Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki

This page lists all patch notes for Game Updates (GU) introduced to Anno 1800 since its release. The list is in chronological order (the newest changes at the top).

December 5, 2024 - Game Update 18.4[]

Source: Anno Union


  • Added support for the "End of an Era" Pack Cosmetic DLC.

New Content

  • Unlocked all past Twitch Drops for everyone

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the missing textures for the man in the hammock in the "Pirate Cove" Pack CDLC on low and medium settings
  • Added several missing items to the Annoversary World's Fair Exhibition reward pool
  • Fixed a false "Missing DLC" warning that was displayed when constructing some ornaments from blueprints

September 19, 2024 - Game Update 18.3[]

Source: Anno Union


  • Added support for the “Pirate Cove” Pack Cosmetic DLC.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed misaligned smoke effects for the flagship when using the Nautilus skin
  • Removed sound effects of CDLC 14 residences which drowned out the rest of the game’s sound effects
  • Fixed an issue with ambient setting not being moddable anymore
  • Fixed an issue with the initialization of the mods when starting the game

May 14, 2024 - Game Update 18.2[]

Source: Anno Union


  • Added support for the "Steampunk" Pack Cosmetic DLC.

New Content & Improvements

  • Added a "Friendship" ornament for all players to celebrate Anno 1800's fifth birthday.
  • Added modding support for shaders and sound banks (support for the New Horizon mod).

Bug Fixes: General

  • Fixed an issue which resulted in the buffs from multiple items not affecting the Charcoal Kiln in the New World.
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the "Miombo Woodlands" buff not extending to the Charcoal Kiln in the New World.
  • Fixed the missing buff from the Optimization Influence bonus for upgraded Emergency Services in the Old World and Cape Trelawney.
  • Fixed the Credits to add licenses that were not mentioned previously.
  • Fixed some display issues with mods larger than 2GB.
  • Minor security update related to the mod browser.
  • Fixed an issue with some ornaments not appearing in "sort by type" when multiple Cosmetic DLC were owned.
  • Fixed the issue that prevented players from relocating the Grand Oil Harbour in Enbesa.

Bug Fixes: Multiplayer

  • Fixed an issue that didn't send player to the lobby when joining a game via an invite without having started the game.

November 14, 2023 - Game Update 18.1[]

Source: Anno Union


  • Added support for the "Eldritch" Pack Cosmetic DLC

New Content

  • Added a "3 million players" ornament for all players

Bug Fixes: General

  • Fixed a rare occurrence of the game crashing during start-up.
  • Fixed an issue with the "accept" button not working after a dual island takeover with a friendly AI when the AI has more "Morale Loss Inflicted".
  • Fixed an exploit that made it possible to construct locked Building and Modules from Stamps via the Upgrade Tool.
  • Fixed the reward text for the Grand Stadium in the New World, it now correctly communicates 90 Influence for the "Regional" event.
  • Fixed an issue with a wrongly displayed "Missing DLC" message when upgrading a blueprint of an owned Cosmetic DLC ornament.
  • Fixed the missing mod popup that didn't show when starting a customized game.
  • Fixed an issue with the loading order not being followed by the mod loader for identical files.

Bug Fixes: Multiplayer

  • Fixed the causes for LR40 desyncs that were related to ornaments from Cosmetic DLC.

August 22, 2023 - Game Update 18[]

Source: Anno Union

Features & Content

  • Added a mod browser to the game in collaboration with
    • The mod browser can be accessed from the main menu of the game
    • You will need to accept the Legal Disclaimer to access the mod browser
    • There, you can browse through any of the mods currently uploaded to and subscribe to them to prompt an automatic download
    • Modders can upload their mods on the website
    • You will need to login to in order to download or upload mods
    • More information here


  • Added support for the "National Park" Pack Cosmetic DLC

Mod Support

  • Made modded key bindings functional again
  • Enabled patching data/infotips/export.bin by adding an export.bin.xml patch file to the mod
  • Enabled patching .cfg files, e.g. world_map_01.cfg, by adding an XML file with the same name plus .xml as an extension
  • Enabled patching .fc files, e.g. world_map_01.fc, by adding an XML file with the same name plus .xml as an extension
  • Enabled linking files by adding a text file with the extension .lnk.
  • Enabled using conditions to check if a mod exists in any patch – not only assets.xml patches.
  • Enabled wrapping ModOp content
  • Follow this link for more information and examples on these points

Bug Fixes: General

  • Fixed a memory leak that occurred when the AI unsuccessfully tried to build roads near rivers
  • Fixed an issue that reset the text language to English when restarting the game
  • Fixed a specific New World island that had a non-buildable area
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed players to construct buildings and modules the player hadn't unlocked yet by using stamps
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed players to move farm modules via the Relocate Tool out of bounds of their farms
  • Fixed the issue with the Fertilizer Silo was not buildable when the Hacienda farm was blueprinted
  • Fixed an issue that led to the epilepsy warning screen occasionally disappearing after changing the language in Ubisoft Connect
  • Fixed an issue with expedition rewards not being added after finishing a hard Zoo Expedition in Temperate Forest
  • Fixed the issue with too many mods extending the loading time of the game, resulting in the game not being able to connect to the online services
    • Drastically improved mod loading times overall

Bug Fixes: Multiplayer

  • Fixed an issue with matchmaking joining players with different mod setups, resulting in a desync

Bug Fixes: Quests

  • Clarified the quest text for the "Robbing the Robber Baron" quest "Pride & Peddlers" scenario
  • The quest needs to be fulfilled on the first island of the player

Bug Fixes: UI

  • Fixed an issue with the "Fiesta" Pack description text not showing up when hovering over the content card in the "additional content" menu
  • Fixed the missing Engineer workforce icon in the Research Institute menu

Bug Fixes: Text & Localization

  • Corrected the reward description for the "Local" Event of the Grand Stadium to 25 influence

May 23, 2023 - Game Update 17.1[]

Source: Anno Union


  • Adding support for the "Fiesta" Pack Cosmetic DLC

Bug Fixes: Gameplay

  • Fixed an issue with the move tool not working for oil springs and clay pits anymore
  • Fixed an issue with military ship items not dealing damage when used from a Flak Monitor ship
  • Fixed an issue with high memory consumption upon loading a game with mods
  • Fixed an issue with electrified mines not using advanced transporters in the New World
  • Fixed an issue that did not allow for the proper creation of Stamps for Orchard and other Multifactories
  • Disabled the unlock conditions for Beer, Coffee and Cocoa in the Hacienda Almanac in Creative Mode
  • Fixed an issue with the Workforce prioritisation bell functionality being inverted
  • Fixed an issue with the campaign intro movie being played when starting the benchmark
  • Fixes a crash that occurred after the benchmarking ends
  • Fixed an issue with the tutorial questline getting enabled in Creative Mode
  • Fixed an issue that led to multiple items not being usable in any item building during the 'A Clash of Couriers' scenario

Bug Fixes: UI

  • Fixed the infotip on picking up goods that didn't show any text when the island storage was full
    • Please note that excess goods (e.g. when picking up a crate from a ruin in the campaign) are spawned as flotsam next to the main Trading Post
  • Fixed an issue with the skin painter button overlapping with part of the Town Hall object menu in the German localization
  • Fixed an issue with some texts overlapping elements in the Steam Shipyard object menu
  • Fixed a minor clipping issue for the Cosmetic DLC cards in the "additional content" screen
  • Fixes an issue that led to the Shares Menu being in a broken state when starting a new game after playing a scenario
  • Fixed an issue with the Docklands main building blueprint object menu showing the same upgrade button twice instead of "upgrade main and modules"
  • Fixed the Special Edition Newspaper that was missing the photo after completing the 'Inquiries' quest
  • Fixed an issue that led to the game version being displayed in the bottom right corner during gameplay

Bug Fixes: Multiplayer

  • Fixed an issue that could result in LR40 desyncs
  • Fixed MP clients not being able to confirm 'Ready' after previously starting a Scenario
  • Fixed issue with players unable to join a lobby when mods were active
  • Fixed mods not switching off when requested by the host when starting a MP lobby

Bug Fixes: Sounds

  • Fixed an issue with a grinding sound being played when accessing the Old World region from the New World at night

Bug Fixes: Art/Visuals

  • Fixed an issue for the "Bush" ornament from "Quaint Park" category in the New World that was lacking the grass color change option for one skin variant
  • Fixed a problem with zoo animals and feedback units not spawning upon loading a save
  • Fixed broken shape quay ornaments in New World
  • Fixed broken shape quay ornaments in Creative Mode Enbesa session

Bug Fixes: Text

  • Fixed the "Missing DLC" warning that was wrongly displayed in the construction infotip for multifactory blueprints in the 'Pride and Peddlers' Scenario

April 4, 2023 - Game Update 17[]

Source: Anno Union

Features & Content

  • Added Creative Mode
    • The Creative Mode is a separate game mode (in addition to Sandbox and Campaign) that is only available in singleplayer
    • For this mode, several existing rules were changed or removed, allowing players to build freely without having to worry about workforce, construction costs or money
    • It also allows the placement of unlimited numbers of ornamental monuments, as well as e.g. hotels in the New World or Enbesa
  • Added Stamp Feature
    • Allows to create and save "Stamps" from existing buildings and blueprints
    • The Stamps are available in all local savegames and the files can be manually shared with other players
    • Stamps therefore allow players to e.g. save and re-use certain city or production layouts
  • Added new World's Fair Exhibition
    • Completing the new "Annoversary Exhibition" will grant the player special fireworks as well as Golden Tickets for the Grand Gallery
  • Added an Annoversary ornament: the Fountain of Fortune


  • Changed the calculation of average happiness to better count in Tourists
    • Happiness now calculates with the population number of each residence building type instead of the number of residences of a certain type. This gives greater weight to Hotels/Tourists and will overall change the island happiness on existing saves
  • Items from the Custom Officer line now effect all Piers and Trading Posts (these items were slightly nerfed in the process to account for their increased effect)
  • The "Flour" Lifestyle Need now gives at least one coin starting at Farmer's level
  • Fulfilled Shepherd Lifestyle Needs (Wanza Wood, Ponchos, Canned Food) now give one coin
  • Change the skill bonus on expeditions for Sea Mines (from Hunting to Naval Power) and Bombs (from Naval Power to Force)
  • The "Proud Savannah Park" zoo set no longer debuffs powered pastures
    • Additional effects added: 1t additional good all 3 cycles, and +25% productivity
  • Fixed the inconsistent Fire Extinguisher consumption which is now 1t per cycle
  • Reworked the item "Sunday Best Law" now providing Lifestyle Needs instead
  • Reduced the drop chance for the High Life items "Blue Skies and Get Rich" at traders
  • Decreased the warehouse range for Advanced City Institutions but increased its overall range and speed
  • Lowered Attractiveness unlocks for the Hacienda Policies Local Assemblies (700) and Unloading Permits (1000)

General Improvements

  • Players can now search for goods in the warehouse and the expedition screen
  • Additionally, the expedition screen has now presets for exactly the types of skills that are required
  • A "remove changes?" confirmation pop-up has been added to the Trade Route Menu when a trade route has been modified
  • A search field has been added to the Trade Route Menu when choosing a good to be loaded on the route
  • Added a message for clarification when harbour buildings overlap in blueprint mode which blocks them from being upgraded
  • Removed the outdated "Imperial Pack" Page when starting a new game – all skins are available directly in game via the skin button
  • It is now possible to build Silos and Tractor Barns in blueprint directly from the object menu before the main farm building is placed
  • Cultural Buildings are now correctly displaying the state of an item (known, owned, equipped) in the overview menu
  • Added the option to have fully coloured islands on the minimap (can be toggled in the options)
  • Roads can now be upgraded via the upgrade tool
  • It's now possible to unload/sell all goods from a ship by using Ctrl + Shift + Leftclick, and to drop all cargo by using Shift + Rightclick
  • The Hacienda Brewery buildings can now be boosted by electricity
  • Items that provide electricity now also affect the Aluminium Smelter
  • The Flamethrower Monitor can now attack while moving
  • The beer festival now also affects the Cognac Multifactory
  • Increased acquisition pool of DLC 12 items
    • Pedro, Captain of the Panama is now obtainable via Isabel Sarmento
    • Added other specialists to visitor and rescue expedition pool
  • Minor improvements to improve modding experience
    • Made datasets.xml file available for easy access
    • Added extra placeholder entries in enums
    • Added extra placeholder region/participantID
    • Made the skin painter tool available in other regions
    • Corrected placement of the skin button in all UIs

Bug Fixes: Gameplay

  • Fixed a crash that appeared after loading a save game and deleting multiple blueprints
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to locked buildings for New World Rising without owning the Empire of the Skies DLC
  • Fixed a freeze that could appear when using multi move tool in Multiplayer
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to immediately losing the game right after game start when choosing specific win condition settings
  • Removed the newspaper article about the "Schnapps Shortage"
  • Fixed an issue that did not increase loading speed for electrified production buildings using scooter transport
  • Fixed the inconsistent sorting of population tiers
  • Buildings on fire are now showing a fire icon above them
  • After fulfilling its conditions in the "Eden Burning" scenario the harsh money event "Explosion" now occurs
  • Fixed incorrect goods that were required to upgrade to the Medium Trading Post in the Pride & Peddlers Scenario
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to wrong goods allocation when saving during a Championship/Exhibition preparation
  • Fixed an issue with remaining overseas mail on Airships that could not be unloaded
  • Fire Departments now are decreasing the explosion chance
  • Fixed an item buff for ships using "-X% Damage from Ships"
  • Removed some incorrect entries in the Construction Menu when using alternative sorting in the "A Clash of Couriers" Scenario
  • Fixed several incorrect entries in the Production Statistic
  • Fixed an issue for several civilian buildings that could be falsely attacked by ships
  • Fixed the wrongly randomized clay deposit quantity and position in the "Eden Burning" scenario
  • Fixed an issue with the "Best of a Bad Lot" badge not being displayed on the map pin after it has been earned
  • Fixed a broken timer in the quest "New World Express" in the "Clash of Couriers" scenario
  • Renamed "All Quarries" to more distinct groups to better clarify item effect targets
  • The Pyrphorians can no longer destroy Archibald Blake's Harbour in the campaign quest "Final Battle"
  • Fixed the Docklands tutorial speech bubble which was connected to the wrong entry in the construction bar
  • Fixed a bug that led to abnormal pirate behaviour (Pirates attack Trade ships again, avoid the Harbor Danger layer, they flee again when in danger)
  • Fixed an issue that led to Old Nate from the Passage being listed incorrectly as a Trader in the Statistics Menu
  • Fixed Oil Wells that were not depleting in the "Pride and Peddlers" Scenario
  • Fixed a rare performance issue that could appear for very large save games with a lot of Scholar residences and unfulfilled "Briefcase" unlock in the High Life Department Store
  • Fixed a rare performance issue that was caused by an updating attractiveness value
  • Buildings with a radius can no longer overlap by using the multi-move tool
  • Nandu and Alpaca Farms are now properly affected by item productivity effects
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Pier Need from being fulfilled when building bus stops in a specific order
  • Fixed a crash that could occasionally appear after clicking the "Scenarios" button in the title screen
  • Fixed a rare issue with changed island ownership
    • Please load your savegame from before activating DLC 12 to be on the safe side
  • Changed how large numbers of goods are displayed in the warehouse and trading post
  • Fixed a crash that could appear when demolishing multiple quay tiles at once
  • The electrified pastures can no longer be affected by riots and illness incidents
  • It is now possible to adjust the working conditions for the Calamary Fishery and the Mineral Mine
  • The incorrect entry for the "Pearl Farm" was removed from the "Seasons of Silver" Scenario construction menu
  • The walls from the Old Town Pack now connect to the Town Gatehouse
  • Fixed the missing "On Island" counter for the Town Hall, Arctic Lodge and Trade Union
  • Removed the mysterious item "Strange Idol"
  • Fixed the display of production over time for some goods in the statistics menu for Eden Burning
  • Fixed the progress bars for some Achievements from the New World Rising DLC
  • The cargo slot no longer gets blocked by an invisible item on the ship that brings materials to Aarhant in secret "donotlocame" quest
  • Fixed missing market value for Wood Veneers in the "Pride & Peddlers" scenario
  • Fixed a Docklands issue for Captain Tobias ship being stuck in departing state
  • The Great Eastern cannot be sold anymore to prevent players from losing the Great Eastern Permits
  • Oil ships are no longer incorrectly able to do active trade with 3rd or 2nd parties leading to a loss of the goods
  • Disabled the passive Trade button for the scenario "A Clash of Couriers" since it is not available there
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to damaged AI Ships getting stuck rotating in one place
  • "Lobster Cheminee" Restaurant recipe is now unlocking again upon providing Clay Pipes to Scholars
  • Fixed some missing goods when filtering for Agricultural Products for the New World in the Trade Route Menu
  • The expedition event decisions will no longer show the ship icon when no navigation/naval power bonus is provided
  • Removed the reduced explosion chance for residences from the "Empire of the Eagle" museum set
  • Fixed the missing highlight for the Trade Union when building the Hacienda Fertilizer Works near it
  • The preview for Hacienda Farm and Brewery recipes is now available in the catalogue before they are unlocked as for all other multifactories
  • Fixed the 1% deviation in the Statistics Screen when 3 productivity boosting items are used on a production building
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the player from taking screenshots with the "Print Screen" button from the In-Game pause menus
  • Updated the category "Games and Amusements" for the World cup preparations in the Grand Stadium to depict the needed amount of goods
  • Fixed some mismatched categories and good for the Grand Stadium event preparation
  • Fixed the issue where some goods could be paused in the "All Population Tiers" filter for the Market Place, even though being displayed unpaused in the residence filters
  • Chewing Gum and Violins are now displayed as Investor Need in the Statistics Menu
  • Fixed the missing entry for "Plantains" in the Market place object menu for the "A Clash of Couriers" scenario
  • The "Social Welfare Act" now correctly provides bonus happiness from the Market for workers
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to the possibility of ships of a defeated AIs staying on one place instead of leaving the session
  • Fixed an issue with slightly mismatching happiness values in the Population Statistics
  • Fixed an issue that could occasionally lead to a small delay for residents moving when loading a save game
  • Fixed the hitpoint bonus from items that reset after regional transfer
  • Fixed the appearing of stationary Frigate ships near Isabel's harbour in the "Pride & Peddlers" scenario
  • Removed ornaments that were present in the Construction menu of "A Clash of Couriers" scenario
  • Qumaq continues to occasionally offer legendary zoo/museum items
  • Added a "Good Consumptions" keyword to several items for consistency and easier search
  • Fixed the issue with item effects that reduce a ships maintenance not being active during session transfer
  • Bridges now get moved when using the multimove tool to move roads and bridges
  • Adjusted the yellow line of the Heater's cart route outside of the heating range to a colour that is better visible
  • Removed some "Black Market Goods" from the Statistics screen in the production tab for the "Pride & Peddles" scenario that could only be obtained via traders

Bug Fixes: UI

  • Fixed the broken menu that appeared when loading a save game from the defeat screen in the scenario
  • Added static help button to Fuel Power Plant in the New World
  • Fixed a missing objective icon during the tutorial quest "In the Red"
  • Fixed a visual issue in the "Pride and Peddlers" Scenario that falsely displayed bronze and silver medals in case of defeat
    • Please note this fix only applies to new games not for existing save games
  • Removed an unused option entry in the options menu
  • Fixed the item counter in the Statistics menu that displayed amounts of items with 3 digits incorrectly
  • Fixed several issues in the Formula codex book
  • Fixed the overlap in the resource bar that could appear in late gamesfor Korean language
  • Fixed some visual issues on for the top bar tooltips
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to the Research Center Menu being stuck when pressing ESC during an animation
  • Added search word "Removed Input" to the items search in the Statistic Screen
  • Added the missing information "Imported from" to some lifestyle needs infotips
  • Fixed the overlap for the comparison bars and the reputation History in the Diplomacy menu that could appear after selecting the history tab and switching diplomatic perspective
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to the scrollbar occasionally jumping back to the top of the list during scrolling in several menus
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to the happiness indicator sometimes disappearing from the island information bar
  • Fixed the tourist unlock condition which was displayed doubled in the construction menu info tip
  • Fixed an issue for the tooltip in the Research Center tutorial tooltip that was out of screen and could not be closed
  • Updated DLC icons for Tourist Season and Docklands in the main menu
  • Added the missing Artista population settlement tier icon next to the island name
  • Fixed cut off text that could appear on residence buildings with many of buffs and high numbers (Income, Maintenance, workforce)
  • Fixed the slightly different look of the goods and item tab in the Trader menu when choosing different window size
  • Fixed the overlapping voice chat panel in the multiplayer lobby
  • Fixed an incorrect save file warning message that could appear in the scenario victory screen instead of the earned Ticket currency
  • Fixed some inconsistent icons in the construction menu for the "Seasons of Silver" and "A Clash of Couriers" Scenario
  • The button to create Airship Routes is now disabled in the "Pride & Peddlers" scenario since they are not available there
  • Fixed an UI issue for expedition choices that became unreadable when using a large list of items
  • Updated the icon for the Hacienda Module selection in the Hacienda's object menu
  • Fixed the duplicated image of the "Ivujivik" location on the passage expedition map
  • Fixed a wrong UI state that could appear after buying all items from a trader
  • Fixed the mismatched space between different expedition entries in the sidebar
  • Added the missing construction warning for the beautification menu when trying to open it above unowned islands
  • Fixed a too quickly disappearing speech bubble in the quest "Beard of the Year" in "A Clash of Couriers" scenario
  • Fixed a broken infotip for the "Regal Gala Parade" during the quest "A Trifling Matter: The Tower"
  • The region selection in the Trade Route menu no longer switches back to the current region when selecting if before clicking the create route button
  • Fixed the shifted position of object menus for cultural buildings in blueprint mode
  • The Coal Coking Furnace now gives access to static help menu in the "Seasons of Silver" scenario
  • Fixed inconsistent sorting between gas and helium airships of armed/unarmed airships
  • Fixed an issue with the "Call Paloma Button" and search bar being above the dark overlay in the warehouse object menu
  • Fixed an issue with the ceasefire timer not being displayed on the islands overtaken by enemy
  • Fixed several inconsistencies in the infotips in the High Score Screen
  • Fixed the check mark icon being incorrectly present in the menu for cultural buildings when opening the menu for the first time after loading
  • Fixed that the word "Influence" was displayed instead of the number in the notification when buying a Schooner
  • The tooltip for the loading ramps for the warehouses is now displayed in the Old World and Cape Trelawney too
  • Fixed an inconsistent gap between entries in the quest book
  • Fixed an issue with the pause screen background opacity that could appear for several occasions
  • Fixed shifted position of infotips in the Trade Route Menu
  • Fixed the limited number of ships that was shown in the list when adding new ships to a Trade Route
  • Fixed an issue with the menu icons on the tabs not updating correctly after changing session
  • The background now gets darker when newspaper meta menu is opened
  • Added the missing construction phase bar for the last phase of the Dam in the "Eden Burning" scenario
  • The attractiveness menu can now be closed by clicking the attractiveness button again
  • Fixed a wrong indicator icon that was used on the eco balance bar during a debuff in the "Eden Burning" scenario
  • Fixed the 'Reset' button that appeared active after re-entering the options menu without changing any option
  • Fixed the issue that some meta menus could be opened using shortcuts during the Prologue chapter leading to broken menus being displayed
  • Fixed an inconsistent icon for the Medicine good
  • Fixed the cut off for 5-digit numbers in the Docklands meta menu
  • Fixed a confusing infotip in the "Seasons of Silver" scenario victory screen for the rewards
  • Fixed a wrongly assigned schooner icon instead of the Cargoship's icon in the "Sinking the Admiral" quest in "Pride & Peddlers" scenario
  • The player can no longer open multiple overlapping menu pages while in the Title Screen
  • The "Lifestyle Needs" static help page is now adjusted to the window size for Russian localization
  • Fixed some issues in the Research Institute Card selection behaviour
  • Fixed a missing tooltip for the button to remove a 2nd Party NPC in the multiplayer lobby
  • Fixed the two spots in top bar where the player could click through
  • Fixed the position of the "Seasons of Silver" pin's infotip on the world map that could overlap with the Scenario Overview window
  • Fixed the blurred icon of the Extravaganza Steamer
  • Fixed the wrongly displayed "briefcase" icon for Tourists that was displayed at settled islands with no population after viewing an island with tourists

Bug Fixes: Quests

  • Fixed an issue during the quest "A Trifling Matter" that was occasionally stuck on Inauguration phase
  • Added a confirmation pop-up that prevents the players from accidently declining quest during the Skyline Tower questline
    • Please note that quests that didn't trigger can't be fixed for existing savegames
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to the Skyline Tower being stuck in the barbecue phase
  • Fixed the stuck Queen's Airship during the quest "A Trifling Matter – The Tower"
  • Fixed a blocker in the Angereb questline when the Kidusi Anitoni story line was missed
  • Added a text for clarification to the photo that appears during the quest "A Ghostly Encounter 1 – Spirit Photography"
  • The quest "Tutorial: Post Office" is no longer present in the questbook for regions where it cannot be solved
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the quest "A Letter to Kahina" from being resolved when the letter was opened before the quest updates
  • The quest "Champagne Specialist" from Artur Gasparov does no longer appear before unlocking Investors
  • Fixed some missing mild satisfaction events in the "Eden Burning" Scenario
  • Fixed a timing issue on the speechbubbles for the quest "Tutorial: Helium"
  • Fixed the quest "I, me, mine" spawning all mines at the center of diving spot
  • Fixed the quest "The Show Must Go On" which could resolve automatically after accepting it if the Variety Theatre was already constructed
  • Added missing feedback in the "A Clash of Couriers" scenario informing the player about a failed batch when attacking the pirates
  • Fixed the missing Anarchist Defectors quest
  • Fixed a missing image for the objective for the quest "A Lesson in Lore Long Lost"
  • Fixed an issue for the quest "Waha Desher: The Sorcerer's Apprentice" that occasionally could be stuck in the questbook after it's completion
  • Removed the time limit for the quest "Starving Pyrphorian" in the "Eden Burning" Scenario
  • Reduced the buff effect of the item "Sack of Money" during the quest "Lost Item: Money, Money, Money" to 30 minutes in the "A Clash of Couriers" scenario
  • The tutorial quest "Inferno" now resolves with the fire ending on the island instead of the fire being extinguished for only one building
  • Angereb's Harbour can no longer be destroyed before you get the quest to destroy it

Bug Fixes: Multiplayer

  • Fixed an issue in the multiplayer lobby that could lead to a team being removed from the co-op slot when the first player declined the invitation
  • Fixed some incorrect trade success values during the Land of Lions expedition in Multiplayer
  • Fixed an issue with ship health bars in Multiplayer
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer where 'Team 0' was displayed after re-inviting a player to lobby
  • Fixed an UI issue for the third party faction difficulty that overlapped with the off /on switch in the lobby
  • Fixed the overlap for the "Day cycle" and "Open Chat" button in multiplayer mode
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players not being displayed in the lobby after their coop team leader invite was timed out
  • Fixed an issue leading to the player's name not being displayed correctly when receiving multiple invites and declining one

Bug Fixes: Audio

  • Fixed an issue that could lead to the background music occasionally stopping
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to New World soundtracks being played in the Old World
  • Fixed an issue that where switching from the New World to Old World did not switch the soundtrack
  • Fixed missing sound of building and relocation of the Hacienda Fertiliser Works
  • Fixed an issue with the shot sound for the "Ship-of-the-Line" and "Battle Cruiser" being louder than other shot sounds
  • Fixed a sound issue that appeared when zooming on the ruins in the "Seasons of Silver" scenario
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to the incident music playing during the end movie and pre-victory screen in the "Pride and Peddlers" scenario
  • Fixed some issues with ambient sound of some objects not being adjusted to the game speed change after loading a save game
  • Fixed a missing sound effect when picking up "Conspirators" from "A Trifling Matter: Another Conspiracy Unmasked" quest
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to the intro audio for Scenarios being skipped when playing with deactivated "Set Sail" button
  • Fixed an issue with no audio playing after pressing "Replay the introduction audio" button in the questbook menu for "A Clash of Couriers" scenario

