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Anno 1800 Wiki

Export/Import is a core feature of Docklands DLC. It allows to export goods in exchange for importing other goods, and to specialise in production of certain goods, while suplementing or completely replacing the production of goods you wish to import. These exchanges are conducted by a neutral trader, Captain Tobias, who has a fleet of spacious ships and designates one of his ships for each of your docklands. Only specific goods can be imported, some of them are initially locked and you need to prove yourself as a good trading partner and meet their specific unlock conditions.

Creating Contracts[]

To exchange goods you need to establish export/import contracts. You can create different contracts in each of your docklands. Initially in every docklands you can have only one contract, setting up more contracts requires building exports office modules, every module allows to create one more contract. Having built the maximum amount of modules, you can have up to 14 contracts in one docklands.

Each export/import contract allows to export one type of good to import one type of good in exchange. In the middle section of the export/import menu you can see all of your contracts. The left slot represents the exported good, the right slot the imported good. To select goods you can click on the slots and then select specific good from the menu that opens up. Alternatively, you can select export goods by dragging them into the left slot from the bottom left side of the menu, which represents the storage of the island. To select the import good you can also drag it but from the right side of the menu, where global importers and their offers are listed.

After choosing both goods, you can decide how much you want to export or import. Click on the number below one of the goods and edit it as you see fit. The amount of the other good will be automatically calculated based on the exchange ratio. In case the export good is less valuable than the import good (more tons are exported than imported) and the player sets the amount of exported tons, Tobias will withdraw only the minimum tons necessary to obtain the shown value of imported tons, meaning that the amount of exported tons could be less than the set value. This "correction" doesn't work the other way around: if the export good is more valuable than the import good (more tons are imported than exported) it is always better to set the amount of the export good, in order to get the maximum amount of tons possible.

The same good can't be exported and imported in the same Docklands: this would create what ingame is called "Goods Redundancy".

Exchange Ratios[]

For more details, see: Exchange Ratios

The exchange ratios compare how valuable selected goods are and how many tons of one good correspond to one ton of the other good. After creating a contract, under the arrows in the middle you can see its exchange ratio rounded to integer. To see a more exact ratio, hover over the arrows between the goods in the contract.

Trade History[]

In export/import menu you can choose to see full trade history. If you enable this option, below each contract you will see how many tons of goods were exchanged during up to 3 latest exchanges. Data about the most recent exchange is at the top, the oldest exchange at the bottom.

You can also see the history of your exchanges in statistics menu in storage tab in passive trading section, labeled as "Captain Tobias" - when you have only a single island selected in the statistics menu.

Exchanges Order[]

Exchanges are conducted in a specific order: from left to right and from top to bottom. It is especially important if you have one good in more than one contract on the same island - if an exchange that is early in order results in the good being exported in full quantity thus emptying your storage, another exchange which relies on exporting the same good simply won't be fulfilled. Therefore it may be important to create contracts in an order of their importance to your island's well-being, or a more careful choice of how many tons of goods are to be exchanged.

Captain Tobias[]

Captain Tobias is a neutral trader from distant parts of the world, who will regularly travel to your islands with docklands built on them to fulfill established contracts. After arriving to the region his ship will travel to a specific island, load and unload goods at one of your piers, and then will travel back to the edge of the region and to other parts of the world. Then the 20 minute timer starts, after that time Tobias' ship will arrive to the region to fulfill your contracts again.

Captain Tobias designates one of his ships for each of your docklands, the 20 minute timer is separate for each of your docklands. The time between the exchanges will be equal to 20 minutes plus the time it takes him to travel within the region and load/unload goods at your island. His ships have infinite cargo space and he will always have all the goods you want to import, so you need to worry only about your storage, piers and having enough goods to export.

The 20 minutes countdown doesn't take into account Tobias' travel time from the spawn point to the pier, which can take a few minutes depending on how far the island is from the edge of the map.

Tobias loading times are boosted by an invisible +200% loading speed bonus applied to his ship, but he will always spend at least 15 seconds at the pier.

Global Importers[]

Goods which you can import are offered by certain companies known as global importers. Each importer has a selection of goods available, and each good may have a specific unlock condition which you need to meet before you can import the good. Moreover, you need to reach a particular stage of the game for some goods to even appear in global importers' lists, for example you won't see steam carriages in the list until you have 5000 investors and the production chain for steam carriages is unlocked. Please note that not every good in the game is available for import. It shall also be noticed that since a single Docklands can support up to 14 trade contracts, more Docklands will be needed to unlock higher level imports. More specifically: Cotton Fabric, Rum, Champagne, Tapestries, Sewing Machines, Wood Veneers and Light Bulbs require at least two Docklands on two separate islands in order to be unlocked, while Steam Carriages and Telephones will require three.

