Finery is a consumer good available in Land of Lions. It is consumed as a basic need of Shepherds and Elders. By default, it can be produced only in Enbesa.
Basic need[]
Finery fulfills a basic need of Shepherds and Elders.
Consumption | Influx | Income | |
Shepherds | 0.00025 | 2 | +1.5/+1.35/+1.2 |
Elders | 0.0005 | 2 | +3/+2.7/+2.4 |
Finery can be passively sold for 32 or purchased for 80 per ton. No neutral trader buys or sells finery for a special price.
Finery is produced in a Embroiderer from Linen.
• 133,3 Shepherds Residences (up to 1333 Shepherds)
• or 66,7 Elders Residences (up to 1333 Elders)
Amadi Ilga, Ketema's Chief Civil Engineer Legendary | ||
First to heed Emperor Ketema's call for talent, a world-class city-builder who has been operating in northern Enbesa. | ||
Equipped in Town Hall Affects All Enbesan Residences Shepherd Residence Elder Residence |
Effects Bonus Residents: +2 Residences gain bonus residents from Finery, Illuminated Script. Happiness: +10 Chance of Fire: -50% |
Expedition Bonus Crafting: +45 Medicine: +20 |
Available from Emperor Ketema quest: Full Disclosure |