Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki

This is an example guide made by Banan1996.1996.

What is it about?[]

This guide is just an example, serving as a guide how users' guides should look like and what they should contain. Let's say the example will be about trading.


Trade is an important feature in Anno 1800, you can earn lots of money by trading. You can also lower the number of production buildings needed by buying resources from other computer or human players.

Part 1: Active trading[]

You can actively trade with players by sending your ships to their harbours. It's especially used when trading with neutral traders like Eli Bleakworth.

Neutral traders[]

You can buy and sell: goods, items and in some cases ships as well.


This is a screenshot from the game to illustrate some part of a guide, with an example caption

AI opponents[]

If you have trade agreement with a computer player you can trade with them at their harbour. However, you can only buy and sell goods which your opponent chooses to trade with.

Part 2: Passive trading[]

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Part 3: Prices comparison[]

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Trade, trade and trade! It's really worth it! Especially selling goods like steam motors is very lucrative.