Bug Fixes: Art/Visuals

  • Fixed the look of the Goat Farm pastures in the "Seasons of Silver" Scenario
  • Fixed a visual issue for the Fire Department and Advanced Hospital demolish animation
  • Fixed the Trade Route Menu in the "Seasons of Silver" scenario that was missing an island
  • Added two missing default variations for Museum modules with equipped items from Land of Lions
  • Fixed some small visual issues on islands in the New World
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to horses occasionally missing from city carriages
  • Fixed the custom skins for the Boreas Airship that were larger than the default one
  • Fixed a disappearing rock texture in Isabel Sarmento's harbour at a certain distance
  • Fixed the missing textures for the "Banner of the Roses" ornament on Low/Medium graphic quality settings
  • Fixed a delay in the destruction animation for Arctic airships
  • Fixed a small visual issue on Madame Kahina's island for Low/Medium graphics preset
  • Fixed a visual gap on Manola between the Dam wall on and the water
  • Fixed some unfitting visuals for the Goat Farm and Fish Stew Kitchen in the "Seasons of Silver" scenario
  • Flak and Flamethrower Monitors don't use the default Monitors destruction animation anymore
  • Fixed the portrait of the editor that was displayed mirrored in the Multiplayer lobby
  • Fixed the appearance of white highlight for grids when multi-relocate preview of farm modules hovers over their present location
  • Vasco's Silver and Gold ship-of-the-line have now window illumination at night time in the "Seasons of Silver" scenario
  • The Cherry Tree ornaments no longer overlap parts of the Paved Street when placed right next to it
  • Fixed the misaligned gun for the Flak Emplacement in the Old World and Cape Trelawney
  • Fixed some visual issues for the Salvager when in damaged state
  • Fixed missing feedback units for Airship Platforms in the Arctic when built on islands colonized through sea

Bug Fixes: Text & Localization

  • Updated the Static Help text for the "Eden Burning" scenario due to missing explanation why some ruins are not resetting after a restart
  • Fixed a text that stated the World Cup of Grand Stadium wrongly awarded 200 influence instead of 150
  • Fixed some localization issues for entries in the Construction Menu for Korean language
  • Fixed some localization issues in the Scenario description for "Pride & Peddlers" and "A Clash of Couriers"
  • Added a missing line for several infotips for Construction Menu entries that open an overview
  • Fixed a text issue for Airships in the Influence Breakdown
  • Fixed a misleading text in the infotip for public services about maintenance costs
  • Fixed a unsupported character during intro cutscene "Eden Burning" scenario for Traditional Chinese
  • Fixed the missing milk production in the Cattle Farm construction infotip in "Pride & Peddlers" scenario
  • Added a missing header for the dam monument screen in the "Eden Burning" Scenario
  • Fixed a misleading description for the items "Taxman Tim" and "Lady Banes, Proponent of Protectionism" that clarifies that some of their affects are only working when applied for Trading Posts
  • Fixed the missing text and audio for the Architect's delivery notification in the quest "Angereb: The Great Work"
  • Added a missing translation for the type-sorted construction menu tooltip
  • Fixed the wrong use of the word "Engineers" instead of "Artista" in the balance infotip
  • Adjusted the text for the Hacienda "Dietary Education Initiative" to make clear it includes Artistas too
  • Adjusted the text "Select your event Size" for German localization in the Stadium Menu
  • Removed confusing description for the Relocate tool
  • Fixed several issues in infotips for goods that mentioned in which session they can be produced
  • Added the missing information "Imported from" to some lifestyle needs infotips
  • Added a tooltip for the Minimap Filter button
  • Fixed a misleading issue for the Airship Platform Tutorial text
  • Fixed the missing name tag for Artista's during the intro and outro video for the "Pride & Peddlers" scenario
  • Fixed some missing fluff text from multiple production infotips in the construction bar for the "Pride & Peddlers" scenario
  • Fixed an misleading infotip for the income in the "Pride and Peddlers" scenario
  • Fixed misleading Pier description for Russian localization
  • Removed minimum stock line for airmail and added an information that it's not possible to set it up for airmail
  • Fixed duplicated mentions of Bomb Factory and Sea Mine Factory in several item descriptions
  • Updated the Hacienda Policies descriptions providing full information
  • Removed mentions of "Influence" for various Scenarios since they are not available there
  • Fixed the missing % sign in the productivity percentage line for the "Arctic Gas Expert" item
  • Fixed the incorrect translation for the Motor Assembly Plant building name in Polish
  • Updated the name of the "The Pit and The Pendulum" voluntary quest to better fit both parts of the questline
  • Fixed a misleading text for the 3rd stage of the Dam Monument construction site
  • Fixed misleading "Imported from the Old World" line in the electricity need infotip of the Hacienda Artista quarters
  • Fixed an inconsistent infotip for the amount sorting in the Finance tab of the Statistics Menu
  • Fixed a text line that was slightly cut off in the Fisherman's decision quest window for a number of languages
  • Fixed several smaller misleading text issues on the ""The Journey to Enbesa"" expedition map
  • Added missing translation to "Empanadas" recipe's name in the Restaurant's recipe book
  • Fixed some mixed up text in Captain Tobias' Export/Import tutorial
  • Fixed a cutoff text within the infotip for the Expeditions on the World Map for Chinese languages
  • Added missing fluff text for carnival goods related infotips
  • Fixed the name of the "Black Muscovy" that was incorrectly called Absinthe in the effect infotip
  • Updated the description for the location of the Gazebo Plaza ornament in the Construction Menu for the quest "Market Research: The Lab"
  • Fixed the missing construction hint in the Crop Fields infotip for Simplified Chinese language
  • Renamed the option to disabled production flyouts
  • Fixed the text "Shared Storage" that went out of bonds in the Statistics menu for Polish language
  • Fixed a missing space after a comma in the text of Blessed Rains expedition event
  • Fixed a typo in the item fluff text "Lady Lu, the Redeemed Pirate"
  • Fixed some minor misleading text for the Stadium event
  • Fixed a Typo in "Ivory Iggaak" Arctic Lodge item description
  • Fixed a Typo in the "Fable Foible" Enbesan voluntary quest
  • Fixed an overlap issue for the construction material value in the Skyline Tower menu in Traditional Chinese
  • Added a missing text for the search bar in the Docklands' Menu as feedback when no results were found
  • Fixed several minor text issues
  • Fixed some spelling mistakes and missing strings in various quest and objective texts

January 19, 2023 - Game Update 16.1[]

Source: Anno Union

Features & Content

  • Adding support for the "Dragon Garden" Pack Cosmetic DLC
  • Adding the rewards for the DLC 12 Community Challenge "Cultural Boom"
    • Two new company logos (orchid and bird)
    • Two new company colours (Bordeaux Red and Orange)


  • Fixed incorrect construction costs for the Cable Factory, Motor Factory, Ventilator Factory and Scooter Factory of DLC 12 and its scenario
  • Adjusted the production time for Film Reels to 30s and Pigments to 45s (the prices in the Docklands have been adjusted accordingly)

Bug Fixes: Gameplay

  • Added a fix for the game not starting under certain circumstances
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to the duplication of item effects when using multi-move on Trade Unions or Town Halls
  • Salpeter Works now require Aluminium Profiles instead of Steel Beams for construction in the "Pride & Peddlers" Scenario
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to a large negative number being displayed in the balance
  • Removed the "Black Tea" entry from Docklands' Global Importers
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to loading a wrong save game when clicking the continue button for a scenario
  • Motors and Film Reels are now listed as intermediate products in the Statistics Screen
  • Fixed an issue for the Oil Refinery's object menu in the Eden Burning Scenario that did not allow to build Oil Wells
  • Adjusted the "Science Whizz" item for the workforce replacement
  • Fixed a rare performance issue that could appear for very large save games with a lot of Scholar residences and unfulfilled "Briefcase" need in the "The High Life" Department Store
  • Fixed an issue that led to the "Old Town Pack" skins being available in the Passage and Enbesa region
  • The balance infotip now also lists the income generated by Artistas

Bug Fixes: UI

  • The Hacienda Artista Quarters are no longer present in the Hacienda menu without activating the New World Rising DLC
  • Fixed an issue with the item tab in the Hacienda object menu that was no longer functional
  • Fixed the wrongly configured icon for the Graveyard Fence in the Grand Gallery

Bug Fixes: Multiplayer

  • Fixed an issue that could result in desyncs following Game Update 16

Bug Fixes: Art/Visuals

  • The ground plate for the Police Station skin from the "Old Town Pack" no longer overlaps with the streets in the New World

Bug Fixes: Localization/Text

  • Fixed several text issues for the Stadium
  • The Docklands entry is now available again in the Static Help Menu
  • Added a missing headline for the Dam Monument
  • Added partly missing translation for the infotip of the "Park Ranger" item
  • Made some small adjustments to the names of Cosmetic DLCs for the German Localization
  • Added missing translation for the items "Bait Specialist" and "Salvador, the Stalwart"
  • The "Laboratory" has its name back and is no longer called "Arsenal"
  • German Localization: The term "Rindergehege" no longer appears in the infotip for powered pastures of nandu and alpaca farms
  • Changed the German Localization for "Rindergehege"
  • Renamed the "Pre-Order" category to "Bonus" category in the construction menu
  • Added partly missing translation for the infotip of the "Angelic Anthrax Vaccine" item
  • Fixed some localization issues in the Scenario description for "Pride & Peddlers" and "A Clash of Couriers"

December 8, 2022 - Game Update 16[]

Source: Anno Union

Features & Content

  • Support for DLC 12 – New World Rising – and the "Old Town" Pack Cosmetic DLC
  • Lifestyle Needs: We have added additional Lifestyle Needs based on DLC 12 content.
  • Multi-Move Tool: You can now move multiple objects at once by drawing a rectangle with the move tool.
  • Islands: The island pool for the New World has been expanded with new islands and riverless variants of existing islands.
  • Construction Menu: The construction menu has been reworked, with a focus on clearer structure and a dedicated category for ornaments.
  • New items for DLC 12, some with DLC cross-interactions:
    • Constable Chaos (Police Headquarters use Advanced Weapons instead of Police Equipment)
    • Bait Specialist (Arctic Hunting Cabins process beef and produce additional bear fur)
    • Inigo Flores (extra goods from Orchid and Herb Farms)
    • Enbesan Envoy (affects productions in the New World and Enbesa)
    • Maria Maravilla (extra Carriages and Scooters from the Cab Assembly)
    • Pedro, Captain of the "Panama" (extra goods from fisheries)
    • Salvador, the Stalwart (employs Artistas in New World factories for extra goods)
    • Valentina Alvarez (affects cattle farms and sanga farms for bonus milk and herbs)


  • Lifestyle Needs Balancing: We rebalanced and expanded the Lifestyle Needs for all population tiers.
    • With DLC 11 and 12, there are now up to 9 Lifestyle Needs per population tier (incl. Mail).
    • To provide a better balance with all DLC included and having "round" numbers for the maximum population, the provided population of some goods had to be changed.
    • This will lead to some light drops in population upon loading your savegame, depending on how many Lifestyle Needs you had already fulfilled previously.
    • We also included the Panorama Effect in our balancing calculations, reacting to feedback you provided after DLC 11.
    • One example of how this can look like:
      • The soap consumption of Engineers previously was: 3,2 complete chains to support 100 residences
      • The new balancing will only require 1,25 complete chains but the population gained moved from 5 down to 2
      • In Engineer skyscrapers with 2 floor levels, the soap will add 2 more residents, with the Panorama Effect level 3 it'll add 4 extra residents.
      • Additionally, Engineers get 3 new Lifestyle Needs via DLC12 with a total of 16 more residents to a new total with all DLC of 90
    • And another one for the investors:
      • The Bear Fur need was at 1 Bear Hunter per 100 residences
      • Now it will be reduced by about third to 0.65 per 100 Houses
      • However, the provided population will be reduced from 10 to 6
      • An Investor skyscraper with 3 floor gets additional 6 residences from the need
      • Panorama Effect level 5 will then add additional 13 for bear fur when provided
  • The Lifestyle Need "Work clothes" now gives one coin for the Jonaleros when fulfilled
  • Reduced the attractivity bonus for the "Hacienda Pool" ornament
  • Updated the "Water Cooler", "Distiller" and "Cola Mola Wola Machine" items to also affect the Hacienda Brewery
  • Adjusted the damage balancing of Old Nate's "CarboN8r" sea mine to 1250
  • Reduced the purchasing costs of airships from Old Nate's in the "A Clash of Couriers" scenario

General Improvements

  • Improved the Airship behaviour for docking at free piers
  • Airships now descent faster when unloading Goods and Mail at Piers and Platforms
  • Pathways ornaments to connect cultural modules can now be built directly from the Cultural Buildings Blueprint Object Menu
  • The Flak Monitor now has a "Change Ship's Skin" button in its object menu
  • Changed the wording of the button in the DLC overview screen in the main menu from "Activate DLC" to "Redeem a Key" to address feedback
  • Changed the names of all airship classes built with Helium to easier differentiate them from the ones using Arctic gas

Bug Fixes: Gameplay

  • The shipyard in the Seasons of Silver Scenario no longer offers locked base game ship models
  • Fixed missing upgrade arrows in the arctic when using the upgrade tool
  • Fixed a speechbubble for the "Tutorial: Supply Factory" that was blocking the factories object menu
  • Fixed an issue for some production buildings from Seeds of Change not registering changes to working conditions
  • Fixed an issue for Scrapyard wall fences not reliably auto connecting
  • The "Beard of the Year Award" item effect is now functional in the "A Clash of Couriers" scenario
  • Fixed an issue that led to a reset of the Research points to 100k after loading a save game when a higher value was reached
  • Lifestyle needs can no longer be used to upgrade residences without basic needs
  • Fixed an issue with the Ship-of-the-Line "Man o' War 1701" skin not being available for selection in some cases
  • Docklands modules can no longer be built in harbour red zones
  • Removed a misleading tooltip for the sorting function in formula and recipe books
  • Fixed an issue for players that could not join multiplayer games on GeForce Now
  • Not fulfilled Lifestyle Needs will not be counted for a residence buildings average supply in the statistic screen
  • Fixed a delay for the splash screen after the intro video for the "Clash of Couriers" scenario
  • Removed irrelevant consumer goods from the Statistics in the "Clash of Couriers" Scenario
  • Fixed wrongly displayed picture of Obrero instead of Jornalero workforce in Saltpetre Works
  • Fixed an issue with Residences in the Arctic showing "Low Heat" infotip when heated only with Heaters
  • Added missing notification for the completion of the construction phase of Monuments
  • Postal Service and Aluminium Profiles production chains are now shown before their unlocking on the construction bar in the New World
  • Removed a placeholder item that was present in the Statistics Menu
  • The bonus damage to Harbour Buildings for the "Illegal rocket Battery" is now functional in "A Clash of Couriers" scenario
  • Fixed an issue with the "Sack of Money" item that was usable in the Trade Union instead of the Town Hall for the "A Clash of Couriers" Scenario
  • The scenario plant items now have their item source listed in the Statistics Menu
  • Fixed an issue with the "Oxidation Pool" not being affected by the "Embrace Sunlight" buff in "Seasons of Silver" scenario
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to spamming the notification about ruins in the city
  • Bonus effects are now shown also for administration buildings in the Statistics Menu
  • Fixed an issue for the Hacienda farm with tractor barn/fertilizer silo showing incorrect statistics of production sources when crops were changed
  • The productivity can no longer drop below 0% when using the "Synthetic Chemist" item
  • The preview for Hacienda Farm and Brewery recipes is now available in the catalogue before they are unlocked as for all other multifactories
  • The Hacienda Paving and Pathway no longer affect Residences needs if built in blueprint mode
  • Fixed an issue with notifications about reputation change with an NPC displayed twice if player looks at NPC's island
  • The "Fertility Missing" warning no longer appears in the construction menu when the Fertility is provided by the Botanical Set
  • Fixed the issue for local departments always showing the line "No item effects" in the Finance Statistics
  • The Hacienda Pathway and Paving Limit can no longer be exceeded by pressing SHIFT
  • Fixed an issue with the Copperplate Printer in item not affecting all production buildings in "A Clash of Couriers"
  • Fixed an issue with the Skyline Tower's maximum residents being impossible to reach in combination with the Empire of the Skies DLC
  • Fixed an issue where changing the recipe in Food Establishments causes bonuses to be displayed incorrect until the game is restarted

Bug Fixes: UI

  • Fixed a small UI issue in the Trade Route menu for the good "Artic Reports" from the "Empire of The Skies" DLC
  • Fixed a misleading unlock condition in an infotip for the "Hot Sauce" recipe for the Hacienda Brewery
  • Added a missing icon for the "Tutorial: New World Network" quest in the questbook
  • Fixed an issue with an empty item selection in the object menu of several buildings after a filter was applied in the Research Institute
  • The tooltips for goods are no longer obscuring the selection menu for the Advanced Pier
  • Removed a misleading infotip for the "Show Full Trade History" toggle in the Docklands Main Wharf Menu
  • The pop-up Menu for skins is now closing correctly
  • Fixed empty infotips for the Bus Skins
  • Fixed a broken counter for Local Mail for the quest "Tutorial: Post Office"
  • Fixed an issue with the Hacienda Module build menu being accessible and functional during Fire Incident
  • The "Grass colour" icon no longer overlaps the "lock" icon for some ornaments in the construction menu
  • Fixed a wrong icon that was displayed in the quest "Tutorial: Airmail"
  • Adjusted the order of the DLC icons on the save game profiles to fit the release order
  • Promotion pop-ups that appear after purchasing new content and starting the game for the first time are now evenly centred
  • Fixed positioning of some ship's cargo slots for the 'Transfer Goods and Items' and 'Trade' menus
  • Fixed some inconsistencies for icons on infotips for storage and loading speed in the Docklands object menu
  • Removed some icons from the questbook entries for the different DLCs
  • The player icons are no longer overlapping in the Diplomacy Menu
  • Fixed a visual issue for the Grand Gallery ticket counter on the scenario victory screen
  • Fixed misaligned "Continue" banner for "Eden Burning" scenario in the title screen
  • Fixed a small UI issue with an overlapping timer for the quest "Kidusi Anitoni: Down, Down into the Deep"
  • Fixed a clipping header in the World's Fair menu
  • Fixed an issue with long lists of mission objectives not fitting the UI box
  • The animation of moving pistons (when boosted by a Tractor Barn) is missing in Grain Farm object menu after loading a savefile

Bug Fixes: Multiplayer

  • Build mode in a co-op multiplayer game will now allow the "build only in irrigated area" mode by pressing "Alt" when placing modules. The Co-op ping via "Alt" will be disabled during the build modes.

Bug Fixes: Quests & Achievements

  • Fixed an issue that prevented players progress through the quest "A Trifling Matter: Another Conspiracy Unmasked" blocking the Tourist Season DLC from finishing
  • Fixed an issue for the "World Peace" Achievement not unlocking after completing the requirements
  • Fixed an issue for the Silver Medal not unlocking when the Gold Medal was earned in the "A Clash of Couriers" Scenario
  • Fixed an issue with the "Best of a Bad Lot" badge not being displayed on the map pin after it has been earned
  • Fixed an issue for the quest "Tutorial: New World" where the objective was not met right after switching
  • The "Bashing the Buccaneers" quest no longer falsely auto-resolves
  • Fixed an issue for the quest "The Strike at the monument construction site" where one of the choices was always unlocked
  • The quest "Tutorial: Supply Factory" can now be also completed when dropping care packages on Hacienda Obrero residences
  • The quest "Mortal Remains" can now be solved after the delivery quests start in "Seasons of Silver" scenario
  • The quest "Tutorial: Supply Factory" appeared too early and now triggers after the tutorial quest for the Hangar

Bug Fixes: Art/Visuals

  • Fixed a small visual issue at certain camera distances on the main island in the "A Clash of Couriers" scenario
  • Fixed an issue where quest items that were thrown overboard from an airship did not reach the land correctly
  • Fixed a visual issue on the ground plate for Old Nate's Workshop Ornament
  • The feedback units coming from the visitor ships are no longer levitating when reaching the platforms
  • Fixed an issue that allowed changing ship skins for unique ships for which it should not be possible

Bug Fixes: Audio

  • The audio is now correctly replaying after pressing "Replay the introduction audio" button in the questbook menu for the "Tutorial: Rigid Airship Hangar" quest
  • Fixed an issue with the Audio of both Vara and Vasco getting cut off in Japanese

Bug Fixes: Localization/Text

  • Added missing translation for the Anti-Armour Gun
  • Pictures are now localized on the Static Help pages for Empire of the Skies
  • A missing text was added for the Ammonium Plant tooltip
  • Fixed several truncation issues for Korean, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese
  • Fixed UI and text issues for several infotips when placing ornaments
  • The infotip for Coffee no longer says that it's "Imported from the Arctic" when it's not unlocked yet
  • Fixed a missing space character in warning notification flyout when explosion happens due to increased productivity
  • The text on the option for "Only Use Roman Font" was changed to "No Italics"
  • The goods from "Empire of the Skies" now have a fluff description in the Expedition Preparation Menu
  • Fixed several texts in Lifestyle Need infotips about the source of the goods
  • The ocean travel speed information is now localized
  • Fixed an issue with "Spices" being present in the list of goods for the "Eden Burning" scenario
  • Fixed the text of a misleading speechbubble for the quest "Fortuna's lost mail" in "A Clash of Couriers" scenario
  • Fixed a misleading item description for items that "Affects All Mines and Quarries" for Russian
  • Fixed some text label inconsistencies for certain production chains
  • Fixed an issue with the Scrapyard Walls and Fences from the Grand Gallery using icon and text from Hacienda Walls in their object menu

October 19, 2022 - Game Update 15.1[]

Source: Anno Union

Features & Content

  • Added the reward billboard from the DLC 11 Community Challenge to the game

General Improvements

  • Added session transfer modifiers to ship infotips in shipyards and hangars
  • Added loading speed modifiers to ship infotips in shipyards and hangars


  • Drastically increased loading and unloading speed for mail. It now has its separate loading speed times compared to regular goods
  • Nerfed both new defensive towers
    • Flame Tower:
      • Decreased health from 2070 to 1701
      • Increased Influence costs from 9 to 15
    • Anti-Armour Gun:
      • Decreased health from 3900 to 3750
      • Decreased damage from 595 to 500
      • Decreased attack range from 70 to 65
      • Increased reload time from 90 to 93
    • Reduced armour-pierce efficiency overall for all ship types
  • Increased the satisfaction street range of the Arctic post office from 28 to 32 and the maximum range from 50 to 52 to make up for the restrictions caused by the additional mail system radius
  • Reduced frigate loading speed to 80%
  • Reduced loading speed of Rapid Airships
  • Reduced money and influence cost as well as maintenance of Hermes class to make it more competitive to Rapid Airships

Bug Fixes: Gameplay

  • Fixed an issue with the Refined Industrial Toxin Filter in Eden Burning affecting Animal Farms instead of Heavy Industry
  • Fixed wrong upkeep cost differences between Arctic Gas and Helium variants of the Pegasus and Zephyr class
  • Fixed an issue with the construction costs of the Arctic Gas variant of the Boreas airship being inconsistently low
  • Fixed an issue with some configured Lifestyle Needs leading to higher consumption of regular Needs
  • Fixed an issue with the AI running into a progression issue
  • Fixed an issue with missing Season 4 Pass ornaments
  • Fixed an issue with the trade route menu not showing a map preview of the respective route when hovering over it
  • Fixed an issue with the Shampoo Lifestyle Need for Engineers not providing the correct number of bonus residents
  • Fixed an issue with Lifestyle Needs being reported in the Newspaper when not fulfilled
  • Fixed an issue with the speed bonus earned via investing influence not applying to cargo airships
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed to apply multiple Local Department effects
  • Fixed an issue with the "Clash of Couriers" reward skin not being available for the Arctic Gas variant of the Pegasus class
  • Fixed an issue with the Temperate and Tropical Pedologist not being available at Archibald's harbor when the player only had DLC 8 OR DLC 9 active, but not both
  • Fixed an issue that could result in performance drops when activating the New World Commuter Module

Bug Fixes: UI

  • Removed unnecessary point-of-origin info from mail needs infotip in the Arctic
  • Fixed an issue with the building skin menu still being active after closing
  • Fixed an issue with missing tooltips for items in the "Fields of Research" menu

September 20, 2022 - Game Update 15[]

Source: Anno Union

Features & Content

  • Added support for DLC 11 – Empire of the Skies – and the "Clash of Couriers" scenario
  • New items - In total, 10 new items have been added that are not directly related to DLC 11. Most of them are tied to DLC or a combination of DLC.
    • Mad Mary (no DLC)
    • Animal Nutritionist (DLC 10)
    • Enbesan Animal Nutritionist (DLC 10 + DLC 6)
    • Temperate Pedologist (DLC 10 + DLC 8 or 9)
    • Tropical Pedologist (DLC 10 + DLC 8 or 9)
    • Synthetic Chemist (DLC 10 + DLC 3)
    • Arctic Gas Expert (DLC 11 for DLC 3)
    • Combustion Chemist (DLC 11 for DLC 3)
    • New World Science Reporter (DLC 11 with DLC 6)
    • Arctic Science Reporter (DLC 11 with DLC 6 and 3)
  • Lifestyle Needs
    • A new Needs category has been added to all population tiers in all regions across all DLC. These needs provide additional income and population without increasing the consumption of the regular needs.
    • Some are related to the base game, others are only available when specific DLC are active.
  • Flamethrower Monitor and Blue Flamethrower Monitor (The Passage exclusive) added
    • Two new monitor variants, buildable via the Steam Shipyard, with extra damage against wooden ships. The Blue Flamethrower Monitor is only available when the "The Passage" DLC is active.
  • Flame Tower
    • Unlocked at Artisan level. A new harbour tower that deals bonus damage against wooden ships.
  • Anti-Armour Tower
    • Unlocked at Engineer level. A new harbour tower that deals bonus damage against armoured ships.


