Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki

Land of Lions Ornaments are a set of 17 ornaments, available in Land of Lions DLC. They are available in Enbesa and therefore, unlike other ornaments, they don't generate attractiveness as no visitors can come to Enbesa. They are divided into two types: Enbesan Ornaments and Enbesan Fences.

Enbesan Ornaments[]

Unlock Condition: 300 Shepherds Shepherds

Icon Name Description Construction cost Size
Icon grass 01 Patch of Grass Grasslands and such. 5Credits 1x1
Icon sand 01 Patch of Sand Lowlands, lowlands away. 5Credits 1x1
Icon tree 01 Young Sycamore Warm southerly winds held captive in woven branches. 75Credits 1x1
Icon tree 02 Juniper Tree Warm southerly winds held captive in woven branches. 75Credits 1x1
Icon bush 01 Hagenia Shrub It is not unheard of for the near-sighted to prick themselves. 60Credits 1x1
Icon bush 02 Shiny-Leaf Buckthorn It is not unheard of for the near-sighted to prick themselves. 60Credits 1x1
Icon well 01 Small Shedyet Toss a coin and see the zebra under the pale moon. 55Credits 1x1
Icon well 02 Narrow Shedyet Toss a coin and see the zebra under the pale moon. 55Credits 1x1
Icon fireplace 01 Campfire Every cold ember is a tale, every soot mark a memory. 45Credits 1x1
Icon storage 01 Barrels One legend tells of finding a dozen-and-one dwarves in these. 25Credits 1x1
Icon hut 01 Shed A place for forgotten utensils to find their final rest. 50Credits 1x1
Icon tent 01 Tent A tent, shun. At ease, soldier. 50Credits 1x1
Icon 2x2 01 Waycamp It's not unheard of to seek shelter and find a herd of sanga already crowding there. 250Credits 2x2
Icon 2x2 02 Shelter Always remember to check below the benches for nesting spiders. 300Credits 2x2


Enbesan Fences[]

Unlock Condition: 300 Shepherds Shepherds

Icon Name Description Construction cost Size
Icon fence01 straight 01 Fence Some people just can't get over it. 30Credits 1x1
Icon fence01 gate 01 Fence Gate Some people just can't get over it. 30Credits 1x1
Icon fence02 straight 01 Flowerbed Avoid touching without gloves. Spiders have been known to nest between their leaves. 45Credits 1x1

