Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki

Jam is a consumer good consumed by three different population tiers: As a basic need of  Tourists; and as a lifestyle need of  Farmers and  Shepherds. By default, it can be produced only in the Old World.


Basic need[]

Jam fulfills a basic need of  Tourists.

Consumption Influx Income
 Tourists 0.01666667 35 +337.5/+303.75/+270

Lifestyle need[]

Jam fulfills a lifestyle need of  Farmers and  Shepherds.

Consumption Influx Income
 Farmers 0.0003333333 2 +1.5/+1.35/+1.2
 Shepherds 0.00025 1 +1.5/+1.35/+1.2


Jam can be used during expeditions, it grants 10 bonus morale per 50 tons.


Jam can be passively sold for 20 or purchased for 50 per ton. No neutral trader buys or sells tailored suits for a special price.

Regular Production[]

Jam is produced in an Orchard.



-50Farmers -35

550Timber 10Bricks 10

• 2 Hotels (up to 1000  Tourists)

Food & Drink Venues[]

Jam is also used at Food & Drink Venues in the following recipes:

Donut Fourré
Café Recipe

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
Happiness: +3
Consumption reduction: -10% • -5% • -25%

-1300Farmers -145Workers -80Tourists -240 -16

6050Timber 118Bricks 95Steel Beams -8

Lady Marmelade
The Iron Tower Recipe

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
• Max Residents: +10%
• Bonus Residents +1: Residences gain bonus residents from:

• Consumption reduction: -10% • -20% • -10%

-2285Farmers -55Workers -25Artisans -250Jornaleros -85Tourists -200 250

63000Timber 74Bricks 55Steel Beams 24Windows 15Reinforced Concrete 15

Production with Items[]

When particular items are equipped in a Trade Union Jam can be obtained as an extra good alongside the production of other goods.

Extra Jam from Food & Drink Venues[]

DLC Required
Tourist Season
"Sir, an extra side of fries with the fish?"
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Restaurants (Non-Monument)
Bar Bar
Cafe Cafe
Restaurant Restaurant
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Jam Jam every 3rd cycle
Workforce Needed: +50%
Expedition Bonus
Crafting: +5
Force: +10
Affected Building Productivity Production Rate Jam Production Rate
Restaurant 100% 1/min 0.333 /min

Town Hall items[]

Madame Blanc, Maître d'hôtel
She assures all that no guest will ever witness when things go wrong.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects when activated
Hotel Hotel
When activated
Happiness: +10
Reduced Needs: 20%
Residents consume 20% less Jam Jam, Lemonade Lemonade, Bread Bread
Chance of Fire: -5%
Chance of Illness: -5%
Expedition Bonus
Diplomacy: +20

Mr. Bertram, Hotel Manager
He sees and hears all, knowing and keeping the many secrets of his guests.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Hotel Hotel
Bonus Residents: +20
Residences gain bonus residents from Tourist Mooring Tourist Mooring,Bread Bread,Variety Theatre Variety Theatre,Restaurant Restaurant,Jam Jam,Café Café,Shampoo Shampoo,Bar Bar.
Chance of Fire: -10%
Chance of Illness: -10%
Expedition Bonus
Diplomacy: +35
Force: +5
Trait: Hypnotist