  • Increased the maximum impact radius of the Hacienda to 75
  • Corrected docklands exchange values for Dung, Fertiliser, Hot Sauce and Atole
  • Slightly resized the Arctic Airship (now: Boreas Class) to 90% to better fit to the new airships
    • Also applies if DLC 11 is not used/owned
  • Added a chain of debuffs for certain weapon types
    • Damages by torpedoes, the anti-armour tower and the new flamethrower tower + flamethrower monitor now also trigger a debuff-chain
    • The chain consists of three debuffs, appearing one after another based on a timer, each weaker than the previous one

General Improvements

  • Quick match update:
    • Condensed the selection, now only a 2 player quickmatch option is present
  • Adjusted the UI of both shipyards
    • This change was done to be more consistent with the Airship Hangar
  • Added a marker for already owned items at traders
  • Added a shortcut to jump to the place on the map for the last notification
    • By default, the shortcut is CTRL + SPACE
    • Notifications for "Game saved", quests and ongoing expeditions are ignored
  • Declining war in alliances
    • Players are no longer drawn into conflicts by default. No matter if the alliance partner is attacking or getting attacked, players can now decline the request. This ends the alliance.
  • Added a function to add one group selection of ships to another group selection of ships
    • When a defined group is selected, player can keep the "shift" button pressed to add another defined group

Bug Fixes: Gameplay

  • Fixed an issue that wrongly stated "steel beams" as requirement for the warehouse in the Season of Silver scenario
  • Fixed an issue with item drag and drop at AI harbor
  • Fixed an issue with the Hacienda policies being blocked in the Seasons of Silver scenario
  • Fixed an issue with the coke production cycle in the Seasons of Silver scenario
  • Fixed an issue with the "Water Pump" building in the construction bar in the Eden Burning scenario
  • Fixed an issue with too high money reward in the Eden Burning scenario
  • Fixed an issue with decision quest effects in the Seasons of Silver scenario
  • Fixed an issue with Ketema´s harbor selling only very limited stock
  • Fixed an issue with a wrong unlock for the "Living it Large" achievement
  • Fixed an issue where the Hacienda Fertiliser Works was not affected by incidents – no calm days for the fire department
  • Fixed an issue with some Trade Union items not affecting the Hacienda modules
  • Fixed an issue with the "restart" button for scenarios being greyed out after deleting the scenario savegames
  • Removed fish from the consumer tab in the warehouse/trading post in the Seasons of Silver scenario
  • Removed pearls from the warehouse/trading post storage in the Seasons of Silver scenario
  • Removed schnapps from the warehouse/trading post storage in the Eden Burning scenario
  • Fixed an issue with shortcuts for building rotation in Japanese language
  • Fixed an issue with changing construction cost of some Hacienda buildings when copied with active recipe
  • Fixed an issue with Chewing gum not appearing in the Warehouse/Trading Post in the Seasons of Silver scenario
  • Fixed an issue with ship items usage impossible to be aborted
  • Fixed an issue with Old World construction materials being required in Enbesa
  • Fixed an issue with a wrongly calculated newspaper happiness effect
  • Fixed an issue where items could be lost by dragging them onto AI's trading post
  • Fixed an issue where the AI would buy goods despite no passive trade setup
  • Fixed an issue where the statistics would show an incorrect number of island shares
  • Fixed an issue with too high maintenance cost of the Oxidation Pools in the Seasons of Silver scenario
  • Fixed an issue with the "Photosynthesis" buff also applying to Goat Farms on un-irrigated soil in the Seasons of Silver scenario
  • Fixed an issue with scaling option impacting the game resolution
  • Fixed an issue with wrong flyouts when copying certain buildings without permits
  • Fixed an issue with the game not pausing on the "Save and Exit " screen
  • Fixed an issue with the "construction fence" ornament not being placeable over a road
  • Fixed an issue with the escape function in the scenario selection
  • Fixed an issue with the multicopy tool
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Botanical Garden from being built in the New World via the copy tool

Bug Fixes: UI

  • Fixed an issue with ornament packs pinned to the quick access not opening
  • Fixed an issue with several misaligned texts in infotips
  • Fixed an issue with the timer in the Season of Silver scenario. A new season will now start instead of the timer going into negative numbers
  • Fixed an issue with visible buffs for AI military ships
  • Removed attractiveness icon from the Hacienda in the Seasons of Silver scenario
  • Removed remaining attractiveness icons from production buildings in the Seasons of Silver scenario
  • Fixed an issue in the cultural buildings tab of the statistic screen
  • Fixed an issue with broken tutorial speech bubble for bankruptcy
  • Fixed an issue with a scrollbar in the Docklands Main Wharf menu
  • Fixed an issue with wrong labelled needs in the Seasons of Silver scenario
  • Fixed an issue with scenario infotips which are not properly displayed
  • Fixed an issue with the storage tab not showing goods in campaign mode.
  • Fixed an issue with overlapping warning icon in farm fields object menu
  • Fixed an issue with faction info tips get stuck in Multiplayer Lobby
  • Fixed an issue with missing attractiveness infotip in Eden Burning and Seasons of Silver scenarios
  • Fixed an issue with stuck quick-access wheel
  • Added a missing weather icon in the Seasons of Silver scenario
  • Fixed an issue with a wrong reaction trigger in the Seasons of Silver scenario
  • Fixed an issue with the trade route menu icon being slightly off-centre
  • Fixed an issue with the tractor barn animation still playing even if deactivated, while the fertiliser module is still active.
  • Adjusted the monument construction phase menu. When paused, it's now showing the available goods per requirements, while when active, it's showing the current status of the requirements.
  • Fixed an issue with an empty quest book entry referring to the Eden Burning scenario
  • Fixed an issue with not fitting fertility icons
  • Fixed an issue with the "Cultural Science" category under certain conditions stating "0 items" have been identified after identifying all of them
  • Fixed am issue with text from input fields getting copied and inserted by clicking
  • Fixed an issue with the item keyword search for "Trade Prices"
  • Removed obsolete "available ships" filter in the ship tab for trade routes and expeditions
  • Fixed an issue with stretched text on a certain resolution in the Seasons of Silver scenario

Bug Fixes: Multiplayer

  • Fixed an issue with twitching chat in Multiplayer
  • Fixed an issue with misleading "Game Paused" text in the ESC menu's header in multiplayer session
  • Fixed an issue with ship health bars in Multiplayer

Bug Fixes: Quests & Achievements

  • Fixed an issue with the misleading description for the "Culture Vulture" resident quest
  • Fixed an issue with 6 Seeds of Change achievements getting unlocked in-game, but not in Ubisoft Connect
  • Fixed an issue with parts of the Scepter item remaining in island storage in the story quest line of "Sunken Treasures"
  • Removed the Investor happiness condition from the "Chartered Company" achievement

Bug Fixes: Art/Visuals

  • Fixed an issue with highlighting of animal farms when building or selecting a fertilizer module
  • Fixed an issue with the Regal Plating Aesthetic (Imperial) ship skin
  • Fixed an issue with the ornament "Loaded Barge" from Docklands DLC. Even if loaded, it should still float.
  • Fixed a visual issue with the Medium Trading Post in the Seasons of Silver scenario
  • Fixed an issue with an invisible Steel Beams drop in the Eden Burning scenario
  • Fixed some minor visual issues with the "Autumnal Red" skin for the Battle Cruiser
  • Fixed an issue with Hacienda pathway texture
  • Fixed an issue with a visual gap at the Ceiba Tree in the Eden Burning scenario
  • Fixed an issue with a visual gap on a river in the Eden Burning scenario
  • Fixed an issue with the cursor size changing
  • Fixed an issue with the background of the credits screen

Bug Fixes: Audio

  • Fixed an issue with loud sounds if upgrading several blueprints at once
  • Fixed an issue with riot sounds still playing if camera moves away

Bug Fixes: Localization/Text

  • Fixed an issue with an overlapping icon in the Season of Silver scenario starting screen in Russian localization
  • Updated the name of the "Industrial Zone" Pack in the Construction Menu
  • Fixed an issue with overlapping quest text in Korean language in the "Seasons of Silver" scenario
  • Fixed an issue with misaligned images in the Hacienda Production tutorial for all languages
  • Fixed an issue with overlapping text in the victory conditions of the "Seasons of Silver" and "den Burning" scenario in Korean language
  • Fixed an issue with a blank text field in the "Seasons of Silver" scenario
  • Fixed an issue with not translated text in the "Season of Silver" scenario
  • Fixed an issue with overlapping text occurred on the quest book screen in Korean localization
  • Fixed an issue with a missing word for Russian localization in the "The Ogdoad of Virtues" book
  • Fixed a spelling issue with "Generationen" in the newspaper for German localization
  • Fixed an issue with missing translation in the options menu for all languages
  • Added an effect description to "Drunken Dave's Distillery Dive Leaflet" item
  • Fixed an issue with the "Seeds of Change" title in Russian localization
  • Fixed an issue with placeholder text in the statistics menu
  • Fixed an issue with missing good fluff description for "Seeds of Change" goods
  • Fixed an issue with switched names for railway ornaments in German localization
  • Fixed an issue with infotip inconsistencies in the statistic menu
  • Fixed an issue with not displayed character name in the victory cut scene of the Seasons of Silver scenario
  • Fixed an issue with an inconsistent translation in Russian localization
  • Fixed an issue with misspelled word in infotip for Russian localization
  • Fixed an issue with not fitting ornament category names in German localization
  • Fixed an issue with missing translation in the options menu in Traditional and Simplified Chinese localization.
  • Fixed an issue with debug texts shown in one of the lighthouses infotip in Enbesa for traditional and simplified Chinese localization
  • Fixed a minor issue with an explosion notification in the "Season of Silver" scenario
  • Fixed an issue with overrun text in the Taborime Habourmaster's Register for some localizations
  • Fixed an issue with some unusable characters in Polish localization
  • Adjusted a static help page in the "Seasons of Silver" scenario for some languages
  • Removed a misleading loading hint for the "Seasons of Silver" scenario
  • Fixed an issue with a doubled keyword in the item keyword search

June 28, 2022 - Game Update 14.3[]

Source: Anno Union

Features & Content

  • Adding support for Cosmetic DLC 8 – the "Industrial Zone" Pack
  • Adding two new company logos which were unlocked via the community challenge for DLC 10

Bug Fixes: Gameplay

  • Fixed an issue with the game getting stuck for a moment when opening the company profile in-game
  • Fixed a memory leak on the Steam version of Anno 1800
  • Fixed an issue with Anno 1800 crashing when the monitor enters sleep mode while in full screen mode

May 17, 2022 - Game Update 14.2[]

Source: Anno Union

Bug Fixes: Gameplay

  • Added a fix to revert the issue of all Achievements getting unlocked in-game after starting Seeds of Change (Note: This will retroactively fix existing savegames according to the data from Ubisoft Connect.)
  • Fixed an issue with the game not launching and getting stuck on a black screen on Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10980XE CPUs
  • Fixed an issue with three Clay Pits missing on the south-eastern island (Season of Silver)

May 3, 2022 - Game Update 14.1[]

Source: Anno Union


  • Reduced the production timer of the Fertiliser Works from 5min to 30sec and increased the building's output storage from 1 to 5

Bug Fixes: Gameplay

  • Fixed an issue with the game not launching and getting stuck on a black screen on Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10980XE CPUs
  • Fixed a game crash that happened when all ships were selected when selecting a ship for an expedition
  • Added a fix to prevent all Achievements to be unlocked in-game after starting Seeds of Change (Note: This only prevents the issue from appearing for players who have not started the game since GU 14. We are working on a fix to retroactively address it for already affected users. This, however, does take a little bit more time and will be fixed with a future update.)
  • Fixed an issue with fertile ground having no impact on animal farm productivity in the scenario (Season of Silver)
  • Fixed an issue with the Bombin Weaver consuming Cotton Fabric instead of Linen (Season of Silver)
  • Fixed an issue with Oil Springs on a secondary island vanishing when trying to build an Oil Well (Season of Silver)

Bug Fixes: Multiplayer

  • Fixed an issue causing desyncs during achievement unlocks in multiplayer

Bug Fixes: Quests

  • Fixed an issue with island pickup quests not being functional (Eden Burning)
  • Fixed an issue with the gold reward not unlocking for some players (Season of Silver) (Note: To unlock Gold, a new scenario needs to be started. It's not possible to unlock Gold on a savegame on which Bronze or Silver was already reached previously. This is working as intended and works the same way for Silver: It's also not possible to retroactively get Silver on a save with which Bronze was already achieved.)

April 12, 2022 - Game Update 14[]

Source: Anno Union

Features & Content

  • Adding support for DLC 10: "Seeds of Change" and the scenario "Seasons of Silver"


  • Fixed the balancing of the "Pyrphorian Generator Ruin" (Eden Burning) (Note: It now takes only 40min to remove but decreases air quality by 12 instead of 10)
  • Minor rebalancing for some Eden Burning events (Eden Burning) (Note: Some time frames were extended and requirements slightly lowered)

General Improvements

  • Reworked scenario summary screens
  • Reworked the handling of the animated mouse cursor which might fix some performance issues
  • Tree Painter – added Orchard Trees as options for tree painting
  • Added a timer for the duration of the Captain's Docklands Trade (Note: The timer is visible both on his ship as well as the Docklands Main Wharf)
  • Added option to cycle between loading screen tips by clicking on the respective arrows
  • Changed building restriction for farm building modules: Crop farm modules (fertiliser and tractor) don't have to be built adjacent to the main building anymore but can also be placed adjacent to the farm fields. The silos for the animal farms don't have to be built right next to the building anymore but only somewhere in its radius.

Bug Fixes: Gameplay

  • Pirates are rebuilding their islands again after coming back (Note: This does not affect savegames where the issue is already present)
  • Treasure maps now show the expedition effect directly in their infotip
  • Downgrade refund is now functional for skyscrapers on normal and advanced difficulty
  • Players can no longer receive Specialists from DLCs they do not own
  • A tooltip now informs about the downgrade refunds for resident buildings
  • Fixed an issue on some savegames with decreasing influence points after the High Life update (Note: As this seems to be very save game specific issue, the fix might not solve the problems for all players)
  • Fixed an issue with the island bar (with name + shares) not being visible during festivals
  • Fixed an issue with the "DLC: A Queen`s Favour" achievement that in some cases did not grant the portrait after fulfillment
  • Fixed an issue for the "DLC: Goatberg Variations" achievement which wasn't unlocking correctly
  • Fixed default keyboard shortcuts for "Rotate building left/right" for French and Russian
  • Fixed an issue with demolished buildings being highlighted red when hovering over them with the mouse cursor during demolish animation
  • Fixed an issue in the workforce top bar. The number of farmers was oscillating during the start of the game when moving in.
  • Street connections no longer occasionally highlight incorrect bridges around rivers
  • Fixed the broken warning when picking up goods while the island storage is full
  • Fixed an issue for the Tourist Season DLC where basic needs for Hotels were starting to fulfill after reloading the save game
  • Special characters can now again be used to name ships, islands and trade routes
  • Fixed an issue with buildings having the default skin when constructed from a blueprint with non-default skin
  • Fixed an issue with the tree painter tool not being functional after being added to the right-click menu
  • Fixed an issue for skyscrapers occasionally being stuck in transparent mode after moving a building near them
  • Fixed an issue with quay streets remaining occasionally staying highlighted green when switching between sessions
  • Fixed an issue that did not allow players to interact with the farm/plantation menu after using the demolish tool on farm fields
  • Ornaments upgraded from blueprints are no longer built with darker grass variants beneath them by default
  • Fixed an issue with the construction AI not respecting Fertility Changes from Research Center
  • Fixed an issue with Resin and Cherry Wood production not being affected by Global Bonuses
  • Fixed the incorrectly shown "Change Train Skin" infotip when hovering the mouse cursor over specified position on "Blocked segment" tab in the Oil Harbor's object menu
  • Fixed an issue on the right-click menu. When the relocation function is blocked due to difficulty settings, it can now be replaced and is functional for other buildings.
  • Fixed an issue with toggling the grass color for one of the "Temperate Grove Tree" ornament variants
  • Fixed an issue for using the "Skin Painter Tool" on multiple buildings in blueprint mode. Now the skins of all buildings will be changed, not only the first one
  • Fixed an issue for the multi-copy tool not copying crossings
  • Fixed a missing notification after finishing the "Destroy Ships" objective in specific part of "A Prince in Progress – Disengagement" questline
  • Hotkeys are no longer incorrectly activated when typing in the Trade Route search field
  • Players can no longer gain scenario rewards by using save files from others (Eden Burning)
  • Fixed the display of production over time for some goods in the statistics menu (Eden Burning)
  • Sir Archibald's message is no longer incorrectly displayed when players run out of money in the scenario (Eden Burning)
  • Unused Cocoa, Sugar and Chocolate goods have been removed (Eden Burning)
  • It is now possible to equip items with different effects in the Trade Union (Eden Burning)

Bug Fixes: User Interface

  • Fixed an issue in the Docklands Menu that did not allow to adjust the number of the traded goods after the contract list was opened once
  • Fixed the missing tooltip for the shares overview
  • A missing subsection for the "Seasonal Decorations" ornaments was added in the culture tab of the city attractiveness menu
  • The "Seasonal Decoration" Pack Cosmetic DLC got a new icon in the construction menu
  • Fixed the infotip structure for cultural items. Attractiveness and Cultural set information are now closer to each other.
  • Fixed an issue for some production object menus that could appear shifted to the top
  • Fixed a small visual issue on the Players' progress bar which was cut off at the end
  • The upgrade button's infotip in the Oil Harbour's object menu now shows how many trains and additional oil storage will be added after the upgrade
  • Disabled the "Reset Scenario" button and UI functions when no scenario or save data exists
  • Fixed an issue for the Zoo, Museum and Botanical Garden item popup being shifted to the top when empty
  • Added an information to the tooltips of Town Hall, Trade Union, Harbourmaster that items can be donated directly to the Research Center by pressing Ctrl+D
  • Fixed some overlapping UI elements in the Promotion Screen of Cosmetic DLCs that appeared for certain languages
  • The "Socketed Items" text string is no longer overlapped by the ship's wheel icon in the High Score meta menu for Polish language
  • Fixed an issue for the "Next unlock" icon overlapping the Prestige level counter in the Palace Overview Menu after reaching a high level of Attractiveness
  • Fixed an UI issue when searching items in Trading Post showed no results
  • Fixed a broken icon that appeared in the Flagship infotip after delivering pyramid photos to Yaosca in the scenario (Eden Burning)
  • Fixed an issue with the UI being visible before the introduction banner ended (Eden Burning)
  • The missing trade route button in the ships object menu is now shown as disabled (Eden Burning)
  • Replaced the wrongly displayed Obrero portrait in the object menu of Charcoal Kiln, Oil Refinery and Tortilla Maker to the correct Jornalero portrait (Eden Burning)
  • The "Pyrphorian Generator" is now showing the timer during the first 40% of the removal process (Eden Burning)
  • The "Water Purifier" is now present in the construction menu when sorting by type view (Eden Burning)
  • Fixed multiple overlapping elements in the object menu of iron and copper mines (Eden Burning)
  • Removed an icon that incorrectly appeared when hovering over the constructed Dam with the copy tool (Eden Burning)
  • Removed the "Royal Taxes" expense entry that was present on high progress (Eden Burning)

Bug Fixes: Multiplayer

  • Fixed an issue with the tutorial quest "The Panorama Effect" that could be solved in a multi-player game when another team achieved the quest objectives
  • Fixed the attractiveness message that was triggering at the start of a multiplayer game
  • The "Writing Desk" patent gets no longer unlocked when another team in multiplayer game has Banker's Lamp production at 100%

Bug Fixes: Quests

  • Fixed an issue for quests that could not trigger correctly when marketplace skins were equipped (Note: Unfortunately, it's not possible to fix it for save games with the issue present)
  • Fixed a misleading text for the High Life DLC quest "Market Research: The Lab"
  • Fixed some issues for the "Belle Epoque: The Marmelade Revue" recipe quest where dancers could spawn in the ocean and the quest could not be completed (Note: Fix was already mentioned in previous patch notes, now it is also fixed on broken save games)
  • Added a missing icon and effect to the "Clean Up Work" choice from the "Chemical Spill" event (Eden Burning)
  • Quest items from the "Price of Knowledge" quest no longer disappear if thrown overboard (Eden Burning)
  • Yaosca is now rewarding the player for bringing Mesoan Seeds or Mesoan Cast (Eden Burning)
  • Players can now pick up an objective with a ship during the quest "Dolphin Inspection" (Eden Burning)
  • Fixed an issue with varying amounts of required "Charcoal Kilns" buildings in Maya's "Kiln Test" quest (Eden Burning)
  • Removed item quest marker from "Message in a Bottle" that can be picked up from a "Pile of Debris" (Eden Burning)
  • Added a missing icon for the "Toxic Fumes" follow up quest in the quest tracker (Eden Burning)

Bug Fixes: Art/Visuals

  • Fixed an ambient issue for the New World session
  • The effect of fading will no longer be stored in save games (Note: Previously buildings stayed transparent/invisible forever when the game was saved while the effect was active. Cannot be fixed for already existing savegames)
  • Fixed a visual issue for the "Autumnal Red Aesthetic (Imperial)" flagship skin
  • Fixed broken resident avatar expression animations that are depending on the happiness level
  • Birds can no longer fly through skyscrapers
  • The "Chestnut Stall" ornament is now saving power and is no longer lit during the daytime
  • Fixed some visual corruption for the demolish animation of the "1602 Memorial" ornament (Note: Sparkling stays)
  • Fixed some flickering issues on water canals
  • Fixed an issue for the smog VFX effect that was not loading before pausing and resuming production in Industrial Buildings
  • Bushes no longer clip through the "Groundplanes" ornament in the "Pedestrian Zone" Pack CDLC when rotated
  • Feedback units no longer walk over canals constructed along the streets during riots
  • Fixed missing grass color toggling for the "Flowering Shrub" ornament variations
  • Fixed a small visual issue on the "Mesoan Pyramid" island terrain (Eden Burning)
  • Fixed some small visual issues on the island "La Xultuna" (Eden Burning)
  • Fixed a minor visual issue on a wallpiece in the Mesoan Ruins (Eden Burning)
  • Fixed flickering lines on the Ancient Mesoan Pyramid rooftop of La Xultuna island (Eden Burning)
  • Fixed an issue with the Gatehouse in Yaosca's settlement not fully reaching the ground (Eden Burning)
  • Brick rewards from demolished ruins are now also visible at maximum camera distance at high or lower graphical options (Eden Burning)
  • Fixed a minor floating asset at the bridge in the La Xultuna caldera (Eden Burning)

Bug Fixes: Audio

  • Fixed an issue with combat sounds being audible in the wrong session
  • Fixed the missing sound for the downgrade action in Resident's buildings object menu
  • Added missing delays to Yaosca's audio lines during scenario loading (Eden Burning)
  • The Fisherman's reminder for Isabel's ship to stay close does not play anymore after he found the treasure (Eden Burning)

Bug Fixes: Localization & Text

  • Fixed wrong description for "Skin painter" shortcuts
  • Some smaller text changes were applied for a better understanding of the available influence points
  • Improved the infotips that are displayed during festivals for better readability
  • Fixed the placeholder text in the Bus Stop's object menu on the "Use Random Bus Skin" button
  • Fixed some text issues for the introduction text of the loading screen in Polish language
  • Fixed an issue for the Phase 2 Excavation site in the "Moving Mountains" campaign quest stating to require 5 tons of wool instead of the required 15
  • Changed the warning description in the Gold Mine tooltip for construction in the New World
  • Fixed misleading translation for the "2 Million Players Ship Skin" for Russian localization
  • Fixed the cut off name of the "Seasonal Decorations" Pack for Italian localization
  • Fixed a text issue in the loading screen tips for the "Relocate Tool"
  • Fixed the wrongly displayed text "Signed Trade Agreement with Anne Harlow" in the diplomacy menu when playing with Margaret Hunt and Anne Harlow after actually having signed peace with Anne
  • Some missing information for Specialist's expedition traits such as "Diver, Pirate, Hypnotist etc." were added
  • Fixed some broken text lines on the scenario victory screen letter for Polish language
  • Fixed an issue for the "Score for" line which was not adapted to Discovered Items and Panorama Effect infotips in High Score meta menu for Russian localization
  • Added missing localization for the line "Effects" in the Residence Happiness infotip
  • Fixed an issue for the currency texts: "€" and "£" are appearing as corrupted text "?" for Japanese language
  • Fixed an issue with the objective of "Shopping Centre" quest asking to build a Quay instead of Pier in Polish language
  • The World's Fair is no longer only called "Monument" in its event menu
  • Fixed a text issue for one of the decisions during the "Tomb Raiders" event that appears during the "Land of Lions" expedition in Russian language
  • Fixed some misleading descriptions for Salvager and Music items in Polish localization
  • Fixed an issue with monoculture/polyculture scenario loading hints referring to all farms instead of only crop farms (Eden Burning)
  • Added missing translation for the line "Trees" in the Cultivation Area's infotip of Lumberjack's Huts (Eden Burning)
  • Fixed an issue with the Player's character name "Isabel Sarmento" for some languages using special characters (Eden Burning)
  • Added missing localization for "Scenario Details" (Eden Burning)
  • The "Victory Conditions" sidebar tracker does now automatically switch to new language after changing text localization in the scenario (Eden Burning)
  • Fixed the notification "Leaking Pyrphorian Ruins construction phase has been completed" in all languages which appeared out of context during the cleaning phase (Eden Burning)
  • Fixed overlapping text in Ignacio's letter for Korean language (Eden Burning)
  • Fixed confusing wording for "Keep island health above 80%" (Eden Burning)
  • "Furnace" is no longer incorrectly called "Steel Works" (Eden Burning)
  • Removed notification about obtaining "Photos of the Pyramid" (Eden Burning)
  • The text is now adjusted to the window size in the Fisherman's decision quest for German localization (Eden Burning)
  • Fixed an issue for the text on the "Begin clearing ruins" button in the "Pyrphorian Ruins" object menu for French language (Eden Burning)

February 15, 2022 - Game Update 13.2[]

Source: Anno Union


  • Adding Support for Cosmetic DLC 7, the "Seasonal Decorations" Pack

Bug Fixes: General

  • Fixed an issue with the benchmarks crashing
  • Fixed an issue with the Ceiba Tree ornament ("Plant a Tree" CDLC) not being available in the New World
  • Fixed an issue with the consumption statistics not being displayed for multiple goods

Bug Fixes: User Interface

  • Fixed an issue where the resident happiness UI would cover and block the resident needs UI when the scenario was loaded right from the regular game (Eden Burning)
  • Fixed an issue with the topmost island not fully visible in the statistics when more than 12 items are owned
  • Fixed an issue with the build permits for Scholar Residences not being shown

Bug Fixes: Multiplayer

  • Fixed an issue with looped clicking sounds after starting a multiplayer game

Bug Fixes: Quests

  • Fixed an issue with the fisherman's quest (Eden Burning)

Bug Fixes: Audio

  • Fixed an issue with the volume levels of the intro video differing between languages (Eden Burning)

Bug Fixes: Localization & Text

  • Fixed an issue with some residence needs being labeled as luxury good or resource (Eden Burning)

January 18, 2022 - Game Update 13.1[]

Source: Anno Union


  • Fixed Docklands trade values for grain (now using the previous, correct values again)
  • Adjusted trade value of Toys and Elevators to take into account production chains needing the same good multiple times
  • Increased trade value of Gold Ore (and all products requiring gold ore) to correctly take into account its New World origin region

Bug Fixes: General

  • Removed the Culture tab in the construction menu (Eden Burning)
  • Removed the "tow debuff" for the flagship (Eden Burning)
  • Fixed an issue with the Aquafarm getting affected by the "Chronic Malnutrition" debuff (Eden Burning)
  • Fixed an issue with the Pearl Farm not unlocking after fulfilling the unlock requirements
  • Fixed an issue where the input key for rotating the camera counterclockwise was not functional
  • Fixed an issue with all tree-planting production buildings taking significantly longer to plant their trees
  • Developer Note: Forest density items affect how many trees are required in total to reach basic productivity, i.e. how much space the building needs. Your production buildings can still get "stuck" in planting phase if there isn't enough space to even reach this basic level of productivity. This means, "forest density" items speed up the forestation phase since less trees are required.

