Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki

Gold Gold is a Intermediate Good. By default, it can be produced only in the Old World.


Intermediate Good[]

Gold Gold is an Intermediate good, and is used for the production of other goods. See the Production section for more information.


Gold can be passively sold for 1108Credits or purchased for 2770Credits per ton. It can be actively bought from Jean La Fortune or Anne Harlow for 2770Credits coins. It can be actively sold to Old Nate for 4432Credits coins.


Gold is produced in a Goldsmiths Goldsmiths from Gold Ore Gold Ore and Coal Coal. Gold is involved in the following production chains:

Pocket Watches[]

Pocket WatchesPocket Watches

Balance -10190Workers -100Artisans -200Engineers -950Obreros -1000

Credits 79900Timber 164Bricks 290Steel Beams 100Windows 70Reinforced Concrete 70

The Coal Mine Coal Mine may be replaced with two Charcoal Kiln Charcoal Kilns
for  Balance +10Workers +30Attractiveness -10Credits -400Timber -4Bricks +5

• 510 Engineers Engineers Residences (up to 20400 Engineers Engineers)
or 255 Investors Investors Residences (up to 12750 Investors Investors)



Balance -10700Workers -300Artisans -300Engineers -500Jornaleros -50Obreros -1000

Credits 250600Timber 196Bricks 255Steel Beams 80Windows 70Reinforced Concrete 70

The Coal Mine Coal Mine may be replaced with two Charcoal Kiln Charcoal Kilns
for  Balance +10Workers +30Attractiveness -10Credits -400Timber -4Bricks +5

• 190 Investors Investors Residences (up to 9500 Investors Investors)
or 4 Hotel Hotels (up to 2000 Tourists Tourists)

Tourist Season DLC[]

Food & Drink Venues[]

Gold is also used at Food & Drink Venues in the following recipes:

Brioche RoyaleBrioche Royale
The Iron Tower Recipe
Tourist Season DLC icon

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
• Max Residents: +10%
• Bonus Residents +1: Residences gain bonus residents from:
FishBreadCanned FoodUniversityCoffeeLight BulbsChampagneSteam CarriagesChocolate
• Consumption reduction: Coffee -10% • Chocolate -10% • Rum -10%

Balance -2150Farmers -100Workers -150Engineers -125Obreros -200Tourists -200Attractiveness 242

Credits 39600Timber 60Bricks 65Steel Beams 12Windows 10Reinforced Concrete 10


The following items may mention Gold, or share a name with an item that does.

Mechanical PannerMechanical Panner
DLC Required
Sunken Treasures
Increases your prospects of striking gold.
Harbourmaster's Office Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office

Affects when activated
Sand Mine Sand Mine
When activated
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Gold Ore Gold Ore every 10th cycle
Chance of Fire +50%
Destroyed after use
Crafting Cost
Scrap 10 Scrap
Steel 10 Steel
Caoutchouc 10 Caoutchouc
Source: crafting at Old Nate's workshop in Cape Trelawney

Gyroscopic Gold PannerGyroscopic Gold Panner
DLC Required
Sunken Treasures
A bit of hip-wiggle in this iteration seems to attract even more gold.
Harbourmaster's Office Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office

Affects when activated
Sand Mine Sand Mine
When activated
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Gold Ore Gold Ore every 8th cycle
Chance of Fire +100%
Destroyed after use
Crafting Cost
Nice Scrap 10 Nice Scrap
Steel 5 Steel
Caoutchouc 10 Caoutchouc
Source: crafting at Old Nate's workshop in Cape Trelawney

Prospector Of AuspiciousnessProspector Of Auspiciousness
DLC Required
Sunken Treasures
This model is the gold standard. Simply pour black gold in and get gold gold out.
Harbourmaster's Office Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office

Affects when activated
Sand Mine Sand Mine
When activated
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Gold Ore Gold Ore every 6th cycle
Chance of Fire +150%
Destroyed after use
Crafting Cost
Special Scrap 5 Special Scrap
Steel 15 Steel
Caoutchouc 15 Caoutchouc
Source: crafting at Old Nate's workshop in Cape Trelawney

Captain Moby, Old Dog of the SeaCaptain Moby, Old Dog of the Sea
A man who will pursue his underwater prey to the ends of the earth, even if it costs him his own life.
Harbourmaster's Office Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office

Calamari Fishery Calamari Fishery
Fish Oil Factory Fish Oil Factory
Fishery Fishery
Lobster Fishery Lobster Fishery
Pearl Farm Pearl Farm
Productivity: +50%
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Tallow Tallow every 5th cycle
Occasionally produces extra Gold Gold every 7th cycle

Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionHunting Hunting: +50
ExpeditionNavalPower Naval Power: +10
ExpeditionNavigation Navigation: +30
Trait: Zoologist

Golden Potato Harvester From The Future - wrong item name

Jörg von Malching, Augur of the Auric - wrong item name

Steven MacLeod, Geological SurveyorSteven MacLeod, Geological Surveyor
He crossed Mount Macleod so many times to make sure his survey was accurate, they named it after him.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Bauxite Mine Bauxite Mine
Clay Collector Clay Collector
Clay Pit Clay Pit
Limestone Quarry Limestone Quarry
Saltpetre Works Saltpetre Works
Sand Mine Sand Mine
Productivity: +50%
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Pearls Pearls every 3rd cycle
Occasionally produces extra Gold Ore Gold Ore every 3rd cycle

Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +25
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +25
ExpeditionForce Force: +25

Susannah Brightwoman, A Glimmer In The DarknessSusannah Brightwoman, A Glimmer In The Darkness
DLC Required
Sunken Treasures
Joined after you helped the Queen at Trelawney. Formerly of the Royal Mint, the Queen sent Susannah to make your gold go further.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Clockmakers Clockmakers
Jewellers Jewellers
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Gold Gold every 5th cycle
Attractiveness: +8
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +50
Available from The Queen quest: The Great Exhibition
Unique: you can have only one such item in the game

Hogarth the Harbourmaster, Veteran Of TrelawneyHogarth the Harbourmaster, Veteran Of Trelawney
DLC Required
Sunken Treasures
Joined after you helped the Queen at Trelawney. Was in charge of logistics during the war, so expect military efficiency at the docks!
Harbourmaster's Office Equipped in Harbourmaster's Office

Affects Harbour Buildings
Harbour Activity: +30%
Every time passive trade happens at the trading post, there is a chance of gaining 5t of Coffee Coffee, Gold Gold, Cotton Fabric Cotton Fabric, Rum Rum, Chocolate Chocolate.
Loading Speed: +100%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +50
Available from The Queen quest: Tribute to a Legend
Unique: you can have only one such item in the game

Illustrious GemologistIllustrious Gemologist
Qualified to identify the most microscopic of imperfections.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Jewellers Jewellers
Replaced Input
Instead of Gold Gold, the building processes Gold Ore Gold Ore.
Attractiveness: +3
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +30
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +10

Chronometrist ChiaraChronometrist Chiara
She will not rest until every cog is whirring in perfect agreement.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Clockmakers Clockmakers
Replaced Input
Instead of Gold Gold, the building processes Brass Brass.
Maintenance Cost: -40%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +40

Goldsmith GilbertGoldsmith Gilbert
No longer a rough diamond, he accepts nothing less than 24 carats.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Jewellers Jewellers
Replaced Input
Instead of Gold Gold, the building processes Gold Ore Gold Ore.
Attractiveness: +5
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +40
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +20
