Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki

Emergency services are one of the categories of buildings in Anno 1800. Their main function is to fight with city incidents, such as fires or illness, which occur in the buildings within the street range of the emergency services. Additionally, they reduce the chance of incidents in the surrounding buildings which are close enough to the service building.

For more information about the functionality of emergency services, see: City incidents.

List of emergency services[]

The following table lists all emergency services in the game. For more information about each building, see their individual pages.

Icon Name Description Region
Fire Station Fire Station Fights fire in its influence radius. Can mobilise additional special units if required. Old World Cape Trelawney New World Enbesa
Police Station Police Station Fights riots in its influence radius. Can mobilise additional special units if required. Old World Cape Trelawney New World Enbesa
Hospital Hospital Fights illness in its influence radius. Can mobilise additional special units if required. Old World Cape Trelawney New World Enbesa
Ranger Station Ranger Station Fights fire and arctic flu within its area of influence.
Requires heating.
The Arctic
Fire Department Fire Department Fights fire in its influence radius. Can mobilise additional special units if required. Old World Cape Trelawney New World
Police Headquarters Police Headquarters Fights riots in its influence radius. Can mobilise additional special units if required. Old World Cape Trelawney New World
City Hospital City Hospital Fights illness in its influence radius. Can mobilise additional special units if required. Old World Cape Trelawney New World