Bug Fixes: User Interface

  • Fixed an issue with Yaosca's transmute menu not being fully scrollable after closing and reopening it (Eden Burning)
  • Fixed an issue with placeholders being used for ruins in the production statistics menu (Eden Burning)
  • Fixed an issue with the scenario using the Botanica icon instead of the Eden Burning icon in some instances (Eden Burning)
  • Fixed an issue with the reset button for the scenario using the wrong icon (Eden Burning)
  • Fixed an issue where the exhibition confirmation button was clipping into the exhibition selection

Bug Fixes: Multiplayer

  • Fixed an issue where setting the online status in Ubisoft Connect to "invisible" would disable the game's online services
  • Fixed an issue with 'push to talk' not working

Bug Fixes: Quests

  • Fixed a missing decision choice when exploring the pyramid (Eden Burning)
  • Fixed an issue with decision choices being selectable even without having the required materials (Eden Burning)

Bug Fixes: Localization & Text

  • Fixed an issue with the timer for the gold medal not being visible in Traditional and Simplified Chinese when more than 1h was left (Eden Burning)
  • Fixed an issue with the "load save game" button only displaying an exclamation mark after failing the scenario (Eden Burning)

December 14, 2021 - Game Update 13[]

Source: Anno Union


  • Adding support for Cosmetic DLC 6, the "Vibrant Cities Pack"
  • Adding support for the "Plant a Tree" Cosmetic DLC
  • Adding the "Eden Burning" scenario free for all players
  • Adding a "skin painting tool" to more easily switch between building skins


  • Raised Skyline Tower attractiveness to 275
  • Adjusted exchange ratios for new Orchards goods from the "The High Life" DLC in the Docklands
  • Rebalanced effect of lack of Artisan workforce on Department Store for the "The High Life" DLC

General Improvements

  • The Christmas Market skin is now available via the user interface in the markets object menu
  • Added an option to disable the production infolayer in the settings
  • When selecting a residence while holding shift, all selected residences can now be also downgraded at once with the button in the object menu.
  • The player now receives a refund when downgrading residences
  • Cypress Trees are now added to the Tree Painting feature in Cape Trelawney
  • The seed is now displayed on the save games screen
  • More notifications and messages from NPCs were added to the "opinion" filter
  • When building a Lumberjack, the number of trees planted in its area is now shown to visualize the planting process

Bug Fixes: General

  • A potential crash with new Intel 12th Generation CPUs was fixed
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when confirming the ship deletion pop-up after already having returned to the main menu
  • Fixed an issue with the Orchard being locked for some players not owning the "Tourist Season" DLC
  • Upgrading a road during an active fire in range of the firestation now correctly triggers firefighters
  • Fixed an issue with the Pyrphorian Battle Cruiser being destroyed after reloading the game if it has more than 15600 hit points
  • Fixed an exploit for the newspaper effect freezing if there were not enough influence points for auto-publishing
  • Fixed an issue for the subtitle settings not being saved for the next game start
  • Fixed a broken camera jump-to after finishing a research project
  • Fixed an issue with ships getting occasionally stuck after transferring from one region to another
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed building of multiple unique buildings through fast clicking
  • Fixed an exploit that could auto complete escort quests when loading a save game
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed to build multiple local departments when multi-copied from multiple islands
  • Fixed an issue with the Trading Post being still functional without a road connection if an Oil Harbour was present on the island
  • The supply cart route to Warehouses is now displayed for the Heater in the Arctic region
  • The harbour area is now displayed when copying multiple harbour buildings
  • Fixed a crash that appeared when Latin characters were used as a save file name while the company name was using Cyrillic letters
  • Fixed an issue that caused trade prices from Eli Bleakworth to change after some minutes in-game.
  • Fixed scrolling in the Additional Content window in the Multiplayer Lobby
  • Fixed a wrongly displayed unlock condition for the Pyrphorian and Obrera portrait during game creation
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to airships sent between Cape Trelawney and New World moving sideways on arrival
  • Fixed an issue for stationary ships occasionally not picking up flotsam located right next to them
  • Islands in the Old World and Cape Trelawney can no longer have duplicate names
  • The Cannon Tower will no longer shoot before initiating training cooldown after being renovated from ruins

Bug Fixes: User Interface

  • Fixed the moving of the entry/exit points for ships on the Trade Map in the Trade Route Menu
  • Fixed statistics for Skyscrapers, Restaurants and Shopping Arcades in Finance Tab if all islands are selected
  • Fixed the Panorama Effect infotip that was overlapping the needs in the residence object menus
  • Fixed icon bonding with the cursor for drag and drop in the expedition menu
  • Some missing happiness modifiers have been added to the residence infotips
  • Removed additional separator in Twitch Drop infotips for German language
  • Fixed "Need heat" icon for blueprints in the Arctic that appeared after reloading
  • Fixed an issue with the same bonus from a policy being shown multiple times for residences in the Population Statistics Menu
  • Fixed an issue where the object will not be applied to Right Click circle menu, if this menu was opened over buildings after dragging the object
  • Infotips of objects from the construction bar are no longer visible while the menu screen of the crypt on Bright Sands island is open
  • Fixed an issue for right click actions that could be performed through any UI element and meta menu by pressing left mouse button while holding right mouse button
  • Fixed the bright icon to display the current region in the Trade Route Map

Bug Fixes: Multiplayer

  • Fixed some issues with the profanity filter for the newspaper title in multiplayer
  • Player can no longer move through the "Deep Blue" questline by interacting with Captain Tobias' quest ship of another team
  • Fixed player character spinning in first person mode after another player interacts with the model in a multiplayer session
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from joining Public Multiplayer Lobbies as it was set to private after reloading
  • Fixed an issue in Multiplayer for players hearing the sound effect of failed copy when another team attempts to paste multi-copied objects on the player's island
  • "Fog Horn" quest item can no longer be picked up by another team in a multi-player game
  • Player's portraits from previous multiplayer game are no longer displayed in the buildings/ships object menus of other participants

Bug Fixes: Quests

  • The pick-up NPC message is not triggered after delivering ship to islands with hostages in "Pay No Ransom" campaign quests
  • Fixed an issue with specific NPC messages not triggering for the second time after clicking on a quest ship
  • Fixed an issue with the shark not spawning during the "Deep Blue – And the Abyss Answered" quest
  • Docklands modules are now counted as completion object for the "Shopping Centre" quest
  • Fixed an issue for the "Skyline Tower: Daredevils" quest that asked to find 0/0 volunteers, if there are no workers residences on the island
  • Rarity and value of Bronze / Gold Performance Medal item now match with their effects
  • Fixed disappearing Iron Tower that could preventing "A Trifling Matter: The Eighth Wonder" from completing
  • Fixed the presence of a neutral ship as destroy objective in "Lowly Mercenary" voluntary quest from Vicente Silva
  • The voluntary quest "Culture Volture" now progresses after equipping the item
  • "Emma, the Tourist" quest item now uses the quest marker icon instead of the flotsam marker
  • The quest "Sent by Heaven – Charity" can now be solved by clicking on the palace instead of the lighthouse
  • Fixed an issue for the same message from Old Nate appearing twice during "The Big Blue" quest
  • Food production buildings of a 2nd party cannot be used anymore to solve "Nouvelle Cuisine: Hors d'Oeuvre" quest

Bug Fixes: Art/Visuals

  • Fixed an issue that caused feedback units/trains to jump over pedestrian bridges introduced with CDLC5
  • The "Annoversary" ship skins have now visual damage on the hull
  • The Empress' Spies now have walking animation for the quest "Unwanted Espionage"
  • Fixed some feedback units ignoring trees around the Iron Tower
  • The logo on the "Flag Archway" from the "Pedestrian Zone Pack" now matches the player's logo
  • Fixed boats spawning in the canal ornament
  • The Iron Tower texture will no longer disappear if players zoom into it as much as possible
  • Fixed demolish animation for the "Pedestrian Zone Entrance"
  • Fixed tiger's textures on close zoom distance
  • Fixed the number of Mounted Guns operators in the New World
  • Improved ground textures for docklands ornaments for some rare cases when built next to a street
  • Hot-Air Balloon can no longer clip into airships
  • Front funnel of Oil Tanker is no longer placed off-center
  • Feedback units on the "Pedestrian Bridge" are now adjusted to the floor level of the bridge
  • The decorated Iron Tower skin's logo now adjusts to the player's company logo
  • Fixed the gap between the smoke VFX and the chimney of the Weapon Factory
  • Fixed a floating object at Old Nate's Island in Cape Trelawney

Bug Fixes: Audio

  • Steamships no longer lose the engine sound effect after transferring to another region – stealth mode deactivated.
  • Ship destruction sound is no longer played when the Queen's ship de-spawns at the end of "A Promise Kept" quest

Bug Fixes: Localization & Text

  • Fixed a hardcoded text in the infotip in the Tower menu for all languages when the progress was blocked by a quest
  • Removed the additional zeros from the base number displayed in the infotips in the Arctic session
  • Added missing fluff text for "The High Life" goods in the expedition screen
  • Fixed the German translation for the skyscraper maintenance game settings
  • Fixed hardcoded text for "Missing Research Points" in the Research Institute
  • The sheep now has the correct name in the quest "My Lord is My Shepherd – Amun"
  • During the quest "Skyline Tower: Post Mortem", "Kutschen" is now correctly translated into "Dampfwagen" in the German localization
  • "Total attractiveness" line no longer overlaps with the castle icon in the High Score meta menu for the Russian localization
  • The name of the Pedestrian Zone CDLC has been adjusted in the additional content screen for the German localization
  • Manta Ray name is no longer missing its last letter in Simplified Chinese
  • Fixed some spelling errors in the panorama infotip for the English Localization
  • "Pedestrian Zone Pack" is now shown in different languages in The New World
  • The item "François Strindberg" has now a correct description in Polish
  • Clarified Panorama Effect infotip: Engineer and Investor skyscrapers do positively effect each other when having the same height.

September 28, 2021 - Game Update 12.1[]

Source: Anno Union

Features and Content

  • Game Update 12.1 adds support for Cosmetic DLC 5, the "Pedestrian Zone Pack"

Bug Fixes: General

  • Fixed an exploit with the construction wheel from one session being accessible in other sessions
  • The "+20% Hitpoints" effect from Captain Ibrahim now affects ships when equipped in the item slot
  • Fixed an issue with planted trees disappearing after save/load (trees can now not be planted near roads or buildings)
  • Items from Tourist Season and The High Life can now be bought at traders without the need to first develop them in the Research Institute
  • Fixed an issue for ships on Trade Routes trading in the middle of the ocean (For all cases we investigated. If you still encounter this problem, please let us know.)
  • The elevator in the Iron Tower can now also be used with an active recipe
  • Fixed an issue where save files were overwritten with the same name instead of being numbered
  • The "Estimated Briefcase Sales" now also affect Scholar Residences

Bug Fixes: User Interface

  • Fixed an issue with delayed appearing of notifications after clicking on residence quests
  • Fixed some incorrectly displayed character portraits in the quest book
  • Fixed the skyscraper item category in the Research Institute
  • Added the "Elevator" good to the Construction Materials Tab in Export/Import Docklands menu

Bug Fixes: Quests

  • Fixed a campaign blocker during the quest "Family Bonds" (If you're still encountering blockers during your campaign-playthrough, please let us know.)
  • Fixed an issue with the Ditchwater island not being revealed during the campaign

Bug Fixes: Art/Visual

  • Improved the ruined states for Skyscrapers and the handling of the view at close camera distance
  • The fog for the Arctic continental island has returned after a well-deserved vacation

Bug Fixes: Audio

  • Removed doubled audio line during the Quest "Royal Toilet"

Bug Fixes: Localization & Text

  • Fixed a text issue during the quest "Skyline Tower: Strike-Breaking"
  • Fixed a German localization issue for the "Pavillion" during the quest "Market Research: The Lab"
  • Fixed an issue with the shortcut for ornament variation not being displayed for English Localization
  • Fixed a text issue during the quest "Market Research: The Patent" for Russian localization
  • Fixed a text issue for the "Add Floor" text in the game controls overview
  • Fixed a text issue for "Current Amount" during the quest "Skyline Tower: Sound and Fury" for Russian localization
  • Fixed a text issue for "Improved by Electricity" for Russian, Polish and Korean Localization

August 31, 2021 - Game Update 12[]

Source: Anno Union

Features and Content

  • Support for "The High Life": Game Update 12 adds support for our third Season 3 DLC, "The High Life", for all Season 3 Pass owners. "The High Life" will also be available as a stand-alone purchase from August 31st onwards.
  • Ship arrival notifications: Players can activate arrival notifications for ships sent to a destination in the same session.
  • Multi-downgrade tool: By keeping the ALT button pressed when upgrading, multiple buildings can be selected and downgraded
  • Send to NPC island option: When sending a ship to a different session, players can now also select an NPC island
  • Items for "Tourist Season" & "The High Life": Several new items were added to the game, specifically targeted at the new buildings from "Tourist Season" and "The High Life"
  • Collapsable Trading Post UI: The Loading Ramps of a Trading Post can now be collapsed, showing more goods at once
  • Camera sensitivity: New options were added to adjust camera sensitivity
  • Bus Skins: Bus skins can now be set at the Bus Stations like train skins can be changed at the Oil Harbor
  • Highscore Screen: Players can now view a summary of their current savegame with an overall score that can be compared with other players.


  • Fixed an upgrade exploit: To upgrade a building it's now required to fulfill all Needs first. Therefore, increasing and decreasing the maximum population can no longer be used to upgrade buildings before all goods are provided.
  • Improved visibility of Max Residents and Bonus Residents calculation.
    Game Design Comment: Previously there were several items with an effect like "+10% additional population". What the effect actually did here was that we made a list of needs that provide all +1 and then added as many needs for each residence tier that would in the end lead to the +10% population that was specified. With the Skyscraper, however, that is no longer possible because their population is too high. We now still give for example 5 more residents for investor residences for an item that claimed +10% but the skyscraper also only gets 5 which is not 10%. So we dropped the % line in the effect info tip.
  • The explosion rate for "Tourist Season" buildings has been reduced
  • The Move-in speed for Hotels has been increased
  • Corn has been added as possible import good for the Docklands

General Improvements

  • The islands list when sending a ship to a different region is now sorted alphabetically
  • The production chains of Multifactories are now displayed like the ones for all other goods: The good's icon is displayed in the construction menu, selecting and building it creates a Multifactory with the respective recipe active. The recipe can still be changed in the building afterwards
  • Option added to disable disaster music
  • The Luminaries , Bronze Age, and Icebound sets now affect Season 3 buildings
  • The Oil Store is now affected by the optimization influence bonus in the Old World and Cape Trelawney
  • Bus Stops are now listed under infrastructure in the Statistics Screen
  • Docklands modules are now listed in the harbor category in the Statistics Screen
  • Added Tourist population to 'population over time' chart in the Statistics Screen
  • Added a new button to remove AI opponents during the game setup.

Bug Fixes: General

  • Fixed the performance issues that appeared with "Tourist Season"
  • Warnings are displayed again in info tips when trying to add invalid islands to Trade Routes
  • Fixed several issues when connecting Docklands to a Bus Stop
  • Fixed an issue where Achievements from"Tourist Season" could be unlocked without having the required Tourist needs unlocked
  • Clicking on an "Exhibition has ended" notification now correctly leads to the region with the World's Fair in question
  • Fixed an issue in the statistics screen for restaurant effects that could appear multiple times
  • Fixed some warnings that were displayed incorrectly in restaurant info tips
  • Fixed an issue where manually planted trees could disappear after save and reload if they were built near buildings or roads
  • Fixed calculation of residences fulfillment in the New World and Enbesa in the statistic screen
  • Deactivated the Old World session shortcut during the Campaign's prologue
  • Restaurants are now in a different category in the statistics screen
  • Greyed out items can now be added to the research queue
  • Fixed an issue where the camera could get stuck when pressing the space button after a photo quest
  • The "Work yourself to death" propaganda article is now canceled correctly after the time-out
  • Buying military ships from a trader now correctly adds military strength
  • Fixed an issue where Palace effects could stay active on upgraded buildings
  • Fixed an issue where the Iron Tower could be set back to default skin after changing a recipe
  • Added missing attractiveness info to the info tip in the construction bar for Multifactories
  • Blueprint mode will no longer switch to building mode if a constructed building is moved
  • "Tourist Season" goods now have proper pricing
  • The inauguration newspaper now shows the correct name during the Tourist quests
  • Added info tip to the population amount in the residence object menu
  • Fixed an issue where the Tourist Ship did occasionally not arrive at the Public Mooring in Crown Falls.
  • Fixed an issue where the same bonus was shown multiple times for residences in the statistics menu.
  • Fixed an issue where buses occasionally got stuck into each other.
  • Fixed an issue where Oil Tankers sailed to the Trading Post instead of the Oil Harbor when being manually sent to another region.
  • Fixed display issues for the achievements "The Actual Art of the Deal" and "No Business like Ship Business" in various languages
  • Fixed an issue in the campaign where the old fishing boat object menu remains selected after the second cinematic played.
  • Fixed an issue where the 'increased visits' item search suggestion does not show any items.
  • Fixed an issue where empty resident tiers appeared in the statistics screen after upgrading every single residence of the respective tier.
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to apply notification filters by clicking on the checkboxes.
  • Fixed an issue where the extra rations expedition bonus was inconsistent for new DLC goods.
  • The recipes book toggle for "show recipe goods" now saves the state the user toggled it to.
  • Fixed an issue related to the appearance of canceled item developments in the Research Institute.
  • The unlock notification of the Venison Ragout recipe is now restricted to the Old World and Cape Trelawney.
  • Fixed an issue where the "no warehouse in range" warning does not get displayed anymore if at least one input good is in range.
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to demolish placed farm fields near mineral deposits.
  • "Factory Inspections Act" now also affects Gas Power Plants
  • Fixed a drag and drop issue for goods from the trading post to the ship
  • Fixed an issue related to the airship selection. It is now possible to select it by pressing on its model without selecting something in the background.
  • The building name now gets displayed when selecting a ruin, helping to find out which building this ruin represents.

Bug Fixes: User Interface

  • Fixed an issue for a missing info tip for queued items in the Research Institute
  • Needs of Tourists and Scholars that require parallel progress with other residences are now shown as locked until they are fully suppliable
  • Fixed an UI issue where the reputation value could be hidden underneath the Share window
  • Fixed a UI issue with an offset silo background
  • The active recipe name is now displayed for the Iron Tower in the statistics screen
  • Fixed an issue during the "Tourist Season" onboarding where the street overlay was not visible for some cases
  • Fixed an issue with missing street overlay for Multifactories without an active recipe
  • Fixed several icon misalignments in the recipe books
  • Fixed an issue in the Iron Tower's object menu where the Tourist workforce slider icon can overlap with the Tourist number.
  • Fixed an issue where nameplates in the object menu of Restaurants scaled incorrectly in windowed mode.
  • Fixed an issue where the recipe book was layered behind the construction menu.
  • Fixed an issue in the "Tourist Season" tutorial questline where one quest objective was overlapping borders of the questbook.
  • Fixed some inconsistencies with the change region button in the ship object menu between the campaign and sandbox mode.
  • Fixed an issue where the monument's name is not centered in the construction menu.
  • Fixed an issue where the equipped fish and fries recipe in the Restaurant's object menu was overlapped by the tutorial panel button.
  • The currently displayed region in the trade route menu gets now indicated.
  • Fixed a shading effect in the docklands module selection that adjusted incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue in the statistics screen where entries in the finance category were shifted when the respective building was destroyed.
  • Fixed an issue where the Restaurant's object menu did not correctly reach the bottom of the screen when the building was on fire.
  • Fixed an issue where the top right article of the newspapers was shifted in the archive.
  • Adjusted the look of the flowerbed ornament icon to match its actual appearance ingame.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Recipe unlocks have changed" notification incorrectly had a "jump to" button.
  • Fixed an issue where the text was overlapping with the UI in the Hotel section of the Tourist's tutorial panel.
  • Fixed an issue where an info tip during the Orchard's planting process was misaligned.
  • Fixed an issue where the "set time of day" window was open on the first game start.
  • Fixed an issue in the Achievements screen that allowed other UI elements to open in the background while clicking through the screen.
  • Fixed an issue in the quest "Deep Blue – The Last Leviathan" where the escort ship info tip appeared when hovering over the shark.
  • The tutorial screen is also now accessible through the Dockland's object menu.

Bug Fixes: Multiplayer

  • Fixed a multiplayer issue where Palace policies could be affected by the attractiveness on other player's islands
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer where messages in the lobby chat twitched for a moment before being sent
  • Fixed a multiplayer issue where the sound effect and visual highlight for selecting the same team number in the lobby was no longer present.
  • Fixed a coop issue where a grey square occasionally appears before the coop eye icon.

Bug Fixes: Quests

  • Fixed an issue where the quest "Waha Desher: Emergency Ahku" could be failed while finishing another quest
  • The upgraded Public Mooring from "Tourist Season" can now also complete the quest "Capital of Culture" from "Sunken Treasures"
  • The questbook entry for the Tourist quest "Nouvelle Cuisine" now appears in the questbook for both moderate sessions
  • Fixed an issue where player were not able to unlock the "Age of exploration" recipe when interupting the Arctic storyline
  • Fixed an issue where the Queen questline sometimes did not continue after placing the foundations and quitting the game.
  • Fixed an issue where the tutorial quest "Settling New Lands" was listed twice in the questbook.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Goodbye Old Friend" quest contained a wrong text in the questbook.
  • Fixed an issue in the "Tourist Season" quest "Royal Toilet" where a Queen audio line was doubled in German.
  • Fixed an issue where the Resident's quest "Man Up – Dressing Down" contained a misleading hint in the questbook.
  • Fixed an issue where the order of character messages was switched in quest "A Triffling Matter: A demanding guest".
  • Fixed an issue where players could miss out on their rewards when accepting Anarchist Defectors

Bug Fixes: Art/Visuals

  • Fixed an issue with shadows occasionally flickering on low camera angles
  • Fixed an unfitting background for the Arctic Ranger Station
  • Fixed an issue where "Tourist Season" feedback units can occasionally lose their textures.
  • Fixed an issue where the pollution effect did not scale correctly to the full resolution.
  • Fixed an issue where the Monitor and Schooner ships were floating above the water when a certain skin from the Vehicle Liveries Pack was equipped.
  • Fixed an issue where the Research Institute's demolishing and relocation effect emitted too much dust.
  • Fixed an issue where the texture of the saltpeter works was flickering on high distances on camera movement.
  • Fixed an issue where oil tanker barrels were shining through the ship's hull when crossing waves on high graphic settings.
  • Fixed an issue where the background was occasionally not shaded when opening the save/load menu ingame.

Bug Fixes: Audio

  • Added a sound effect when picking up the dancers during the recipe questline
  • Fixed an issue where the sound of the Merry-Go-Round ornament was too loud on close zoom levels.
  • Fixed an issue where the final upgrade sound did not appear for the Iron Tower monument.
  • Improved the audio effect of the Chronicles in the History questline.
  • Fixed an issue with silo sounds playing after pausing and closing production buildings

Bug Fixes: Localization & Text

  • Fixed an issue with incorrect information in recipe effect info tips for the German localization
  • Fixed a misleading hint in a speech bubble for Bus Stop connections
  • Fixed some localization issues for the Orchard for German
  • Fixed some localization issues for Restaurants for German
  • Fixed a text issue that showed misleading information about goods consumption for certain items
  • Improved the text in notifications for recipe unlocks
  • Fixed a text issue for German localization where the word "Trade Union" appeared twice for the "Rainforest Park"
  • Leveled Docklands goods now have an additional line in the info tip mentioning the quality of the currently equipped slot.
  • Fixed an issue where quotation marks in the restaurant names were missing in several languages.
  • Fixed an issue where the default name of the new trade route group was only shown in English.
  • Fixed an issue where the Enbesa zoo and museum sets were not written in capital letters.
  • Fixed an issue where the item "Dr. Maurice Slim" was missing a part of its description.
  • Fixed a multiplayer display issue for Russian and Polish where spacing was missing between "Team" and the team's number.
  • The info tip for the options in the "Nouvelle Cuisine: Entree" recipe decision quest is now more understandable.
  • Fixed an issue where wrong text was present in "The Epic of the Land of Lions" book for some languages.
  • Fixed an issue where the description of Arctic ingredients in the Tourist recipe books was incorrect.
  • Fixed an issue where the translation of the Ore Extractor and the Mechanical Panner effects was not present.
  • Fixed an issue where a loading screen tip contained incorrect information in German.

June 22, 2021 - Game Update 11.1[]

Source: Anno Union

Features and Content

  • Game Update 11.1 introduces support for AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 1.0 (FSR). FSR is a cutting-edge technology that combines the performance benefits of a lower native resolution with the image quality of higher resolutions.
  • You can find more details in our dedicated blog.

Bug Fixes: General

  • Fixed an issue with the Research Institute quest not triggering when declining the main story for Land of Lions
  • Fixed an issue that cancelled the Iron Tower quest when foundations where build on several islands and one of them was deleted
  • Trade Routes are now sorted alphabetically in the Trade Route folders
  • Shares that are bought back from the own islands do not longer appear as warning notifications
  • The AI now builds proper railroad connections again (NOTE: The fix does not restore broken connections that have already been built)
  • Filtered notifications are now deleted automatically
  • Removed some character notifications about started exhibitions

Bug Fixes: Multiplayer

  • Fixed an issue that only allowed onboarding hints being active for one player in a multiplayer match

Bug Fixes: User Interface

  • Fixed an UI issue where the Recipe button could overlap parts of the Iron Tower's lower object menu
  • Fixed an UI issue in the Research Center menu where items in development could appear as blocked

Bug Fixes: Localization & Text

  • Added Translation for infotips in the recipe books of Orchards and Chemical Plants
  • Added translations to the subheadings of the "Chronicles of Enbesa"
  • Fixed some text issue when displaying names for Bus Stops, Restaurants, Cafés and Bars
  • Added translations to the "Dumpster Dive" quest objective
  • Adapted the name for "Tourist Season" to the DLC icon box for the Russian localization
  • Fixed the tooltip in the German localization for the grass color change key combination

May 25, 2021 - Game Update 11[]

Source: Anno Union

Features and Content

  • Support for "Tourist Season" - Game Update 11 adds support for our second Season 3 DLC, "Tourist Season", for all Season 3 Pass owners. "Tourist Season" will also be available as a stand-alone purchase from May 25th onwards.
  • Expedition Difficulty and discard option - When the Captain informs you of a new Expedition, its difficulty is now displayed. You also have an immediate discard option within the Captain's message. Moreover, you can directly discard Expeditions from the archive on the left with a discard button – or with a right-click like you can do with regular notifications or warnings.
  • Send Money to Human Players - Players can now send money to each other in a multiplayer match
  • Edit existing profile during the game - Added a new profile section to the achievements screen. Players can edit the current game profile and change avatar, company logo etc.
  • Minimize single quests in the quest tracker - Quests can now be minimized in the quest tracker to keep a better overview
  • Event messages tracker - In this Event Tracker, you can choose for all events (like a finished World's Fair Exhibition for example) if you want to be notified by character message, a notification, or not at all.
  • Island stock in Trade Route menu - When hovering over a good while setting up a trade route, the stock, as well as the tendency of the good, is shown on the island map
  • New ½ Game Speed - The game's speed can now be set to half speed via a new button in the menu in the top right
  • New tool to regrow natural-looking trees… for all regions!
  • Option to choose light green ground textures for various ornaments - Ornaments that were released with dark green grass as a ground texture now also have an alternative light green grass texture. In the Options menu, you can define which ground texture you want to use by default for newly built ornaments. This options also gives you the choice to change the ground textures of all already built ornaments in your savegame that support this. Moreover, when selecting any built ornament in your city, you can also change the green ground texture individually.
  • New tutorial quest on how to settle new islands - A new questline guides new players through the early phases of expansion
  • 3 new player portraits - You can now also pick the Tourist, the Obrera and the Green Pyrphorian portrait
  • Additional Storyline for Enbesa ("Land of Lions" DLC) - The new questline unlocks soon after completing Kidusi's questline, whatever the outcome of it, starting with Ketema giving the player a decision quest.
  • Added a Research Queue for the Research Center ("Land of Lions" DLC) - You can now add several Items or Major Discoveries to the Research Queue, which will automatically continue to develop the next object of interest in the queue, if you have enough Research Points.