Some import goods have higher rarities and are more expensive to import than their regular exchange value would indicate - they are more valuable when you import them but less valuable when you export them. For more details, see: Exchange Ratios.

The tables below list all goods which are available for import, divided between global importers, and listing their import multipliers and unlock conditions.

Tattershire Farms[]

Tattershire deal in the best of tradition - solid, flavourful fare, ripe with the relish of centuries of skilll and good old hard-worked land.'

Good Rarity Import Multiplier Unlock Condition
Potatoes Potatoes Common 1 none
Pigs Pigs Common 1 none
Grain Grain Common 1 none
Wood Wood Common 1 none
Beeswax Beeswax Common 1 Export 180t of any good
Corn Corn Common 1 Export 180t of any good
Red Peppers Red Peppers Common 1 Export 180t of any good
Sanga Cow Sanga Cow Common 1 Export 180t of any good
Beef Beef Common 1 Export 180t of any good
Caribou Meat Caribou Meat Common 1 Have active Export/Import contracts: 5
Hops Hops Uncommon 1.2 Have active Export/Import contracts: 5
Malt Malt Rare 1.4 Import 171t of Hops Hops
Goose Feathers Goose Feathers Rare 1.4 Import 171t of Hops Hops
Spices Spices Rare 1.4 Import 171t of Hops Hops


Thrift and abundance are the foundation upon which FEEDL thrives - affordable fare for all, everywhere!

Good Rarity Import Multiplier Unlock Condition
Fish Fish Common 1 none
Schnapps Schnapps Common 1 none
Sausages Sausages Common 1 none
Bread Bread Uncommon 1.2 Export 360t of any good
Goulash Goulash Uncommon 1.2 Export 360t of any good
Beer Beer Rare 1.4 Import 702t of Sausages Sausages
Seafood Stew Seafood Stew Rare 1.4 Import 702t of Sausages Sausages
Canned Food Canned Food Rare 1.4 Import 702t of Sausages Sausages
Rum Rum Rare 1.4 Have active Export/Import contracts: 18
Champagne Champagne Epic 1.6 Have active Export/Import contracts: 18


Chanteuse chic means flair, fashion, elegance - the best of La Corona, available worldwide!

Good Rarity Import Multiplier Unlock Condition
Work Clothes Work Clothes Common 1 none
Soap Soap Common 1 none
Fur Coats Fur Coats Uncommon 1.2 Export 603t of any good
Tailored Suits Tailored Suits Uncommon 1.2 Export 603t of any good
Glasses Glasses Rare 1.4 Import 810t of Fur Coats Fur Coats
Leather Boots Leather Boots Rare 1.4 Import 810t of Fur Coats Fur Coats
Bowler Hats Bowler Hats Rare 1.4 Have active Export/Import contracts: 9
Jewellery Jewellery Epic 1.6 Have active Export/Import contracts: 9

Qinsa Mining[]

Qinsa's experts scour the earth, even to its heart and roots, extracting only the best materials with unparalleled skill.

Good Rarity Import Multiplier Unlock Condition
Coal Coal Common 1 Export 360t of any good
Iron Iron Common 1 Export 360t of any good
Clay Clay Common 1 Export 360t of any good
Quartz Sand Quartz Sand Common 1 Export 1125t of any good
Cement Cement Uncommon 1.2 Export 1125t of any good
Zinc Zinc Uncommon 1.2 Have active Export/Import contracts: 12
Copper Copper Uncommon 1.2 Have active Export/Import contracts: 12
Gold Ore Gold Ore Uncommon 1.2 Have active Export/Import contracts: 12
Steel Steel Uncommon 1.2 Have active Export/Import contracts: 12
Brass Brass Rare 1.4 Import 1404t of Cement Cement
Pearls Pearls Rare 1.4 Import 1404t of Cement Cement
Gold Gold Epic 1.6 Import 1404t of Cement Cement

Old Levant & Co.[]

Delicacies from the West and the East, delivered promptly to your comfy salon! From the New World colonies of La Corona, Old Levant & Co. is the future of globalized market!

Good Rarity Import Multiplier Unlock Condition
Tortillas Tortillas Common 1 Export 540t of any good
Plantains Plantains Common 1 Export 540t of any good
Fried Plantains Fried Plantains Common 1 Export 540t of any good
Chocolate Chocolate Uncommon 1.2 Import 900t of Plantains Plantains
Hibiscus Tea Hibiscus Tea Uncommon 1.2 Import 900t of Plantains Plantains
Tobacco Tobacco Uncommon 1.2 Import 1800t of Chocolate Chocolate
Coffee Coffee Rare 1.4 Import 1800t of Chocolate Chocolate
Clay Pipes Clay Pipes Rare 1.4 Import 1080t of Coffee Coffee
Cigars Cigars Epic 1.6 Import 1080t of Coffee Coffee


Scandian design for a fully customisable home experience. Simple, intuitive and comfortable!

