The docklands are designed to optimise trade and harbour logistics.
Docklands is a modular Harbour and Administration Building which allows to exchange goods via Export/Import contracts and to optimise trade and harbour logistics. It also performs the same function as a Harbourmaster's Office, providing bonuses to other harbour buildings within the radius of docklands, if equipped with appropriate items. The first and the main part of the building is called Docklands Main Wharf and six different types of modules can be built within the same harbour area to improve various aspects of the harbour or the docklands. Docklands requires the Docklands DLC, it can be built only in the Old World (and Cape Trelawney), only one docklands can be built per island. It requires free harbour area, does not need any road connection.
Additional modules of the docklands can be built in order to improve docklands efficiency and functionality. There are six types of modules, each of them has a different function and cost. Modules have to be build in the same harbour area as the Main Wharf, but do not have to be in its radius. Modules also do not have to be connected to the Main Wharf. When they are connected, however, each module provides +15 attractiveness.
The table below presents information about each type of module, their effects, costs and size.
Modules limit[]
Only a certain number of docklands modules can be built on an island, initially just a few modules of each type can be built. To increase the limit it is necessary to export many tons of the same good to upgrade the good to the next exporter level. Upgrading 10 goods to enough level and thus unlocking and filling whole specialty exports pyramid allows to reach the maximum limit of modules that can be built.
The modules limit is increased globally and valid separately for every docklands on any island. For example, if the depot modules limit is 25, up to 25 depot modules can be built on one island. After building another docklands on a second island, 25 depot modules can be built on that island - it is possible to build 25 depot modules per each Docklands Main Wharf.
The table below provides detailed information on modules limit for each type of module.
Harbourmaster's Office[]
For more information about how a harbourmaster's office functions, how to equip and unequip items etc., see: Functionality of the harbourmaster's offices
Docklands Main Wharf can act as a Harbourmaster's Office, having mostly the same properties, except for a few differences. Docklands has a bigger radius and costs no influence. Initially up to three items can be equipped inside, but even more items can be added after building more harbourmaster modules - each module adds one more item slot. With maximum amount of harbourmaster modules, up to 12 items can be equipped in the Main Wharf.
Interaction with the palace[]
Similar to harbourmaster's offices, Docklands Main Wharf can interact with the Palace or Local Department via the Department of Trade and its policies. To have an impact on the docklands or the buildings in its radius, the main wharf needs to be connected to the palace or the local department via roads and needs to be within their street range. The buildings within the wharf's radius still do not require any road connection to the main wharf or the palace to benefit from the effects of the items or the policies.
Effects of the palace can be applied to any building within the radius of the Main Wharf. All policies work in the same way as in case of regular harbourmaster's offices, except for Harbour Stewardship Act - it does not grant additional item slots for the Main Wharf. It is worth to note that Shipyard Stock Act affects both regular depots and docklands depot modules.
The list of items which can be equipped in a Docklands Main Wharf is the same as for a Harbourmaster's Office and can be found here: List of Harbourmaster's Office items.
For more details, see: Export/Import.
Export/Import feature is a key part of the Docklands. It allows to export goods in exchange for importing other goods. Each export/import contract allows to export one type of good and import one type of good, the ratio between the amounts of goods exchanged is called an exchange ratio and depends on the value of both traded goods. At first only one contract can be established. Building more exports office modules unlocks more contracts, one contract per each module, allowing to have up to 14 contracts per each docklands on each island.
Exporting many tons of goods increases their exporter level, increasing their value for export (allowing to import more goods for the same amount of exported goods), and increasing the docklands module limit, according to the rarity of the unlocked specialty slot.
Captain Tobias visits each island with the docklands every 20 minutes after he left the region previously. That time starts counting after he finishes loading/unloading, so if the loading/unloading takes 10 minutes, the goods will get exchanged every 30 minutes (10 + 20). Each wharf has its own separate timer.
Tourists' hot spot need[]
When Docklands DLC is active, Tourists have an additional optional hot spot need for the Docklands. Like other hot spot needs it can be satisfied only via the bus network. Both the docklands and a hotel have to be in the circular range of bus stops. The fulfilment level of the need is not determined by the distance between the bus stops, the docklands and hotels can be located anywhere on the island as long as they are connected to the bus network. In order to fully satisfy the need, the Docklands has to provide at least 300 .
When Hotels are connected to the Docklands which generates at least 300 attractiveness, each hotel gains 3 happiness and generates more income depending on game settings:
- high income: +406.25 coins per minute per hotel
- medium income: +365.625 coins per minute per hotel
- low income: +325 coins per minute per hotel