  • Zoo: Extinct animals (Actual name: Extinct Species)
    • Attractiveness increased from 5% to 10%
  • Zoo: Marine predators (Actual name: Ocean Predators)
    • Affected buildings now include all coastal production
    • Productivity boost from 5% to 10%
    • Workforce reduction reduced from -10% to -5%
  • Zoo: Ocean (Actual name: Great Coral Reef)
    • Added an effect of +2 attractiveness per affected building
  • Zoo: White animals (Actual name: Snowflakes)
    • Attractiveness increase in Zoo from 10% to 20%
  • Zoo: Amazonian (Actual name: Rainforest)
    • Attractiveness changed from "per public service" to per "Trade Union" and increased from 1 to 30
  • Museum: Prehistorical (Actual name: Origin of Mankind)
    • Added reduced maintenance of -5%
    • Productivity buff set from 5% to 10%
  • Museum: Jurassic
    • Increased the additional happiness and income from 5 to 10
  • Museum: Celts (Actual name: Bronze Age)
    • Removed timber yards and hunters from the pool (Actually no buildings seem to be removed from the pool)
    • Increased attractiveness from +2 to +15 (Actual increase is from +2 to +5)
    • Added additional output every 10th cycle
    • Increase production of +5%

General Improvements

  • The firework can now be disabled by pressing Shift+V after equipping the Sceptre of Capon in the Museum
  • The "Explorer" Company Logo is now available for all players
  • It is now possible to buy back the Great Eastern from Archibald Blake after it was lost on an expedition
  • Destroyed or attacked Docklands Main Wharf modules can't be demolished or rebuilt anymore during an island siege
  • Players can now exit the pause screen via the ESC button
  • The Oil Store in the Old World and Cape Trewlaney is now also affected by the "Optimisation" influence bonus
  • Rebalancing on how the AI handles the priority of defending an ally - Allies are now more likely to prioritize helping you (and with more ships) than to follow their own agenda
  • Improved sorting of ornaments in the Construction Bar - In the "sort by category" sorting, there were unlogic differences between Old World and New World. And there was a group for park fountains, but not for city fountains, for example.

Bug Fixes: General

  • Fixed an issue where in rare cases NPC trade routes could be accessed through the statistic menu
  • The message "You city has become more beautiful" does not incorrectly trigger anymore after loading a save game
  • The planting progress now gets restarted when moving a production building that requires planting (e.g. Lumberjack Hut)
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to drag-and-drop items from a ship into a 2nd party's building
  • Fixed an issue where the World Class Reefer ship did not receive the bonus speed effect from investing influence in trading
  • The shortcut to donate to science cannot be used anymore for items that are socketed in public buildings
  • Fixed an issue where a notification for the AI to settle on an island could be accepted even though the player settled already
  • Fixed an issue where the refund notification for demolishing the Docklands complex did not include the modules
  • Fixed temporarily game freeze after upgrading multiple Piers from blueprints
  • The "Elder needs" filter now does display the shepherd level needs of elders
  • Fixed the issue with missing Scholars' Radio Tower in the "Social Welfare Act" policy
  • Fixed an issue with the transition between quay and paved streets
  • Fixed the issue when the paved street was available with a shortcut before being unlocked in the New World
  • Fixed the problem with the lack of additional income bonus promised by "Generous Innkeeper" Town Hall item
  • Fixed the issue with missing refunds after demolishing the Advanced Pier
  • Fixed the issue with invalid positions of Docklands buildings if they were rotated with "Rotate Building" hotkeys
  • Fixed the issue with inconsistency between factual and claimed working conditions settings for some edge cases
  • Fixed the issue with Hugo complimenting the player when a Tractor Barn is built, despite him being defeated
  • Fixed the issue with missing refunds after demolishing the upgraded Oil Harbour in Enbesa
  • Fixed the issue when occasionally goods didn't automatically move up in the export "pyramid" of Docklands' meta-menu
  • Fixed the issue when a socket in the Specialty Exports "pyramid" was still displayed locked after manually placing goods in it, skipping previous export tier sockets
  • Fixed the issue with the wind which did not change its direction in Enbesa
  • Fixed an issue in which the description of a trader was used as keyword instead of the trader's names
  • Fixed the issue when the Grand Oil Harbor upgrade in Enbesa didn't consume resources
  • Fixed missing progress counter for "DLC: Flooding the Market" achievement

Bug Fixes: User Interface

  • Fixed an issue with delayed opening of residents list in the statistic menu
  • Fixed an issue with misleading maintenance costs in the monuments infotip
  • Fixed an issue in the happiness tooltip that described the wrong start during War/Peace
  • Fixed an issue with some treaty buttons not being disabled after the treaty was made
  • Added missing icons of import goods for the exchange ratio infotip in the Docklands menu
  • Fixed an issue in Old Nates transmute menu where not all items could be displayed correctly.
  • The last entry in the controls menu is no longer cut-off
  • Fixed an issue where fluff text was not displayed for all of the palace effects
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect goods highlight in the ships object menu
  • Meta menus for cultural buildings now close when opening other fullscreen menus
  • Fixed some issue for scrolling in the item list of cultural buildings
  • Fixed minor visual issues in the construction menu
  • Fixed an issue with the expedition preparation screen that only displayed two rows of goods after closing and reopening the screen
  • Fixed an issue with stretched item sockets in the ship transfer menu
  • Fixed an issue where some infotips where wrongly displayed when hovering on certain areas in the landing screen
  • Removed the scholar tab from the ships menu – back to the Research Institute, everyone!
  • The loading speed value is now rounded in the Docklands Main Wharf Object menu when buffed by Khadija Tsegaye
  • Fixed the infotip for "Potential Rewards" in the expedition menu
  • Polished overlaid dividers in production object menus
  • Fixed misleading infotips for export unlock conditions for Docklands
  • Polished infotips for items when they are equipped in cultural buildings
  • Fixed missing "Great White" from the infotip for Trade Ships in the Influence menu
  • Fixed the issue when it was possible to enter numbers that exceeded max. value in the Charter Routes menu
  • Fixed missing infotip for "Undo" button in ship preparation part of Expedition Menu
  • Fixed the issue with list of goods in expedition preparation screen which displayed only two rows of goods after being fully scrolled down
  • Fixed occasionally misleading progression bar for "Chartered Company" achievement
  • Fixed occasional issue when timer showed "-1:00" remaining time after finishing the second phase of building at Excavation Site menu
  • Fixed the issue with goods infotips which were adjusted to lower left corner and covered goods icons in Advanced Pier menu
  • Fixed the issue with "Jump to" button overlapping the trader status in Main Wharf object menu for some localizations
  • Fixed the problem for save files with long names getting cut in the Load Game menu

Bug Fixes: Multiplayer

  • Fixed an issue where the "Deep Blue Ship Blueprints" could be picked up by another team in multi-player
  • Propaganda edit of a newspaper is no longer reset if a multiplayer co-op partner leaves newspaper screen
  • Fixed some issues with tutorial hint bubbles for a co-op game
  • Fixed an issue with the positioning of the co-op indicator in the monuments object menu for multiplayer
  • Fixed the issue in multiplayer mode when the game was unpaused after receiving a second multiplayer invite
  • Fixed the issue when the lobby for loading a multiplayer save game could be entered by any friend via public game join, even if this option was activated on creation

Bug Fixes: Quests

  • Fixed some idle enemy ships during the quest "Deep Blue – The Last Leviathan" that were not attacking the shark
  • Added a missing questmarker above the shark during the Docklands quest "Deep Blue"
  • The "Growing process" quest from Mercier now accepts Enbesan food
  • Fixed the inconsistent description of the quest "Field Trip"

Bug Fixes: Art/Visuals

  • Fixed an issue with terrain flickering on low camera angles
  • Feedback units do not get wet feet anymore when crossing docklands ornament bridges
  • Food is served again on tables that are part of the Cosmetic DLC City Life – people were getting hungry
  • Fixed a visual issue that appeared during the movement of the Airship equipped with the "North Sea" skin
  • Visual impact effects of projectiles from mounted guns now disappear after hitting a target
  • Fixed an issue for the position of the engine smoke for the flagship for some skins
  • Fixed an issue where the "North Sea" switched to the regular flagship wreck model in destroyed state
  • Fixed a visual issue for the "North Sea" clipper flagship skin that appeared on certain camera distances
  • Added some intermediate damage visuals for several ship types
  • Fixed an issue with the "Iris Garden" ornament having incorrect colors on medium graphic settings
  • Fixed missing collision in the marine part of the commuter pier
  • Fixed some minor visual issues for the Enbesan "Salt Works"
  • Fixed an issue for the smoke effect after the Extravaganza Steamer was destroyed
  • Fixed missing feedback units for the Chess Table ornament in the New World
  • Polished "Loaded Barge" asset from Docklands ornaments pack
  • Fixed the issue with foundations of monuments that were not adjusted to the ground while in preview mode or while being demolished

Bug Fixes: Audio

  • Added missing renovation sound effect for the Docklands Main Wharf building
  • Added missing destruction sound effect for some harbor buildings
  • Fixed the issue with missing sound while destroying the new "Quay Street"

Bug Fixes: Localization & Text

  • Fixed a typo in the German localization for "Pleasant Settlement"
  • Adapted the descriptions for some items that were incorrectly mentioning to affect "All Enbesan Crop Farms"
  • Adapted the name of the Pyrphorian Battle Cruiser to the ships object menu for certain languages
  • Naming of the exporter levels in the Docklands tutorial is now consistent with the in-game levels
  • The term "filter traders" in the trade route menu is now localized
  • The term "Throw Overboard" in the expedition screen is now localized
  • The term "Required goods exporter" in the infotip of imported goods in the Docklands menu is now localized
  • Fixed some misleading text for Docklands infotips
  • Fixed an inconsistency between the name of the item "Loving Goatherd" and its effect
  • Fixed some text issues for various achievements
  • Fixed localization for the "Keepers of the Worlds of Old" buff
  • Fixed text for the tallow extra ration in the infotip of "Mother of Pearls" item
  • Polished text formatting in multiplayer-lobbies for German language
  • Polished infotips for switching between map regions for Polish and German localizations
  • Polished text for "Loading…" status in multiplayer loading screen for Polish language
  • Added localization for Sheet music infotips for all languages
  • Fixed misleading "0/1 Progress" text for the achievements where the player has to achieve more than "1"
  • Polished Russian localization for "Donate to Science" Buttont in Control tab of Options menu
  • Fixed the issue when the line "All Goods" in the storage tab of Statistic Menu was not translated immediately after changing text language
  • Fixed the issue when some shortcuts were not translated immediately after changing text language
  • Fixed the issue with "City Lights Pack" name which was not capitalized for Russian, Polish and Italian localization
  • Disabled "Only Use Sans-Serif Fonts" option for Asian languages

March 30, 2021 - Game Update 10.2[]

Source: Anno Union

  • Game Update 10.2 adds support for the upcoming "Vehicle Liveries Pack" Cosmetic DLC to the game.
  • Fixed a possible exploit where Captain Tobias' trading time could be skipped by relocating the Trading Post or the Pier.
  • Fixed an issue where the bonus from the Department of Trade got reset when a new Prestige Level was reached, leading to the loss of goods.
  • Fixed an issue for one of the tooltips in the Palace overview screen that showed a line of code.
  • Fixed an issue where Harbourmaster's Offices, Town Halls and Trade Unions could cost twice the influence when copied alongside Oil-related buildings.
  • Fixed an issue where ship items didn't correctly apply their effects on Trade Routes after loading.
  • Fixed an issue with duplicated names of policies in the Palace's Department of Welfare.
  • Fixed an issue where notification pop-ups after activating several DLCs were not triggering correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where trade routes could be searched for when they contained a special character.
  • Fixed an issue where the windows of the Clipper where not illuminated at night when using the "Ocean Blue" skin.
  • Added the missing word "Custom" in the custom game difficulty menu in the German localization.
  • Fixed an issue with hardcoded text present in the custom settings of the new game creation screen in the German localization.

March 10, 2021 - Game Update 10.1[]

Source: Anno Union

  • Fixed an exploit where the trader would restart a trade when a pier was deleted during the trade
  • Fixed an issue where incidents could not be resolved when the player loaded a save file with an active incident
  • Fixed an issue where the productivity was reduced when the radius of certain production buildings overlapped
  • Fixed an issue where the shark quest could trigger trigger multiple times in different sessions
  • Fixed an issue where the shark could get stuck during the "White Lady" escort quest
  • Fixed an issue where players were not provided with a clipper with resources after reaching Enbesa in multiplayer
  • Fixed an issue with missing Docklands Twitch Drop ornaments "Lamp Post" and "Flag Banner"

February 23, 2021 - Game Update 10[]

Source: Anno Union


  • Open water buildings and Quay Street - You can now build harbour buildings in open water. To connect them with the land and with each other if needed, we introduced a new quay street. Simply drag a regular street out on the water and it'll automatically turn into a quay street.
  • Trading Routes Grouping - Trade routes from now on can be grouped, improving overview and navigation.
  • Comfortable Hedge placement - The new placement system helps to place ornaments like hedges in a more comfortable way.
  • Send to Island: Arrival Message - You will now receive a message when the ship(s) you sent to an island are arriving at their final destination.
  • Fill up all route slot - By using a new shortcut, it is now possible to quickly fill up all slots of a new trade route with the same good.
  • Event Messages: Jump To button - A "Jump To" button was added to the notification of a finished event like the World Fair or a research project.
  • Ship Navigation: Display buoy - Each checkpoint of a ship's route is now marked with a buoy in the water.
  • Bonus Good Display - In the infotip the precise cycle-times (e.g. every third turn) for bonus goods is now shown.
  • Advanced Piers – Goods in Statistics - The defined "good" of an advanced pier is now also displayed in the list of the Statistic Menu.
  • Cosmetic DLCs Attractivity - Added a regular attractivity value to all objects of Cosmetic DLCs.


  • Increased the input storage of Teff Mills in Enbesa
  • Budgets for NPC traders were adjusted according to the player's progress level (up to 100.000 in late game)
  • Balanced buy and sell prices for the items "Polyglot Scholar Rahim", "Vicente's Informant" and "Dockyard Tool System" to be more in line with the prices of other items of the same rarity
  • Balanced diplomacy relationships with certain 2nd and 3rd party NPCs to remove a potential exploit for buffing relationships.
  • Fixed zero buy/sell price for "Ketema's Cousin" item

General Improvements

  • Adjusted ships' loading/unloading behaviour: ships will now wait with the loading of goods until all unloading actions are processed
  • Adjusted clicking area close to the construction bar
  • Improved UI to highlight newly acquired items
  • Improved Statistic Menu by displaying goods in the graph that are produced in any way, even if the region doesn't fit
  • Improved readability of the item infotips in the Statistic Menu
  • Various improvements were made for the repair rate and loading speed UI
  • Campaign newspaper and special edition newspaper will now be shown on top of any menu instead of closing them
  • Adjusted drop zones for trading menus
  • Added random rotation and variation when placing multiple Scholar residences
  • Adjusted the object menus of fences to show the cycling feature
  • Adjusted texts for infotips while using drag and drop feature for items
  • Polished top bar user interface
  • Polished Drag and Drop feedbacks for items in Traders object menu
  • Polished the texts for Items affecting expeditions
  • Polished slight misalignment for "Undo / Reset" buttons in expedition preparation screen
  • Adjusted positioning of "Demolitions expert" units to the harbour basement
  • Improved expeditions UI: "Jump to" button of "Launch the Expedition" quests now leads to the relevant expedition in the expedition screen
  • Adjusted positioning of morale infotip in expedition meta menus
  • Improved the UI to show the amount of farm modules with the tractor already in blueprint mode

Bug Fixes: General

  • Addressed performance issues appearing for some players since Game Update 9.3
  • Fixed several behaviour issues like wrong sound effects with drop zones in all item menus
  • Fixed incomplete search list of items for specific buildings
  • Fixed the issue with the "Discard cargo" option when the slots are not full for all ships
  • Fixed the issue with misleading celebration when the Expansion bonus is not gained after conquering the island
  • Fixed the issue when "Captain of Industry" Influence effect was not applied to the Spectacle Factory
  • Fixed the issue with filtering goods in the Advanced Pier if the items tab is opened in the Trading Post
  • Fixed the issue with the Advanced Piers accepting ships which don't trade selected good
  • Fixed the issue when items on ships could not be swapped by drag and drop
  • Fixed an issue where the infotips in the Statistic Menu were not showing prices and expedition bonuses
  • Fixed missing infotips for health, capacity and damage in the Trading Post while the item tab is open
  • Fixed the issue where some Club Rewards were missing
  • Fixed the issue with missing Club Rewards in the New World
  • Fixed the issue with showing buttons for Wait For Goods, Unload and Discard Cargo as deactivated in the Trade Routes Menu
  • Fixed the issue with the ships gathering in one spot after war is declared before continuing trade again
  • Fixed the issue with "Game saved" notification showing an unnecessary "Click to jump to location" infotip
  • Fixed the issue with the highlighted "Jump-to" overlay when a new notification is added to the list
  • Fixed the issue with greyed out notifications when changing session
  • Fixed low contrast for "All population Tiers" button in Marketplace Menu
  • Fixed the incorrect infotip showing unlock condition when copying bridges
  • Fixed the issue when multiple menus could be opened at the same time
  • Fixed the issue when charter ship could be commanded to "Patrol" or "Move to another region" after cancelling that ship's charter route in a specific way
  • Fixed misleading infotip showing "Construct building and modules" for single module upgrade button
  • Fixed the issue with the lamps of the "Tribute to the Diving Bell" and "Straight Promenade" ornaments not illuminating their surroundings at night
  • Fixed missing infotip for "undo / reset" button in expedition preparation screen and in direct trade window
  • Fixed the issue with a "blind spot" in ship inventory that prevented cursor from interacting with an item in the trade window
  • Fixed the issue when street could not be constructed in specific places on the Ditchwater campaign island
  • Fixed the issue where hovering the mouse cursor below the "Items" window border will display infotips for not visible items
  • Fixed locked default skins for Clipper and Cargo Ship if the ship construction requirements are not met
  • Fixed the issue where the defeat screen could be skipped by pressing a keyboard shortcut for some meta-menus
  • Fixed the issue where the item reward name was not adapted to the character notification if there are four reward images
  • Fixed the issue where it was possible to drag and drop items and goods into 2nd party ships of the session
  • Fixed missing splash damage area indicator for common mortar item
  • Fixed the issue with the trade button overlapping the goods list in Sir Archibald's object menu
  • Fixed the issue for the New World when woodcutter was shown disabled even if it could be built
  • Fixed the issue when not applied item effects on buildings were visible in the income tab of statistic menu
  • Fixed the issue with pier worker feedback units walking in masses into the small newsstand and closed the Black Hole with secret space magic.
  • Fixed the issue when the visual part of an island deposit's buttons were not displayed for all deposits if island has 5 or more ores in it
  • Fixed the issue when not all goods were displayed in the trade route preview if all slots of the Great Eastern were used
  • Fixed the issue with the second page of the Botanical Garden showing unavailable items
  • Fixed the issue where the whole Palace was moved when copying a few of its modules
  • Fixed the issue where Scholars islands had no incidents. Especially with all that partying…
  • Fixed the issue where Fuel Stations in Enbesa destroyed canals in front of their exits when built
  • Fixed an audio issue where Sir Achibald's voice played instead of Emperor Ketema's in the quest "Taborime Dreams"
  • Fixed a flickering workforce warning sign during the workforce decrease both in the Research institute's object and meta menus
  • Fixed the issue with disappearing water from the Clearwater Pool with increased camera distance

Bug Fixes: Graphics and User Interface

  • Fixed the issue with the filter in the Research Institute when opened from the Statistics Menu
  • Fixed the issue with the "Donate to Science" shortcut button for German language
  • Added sources for "Poster of the Leader" in the item overview
  • Fixed formatting and icon for Repair Crane object menu
  • Fixed the issue with the text of the Taborime Harbormaster's Register being longer than the asset itself for some languages
  • Fixed an issue with the translations of the "Scholars" tab in the building menu

Bug Fixes: Multiplayer

  • Fixed a formatting error in multiplayer lobbies for German language
  • Fixed an issue where an empty expedition menu appeared after opening an unlocked region for co-op players in multiplayer mode
  • Fixed an issue where different portraits were being displayed for a co-op savegame as loading profile and in the diplomacy menus when the host's portrait is not unlocked on the other player's account
  • Fixed the issue where the player who is NOT first to settle Enbesa, will receive Ketema's explanation about shepherds/elders only, when the first player to settle Enbesa meets the conditions
  • Fixed the issue where players could delete blueprint buildings of a competitor
  • Fixed an issue where the warning "You cannot affect your diplomatic relationship" was overlapped by diplomatic action buttons in the diplomacy meta menu for a second party of the same team
  • Fixed the issue where the co-op player profile box was shifted for the "invitation in pending" status if the re-invited player had a long nickname
  • Fixed multiplayer issue where the AI sent "Silo Built" appreciation messages to all players instead of only the player that built them
  • Fixed the issue in the multiplayer lobby where "Construction cost refunds" were mentioned three times in the settings overview

Bug Fixes: Quests

  • Added more items for completing the "Capital of Culture" quest (Sunken Treasures)
  • Fixed the issue where players could not unlock the Airship Hangar if the "The Passage" storyline was cancelled
  • Fixed an incorrect objective text for the "A Prince in Progress" quest
  • Adjusted the questline for unlocking and building the Research Institute so NPC communication and being able to build the Institute are more in line
  • Fixed inconsistent text for the quest "Angereb: A Traitor's Choice"
  • Fixed the story blocker that happened after destroying the Harbour before picking Sir John`s Logbook
  • Fixed the issue where the Artisan's quest "Sound of Music" could be triggered when the Church was not constructed yet

Bug Fixes: Localization and Text

  • Fixed translation of the "Gods of the Delta" description for Traditional and Simplified Chinese languages
  • Added localization for the "Diving Spot Discovered" message for the "Sunken Treasures" DLC
  • Added German translation for the description of the "Accept all visitors" option
  • Fixed the issue where tips about Angereb and Waha Desher on the loading screen were shown only in English
  • Fixed missing translation for all languages except English for "Amusement Park Ornament" in the infotip and object menu
  • Fixed missing translation for all languages except English for "City Lights Ornament" in the infotip and object menu
  • Fixed missing translation for all languages except English for "Christmas Ornament" in the infotip and object menu
  • Polished Russian and Polish translations for World's Fair: Infrastructure construction phase
  • Added translation for "Affects Trade Unions" line in the infotip of the "Gods of the delta" museum set for all languages now
  • Added translations for the text of shepherd's speech in the Accept/Decline notification of the quest "Confessional – Recompense"
  • Fixed confusing text for the reward notification for the quest "The Great Exhibition"
  • Fixed various typos and adjusted texts for the "Land of Lions" DLC
  • Fixed inconsistent names of the "City Lights" Cosmetic DLC shown in both Ubisoft Connect and the game
  • Fixed names of the "Market Stall" and "Outdoor Table" ornaments
  • Fixed text issue for Princess Qing in the Diplomacy Screen
  • Fixed the typo for "Fish" in the Zoo Menu
  • Fixed missing spaces between sentences in the "Finding Sarmento" event of the "Finding Isabel Sarmento" campaign expedition

February 9, 2021 - Game Update 9.3[]

Source: Anno Union


  • Ornaments from the Cosmetic DLCs and "Bright Harvest" are now also available in the New World
  • Added a new category for Twitch Drop ornaments in the construction menu
  • Reduced the number of notifications from Investors when opening the World's Fair monument screen and for Scholars when opening the Research Center menu

Bug Fixes: General

  • Ubisoft Connect Reward ornaments are now available in-game again
  • Fixed an issue with reduced performance when building multiple buildings or ornaments
  • Fixed an issue where ships could gather around Angereb's island during a voluntary quest in Enbesa
  • Fixed an issue where a black screen could appear after closing the Research Center menu
  • Fixed an issue where the last Scholar need was never unlocked if only Scholars were settled on the island – where's the fun without music?
  • Fixed an issue where needs could get locked on an island if the population that used that need became 0

Bug Fixes: Quests

  • The quest "The Wisdom Therein", which grants access to the library of Kidusi Anitoni, will now be removed from the quest book if the player already gained access
  • Fixed the broken quest "Family Matters 2" from Beryl O'Mara (does not apply retroactively when the ship has already spawned)
  • Added the correct voiceline for Archibald's notification during the quest "Angereb: Chasing Blood"

Bug Fixes: Localizations & text

  • The item "Calla Lily, of the Desert Bloom" has now its correct name again

December 1, 2020 - Game Update 9.2[]

Source: Anno Union


  • Fixed an issue with invisible exhibition rewards in the monument screen during multiplayer
  • Fixed several desync issues that appeared when loading multiplayer save games
  • Fixed wrong triggering of Exhibition music in the event screen for the World's Fair Monument
  • Improved handling of corrupted files to prevent crashes when starting the game
  • Fixed some links in the "Additional Content" screen so that they're now again leading to the correct Ubisoft Connect shop pages
  • Fixed an exploit related to pollution reduction items and deleting pollution sources which could drastically increase happiness
  • Fixed a Drag and Drop issue for slots that were occupied before entering the expedition menu
  • Fixed a multiplayer issue where one player could pause competitor's production buildings by using certain keyboard shortcuts


  • Fixed a progression blocker during the Land of Lions main storyline, where selecting certain answers during the quest "Fascinating North – Quizzed" could lead to the storyline not continuing
  • Fixed an issue with quest giver ships not leaving the session during the quest "Implications"
  • It's now a lot easier to select Ketema during the quest "The Goatberg Variations"


  • The set "Taigawald" is now working for Seafood Stew


  • Changed the incorrect name "City Life Enhancement" to the correct name "City Lights Pack" in the construction bar
  • Added localization to the "City Lights Pack" ornaments and construction bar

November 12, 2020 - Game Update 9.1[]

Source: Anno Union


  • Game Update 9.1 adds compatibility for the new "City Lights Pack" Cosmetic DLC, which adds 20 new urban ornaments and freely placeable, working street lanterns to the game.

Bug Fixes: General

  • Fixed a progression blocker in the "A Holy Pilgrimage" expedition event.
  • Fixed a progression blocker in the "Streetcar named Olispo" expedition event.
  • Fixed an issue with Dried meat not being recognized as a viable ration for expeditions.
  • Fixed an issue that could spawn a non-interactable Arctic map during the "Solace at Palm-Girt Wells" expedition event, preventing further progress in the expedition.
  • Fixed an issue with some hardcoded region names.
  • Fixed an issue that would occasionally stop keyboard inputs being recognized.

Bug Fixes: Graphics and User Interface

  • Fixed display issues in the Share Overview and World Fair screens for players on widescreen monitors.
  • Fixed a display issue in the travel logs of the "Land of Lions" expedition.
  • Fixed a potential display issue with a grey square being shown when selecting several islands in the Statistics Overview menu.
  • Removed unavailable Water Pump entries when scrolling down in the River Slot object menu.
  • Fixed a display issue with misaligned object menus for Clay Pits and Oil Springs in certain languages.
  • Fixed an UI issue in decisions screens where locked answers sometimes did not appear greyed out.
  • Fixed an issue that could result in the Old World's Marketplace icon being used in Enbesa.
  • Fixed an issue that could result in the rewards icon becoming invisible if opening the World Fair's Exhibition screen for a second time.
  • Increased the readability and visibility of some text in the "Tomb Raiders" expedition event.
  • Fixed a potential issue with flickering in the Waha Desher ruins.
  • Adjusted text display in the Museum menu, so the name "Heirlooms of the Gold-Realm" should now be properly shown.

Bug Fixes: Items

  • Fixed an issue with the "Gods of the Delta" set effect erroneously reducing influence points.
  • Fixed an issue with the "Gods of the Delta" set effect not being applied to Trade Unions in the New World.

Bug Fixes: Quests

  • Fixed a progression blocker during the quest "A Promise Kept".
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent some quests in Hugo Mercier's main line being triggered for players.
  • Fixed an issue that stopped the quest "Mermaid's Purses" from being completed.
  • Fixed a display issue with the water pump during the quest "Waha Desher: Let the Waters flow"
  • Fixed an issue with the reward effect from the "Help the Meek" quest. It should now properly reduce the Shepherds consumption.
  • Fixed an issue with the quest "Artnarchists" not giving players the required "Poster of the Leader" item.
  • The quest "Angereb: The Wisdom Therein" will no longer trigger if the player previously got access to the library as part of the Kidusi Anitoni quest line.
  • Fixed an issue in the quests "Waha Desher: Ensuring Safety" and "Angereb: Seherut Ships of Salt", which could prevent players from selling previously built Frigates for their duration.
  • Fixed a non-interactable quest marker on the minimap in Taborime.

