
Bonus Residents: +2
Residences gain bonus residents from Fish Fish,Bread Bread,Canned Food Canned Food,University University,Coffee Coffee,Light Bulbs Light Bulbs,Champagne Champagne,Steam Carriages Steam Carriages,Chocolate Chocolate,Fried Plantains Fried Plantains.
Chance of Illness: -50%
Chance of Riots: -50%
Expedition Bonus
Medicine: +30
Trait: Hypnotist

Trivia and History[]

The electric light bulb originated at the very start of the 1800s, when English chemist and technician Humphry Davy (also known for his mining Davy lamp, whose sheltered-flame design greatly improved mine safety) developed one of the first arc lamps, which use the brightness of an electric arc ionizing the air to generate light. While greatly inefficient by later standards, the sheer brightness of arc lamps kept them in use for roles such as searchlights and movie projectors until after World War II.

The first commercially successful lightbulb, however, was the incandescent or filament lightbulb, whose first iteration was the carbon-filament bulb developed by Thomas Edison and Joseph Swan (under confused and contentious circumstances) in the 1880s. The standard for the next 100 years and still in use today to an extent, filament lightbulbs heat up a thin filament of material (originally carbon as in Anno 1800; modern bulbs use tungsten) to extreme temperatures, producing a bright glow. While limited in lifespan and delicate, the light from incandescent bulbs was far more bright, efficient, and safe to generate than gas or oil, and electric lighting quickly became the standard in the decades that followed.