Good Rarity Import Multiplier Unlock Condition
Glass Glass Common 1 Export 1800t of any good
Wool Wool Common 1 Export 1800t of any good
Timber Timber Common 1 Export 1800t of any good
Linen Linen Uncommon 1.2 Export 2070t of any good
Felt Felt Uncommon 1.2 Export 2070t of any good
Furs Furs Uncommon 1.2 Export 2070t of any good
Tapestries Tapestries Uncommon 1.2 Have active Export/Import contracts: 20
Cotton Fabric Cotton Fabric Uncommon 1.2 Have active Export/Import contracts: 20
Wood Veneers Wood Veneers Rare 1.4 Import 1503t of Cotton Fabric Cotton Fabric
Sewing Machines Sewing Machines Rare 1.4 Import 1503t of Cotton Fabric Cotton Fabric

The Promise Trust[]

Everywhere there's fire you'll find the Promise Trust, fuelling the flames. Some say the connection with the Pyrphorians is flagrant, but thanks to Margaret Hunt, the Court has ruled them a legitimate business.

Good Rarity Import Multiplier Unlock Condition
Saltpetre Saltpetre Common 1 Export 2160t of any good
Dynamite Dynamite Common 1 Export 2160t of any good
Tallow Tallow Common 1 Export 2160t of any good
Filaments Filaments Uncommon 1.2 Import 2205t of Tallow Tallow
Caoutchouc Caoutchouc Rare 1.4 Import 2205t of Tallow Tallow
Light Bulbs Light Bulbs Rare 1.4 Have active Export/Import contracts: 27


The blazing star of Ganymedia's technological creativity shines in the distant East, spreading know-how and innovation to the entire world!

Good Rarity Import Multiplier Unlock Condition
Penny Farthings Penny Farthings Common 1 Export 1701t of any good
Pocket Watches Pocket Watches Rare 1.4 Export 2205t of any good
Gramophones Gramophones Rare 1.4 Import 1602t of Pocket Watches Pocket Watches
Telephones Telephones Epic 1.6 Have active Export/Import contracts: 31
Steam Carriages Steam Carriages Epic 1.6 Have active Export/Import contracts: 31

Specialty Exports[]

If you export many tons of a specific good, it will reach a higher exporter level. Then it is possible to insert this good into the specialty exports pyramid into a slot corresponding to the same or lower exporter level than the level of the good. The good in a slot in the pyramid will receive a bonus to its export exchange value, allowing to import more goods for the same amount of exported good. Unlocking slots in the pyramid also increases the docklands module limit, according to the rarity of the unlocked specialty slot. Once you unlock all slots in the pyramid, you have reached the maximum limit of docklands modules.

Even after completely filling your pyramid, if you keep exporting goods, they can gain higher exporter levels. You can freely remove goods from slots in the pyramid, and freely insert other goods in slots, as long as those goods have reached the adequate exporter level.

The properties of all exporter levels and slots of the specialty exports pyramid are listed in the table below.

Tier Exporter Level Slots Amount Export Multiplier Modules Limit Increase Required Export Volume
I Legendary 1 2 DepotModuleDepot: +2
HarbourmasterModuleHarbourmaster: +2
PierModulePier: +2
ExportsOfficeModuleExports Office: +2
RepairCraneModuleRepair Crane: +2
LoadingWharfModuleLoading Wharf: +2
II Epic 2 1.6 DepotModuleDepot: +2
HarbourmasterModuleHarbourmaster: +1
PierModulePier: +1
ExportsOfficeModuleExports Office: +1
RepairCraneModuleRepair Crane: +1
LoadingWharfModuleLoading Wharf: +2
III Rare 3 1.4 DepotModuleDepot: +2
HarbourmasterModuleHarbourmaster: +1
PierModulePier: +1
ExportsOfficeModuleExports Office: +1
RepairCraneModuleRepair Crane: +1
LoadingWharfModuleLoading Wharf: +1
IV Uncommon 4 1.2 DepotModuleDepot: +2
PierModulePier: +1
ExportsOfficeModuleExports Office: +1
LoadingWharfModuleLoading Wharf: +1

Limiting Factors[]

Because of unlimited cargo space of Captain Tobias' ships and unlimited amounts of goods you can import, only your island's capabilities may limit how effectively you can use the export/import feature. The limiting factors are:

  • Rate of obtaining the exported goods
  • Storage capacity of the island
  • Amount of piers and their loading speed