Bug Fixes: Localization and texts

  • Fixed an issue with the storage tab of the statistics overview showing the English word "island" in all localizations.
  • Fixed the text for "The Epic of Lions – Chronicles of Enbesa".
  • Fixed a misleading description for the "Fascinating North" quest.
  • Fixed an issue that could prematurely end the "Kidusi Anitoni: A Leader's Burden" quest if pressing a decision button.
  • Fixed a text display issue in the description of the "Journey to the Frontier: Race at the Great Arch" quest.
  • Fixed an issue with the "Map of Sunken City" being displayed in English in all localizations.
  • Fixed an issue with some of Old Nate's voice lines in the English, French and German localizations.
  • Added the missing translations for the item "Dubious Treasure Map".
  • Added some missing text for the "Kidusi Anitoni: Codebreaker Extraordinaire: Part 3" quest in certain languages.
  • Added missing text in several localizations for several treasure map quests.
  • Added missing text for the "Kidusi Anitoni Port Registry" quest item in several localizations.
  • Fixed an issue with text being too long in the description of the "Taborime Harbormaster Registry" quest item in some localizations.
  • Added some missing text for the "Kidusi Anitoni: A Labyrinthine Undertaking" quest in certain languages.
  • Fixed an issue with the quest title for "Map of an Abyssal Zone" being displayed in English for all localizations.
  • Fixed a translation error with the Fertility UI in the Spanish localization.
  • Fixed a text issue in the quest "Kidusi Anitoni: Codebreaker Extraordinaire: Part 3" in the Japanese localization.
  • Fixed issues with the text in some of the Enbesan treasure quests in a variety of localizations.
  • Fixed a text issue with the decision buttons in the "Smoke on the Water" expedition event screen in the Korean and Russian localizations.
  • Fixed a text issue in the Large Oil Harbor's object menu in the Simplified and Traditional Chinese localizations.
  • Fixed a text display issue with the ancient script in the "Kidusi Anitoni: Codebreaker Extraordinaire: Part 3" quest in the Japanese localization.
  • Renamed one quest in the German localization.

October 22, 2020 - Game Update 9[]

Source: Anno Union


  • Game Update 9 adds support for our third Season 2 DLC, "Land of Lions", for all Season 2 Pass owners. "Land of Lions" will also be available as a stand-alone purchase from October 22 onwards.
  • Welcome to Game Update 9 for Anno 1800. For this GU, we chose not to focus on a single major feature (as with some previous ones like the Statistics Overview), and instead wanted to improve your overall quality-of-life in Anno 1800 by giving you more control and better information in various aspects of managing your industrial empire. Go forth and keep building!
  • It is now possible to select a destination island when sending ships to another discovered session.
  • All five construction good slots in the top menu bar can now be customized to show any good you want. This selection is per island, allowing you to focus on the most important goods for each one.
  • It is now possible to select several islands in the Statistics Overview at the same time.
  • Special visitors are now accepted or declined directly from the notification about their arrival, instead of going to the Public Mooring. You can also change the game options to automatically accept all future special visitors. The first time you load a save after the release of GU9, all currently outstanding visitors will be accepted to clear your backlog.
  • Added an option allowing you to automatically save the last edited newspaper for repeat publishing until deselected again.
  • Refined the item pools of some third-party traders. Eli Bleakworth now only sells specialist items and Archibald Blake is the only trader selling edicts.
  • Edge scrolling can now be activated in the settings menu.
  • Your available items can now also be searched from the object menu of any Trade Union, Town Hall, Harbormaster's Office, and Arctic Lodge (from "The Passage" DLC).
  • Added functionality to toggle through ships and buildings using the "TAB" key. If a building is selected, the shortcut can be used to cycle to the next building of the same type, with the camera jumping to its location. If no building is selected, using the shortcut will instead jump to the first entry in the ship list, allowing you to cycle through all ships in your fleet. This functionality will always stay in your current session.
  • You can now jump directly to any ship in the game world from its entry in the trade route menu.
  • Added functionality to toggle through ruined buildings. Pressing the "J" key will jump to the next ruined building, regardless of your current session. Additionally, there is a new notification, which indicates that there are player-owned ruined buildings. This notification can also be used to jump to all ruined buildings and will vanish once there are no more ruined buildings.

Not mentioned in patch notes on AU:

  • World's Fair - you will now be able to select the reward box you receive from among all unlocked reward tiers (for example, if you unlocked tier four, then you can pick between the first, second, third and fourth box).


  • All AI traders now offer 12 items from their harbors simultaneously.
  • Increased the time between newspapers being published in the late stages of the game.
  • Percental buffs now impact ships' current hit points by adding or removing a percentage of their current HP, rather than their maximum HP.
  • Adjusted the item "Kaputaq Awl" from "The Passage" DLC to "-40% workforce needed" instead of "-25% workforce needed".
  • Increased the internal input and output storage of Cigar Factories to handle bigger boosts to their productivity.
  • Set effects with the "Harbour Activity" buff will now also affect piers instead of only trading harbours. The same is true for some items with a "Harbour Activity" buff.
  • Updated the farm field placement rules for animal farms. A module now needs to have at least half it tiles inside the radius to be buildable.
  • Added the "Map of the Oceanic Trench" item to Old Nate's trading pool.
  • Moving modules no longer costs money when playing with relocation costs setting enabled.

General Improvements

  • The game now warns on first start up if an update has added a new shortcut and the default key is already assigned to another functionality in your settings.
  • The notification for a ship arriving in a session now includes the type and name of the ship as well as an icon of the session.
  • Ships in the route creation menu will now show any loaded goods and equipped items in their infotip. They also show which session they are currently in.
  • It is now possible to directly unload goods from a ship to your nearby Trading Posts. By holding the "CTRL" key and clicking on the loaded good, the ship will unload this entire slot to harbour storage.
  • Trade routes will now show if a ship that was assigned to the route was destroyed, allowing you to quickly replace it with a new ship.
  • The notification when a ship is destroyed now mentions its name, type and shows an icon for the session it was in. If the ship was currently assigned to a trade route, that information is also included.
  • Added a new filter option to the goods selection in the trade route creation menu. It is now possible to filter the goods via their associated region.
  • On this note, we also updated the associated regions of goods. This allows for better filtering in certain storage UIs.
  • Closing the newspaper editing screen without publishing the newspaper will now reset the player made changes.
  • Removed the audio for some frequently used side notifications to avoid audio spamming.
  • Added some new artworks to the loading screen rotation for increased variety.
  • Added the functionality to search for items which provide electricity.
  • Added a transition to the UI when switching between entries in the quest book.
  • Added a button to the ship list which opens the finance statistic screen displaying all ships.
  • Info layer animation has proper vanishing and spawn animations.

Bug Fixes: General

  • Fixed an issue where the achievement "DLC: Fuel Efficiency" would not unlock correctly when the fuel was produced on multiple islands.
  • Improved the detection of corrupted save files. This fixes a crash on start because corrupted save files will no longer be loaded on game start.
  • Fixed an issue where in some cases no money was paid after buying goods via trade routes.
  • Fixed an issue where unconnected warehouses would still deliver goods to the island storage.
  • Fixed an audio issue where the rollercoaster audio was used for other ornaments of the "Amusements Pack" Cosmetic DLC.
  • Fixed an issue where gifted ships with construction materials were not affected by influence buffs.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to reach the end game state without having investors.
  • Fixed a crash when trying to quit the game via Alt+F4 on Windows 7 or 8.1.
  • Fixed a rare issue where the camera would move to the edge of the map after entering the Ferris Wheel.
  • Fixed an issue where the buy ship prompt would appear multiple times when changing build mode while having a ship selected.
  • Fixed a sound issue when entering the world map.
  • Fixed an issue that made it possible to buy more stock at a trader than the ship had available storage for.
  • Fixed an issue with the movement of escorting ships.
  • Fixed an issue where ships would travel through the whole map after entering a new session.
  • Fixed an issue with airships triggering sea mines.
  • Fixed an issue where using the Reset button in the options menu would not revert all settings.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed to set zero valued goods for loading or unloading on trade routes.
  • Fixed a game freeze for Windows 7 that could occur when closing the games with enabled cloud saves while being offline.
  • Fixed a rare crash under Windows 8.1 while exiting the game.
  • Fixed an issue where save games were still present after deleting them.
  • Fixed an issue where selecting a cultural module would have displayed a selection around all other modules of the building.
  • Fixed an issue where some ornaments had incorrect attractiveness values assigned.
  • Fixed an issue where the upgrade info layer was wrongly shown if the main building could not be upgraded.
  • Fixed an issue where the planting trees process was reset after a save/load action.
  • Fixed an issue where the camera view remained bound to the mouse.
  • Fixed an issue where blueprints for the Silos and Tractor could not be placed if the construction requirements were not met.
  • Fixed an issue where camera movements hotkeys worked simultaneously with actions that had the same keys assigned.
  • Fixed an issue where voice notifications triggered twice after an explosion incident.
  • Fixed an issue where escort feedback ships could themselves also be escorted.
  • Fixed an issue where ships that have different skins could not be group selected.
  • Fixed an issue where the Pyrphorian fleet could get stuck if an unarmed ship would pass by.
  • Fixed an issue where AI could set up multiple singular escorts when trying to group escort.
  • Solved an issue where "Offer a trade" expedition event of the rescue mission contains "Open a map" button which leads to the empty Arctic map with empty ship inventory.
  • Solved an issue where items with the "Peace Mode" effect also grants damage immunity against mines.
  • Fixed an issue with 50 tons of Bread being stockpiled for no reason.
  • Fixed an issue where fires, illnesses, and riots could break out during an ongoing festival.
  • Fixed an issue where goods could get lost when using the "Discard Cargo" option on Airship trade routes in "The Passage" DLC.
  • Resolved a rare issue where defeated AI opponents could not be disabled.
  • Fixed an issue where users could only copy the fence of a farm field with the copy tool.
  • Fixed an issue that forced Farm and Tractor module blueprints to be upgraded together after being multi-copied in the "Bright Harvest" DLC.
  • Fixed an issue where ships could be overloaded with more than 50 tons per cargo slot.
  • Fixed a rare issue where a stone railway bride could reduce the range of some adjacent buildings.
  • Fixed a rare issue that allowed for the construction of two bridges in the same spot under very specific circumstances.

Bug Fixes: Graphics and User Interface

  • Fixed an issue where the buff from the "Warmongery" propaganda would not be displayed in the ship UI when using "The Anarchist".
  • Fixed a graphical issue in the main campaign's graveyard.
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong icon was used for the "The Contract" expedition.
  • Fixed an UI issue where some elements of the trade route creation screen were not displayed correctly when the trade route had too many stations.
  • Fixed an UI issue where the text on additional content cards could be hard to read.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the closing of some on-screen text pop-ups.
  • Fixed an issue with a trade route warning notification.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the filter options in the Statistics Overview would also change the filter in the Expeditions and Trading Post storage menus.
  • Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck in the world map when trying to enter a special camera mode during transition to said map.
  • Fixed an issue where some elements of the minimap filters cold be hidden by other UI elements.
  • Fixed an issue where only a white screen was displayed during loading instead of a picture.
  • Fixed an issue where filtering for Cigar Factory would show duplicate entries in the item Statistics Overview.
  • Added infotips to the skin options for ships.
  • Added feedback units to the Public Mooring when a shutdown is in effect.
  • Fixed an issue where the 3D character portraits would have the wrong facial expression after some time.
  • Fixed an issue where no resolution options were available if a graphics adapter was chosen which had previously been disabled via AMD Radeon settings.
  • If there was a first-person mode, it could now be used in some of the voluntary quests.
  • Fixed an issue with the Expedition menu not opening when clicking some expedition notification elements.
  • Fixed an issue with the Artisan tier icon not being aligned for second-party island's top menu bar.
  • Fixed an issue on the Finance Statistics Overview where ships with different skins were listed separately.
  • Fixed an issue with some floating elements for the History Edition ornament.
  • Fixed an issue where the Engineers' needs filter was listed twice.
  • Fixed an issue where the Arctic region harbor flags were not properly reacting to wind direction on the World Map.
  • Fixed an issue where the Schooner UI was offset in the trade menu with another party.
  • Fixed an issue where debug text was present when claiming shares after a military takeover.
  • Feedback units should no longer clip through the walls of the World Fair.
  • Fixed an issue with the marketplace object menu that caused it to remain stuck when quickly changing it.
  • Fixed an issue where the World Map button selection would remain active after using it.
  • Fixed an issue where occasionally the map would become black after exiting the Expeditions menu.
  • Fixed a graphical issue with the Fuel Tank feedback units crossing a bridge.
  • Fixed an issue for the Tractor object menu that caused the piston to remain stuck after being stopped and restarted.
  • Fixed an issue with the Heater blueprint range visualization.
  • Fixed an issue with the skin icon of the train getting grayed out when selected.
  • Fixed an issue where trade columns in the statistics menu were occasionally switched.
  • Fixed an issue where the message of "cannot unload good to due being full" would re-trigger when changing the good although the unloaded warehouse had room for it.
  • Fixed an issue where having multiple ships escort the same one would cause them to visually merge, causing navigation issues.
  • Fixed an UI issue where the electricity background in object menus could get off-set.
  • Solved an issue in the Statistics Overview where a misleading message could be displayed when nothing was selected.
  • Solved an issue where the ruins notification triggers even though the ruins were rebuilt during the incident.
  • Fixed an issue with Jean La Fortune could disappear from the Diplomacy menu.
  • Solved an issue where no feedback is given on the main trade page if a ship has occupied slots and cannot fulfill loading of all goods.
  • Solved an issue where clicking a production building doesn't trigger any message when no problem info layer is present. A proper character reaction should trigger now.
  • Fixed an issue where Storage Warehouses/Trading post and Oil Harbour would not show upgrade arrows when using Upgrade Mode.
  • Solved an UI issue where Buy/Sell icons from the first row of goods in the Harbor Building object menu would get cut-off when set for max values.
  • Solved an issue where, when building an Outhouse ornamental building within 10 road tiles from a Small Trading Outpost, people started carrying logs, planks and crates from the Small Trading Post into the Outhouse. Imagine their reactions when realizing where they were…
  • Solved an UI issue where the Public Mooring could present off-set elements in its object menu.
  • Previously the Day & Night Cycle menu would occasionally appear at the top right edge of the screen when starting a new game or loading save file. This shouldn't be the case anymore.
  • Fixed an UI issue where part of the Salvager's icon would be visible from under the "Dive" button.
  • Fixed an issue in the Statistics Overview for the population group where no scroll bar would be present for the toggle buttons.
  • Fixed an issue in the Trade Menu where the scroll bar would show up as very small when assigning several ships on a Trade Route.
  • Solved an UI issue with the icons of cultural items in the Botanical Garden, Museum and Zoo appearing cropped at the top of their respective object menus.
  • If there were issues with the camera occasionally jump up in a mysterious first person mode when walking under a footbridge ornamental building, they'd be fixed.
  • Adjusted behavior of the notifications archive, as previously the filtered notifications would still count towards the maximum stored notifications. This led to some of the displayed stored notifications getting deleted because the archive's limit was reached.
  • Solved an issue where cutscene videos could trigger while the Influence menu was open.
  • Fixed an issue for the Statistics Overview where clicking the "Visitor Arrived" jump-to button did not close the menu.
  • Fixed an UI issue for the island overview. The infotip for the Harbor menu is fixed on the side now and no longer overlapping with the stored goods and items.
  • Fixed an issue with the notifications system where military takeovers would trigger two notifications instead of only one.

Bug Fixes: Multiplayer

  • Fixed a multiplayer desync caused by sea mines.
  • Fixed an issue where a diplomatic notification would not be properly handled in co-op.
  • Fixed an issue where no victory conditions were enabled for a two-player quick match.
  • Fixed an issue with the tractor tutorial quest trigger in multiplayer.
  • Fixed an issue where one multiplayer team could obtain the Great Eastern ship from another team.
  • Fixed a multiplayer desync that could occur if one player shut down the Uplay client during the game.
  • Fixed an issue where the Send Invite or Re-invite options were not being displayed in the lobby.
  • Fixed an issue where the chat window would have reverted to default size after reopening it.
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer where notifications or warnings could appear twice.
  • Fixed an issue with blueprint object menus in multiplayer games.
  • Resolved a display issue with the selected voice chat mode in the options menu.
  • Fixed an issue where the "The Tractor Test" quest would be displayed twice in the quest tracker in multiplayer.

Bug Fixes: Items

  • Damage dealing items can no longer be equipped to civilian ships.
  • Fixed an issue where oil extractor items worked only in the Old World session.
  • Solved an issue where ships will get destroyed if removing an item that gives additional hitpoints while the ship is below the added threshold. Percentual buffs now impact ships' current HP by adding or removing a percentage of the current HP, rather than the maximum HP.
  • Solved an issue where a Clipper's model could become corrupted after arriving in another region while having fewer health points than an equipped health-providing item adds.
  • Fixed an issue with items sometimes not stacking correctly in the Warehouse menu.

Bug Fixes: Quests

  • Fixed an issue where the flagship obtained during the campaign could not use military items.
  • Fixed a rare issue with active quests only being displayed in the quest tracker and not in the quest book.
  • Fixed an UI issue in the quest tracker for a campaign quest.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented a quest ship from spawning in the Von Malching questline.
  • Fixed a rare issue where delivering goods for a quest would consume all goods on the ship.
  • Fixed an issue with the jump-to functionality of the "Hibernation" quest.
  • Fixed an issue where quests could spawn in wrong sessions.
  • Fixed a potential issue with missing items in certain quests.
  • Fixed an issue where not all harbour crates got deleted after the player took control of Bright Sands in the campaign.
  • Fixed an issue with the quest "Future Hero" and the jump-to functionality.
  • Fixed an issue where the hint bubble remained active during the "A Sample Silo" quest if the Silo and Pig Farm were removed.
  • Fixed an issue with third-party buildings' outlines in some photo quests.
  • Fixed an issue with incorrectly spawning ships in the quest "You Shouldn't have seen that".
  • Fixed an issue with the quest "Pleading the Belly" spawning without Eli Bleakworth being in the current game.
  • Solved a rare issue with some quests being automatically completed right after accepting them.
  • Adjusted spawn location for some resident quests to no longer appear in the middle of the ocean.

Bug Fixes: Localization and Texts

  • The Technicians should no longer sometimes use placeholder audio in the German localization of "The Passage" DLC.
  • Fixed a typo in the "Mission to the New World" quest description.
  • Added missing Spanish translations for some Ubisoft Club Rewards.
  • Fixed a text issue with some incident notifications.
  • Fixed a text display issue in the production building UI while the camera was pointing on the sea.
  • Keyboard shortcut options in the menu should now appear properly translated after switching languages.
  • Fixed an issue where a text in the options menu was not translated.
  • Fixed a missing translation for one of the Palace effects.
  • Fixed a text issue with "Sell tickets for long voyages" in the Russian localization.
  • Fixed an issue for the text "Click and drag" not being localized.
  • Fixed an issue with the "Permit A38" expedition screen being shown in English for all localizations.
  • Fixed an issue with the quest "The Tractor Test" being partially shown in English for all localizations.
  • Fixed a display issue with the quest "Setting Sail" in the Russian localization.
  • Added the missing localizations for the Pathway Ornaments in some localizations.
  • Fixed a translation issue with the "Silent Threat" quest in the Russian localization.
  • Fixed a typo in the Coral Island expedition event.
  • Added missing translations for the Additional Content menu in the Chinese localization.
  • Fixed an issue with the Fire Station tutorial text appearing cut off.
  • Fixed an issue with a missing ship name in the quest "Capital of a Queendom" in the Russian localization.
  • Fixed a display issue with the "Cultural Outreach Act" in the "Seat of Power" DLC's Palace in several localizations.

August 11, 2020 - Game Update 8.2[]

Source: Anno Union

  • Adding compatibility for the "Amusements Pack" cosmetic DLC

June 17, 2020 - Game Update 8.1[]

Source: Anno Union


  • We have reverted the changes made to New World pricing with Game Update 8. These changes were part of some balancing experiments we did internally to bring the pricing of goods across different sessions more in line and were not intended to ship as part of Game Update 8 (though we added them to the release notes once we realized that they had slipped in). Given the community feedback to these changes, we have made the decision to revert the pricing adjustments completely. Please see the new (old) prices below:
Trade good Base price
Alpaca Wool 3
Bombins 28
Caoutchouc 25
Chocolate 38
Cigars 1080
Cocoa 5
Coffee 100
Coffee Beans 25
Corn 25
Cotton 5
Cotton Fabric 10
Felt 5
Fish Oil 5
Fried Plantains 38
Pearls 38
Plantains 3
Ponchos 25
Rum 30
Sugar 8
Sugar Cane 3
Tobacco 50
Tortillas 175
  • We have given the productivity boost provided by silos and tractors a small buff. They will now provide additional output goods on every third production cycle.

General Improvements

  • Overall performance has been improved and should now be in line with your performance prior to Game Update 8.

Bug Fixes

  • Removed the chance of an explosion incident occurring at silo and tractor modules and lowered the explosion chance of the fuel station. Firework's over boys!
  • Fixed an issue that would cap the amount of goods a player could buy at a time at 50 tons.
  • Fixed an issue with the screenshot functionality not working.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Bright Harvest" tutorial quests were only triggering for the first player to unlock them in a Multiplayer game.
  • Fixed an issue with buffed farms being unable to make full use of the increased productivity due to the output storage being full. They will now employ additional carts to deliver goods to a warehouse if needed.
  • Fixed an issue where the fuel station took too long to deliver fuel to newly placed tractor modules.
  • Fixed an issue with production info tips in the statistics menu showing duplicate information.
  • Fixed a rendering issue that affected costal buildings when using DirectX 12 on an integrated GPU.
  • Fixed an issue where the location for treasure maps was shown incorrectly the first time it was opened. Good news, Doctor- X now does mark the spot.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting a zoo equipped with items did not properly update the island's attractiveness.
  • Fixed an issue with a missing icon for "The Elusive Fern Flower" botanical item.
  • Fixed an issue with the train sound becoming too loud or bugged after changing the skin.
  • Fixed an issue where the upgrade button of the Large Oil Harbor was shown to players not using the "Bright Harvest" DLC.
  • Fixed an issue preventing cultural modules with items equipped from being moved in the New World.
  • Fixed an issue with tutorial text bubbles remaining active and pointing to invalid positions.
  • Fixed an issue with the expedition preparation screen appearing greyed out as if paused.
  • Fixed an issue with reroll costs not being properly displayed in the trade window.
  • Adjusted the refunded resources when destroying a fully upgraded warehouse to take the upgrades into account.
  • Fixed an issue with the Palace's fourth slot effect not working the first time an effect is selected.
  • Fixed an issue with some farm types not playing the field construction animation when building a tractor module.
  • Fixed an issue with items getting removed from additional slots when updating palace buffs. Attention: This issue can still occur once when updating from Game Update 7.3 to Game Update 8.1.

June 2, 2020 - Game Update 8[]

Source: Anno Union


  • Game Update 8 adds support for our second Season 2 DLC, "Bright Harvest", for all Season 2 Pass owners. "Bright Harvest" will also be available as a stand-alone purchase from June 2 onwards.
  • Added an Item Overview system within the statistics screen. With this much requested feature, we are giving you an easy to use overview of all your current items, and where they currently are being used or stored. This includes extensive filtering options by their effect or what buildings they can be socketed into, as well as text search (which has also been added to the Trading Post and expedition preparation menu). Finally, you can also use the item overview to search for any missing items, and information on how to obtain them!
  • Trading Posts and Warehouses are receiving an additional upgrade tier which gives them more loading ramps and storage space. Old World buildings can be upgraded to level four now (previously three), and their New World counterparts to level three (previously only two).
  • Rumor has it that a long-missing ship is about to make its return, and that the Ubisoft Club Challenge for the Great Eastern is now obtainable…
  • We have made some changes to speed up the setup of trade routes. You no longer need to press "Accept" after selecting a new good, and by default 50t will be loaded at once (you can manually decrease the number afterwards).
  • Electricity poles are now optional and can be turned off in the game settings.
  • We have added the functionality to change the "skin" (aka the textures) on ships and trains (in the Oil Harbor) via a button in their object menu. While the functionality is supported for all ships, only your Command Ship and the train currently have skins (from the Imperial Pack). Buyers of the "Bright Harvest" DLC can in addition unlock new skins for the Battlecruiser and Collier as new Ubisoft Club Rewards. Finally, please note that the new skin on the train will only show once it has been to the Oil Harbor. Wait- please don't tell me you didn't know that trains always get painted inside oil harbors?
  • We have fixed an issue that could lead to the game's soundtrack being repetitive, so enjoy a wider selection of songs during your industrial adventures.


  • Changes to map generation: We have made some changes to the way maps are generated. As a result, all maps should now always have at least one of every available fertility, and the ratio between copper and zinc should also be improved. As a downside, this means that old map seed numbers are changing, so enjoy hunting for the god seeds anew!
  • Changes to newspaper productivity buff: Going forward, the productivity buff provided by the newspaper will no longer multiply the buffs provided by other effects and will instead be added to them. This unification of the way buffs are calculated also means that info tips listing all the applied productivity buffs will be easier to understand.
  • Marie-Antoine, Pattisier Royale: Removed a deprecated effect and replaced it with a +50% productivity buff.
  • Chronometrist Chiara: Removed a deprecated effect with no replacement (since she already has two effects like other Epic specialists).
  • Changes to the influence cost of airships: Airship influence cost has been reduced from five points to four, to bring it in line with other ships.
  • Changes to trade prices of New World goods: The basic trade prices of all New World goods have been raised to bring them in line with prices of Old World goods. See the full list of base prices below, and keep in mind that these can vary depending on the character you trade with:
Trade good Base price
Alpaca Wool 182
Bombins 3271
Caoutchouc 674
Chocolate 8353
Cigars 4598
Cocoa 706
Coffee 2560
Coffee Beans 252
Corn 134
Cotton 172
Cotton Fabric 331
Felt 455
Fish Oil 62
Fried Plantains 422
Pearls 2844
Plantains 88
Ponchos 1220
Rum 620
Sugar 981
Sugar Cane 109
Tobacco 655
Tortillas 1481

General Improvements

  • The multi-copy tool can now also be used to copy railway tracks.
  • Improved animations in the "Additional Content" menu.
  • Improved the behavior of the "Mortar" and "Torpedo" items, in line with other items.
  • Improved behavior of escort ships on trade routes to appear smoother.
  • Placing the Palace blueprint will no longer trigger its music, saving that for the construction of the actual building.
  • Adjusted the frequency of the voice over played when a group of ships arrives in a session to not spam the user.
  • Polished the art on the Steam Shipyard.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed a stability issue which could occur when changing any game setting that required restarting the game on Windows 7 and Window 8.1.
  • Fixed an issue where two instances of the game could be running simultaneously.
  • Policy effects from Local Departments will no longer multiply due to gaining or losing an influence level.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the Trade Ship influence speed buff from being properly applied to Airships.
  • Fixed an issue with the Shipyard showing insufficient workforce even when no ship was being built.
  • "Active Sonar" items will now properly drop if a Salvager ship is destroyed.
  • Fixed an issue with moving Trading Post menus while the player was scrolling through an AI's offerings.
  • Players will no longer be able to build Local Departments in the New World.
  • Rapidly clicking on a treasure map item will no longer allow you to use it several times. Your mouse button will thank us for this one!
  • Fixed a potential performance issue when using the upgrade tool under certain conditions.
  • Fixed a potential diplomacy exploit where players could quickly farm reputation with certain other NPCs due to their reactions when pursuing an alliance with Bente Jorgensen.
  • Fixed an issue with groups of ships breaking formation while on the world map and arriving separately in their destination session. Groups should now arrive in the new session together.
  • Fixed an issue with AI characters potentially just using a single name for all their islands.
  • Speaking of names: Crown Falls will no longer occasionally change its name to a random one in the "Sunken Treasures" DLC.
  • The text in the custom difficulty screen during setup will no longer flicker, no matter how often you wildly click on it.
  • Fixed an issue in the diplomacy menu where the possible diplomatic actions were wrong if you switch the point of view to an AI's point of view.
  • The +250 per set bonus will now be properly considered when calculating unlock conditions in the "Seat of Power" DLC.
  • Pausing and unpausing the heaters in the Arctic will no longer mistakenly play Farmer voices. Stay in your lane, friends!
  • The intro music for a character will no longer play when hovering over their island while still covered by the fog of war.
  • Chartered ships will now automatically be repaired by an owned Repair Crane.
  • Incoming voices will no longer be muted by minimizing the game.

