Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki

Items are special upgrades which can affect various aspects of the game, such as: ships, population, production, trading capabilities, or island’s attractiveness rating. Items are divided into groups based on where they can be used and their rarity. They have to be equipped in item slots on ships or in specific buildings to have any effect; they are also very useful during expeditions even when not put into item slots. Alternatively, with Land of Lions DLC items can be donated to science to earn research points. Number of ships and item buildings is limited by amount of influence a player has, therefore the use of items is also limited by influence. There are many ways of obtaining items, most items have multiple ways of getting them, there are also a few unique items which can be obtained in a single specific way. To have a good overview of all items in the game, use items tab in the statistics menu.

Using items[]

For items to have any effect and usefulness they have to be placed in special slots in particular buildings or on ships. Description of each item mentions where the item can be equipped, and in trading posts and statistics menu items are sorted accordingly. Any attempt to place an item into the slot of a wrong building or ship will be unsuccessful. For example, an item meant for a trade union cannot be placed in the item slot on a ship - that's because its purpose is to be used in a trade union to alter the statistics of buildings and to affect goods production. And vice versa, a ship item can't be placed inside a trade union.

Item can be equipped in:

  • Administration buildings
    • Arctic Lodges - items affect residences and production buildings in The Arctic; 3 item slots
    • Harbourmaster's Offices and Docklands Main Wharf – items can improve your harbour buildings, such as trading posts, piers, coastal defences, public moorings and harbour production buildings; 3 item slots
    • Town Halls – items can have an impact on your residents, emergency services and public buildings; 3 item slots
    • Trade Unions – items boost your production buildings, affecting productivity, input and output, workforce required, maintenance costs etc.; 3 item slots
  • Culture buildings
    • Botanical Gardens - plants increase the attractiveness rating of your island; 1 item slot per module
    • Museums – museum artefacts increase the attractiveness rating of your island; 1 item slot per module
    • Music Pavilions – music sheets increase attractiveness rating of the island and add a bonus to attractiveness obtained from items, equipped in the same culture building, which belong to specific culture sets; 1 item slot per module
    • Zoos – animals increase the attractiveness rating of your island; 1 item slot per module
  • Ships – items can boost almost all their statistics such as speed, damage or cargo slowdown; number of item slots differs depending on the type of ship (ranging from 0 slots in oil tankers up to 4 item slots in case of battle cruiser and its variants)

To equip and use an item, first it has to be transferred onto a ship’s board or into an island’s trading post. Then you have to select the ship or a building/module you want to use an item in, and after clicking on a plus symbol on an item slot, you can choose which item to equip; or you can drag the item from one place into the appropriate item slot.

Some items can't be equipped anywhere, they get used simply after left-clicking on them. To make use of them they don't have to be in any specific location, they can be located anywhere in the game world as long as they are in your possession. Those items are:


During expeditions ships can benefit from all items on their board, receiving special traits or bonuses to expedition skills given by those items. The item slots of the ship can contain only ship items, it works in the same way as outside of the expeditions. However, ships can still benefit from items of any type, but items which are not designated for ships have to be placed in cargo slots of the ship, not in item slots. The expedition bonuses of items are applied during expeditions regardless of their position on the ship - items can be placed in either cargo slots or item slots, however, as indicated above, item slots can contain only suitable ship items.

Rarity of items[]

Items are also divided based on their rarity. Common items provide minor advantages, but are very cheap and easy to obtain, while legendary items can be extremely powerful but also very hard to get and some legendary items might be obtained only in specific ways. Every item has its own rarity rating which is also indicated by an item's colour:

  • common - white/grey
  • uncommon - green
  • rare - blue
  • epic - purple
  • legendary - orange

There are also two unusual item types that possess no rarity: character items and quest items. Quest items are obtained during quests and usually disappear in the course of the quest or after the quest is finished. Character items can be donated to the Research Institute which allow you to earn research points for various item developments via the Land of Lions DLC.

How to get items[]

There are various sources of items, every item can be obtained in specific ways. All possible sources of items are:

Lists of items[]

Following links will lead you to lists of items available in the game:

Donating to science[]

For more details, see: here

Donating items to science is a secondary source of research points (requires Land of Lions DLC). Each item donated provides particular amount of research points, depending on the rarity of the item or whether it is a character item. You can donate items either via research institute interface, or by selecting any item in the game world and using keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+D.

Items statistics[]

For more details, see: here

The items tab in statistics menu provides an overview of all items across the whole game world. Items can be filtered using predefined filters based on where an item can be used, or using search filter to search for items affecting specific buildings or providing specific effects etc. The statistics allow you to learn about items which you have never encountered yet, allow you to find the location of items you already own and see all possible sources of any item thus making it easier to find a specific item you desire.