Graphics and User Interface

  • Fixed a graphical issue with disappearing turrets on Battlecruisers and Monitors after switching sessions.
  • Players should now be able to properly pause trade routes via the menu even if they are not in the same session.
  • The background art of the button for session switching will no longer disappear under DirectX 12.
  • Fixed some smaller UI issues that could occur when offering trade or bribes during expeditions.
  • Fixed a glitch with electricity poles that could occur when deleting the adjacent street.
  • Fixed a minor display issue with the ornament object menu.
  • Fixed a potential issue with the newspapers title not being displayed while editing.
  • Fixed an issue with the ship object menu after making a decision during an expedition.
  • Fixed an issue with the wind direction indicator appearing in postcard view of a ship.
  • The New World Repair Crane's lanterns will now save some oil by not constantly being on in bright day light.
  • Fixed an issue where the support pillars of Stone Bridges could appear to be too short under certain circumstances.
  • You can no longer leave a blank company name or delete it during game setup.
  • UI elements in the object menu of a ruined building will no longer overlap.
  • Airships will no longer be accidentally called modules in the influence overview menu.
  • Adjusted the visibility of the sickness icon in object menus.
  • The carpet on the Public Mooring will no longer float on the lowest graphics settings.
  • Fixed an issue with the Quest Tracker, where having too many quests could result in the bottom one appearing cut off.
  • The last row of the item preview in cultural buildings will no longer appear cut off.
  • Fixed the info tip display of blocked segments in the Oil Harbor object menu.
  • Made the icon of the coffee production chain consistent across different menus and scenarios.
  • Fixed a graphical issues with emergency buildings not being properly highlighted while placing an administration building like a Town Hall or Trade Union nearby.


  • Fixed a potential issue with an infinite loading screen after a readied player was kicked from the lobby and invited again.
  • Chat notifications will no longer reappear after loading a save game.
  • Fixed an issue where the newspaper screen for one player could appear empty if another had finished a photo quest.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause voice chat to not be functional anymore until the player would manually switch voice channels.
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to the multiplayer lobby UI becoming transparent when loading a game.
  • Fixed several issues with the chat window.
  • Fixed some inconsistencies with the Mute button.
  • Fixed an issue with the Palace object menu not appearing for the second player in a game.
  • Fixed an issue with departed players still being shown as part of the game.
  • Improved the consistency of the chat window info tip.
  • Improved the behavior of the ping system, which could previously be confusing if the ping was audible despite being in a different session.


  • Changed the name of the "Golden Potato Harvest" to "Golden Harvester from the Future" to better reflect its functionality.
  • Fixed an issue with "Snow Gum" having the same icon as "Marshmallow".


  • Fixed an issue with the Bright Sands island randomly changings its name after beating the campaign.
  • The Castaway in "Portrait of the Artist as an Old Man 1" can now be properly picked up.
  • Improved the visibility of the wandering artisan groups in "Artisan Rum Quest".
  • Clarified the quest requirements of the tutorial quest "From Timber".
  • Improved feedback for no warehouse being in range during the "Excavation Site" quest.

Localization and Texts

  • Fixed a minor UI issue with the volume slider in the Russian localization.
  • Fixed the epilepsy warning screen during boot up in the Italian localization.
  • Fixed an issue with overlapping text in the Mounted Gun's object menu in the Russian localization.
  • Fixed the information provided in the Japanese and Russian localizations for the "Estate Collection Act" from the "Seat of Power" DLC.

May 8, 2020 - Game Update 7.3[]

Source: Anno Union

  • Fixed several potential game crashes.
  • Fixed several issues that could cause Desync errors in multiplayer.
  • Fixed an issue that could result in the game not starting (or crashing immediately after starting) if started in offline mode, or without an internet connection present.
  • Fixed some UI issues that could appear in DirectX 12 mode.
  • Fixed an issue with carts deleting their loaded goods if they were unable to unload them at their destination building.
  • Solved an issue where hovering the mouse over tiles such as ornaments or farm fields could cause its position to appear offset, making it harder to use.

April 17, 2020 - Game Update 7.2[]

Source: Anno Union

  • Further improved game stability by fixing several potential crashes and desyncs.
  • Improved reporting on desync errors.

April 3, 2020 - Game Update 7.1[]

Source: Anno Union

  • An issue with disappearing infotips while the right-click menu was pinned has been fixed.
  • An issue that could cause ships to remain stuck in transition mode after entering a session while new DLC was being activated has been fixed.
  • Fixed a multiplayer desync caused by selecting a blueprint building while owning a Palace.
  • Fixed an issue with certain menu windows (such as transfers, options etc.) preventing players from scrolling all the way to the bottom.
  • Fixed an issue where policies slotted in the Palace could be reset when reaching a new optimization level in the influence system.
  • Fixed an UI issue where Old Nate's transmutation system could break if the menu was closed while the crafting animation was playing.
  • An issue that could cause the trade routes menu to get stuck when rapidly clicking the X button to close the menu while setting up a new trade or oil route has been fixed.
  • Fixed an issue in the statistics menu where some buildings could be displayed twice if buffed with an additional similar output.
  • Fixed a display issue issue where the difficulty level of expeditions could be shown incorrectly if the menu to assign a ship to an expedition was opened and closed again.
  • Fixed some additional randomly occurring crashes.

March 24, 2020 - Game Update 7[]

Source: Anno Union


  • Game Update 7 adds support for our first Season 2 DLC, "Seat of Power", for all Season 2 Pass owners. "Seat of Power" will also be available as a stand-alone purchase from March 24 onwards.
  • Added three exclusive ornaments – the "Palatial Column", "Ploughman's Glory" and "Elephountain" – for owners of the Anno 1800 Season 2 Pass to the game.
  • We are introducing three separate difficulty levels for the influence system, which dictate how much influence can be earned. Easy has you earning more, medium remains the same and hard less influence. This can be selected during game creation, or when loading an existing save game for the first time. Please note that this selection is permanent and cannot be changed after.
  • Improved the multi-copy feature so that streets can now also be copied in the same manner as buildings.
  • Introduced the ability to block needs supply in the Marketplace object menu.
  • Specialists related to the diving bell system from "Sunken Treasures" have been removed from most item pools, such as Eli Bleakworth's and the Visitor's pool, and are now exclusive to Old Nate's sold item pool and quests. Additionally, we adjusted the chances to receive the Legendary Diving Bell Specialists to fit this new distribution.
  • Improved the main menu to give you a better and clearer overview of available and owned DLCs.
  • Improved the visualization of street connection when placing blueprint buildings next to streets. Now, a blue overlay will be visible over affected areas.
  • Various performance improvements to the overall gameplay experience have been made.
  • The statistics menu has been improved to also take bonus production due to buffs into account.


  • Cabinet of Curiosities Pamphlet - Attractiveness reduced from +10 to +7
  • Piano Concerto Billboard - Attractiveness reduced from +10 to +7
  • Boys' Choir Flyer - Attractiveness reduced from +10 to +7
  • Art and Craft Festival Poster - Attractiveness reduced from +10 to +7
  • La Condesa Del Amor's Majestic Dance Billboard - Attractiveness reduced from +15 to +10
  • The "Valley of Death" A Treatise on the Upper Kingdoms - Attractiveness reduced from +15 to +10
  • Crimbles Choral Society Poster - Attractiveness reduced from +15 to +10
  • Inma's International Trade Fair Billboard - Attractiveness reduced from +15 to +10
  • Sarah Bartok, The Golden Voice - Attractiveness reduced from +14 to +7 and Range from +20 to +25

General Improvements

  • Improved overall performance for extremely large save games with a huge number of buildings and residents.
  • Adjusted behavior of trade menus so they don't close automatically after a purchase is done, as requested by many in the community.
  • Adjusted the right click menu so that it's adaptable to session-specific buildings.
  • Improved info tip visualization for the statistics screen's filters.
  • Improved the visuals on the expedition captain for "The Passage" expeditions.
  • Improved copy mode so that quay is selectable now.
  • Adjusted some words that triggered the profanity filter incorrectly.
  • Made the upgrading of blueprint modules such as wheat fields and cultural modules via shortcuts more consistent.
  • Improved the city decoration category in the construction menu for alternative sorting.
  • Adjusted the way fields for text react when hitting ENTER key after entering some text.
  • Improved text in info tips where values could be very high, such as influence or population in the top bar menu.
  • Improved the way railways interact with streets in the New World.
  • Improved automatic rotation for the residence buildings of engineers and artisans so that they connect better with each other when placing them.
  • Improved the behavior of keyboard input for values when setting minimum stock.
  • Improved icon for the engineer displayed in the top bar menu.
  • Improved the usability of the "ESC" button when interacting with items such as "Father's Diary" in the campaign mode.
  • Improved usability of "jump to" buttons and texts in the statistics screen.
  • Improved the animation for upgrading a building from a blueprint.
  • Improved the visibility of ships in Trade Routes scrolling menus when the player owns many ships.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue where the game could crash while assigning ships to the zoological expedition while using DirectX12.
  • Fixed a stability issue when attempting to open expedition screens.
  • Fixed a stability issue which could occur upon closing the game on Windows 7 and 8.1 operating systems.
  • Fixed an issue with multi-copy for module blueprints. Previously, some farms with modules could be copied with only the modules, while "forgetting" the main farm.
  • Several random crashes and desyncs have been fixed.
  • Improved relocation of the harbor building when attempting to move it to the other side of the island.
  • Previously it could happen that some areas would incorrectly appear to be blocked.
  • Fixed an issue where the treaties menu could appear empty if the player was in an alliance from the beginning of the game in multiplayer mode.
  • Fixed an issue where repeated clicks on residences could disable the "Esc" shortcut.
  • Fixed an issue with newspaper happiness effects not being properly applied.
  • Fixed an issue with some monument progress being reset after a save and reload in the middle of construction.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the copying of railway tracks under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue with ships escorting other ships on trade routes without being ordered to do so. I am going to have to ask you to calm down, escort ship!
  • Fixed a situation where goods could be incorrectly reserved in case an expedition ship would have been destroyed while loading goods and before leaving for an expedition. Please note that this fix will not apply to save games where this issue already exists, though you should be able to reset the activations by starting and preparing another expedition at the affected harbor.
  • Fixed an issue in the "Botanica" DLC where Botanical Gardens do not receive maintenance reduction influence bonus.
  • Solved an issue where the Taiga set bonus would incorrectly reduce the consumption of Goulash.
  • Fixed an issue where feedback ships (such as the workforce transfer ones) could get stuck in rare occasions.
  • Fixed a performance issue where opening a save game menu with a lot of save games could get the menu stuck for a few seconds.
  • Fixed a rare occurrence where too many riots would trigger too many NPCs simultaneously.
  • Fixed a rare issue with trade routes where a route could break due to an improperly removed connection.
  • Fixed a rare occurrence where a ship tried to continue loading goods after the trading post on the target island was destroyed. Sorry ship, they are all gone!
  • Improved behavior for firefighters so that they don't extinguish fires out of the range of their fire station.

Graphics and User Interface

  • Fixed an issue with additional construction options not displayed correctly in the shipyard object menu. Away with you, "wharf bug"!
  • Various UI fixes for the trading system in expeditions. Feedback should be smoother and info tips should have better visibility now.
  • Adjusted some edge cases where the "Join Game" invitation in multiplayer could incorrectly block some slots.
  • Fixed the visualization of cargo slots for ships with more than 3 slots in Expedition screens and trade menus.
  • Adjusted the way construction menu pins work for buildings and ships after reloading a multiplayer save file.
  • Fixed the display of the voice chat panel in multiplayer which could overlap object menus when playing with more than six players.
  • Fixed an issue with vanishing propaganda articles in the newspaper menu in co-op mode.
  • Improved UI visualization for the time of day menu.
  • Improved visibility of steam ships at night.
  • Fixed an anti-aliasing issue in the statistics screen for the production line graphs.
  • Fixed missing resource bar indicator in Oil Tanker's object menu.
  • Fixed a graphical issue with mine ruins.
  • Fixed minor UI issue with the missing "back" button in the profile creation screens.
  • Improved visibility of third-party icons.
  • Improved text visibility of low-resolution displays like 4:3 screens.
  • Improved open and close animations for the quest book.
  • Changed the icon in New World's construction menu to properly show the paved street in the Obrero section.
  • Fixed an issue with disappearing info layers after reloading a game.
  • Fixed an edge case where the character would not show up when opening the competitor selection menu in the Multiplayer Lobby.
  • Fixed placement of the icon displayed next to the mouse cursor when dragging items and resources.
  • Fixed an issue with the flyout displaying incorrect costs when upgrading a Malthouse from blueprint.
  • Fixed an issue in co-op with "Jump to Player" buttons being visible after loading a save game alone.
  • Fixed an issue where switching pages in the Portrait/Color window of the multiplayer lobby using the top buttons doesn't update the arrows accordingly.
  • Fixed visual issue which could occur on uncommon resolutions with object menus.
  • Fixed visual issue for banners that display influence achievements for new newspaper propaganda effects.
  • Improved quality of UI elements in the DLC selection screens in the profile creation flow.
  • Solved an issue where ships such as Battlecruisers which have 4 item slots break the UI when opening a trade menu with second or third parties.
  • Solved a graphical issue where paved road crossing sections would not match in color.
  • Fixed a postcard mode issue where the camera could be moved out of the playable area in rare circumstances.
  • Improved the visibility of item slots in the trade menu for ships such as the Clipper which have only one item slot.
  • Fixed a minor graphical issue present in the Steam Shipyard building.
  • Removed the carts from ruined mine buildings.
  • Adjusted the placement of feedback units for certain buildings like the Church to remove clipping issues.
  • Fixed a minor UI issue present in the shares overview menu.
  • Improved the UI behavior for closing a hostile takeover screen.
  • Improved the header of the Airship Hangar menu in "The Passage".
  • Added the info tips for the Save/Load buttons in the difficulty levels menus during the game creation flow.
  • Adjusted the positioning of the info tip displayed for "Workforce assignment" in object menus such as shipyards.
  • Adjusted the info tip text for the unlock conditions of the Paved Street in the New World.
  • Fixed a graphical issue with feedback units still doing their duty on destroyed harbor guns.
  • Improved the visuals displayed in the marketplace when only one tier type is present.
  • Improved the visibility of the airship from a distance.
  • Fixed minor graphical issue present on Archibald Blake's island.
  • Improved button states for the toggle buttons present in the statistics screens.
  • Adjusted altitude for the airship when passing through tall buildings such as Madame Kahina's Harbor.
  • Adjusted the info tip to display correct information in the Oil Harbor when not all trains are unlocked yet.
  • Adjusted filter highlights when switching between UI elements in the Warehouse and Harbor.


  • Fixed the Anarchist DLC quest "Collectivists" in multiplayer mode.
  • Fixed a situation in the "Sunken Treasures" DLC where "The Great Exhibition" quest could be triggered twice.
  • Fixed background display in the quest book for the quests "The fellowship", "A novel proposal of Captain Nobody's" and "The Nameless Author".
  • Fixed an issue with "Beyond the Horizon 2 – A different Point of view" which could have triggered without meeting Isabel Sarmento.
  • Adjusted text for "Wonders of the Arctic" quest from the "The Passage" DLC.
  • Fixed a situation in the "Sunken Treasures" DLC where Vasco's ships would not move to the quest location in the "Sound of the Sea" quest
  • Fixed the position for the demolitions expert in campaign mode to prevent him from spawning in water.

Localization and Texts

  • Adjusted text for "Special visits" in Public Mooring.
  • Fixed text display issues on info tips for some items such as the "Heated Jacket", info tips of the construction menu and influence top bar info tips in several languages.
  • Adjusted info tips in the quest book.
  • Fixed loading tips which were too long for some localizations.
  • Fixed text for several expeditions in the Spanish and Polish localizations.
  • Fixed localization issues for some cut-off text in the influence menu.
  • Fixed text issue in "Aarhant Proposes A Battle Plan" campaign quest description in the quest book.
  • Adjusted text for the "Frogman" article in the newspaper.
  • Fixed a text issue present in the exhibit object menu of cultural buildings when an item is equipped.
  • Fixed a text issue present in the info tip in the diplomacy screen.

January 23, 2020 - Game Update 6.2[]

Source: Anno Union

  • Improved the visualization of the graphs in the statistics menu.
  • Improved the chance of obtaining the "Relics of the expedition" item, by adding it to the Inuit trader. This will allow you to complete the Icebound set if you missed the item during the expedition to the arctic.
  • Fixed an issue where destroying enemy harbor defense buildings granted temporary influence points.
  • Fixed an issue where players without "The Sunken Treasure" DLC were not able to transmute arctic scrap to items.
  • Fixed an issue where influence points where not correctly calculated on loading a save while ships were constructed in the shipyard.
  • Fixed an issue where some treasure maps for the arctic would not show an island. Happy arctic treasure hunting!
  • Fixed a crash that could occur after the benchmark has finished.
  • Fixed a random crash that could occur when the AI upgrades a warehouse.
  • Fixed a random crash that could occur under specific conditions in first-person mode when looking at a feedback unit.
  • Fixed a random crash that could occur with feedback units.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur after leaving the prologue session in the campaign.
  • Fixed an issue where the infotip for the influence costs of all owned airships was displaying a wrong value.
  • Fixed an issue with the voice chat UI in multiplayer when more than six players where using the same channel.
  • Fixed an issue with the voice chat UI in the loading screen for a multiplayer match with 16 players.
  • Fixed an issue with the voice chat UI in multiplayer for Russian and Spanish text language.
  • Fixed an issue with the voice chat UI in multiplayer where the button to collapse and expand the UI was not clearly visible.
  • Fixed an issue where the gas provided by Old Nate could not be spawned if the space behind the Trading Post was occupied with a building.
  • Fixed an issue where the "A Sudden Spike" quest was triggered before the player has built the airship hangar.
  • Fixed an issue where the warning notification for missing resources for heaters did not mention the correct resource.
  • Fixed an issue where the fluff texts for the abandoned camps were not displayed.
  • Fixed an issue where the location clue text for the quest "Unwanted Espionage" was not fitting the quest.

December 17, 2019 - Game Update 6.1[]

Source: Anno Union

  • Fixed a potential crash that could occur at game start.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause performance drops when a lot of ships were simultaneously switching sessions, which would have especially affected larger save games.
  • Fixed an issue with the fog of war returning to islands after loading a save game.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause performance issues in co-op games specifically.
  • Fixed a visual issue with fire effects not being correctly aligned on the affected ships.

December 10, 2019 - Game Update 6[]

Source: Anno Union


  • Game Update 6 adds support for our third and final Season Pass DLC, "The Passage", for all Season Pass owners. "The Passage" will also be available as a stand-alone purchase from December 10 onwards.
  • Game Update 6 also adds support for the "Holiday Pack", a new DLC including 23 festive themed ornaments you can use to build your very own Christmas market in your cities. Please note that this is a new standalone DLC that is not part of the Anno 1800 Season Pass, or any of the game's different editions.
  • Co-op is here! In this new multiplayer mode, up to four players can team up to create the industrial empire of their dreams together, while competing against up to three other teams (for a total of 16 players/ four teams of up to four players).
  • Would you like some statistics with that? Our new in-depth statistics feature gives you unprecedented insights into the workings of your empire, with dedicated tabs for productivity and consumption, current stock of all your goods, population growth and finances. We have decided to implement this functionality as part of the main game interface to make sure that it is available at any time. To access it, you can click on the finance and population buttons on the top menu bar; access the menu from any production building in the game, or via the CTRL+Q/ W/ E/ R shortcuts.
  • It's benchmark time! We have added new benchmark functionality to test how well your PC performs running Anno 1800. You can start the benchmark via drop down from the "Play" button in Uplay, with separate benchmarking for Direct X 11 and 12 available. You can find your benchmark results inside your documents folder 'Documents\Anno 1800\benchmarks'.
  • Happy Holidays: We have added a new festive billboard ornament to the game, allowing you to bring the spirit of the season to your cities.
  • Manage your notifications. As we add more and more sessions to the game, we know that the number of notifications players receive can become overwhelming. To counter this, we have added several new filters to the game, which can be turned on/ off from the "Game" tab in the options menu. In addition, you will only be shown notifications about the arrival of a new specialist if you are in the same game session. Missed notifications will be shown to you the next time you travel to the respective session.
  • Added multi-copy tool: You can now copy a farm including all its farm fields/modules by holding Shift while copying it. You can now also drag and drop the copy tool on the buildings you want to select when copying.
  • More control over your DLCs: You can select to turn every gameplay-relevant DLC you own on or off during game setup, both for single- and multiplayer games. Please note that once the game has started, these settings cannot be reverted.
  • Reworked the multiplayer lobby in support of the new co-op mode, and the DLC selection functionality.
  • Faster session switching: We have added new shortcuts on the numpad to allow for seamless session switching. The num 1, num 2, num 3 and num 4 keys are used by default. As always, you can rebind them from the options menu.


  • Reduced the frequency of AI interrupting in case of declined settlement requests. The AI used to ask the player if they could settle per session, and these had separate cooldown in case the request is declined. This has now been changed to a global cooldown, meaning the AI asks a lot less frequently.
  • The duration of the "Ceasefire" diplomatic state has been increased from one to two hours to make diplomacy more meaningful. Accepting or declining ceasefire proposals will now also have a higher impact on reputation.
  • The duration of the "Non-Aggression Pact" diplomatic state has been increased from three to five hours, for the same reason.
  • Diplomacy memory messages ( e.g. "we should drink tea more often" – 2 reputation etc.) are now happening less frequently to reduce the number of notifications.
  • The general probability of explosion incidents was reduced by 20% across the board.

General improvements

  • Changed the sorting of goods in warehouses to display regional goods for the session first.
  • Improved the display of required population to unlock new Monument construction phases.
  • Improved text display when losing a ship during an expedition.
  • Removed the confirmation message when sending a ship to another session.
  • Improved game stability during expedition events.
  • Improved handling of fleet transfers between sessions. Prior to this fix, ships that traveled in a fleet would split up to travel to various harbors upon arrival in their destination session. Please note that individual ships travelling by themselves will still move to a random friendly harbor when arriving in any session besides the Old World (where they will always default to the first harbor built in the session).
  • Improved detection of Warehouse connections for the construction AI. Previously observed issues could be triggered by the AI destroying bridges around their cities. 
  • Improved quality of audio when a ship would be destroyed. The volume is now better balanced, and the sound of a higher quality.
  • Improved display of sails for a damaged Imperial Command Ship model.
  • Improved audio for various buildings such as the Limestone Quarry. Previously the excavator element of the building was inaudible to the player.
  • Improved the display of upgrade costs on blueprint buildings. Previously it was possible to see maintenance costs instead of the actual costs to place the building, which was unintended behavior.
  • Improved audio for the Fountain Plaza and Fountain Square ornaments.
  • Improved handling of defeated Pirates. Previously the pirates could get stuck in front of their harbor when returning after being previously defeated.
  • Improved the display of various menu objects on 21:9 ultra-wide screens.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the Expedition screen when a fully loaded ship needed to accept a reward.
  • Fixed an issue with quest objects sometimes being invisible on "low" graphic settings.
  • Fixed several crashes that could occur when loading a save game.
  • Fixed several crashed that could randomly occur when starting a new map session.
  • Fixed an issue with AI sending fleets of warships into sessions without giving them a concrete task, which could result in the ships idling near the session border.
  • Fixed an issue with the sound for the Clipper ships being much louder than expected.
  • Fixed an issue where the newspaper effect 'Productivity' of the 'Propaganda – Anarchy' article was not applied to factories that were built after the newspaper was published.
  • Fixed a separate issue with the newspaper effect of the "Propaganda Anarchy" article only being applied in the currently active session.
  • Fixed two remaining issues that could result in indestructible "ghost ships" as seen in previous patches.
  • Fixed an issue with ships up for sale leaving the harbour.
  • Fixed rioting mobs that would rarely burn down buildings. This was unintended and now they should react properly when multiple rioters appear.
  • Fixed situations where special editions of the newspaper would have missing or low volume audio from the Editor.
  • Fixed a visual issue with AI production buildings. Previously, the production buildings could appear inactive as in the background the storage was full.
  • Fixed graphical issue with the military comparison statistic bars in the Diplomacy menu.
  • Fixed the display of the top menu bar. Previously, players could quickly shuffle between islands which could result in the top menu bar not updating properly.
  • Health bars of ships should no longer be visible through the fog of war.
  • Fixed various HTML text issues that showed up in several areas of the game.
  • Fixed the display of infotips in the Musical Pavilion submenus. Infotips should no longer incorrectly cover other menu parts.
  • Fixed an UI issue in the ship object menu when ships would transfer between sessions. Previously a small placeholder icon would appear when a ship was in the state of session transfer.
  • Fixed many, many player reported translations issues across all of our supported languages. Thank you so much for your help spotting these!
  • Fixed a visual issue with damaged ships under fog of war. Previously some parts of the ship were not fogged correctly.
  • Fixed a small visual issue with the shadows of lighthouses.
  • Fixed the display of cannon fire during nighttime.
  • Fixed a small visual issue with trees cut by the woodcutter.
  • Fixed the display of the treaties menu if the player is in an alliance with another party from the beginning of the game. Previously, this could have resulted in the menu appearing empty.
  • Fixed a visual issue for the "Sculpted Bear" ornament in the Botanical Garden. Previously the ground plate didn't fit with the rest of the placeable modules and ornaments.
  • Fixed a text issue that could appear when selecting a Hospital during an active incident. This could have rarely resulted in unwanted behavior such as missing strings or missing icons in the incident building object menu.
  • Fixed the object menu display for Warehouse ruins. Previously the menu would appear incorrectly elongated while in a ruined state.
  • Fixed display of infotips in the Visitor's Harbor. Previously some infotips would display values with too many decimals.
  • Fixed a text issue with infotips of goods displayed in the ship object menu for "Hiring fee" and "Purchase price". Previously this would appear inconsistently in item infotips when checking in warehouses or ship inventories.
  • Fixed the text on infotips of building pins displayed on top of the construction menu. Previously very little information was displayed in the infotip of an empty slot pin.
  • The "Water Dispenser" item is now usable in the Trade Union building instead of the Town Hall.
  • Fixed several items that could unintentionally affect the power plant.
  • Improved handling of items applicable to shipyards that could interrupt ship construction when applied. The previous issue would occur when any shipyard-type effect would be applied if a ship was already in progress.
  • Fixed the effect for "Former Pyrphorian Whizz". The redundant attractiveness modifier effect has been replaced with a decreased incident chance and decreased maintenance costs.
  • Fixed "The Promise Trust" quest line of Margaret's Hunt quest chain.
  • Fixed handling of interactions in Sunken Treasures when reaching specific diving spots during the "Big Blue" mission. This might have caused Vasco to not react when approaching the diving spot.
  • Fixed animals spawning under the terrain in "Hibernation" voluntary quest from Bente Jorgensen.
  • We fixed the preconditions of some quests. You could previously receive quests to deliver a specific good that you could not yet produce.
  • Fixed islands being renamed when gaining ownership of them as part of a quest chain.

October 17, 2019 - Game Update 5.3[]

Source: Anno Union

  • New Halloween billboard ornament
  • We have adjusted Hugo Mercier's Anarchist main story quests, to make them less random and more dependable for players. Here is all you need to know about how these quests will work, going forward:
    • To start or continue the main quest line, you need to be at peace with Hugo Mercier
    • You need to have 60 reputation point with him to do so
    • You need to have at least one Artisan in any of your cities
    • After you finish one of his quests, there is a 30 minute cooldown before the next quest will appear
    • If you cancel or fail one of Dr. Mercier's quests, you will have to wait for 9 hours of game time before you will receive it again (this is a standard timer used to prevent players from getting swamped with optional quests).
    • Important: You can only have one active quest from Dr. Hugo Mercier at a time, so you will not receive any main story quests while you still have one of his other quests active, or are being offered another quest by him. You can solve or decline them to make space for a new main story quest.
  • We have fixed several issues that can lead to trains being stuck in the oil harbor.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented oil tankers from being manually loaded/ unloaded at oil harbors.
  • Fixed a separate issue that could prevent oil tankers on trade routes from loading/ unloading properly.
  • Fixed an issue with entries in the ship list constantly switching places or flickering.
  • Fixed an issue with duplicate, unnamed ships being stuck on the world map.
  • Fixed an issue with ships drifting away from their position by themselves.
  • Fixed an issue with ships on trade routes being stuck on a map border.
  • Fixed an issue with players being able to see the object menu of a chartered ship.
  • Fixed an issue with selecting ships for an expedition in the preparations menu.
  • Ships returning from expeditions will now correctly return to their homeport from which they started their expedition.
  • Fixed an issue that could change your influence points balance after saving and loading a save game.
  • Fixed an issue with AI characters having large fleets of duplicate ships.
  • Fixed an issue with quest objects spawning at sea.
  • Fixed an issue with quest giving ships not despawning, and subsequently crowding an NPC's harbor area. Unfortunately, this issue will not remove already spawned ships retroactively. Workaround: Ignoring one of the NPC's quest chains (quests that have "Part 1, 2, etc." in their name) will remove all redundant ships.
  • Fixed an issue in campaign mode, where some of the queen's ships could become controllable by the player, which could block campaign progress.
  • The Shift+V command to change appearance now works properly for depots.
  • Fixed an issue with quest hint bubbles not being correctly removed, and pointing to invalid positions.
  • Provided a fallback solution for the Sunken Treasures expedition to unlock Cape Trelawney not triggering properly. This will now unlock the new sessions without having to complete the expedition beforehand.
  • Fixed an issue with duplicate ships being incorrectly applied to AI trade routes.
  • Fixed an issue with the campaign quest "Sovereign Aid", which could lead to a blocker if the player failed the quest.

September 19, 2019 - Game Update 5.2[]

Source: Anno Union

  • Fixed an issue where ships got duplicated after save game reload. As part of this fix, all duplicate "ghost ships" will turn into actual ships under the control of the player, which will prevent the player from losing any good loaded onto the ships. Due to these additional ships being given to the player, it is possible that you will experience a loss of influence points, which can be regained by destroying the additional ships after unloading them.
  • The Ubisoft Club rewards for the Botanica DLC (the "Duck Pond" and the "Outdoor Arcade") are now redeemable from the Ubisoft Club Rewards section in Uplay.
  • Fixed an issue where idle ships can be seen off the map when reloading an older save game.
  • These ships should now be recoverable.
  • Fixed an issue where AI ships could get stuck at the border of the map.
  • Fixed a situation where, upon save game reload, trains could be stuck in the Oil Refinery or in the power plant, which could lead to less oil being transported than intended.
  • Fixed a desync error that occurred upon trigger of a participant's message.
  • Fixed a desync that occurred due to quests that triggered ships with invalid items.
  • Botanica ornaments can now be placed freely in your cities from the construction menu (Artisan / Obrero / Culture tabs).
  • Items such as flowerbeds can now also be activated via the item section of any Warehouse, not only from your Harbor.
  • Adjusted the tool tip and effect for the "Rabies Vaccine" item. We made various text adjustments.

September 13, 2019 - Game Update 5.1[]

Source: Anno Union

  • Increased reward chance of musical scores.
  • Increased botanical expedition events chance.
  • Fixed a stability issue where the title could crash while converting scrap at Old Nate's Island Harbour.
  • Fixed a situation where the Twitch Drops would not be in game anymore after the Botanica-Update.
  • Fixed a situation where players were unable to manually load/unload at the pier.
  • Fixed an issue where items or materials would get lost when diving with a full Salvager ship.
  • Fixed a visualization issue where the tool tip for railway construction would not update properly upon placement.
  • Fixed an unintended spawning issue where quest givers could show up on sea areas.
  • Fixed an issue where trading items would no longer have differences between buying and selling costs.
  • Fixed an issue where an user would be unable to delete multiple pavement tiles at the same time.
  • Fixed an issue where prohibiting consumption of wares didn't affect resident happiness anymore.

September 10, 2019 - Game Update 5[]

Source: Anno Union

  • Added support for the new Botanica DLC (available as part of the Anno 1800 Season Pass or as a standalone purchase), which allows you to turn your city green with a new modular botanical garden.
  • Let there be night! We have added a new dynamic day & night cycle to make sure your city looks stunning at any time of day! In addition to the cycle, you can at any time select one of four lighting presets (dawn, day, dusk or night).

Added new plaza tiles and reworked four existing ornaments to serve as connectors for your cultural buildings, allowing you to create much more lifelike and varied museums and zoos.

  • "I got your back". Giving an order to escort a ship that has been ordered to switch sessions will now have the escort ships follow their charges to the new session, making your trade ships much less vulnerable.
  • The AI ceasefire has ended, and third-party characters can now attack pirates. Look out Anne Harlow, Archibald's cannon towers are no longer just for decoration!
  • We have added some botanical themed expedition events to the pool of available events you might encounter on your adventures.
  • The size of UI text can now be increased up to a font size of 28.


  • Battlecruiser: Raised the price from 90k to 800k
  • Monitor: Raised the price from 40k to 350k
  • Cargo Ship: Raised the price from 30k to 300k.
  • Oil Tanker: Raised the price from 60k to 300k
  • Pyrphorian Battlecruiser will now cost 1.2M credits, as compared to the 800k for the regular Battlecruiser.
  • Pyrphorian Monitor: Increased the hit points from 3,000 to 5,000
  • Pyrphorian Battlecrusier: Raised the hit points from 5,000 to 8,000 and lowered the attack cooldown from 3.4 seconds to 2.9 seconds.
  • Pyrphorian Command Ship: Increased the hit points from 3,500 to 6,000.
  • Royal Ship-of-the-Line: Increased hitpoints from 4,500 to 5,000.
  • Pirate Ship-of-the-Line: Lowered attack cooldown from 8 seconds to 7.5 seconds.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that allowed two pirates to show up in the South American session. This fix is not retroactive, and only prevents this issue from appearing in new saves.
  • Improved the behavior of double-click ship selection.
  • Adjusted the coloring of some ornamental floor tiles, which were darker than others.
  • The "Space" bar can now be rebound to other actions from the options menu.
  • Improved the behavior of repair cranes to ensure that they fully repair one ship before staring work on another.
  • Fixed an issue with the consumption tax from a newspaper boost not properly increasing the balance.
  • Fixed an issue where AI ships could be stuck on certain coastlines.
  • Fixed a potential performance issue that could appear when the productivity of caoutchouc plantations was boosted with items.
  • Ensured that the diplomatic victory condition is greyed out/ unavailable in the multiplayer lobby.
  • Fixed an issue with expedition screens sometimes not showing the success percentage.
  • Fixed an issue where two items would appear as flotsam besides the La Isla Harbor after the discovery expedition ended in campaign mode.
  • You can no longer drag the chat box out of the screen in multiplayer.
  • Fixed an issue with the storage limit not working properly while in campaign mode.
  • Fixed an issue with building bridges by connecting two existing roads on a riverbank.
  • Improved the visibility of the button to switch pages in the cultural buildings menu.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the deletion of save files from the save file management menu.
  • Fixed an issue with destroyed ships being wrongly displayed in the route menu if they were sunk during the creation of a new trade route.
  • Removed a visual glitch that could occur when hovering over a selected residential building with the demolition tool.
  • Changing appearance via Shift+V should no work properly in move mode.
  • Fixed an issue with an empty icon sometimes appearing in the exchange ship menu during expedition setup.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed you to receive scrap-elated quests without owning a diving bell ship.
  • Fixed an issue with audio being played twice when using the replay audio button in the ques book.
  • The quest objective for the "Open Book 2" quest from George Smith now displays properly.
  • Improved the behavior of photo quests to make sure that the quest objective is actually in the frame of the picture. No more cheating!
  • Fixed a typo in the German text for the "Die Amazonen" expedition event.
  • Fixed an issue with some debug text showing up in the Japanese localization.

August 6, 2019 - Game Update 4.2[]

Source: Anno Union

  • Fixed an issue where some piers and trading posts were not correctly registered by trading ships. Ships will now check all available options to unload their cargo when stopping at an island.
  • All participants of a multiplayer match with the Sunken Treasures content will now receive the discovery expedition when loading a savegame in which the unlock conditions are fulfilled. Previously, it could happen that only the host of a match received the discovery quests when loading a multiplayer match with an existing savegame.
  • Fixed a minor issue where the Sunken Treasures discovery expedition would still get triggered even after the player declined to start it.
  • Removed a blocker in the Sunken Treasures "Build Harbor" Quest that occurred when the player built and upgraded the harbor directly before solving the first quest given by the queen.
  • Fixed a bug that deleted all blueprints in the session when destroying a trading post on a player-controlled island.
  • Fixed an issue where scrap was selling was sometimes for an unintended high amount of money.

July 31, 2019 - Game Update 4.1[]

Source: Anno Union

  • Fixed a situation where a blueprint of a building that costs influence would break the influence count of player's save file upon reload.
  • Fixed an unintended behaviour where an Enemy AI's Trading Post could drop upon destruction a lot of scrap resource which could've been sold for huge amount of money.
  • Fixed a graphical issue that occurs with the maximum zoom level which affected the visibility of buildings in the distance.

July 30, 2019 - Game Update 4[]

Source: Anno Union

Game Update 4 adds support for Anno 1800's first DLC pack, Sunken Treasures.


  • You can now zoom the camera significantly further out, giving you a better overview of your majestic islands (which you can activate in the Gameplay options menu).
  • Improved and optimized game performance, leading to smoother gameplay across most graphics settings. As part of this, users will now also note an improved viewing range.
  • A new, improved minimum stock system has been added to the Trading Post. Old settings from all previously existing trade routes have been removed.
  • Reworked and rebalanced expedition rewards to make them feel more rewarding across all difficulty levels. New expedition reward tiers per difficulty are now:
    • Easy => only uncommon or rare rewards.
    • Medium => only rare or epic rewards.
    • Hard => only epic or legendary rewards.
  • Improved the usability of the trade routes menu, adding a text filter and a toggle for other ships displayed in the trade route menu strategy map. You can also select these ships to add them to your trade routes from the strategy map. Hovering over a trade route entry will now immediately show the trade route on the map. Finally, trade routes are now sorted alphabetically to make them easier to keep track of.
  • Reduced the notifications spam for low threat incidents. Incidents such as small fires which are no major threat will no longer trigger a notification.
  • Loading and unloading oil onto trains is now twice as fast as before.
  • Incoming trade ships will now make full use of all piers on an island, trying to avoid lengthy traffic jams in front of one harbor while others remain unused.
  • Architectural exhibitions in the World's Fair will now reward you with more than three ornaments at a time.
  • Previously defeated pirates will now bring a small fleet instead of a single ship upon their return to the game. It now takes them 30 minutes to rebuild.
  • Multiplayer chat has been completely reworked.


  • Rebalanced the quality of rewards granted by resident quests.
  • Generally improved the generation of rewards for a variety of activities (quests, drops etc.). This can lead to some items appearing less often, while some previously rare items will now appear more frequently.
  • Rebalanced the moral value for difficulty level three expeditions. The morale bar should now fill up faster.



  • Fixed an issue with missing objectives for "Open Book 2" voluntary quest provided by George Smith.
  • Fixed a missing icon in quest tracker/book for Princess Qing's voluntary quest "Shadow Puppets: Part 3".
  • Fixed the "jump to location" button for Princess Qing's voluntary quest "Shadow Puppets: Part 3".
  • Fixed the "Hostage Rescue" campaign quest where buyable frigates would fight Pyrphorian ships.


  • Fixed the specialist items "Actor" and "Sarah Bartok" which previously had an invalid effect for the Theater building.
  • Fixed the "Poster of the Leader" item not having any effects (it now provides additional workforce and a bit extra happiness, but reduces taxes).
  • The "Footman" specialist item now provides more taxes.
  • Fixed items increasing the maximum residents being inactive after loading a save file. The item effects are now also calculated slightly different from before. Affected items are "The Withdrawal Amendment", "Contraception Regulation", "Papal Paper of Prenatal Preservation", "Jakob Sokow, The Charitable Banker", "Louis P. Hecate, Arm-Puncturing Pioneer", "Chief George Doughty, Smouldering Hero", "Saint D' Artois, Vision of the Valley".


  • Fixed an issue where a player could not be re-invited to a saved multiplayer match if they were not on the Uplay friend list of the player loading the save file.
  • Fixed the cancel invitation button having no icon in the "Invited Friend" section of the multiplayer lobby.
  • Added an error message for the client if the host leaves the multiplayer lobby.

User Interface (UI)

  • Fixed an issue with the electricity icon being shown in the World Fair's Foundation menu before electricity is needed.
  • Fixed text input in the trade route menu being reset if the player did not press the ENTER key.
  • Fixed "session transfer" or "expedition assigned" text overlapping the cargo slots in ship menus.
  • Fixed truncated text in ship menus when transferring to another region.
  • Fixed debug text being shown in trade menu tooltips if the camera was moved to another island in the background.
  • Fixed an UI issue in the charter route setup that occurred when dragging the amount slider out of the box, which could accidentally close the goods selection window.
  • Steam ships and sailing ships now have different icons to make them more distinguishable in the trade route menu.
  • The edit screen of the newspaper now shows the currently available influence (previously the publish button would just be greyed out when the cost exceeded the available influence).
  • Fixed an issue with overlapping icons in the marketplace menu when only artisans, engineers and investors were present on an island.
  • Fixed the working conditions menu sometimes not remembering values if the player would change the productivity by typing in the text field instead of using the slider.
  • Fixed the construction menu not remembering the category sorting when loading a save file.


  • Fixed an issue with flickering dirt roads while zooming the camera.
  • Fixed firework effect persisting after loading a save file


  • Fixed a typo in the German localization of "Die Amazonen" expedition screens.
  • Fixed a German localization issue with Margaret Hunt's reaction to one of their buildings being destroyed.
  • Fixed a typo in the English localization of the "Iron Dragon" expedition event.
  • Fixed English text shown in the German localization of the ship object menu if the player would send a ship to another session.

Other fixes

  • Oil ships should now approach the correct coast when multiple oil ships are assigned to a trade route.
  • Improved visualization of ships traveling between sessions on the world map.
  • Fixed ships moving at their individual fastest speed even if the "grouped" option was selected.
  • Fixed an issue with defeated pirate ships still being shown on the mini map.
  • Improved display of highlighted buildings when using the demolish tool.
  • Added three new filters for notifications when ships set on a trade route encounter a problem.
  • Fixed buffs granted by animals in the Zoo staying active even after the main building of the Zoo was demolished.
  • Fixed an issue in the newspaper after a war declaration where the player's name was shown instead of the name of the AI declaring war.
  • Fixed several misleading tooltips in the World Fair menu.
  • Fixed visitor pathfinding around the Bank building.
  • Fixed the "Load Game" entry in the main menu being visible without a save file being present.
  • Fixed an issue where the last playable game profile could not be deleted without restarting the game.

July 8, 2019 - Game Update 3.2[]

Source: Anno Union

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the campaign quest "Prosperity for all" from being completed due to a timing issue with the quest. This fix applies retroactively to affected saves.
  • Fixed a potential issue with hostile ship spawns during the campaign quest "One Hand washes the other".
  • Fixed a potential showstopping issue after completion of the campaign quest "Release and ease".
  • Fixed a potential stability issue that could appear when finishing a campaign-specific expedition and switching sessions immediately after. This could happen at the end of campaign chapter 2.
  • Fixed an issue with custom games that could results in pirates and other third-party AI spawning twice within a session.
  • Fixed an issue with construction AI, where an AI opponent may end up constructing the same building all over his island. This fix will unfortunately not apply to existing save games. Calm down Willie, you don't need those 20 sawmills.
  • Fixed a potential stability issue that could occur when trading with AI characters.
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could lead to players becoming stuck in a desync loop under certain conditions.
  • Fixed a potential issue with building interfaces that could occur when clicking on an electricity-powered, and then an unpowered building in quick succession.
  • Fixed a text issue with the quest tracker during the "Eli the incorruptible" quest.
  • Fixed a stability issue that could occur under specific circumstances when trading. This would occur when adding a fifth item to a ship's sell window (provided it has one), and subsequently first trying to sell the equipped item, before selling the other wares.
  • Fixed an issue with character-specific notifications that could occur if a quest notification was triggered while another object menu for the same character was currently open.
  • Fixed a randomly occurring stability issue.
  • Added a version number to the main menu for easier verification of the currently installed game version.
  • Changed the name of the Windows process for the game from "Anno 7" to "Anno 1800". That is another 1793 Annos added at no additional cost!

June 7, 2019 - Game Update 3.1[]

Source: Anno Union

  • Fixed an issue blocking players from finishing the "Prosperity for All" campaign quest on save games created prior to Game Update 3. When players now load an older save, the game will check if the prosperity quest is active but cannot be completed and will then automatically resolve the quest for the player.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a crash of the game client after loading an old save game with an active mission.
  • Fixed a stability issue with the railway system, which could cause the game to crash in some rare instances.
  • Fixed an issue that locked players from constructing buildings in their coastal area.
  • Fixed an issue with charter routes missing their information in the overview screen.

June 5, 2019 - Game Update 3[]

Source: Anno Union


  • Adds support for The Anarchist character and associated content
  • Expedition event "The Great Sickness" has been added
  • Reworked interface elements for the World's Fair, the Court of Justice and the Excavation Site
  • New items for purchase at the harbors of Eli Bleakworth, Archibald Blake and Carl Leonard von Malching
  • The "Anno Union Emblem" company logo is now available and can be claimed from the Club Rewards section on Uplay


  • Improved trade routes to prevent player bankruptcy
  • Power plants will now shut down if they have less than 50% of required workforce
  • Ships can now spread the illness only to harbours and not to other ships
  • Improved the military AI behaviour
  • Improved selection when double clicking on a ship with the intention of selecting all ships of this type
  • Added the oil tanker to the list of ships that Archibald Blake sells on his island
  • The oil tanker can now be sold, bringing it in line with other ships
  • Rebalanced the reputation gained from big trade deals via diplomacy menu
  • Improved the bonus to force attribute provided by steam carriages, beef, dynamite and coffee during expedition events.
  • Rebalanced the attractiveness requirements for rare visitors to arrive at your tourist harbour 
  • Changed the item pool of third party trader Eli Bleakworth

User interface and experience improvements

  • Improved the behavior of the music when a large-scale incident occurs
  • Reduced the frequency of notifications tied to dropping workforce on an island
  • Reduced the frequency of notifications tied to hostile island takeovers
  • Hitting the "escape" key will now close the transfer goods menu
  • Added various extra information and new tips on game loading screens for users to discover
  • Improved the loading times on many interface graphics
  • Improved readability in the German version of the "Baptism of Fire" expedition event
  • Improved some of the UI elements displayed in the newspaper archive
  • Aligned the consistency and style of several interface icons
  • Improved the transition between expedition menu and gameplay screens
  • Improved readability and tool tips for the trade menu
  • Improved the way character`s emotions are visible while in the Diplomacy menu during an audio line delivery. Animations should now be more consistent with the audio lines
  • Improved the visibility of the visitor's dialogue in the monument menu during a monument event
  • Removed automatically generated profiles, which could contain unsupported special characters in their names

Bug fixes

  • Fixed stability issues in multiplayer where match setup with two or three players could lead to an infinite loading screen
  • Fixed stability issues where the creation of several new games in rapid succession could lead to a crash
  • Fixed an issue where the game could crash if certain shortcuts were spammed while in the save game name dialogue
  • Fixed an issue in campaign where premature destruction of the trading post on Prosperity could block completion of the "Prosperity for all" quest
  • Fixed an issue in the campaign where upgrading some quest-critical buildings could break quests
  • Fixed an issue where Refugee's campaign quests could not be completed if ship with refugees equipped were transferred between sessions
  • Fixed an issue with newspapers mistakenly displaying articles about missing goods that were actually being provided
  • Fixed an issue where moving around harbor buildings during an attack could lead to military AI units being stuck
  • Fixed an issue where using invalid characters in editable fields could break the associated save file
  • Fixed an issue where changing the graphics settings for "Feedback Quality" would not be properly applied
  • Fixed an issue with the "Party like it's 1851" and "Annoholic" Club Challenges not properly unlocking once all requirements are met
  • Fixed the achievement "Gold Digger", which previously unlocked for the player as soon as any session participant reached 100.000 coins
  • Fixed potential issues with moving around and then upgrading blueprints of harbor buildings
  • Fixed an issue where the monument would sometimes show the tool tips for the previous phases
  • Fixed an issue with invalid items and special visitors
  • Fixed a shortcut key, which would mistakenly permit the player to place an Old World warehouse in the New World region
  • Fixed an issue where the Military AI would not realize that a hostile takeover has occurred, which would lead to a never-ending state of war
  • Fixed an issue with the logistic system where available storage space was sometimes not fully utilized
  • Fixed an issue where during an escort ship quest the ship following the intended target would move at a lower speed than intended
  • Fixed an issue with the Old Bell item that would not work on the Gold Ore Mine in the New World
  • Fixed onscreen notification when user sells goods via passive trade
  • Fixed a problem where Jean La Fortune from The New World session was shown in the Diplomacy Menu before The New World session has been discovered
  • Fixed an issue where newspaper article tool tips would not display properly
  • Fixed an issue where disabling the right-click menu in the options could be reset after restarting the game
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong info layer would show on top the Charcoal Kiln if it was placed in blueprint mode
  • Fixed an issue where moving a Commuter's Pier that was not connected to a street would activate the transfer
  • Fixed an issue where the Oil could not be manually transferred to the Oil tanker via Trade Menu
  • Fixed an issue where item effects would not disappear if the associated building was destroyed
  • Fixed the "Banker" item that would not increase the range of the Bank. To mitigate this issue, the effect has been removed and changed to target residence buildings
  • Fixed an issue with pirates remaining in the game after being defeated. Sorry guys, you are out
  • Fixed an issue with ships being erroneously shown on the wrong trade routes in the menu
  • Fixed an issue with ships being displayed in the trade routes menu after being sold
  • Fixed jumps between gameplay notifications and the Trade Route set-up menu
  • Fixed an issue where the White Flag item could break the peace mode if moved between ships
  • Fixed a text problem displayed in the Trade Menu as "Select station from the list" when no list existed
  • Fixed various problems where ships that were part of a quest could be infected by incidents, therefore spreading the incidents to the islands next to which they were stationed
  • Adjusted the profanity filter to more lenient with certain words
  • Fixed various instances of text being cut off in Expedition tool tips on the world map
  • Fixed an issue with city incident-related Newspaper articles not being properly applied
  • Fixed an issue with mob-quest-type objects not properly interacting with bridges
  • Fixed many minor text issues for increased consistency
  • Fixed various problems with items that would accidentally swap the actually produced items, such as "Marcel Forcas, Celebrity Chef"
  • Fixed an issue where tool tips were shown as empty boxes for empty slots in the construction menu
  • Fixed readability issues with text on colored tool tip boxes
  • Fixed text issues where line breaks where displayed in various expedition events
  • Fixed text readability in several expedition screens
  • Fixed an UI issue that could occur when using the workforce slider
  • Fixed UI issues for the banner notifications displayed in the New World for upgrades of the Town Level
  • Fixed UI issues for banner notifications displayed when expeditions ended
  • Fixed UI issues with the downgrade button in various object menus
  • Fixed UI issues with the display of "Father's Diary" on various screen aspect ratios
  • Fixed UI issues with the mini-map that could affect readability when zooming in
  • Fixed various UI issues in the Multiplayer Lobby screen
  • Added missing text for a few subtitle lines in German localization
  • Added missing text for some notifications in the Korean localization
  • Fixed some UI issues in the Notification archive section
  • Fixed some text issues with quest descriptions in the Russian localization
  • Fixed text issues in the French and Italian localizations where the text could overlap various UI elements in the Shares Menu
  • Fixed an issue with the fast-forward in the game's credits not working properly
  • Fixed a text issue in the Japanese localization with missing attractiveness values in some menus

May 15, 2019 - Game Update 2[]

Source: Anno Union


  • Influence gained from population increased from +10 to +15 per increase
  • Influence gained from investors increased from +1 to +2 per house
  • Exponential scaling for influence from population kicks in later, at 16.000 Global Population instead of 14.000
  • Propaganda category: Newspaper Effectiveness boosted from 5%/10%/15% to 7%/15%/25%
  • Trade category: Movement Speed boosted from 5%/10%/15% to 7%/15%/25%
  • Military category: Attack Speed boosted from 5%/10%/15% to 7%/15%/25%
  • Optimization category: Maintenance Cost boosted from 1%/2%/3% to 3%/6%/10%
  • Culture category: Attractiveness boosted from 5%/10%/15% to 10%/20%/35%

Passive Defence ship stance

  • Renamed to "Hold Position"
  • Ships using this stance do not move to attack a target

Steamships balance

  • Battle Cruiser hit points increased from 5000 to 6000
  • Battle Cruiser Damage per shot increased from 245 to 275
  • Battle Cruiser Upkeep Cost lowered from 1000 to 850
  • Monitor hit points increased from 2500 to 3000
  • Monitor Upkeep Cost lowered from 600 to 300
  • Cargo Ship hit points from increased from 3500 to 4000

Illness on ships

  • Ship disease spread chance was 1% every 10 seconds; spread chance now is 1% every 30 seconds
  • Ship disease duration was 15 minutes, and has now been lowered to 10 minutes

Madame Kahina's item pool

  • Now, 20% of items offered at Madame Kahina's harbor consist of European fertilities, with rarities (uncommon, rare and epic) depending on player progress.

Game stability

  • Fixed an instance where toggling the Victory Conditions could crash the game when starting a new game
  • Fixed issues which could lead to crashes If the game was running under DirectX 12
  • Fixed an instance which could lead to crashes during campaign gameplay
  • Fixed an instance which could lead to a crash while upgrading residential buildings
  • Fixed several rare instances that caused general client instability

Bugs and issues

  • Fixed an issue which could prevent players from receiving further quests or character notifications
  • Fixed some issues causing the railway system to stop working properly
  • Fixed an issue where happiness count would instantly drop when building a commuter harbor
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the achievement "What's that smell?" from unlocking
  • Fixed a rare issue where the player could get locked out of expedition events
  • Fixed an issue where losing an island with Trade Unions would not refund the influence spent on those unions
  • Fixed graphical issue in top-secret, nonexistent first-person mode
  • Fixed the button positioning on "Desync Detected" screen
  • Fixed an issue where the button of "Father's Diary" would shift positions at some screen resolutions
  • Fixed an issue where "Unmute All" text shifted position on the multiplayer chat settings window
  • Fixed an issue where City Incidents buildings would interchange their object menus
  • Improved the info tips for fertility items, as they were unclear on what they could be used on

Additional Notes[]

  • Battlecruiser attack damage was actually increased to 280 instead of the noted 275.

April 25, 2019 - Game Update 1[]

Source: Anno Union

  • Fixed several crashes.
  • Fixed several Multiplayer Desyncs.
  • Fixed an issue for the Steam version, that made the games FPS drop significantly.
  • Fixed a rare issue, getting no further quests, after loading a savegame that has been created while a Newspaper was displayed.


  • Diplomacy: Lowered the cooldown of "Flattering" and "Gifting" from 60 mins to 30 mins.
  • Diplomacy: Negotiations in the late game now cost ~70% less.
  • Visitors: Visitors are now more generous (Visitor income increased by 50%).