Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki

Offers various consumer goods for a high life society.

Department Store is a Shopping Arcade building, which when provided with appropriate goods fulfills the basic need of all skyscrapers of Engineers Engineers and Investors Investors. Additionally, it can provide buffs to residences within the circular radius of the store. It requires The High Life DLC icon The High Life DLC and can be built only in the Old World (and Cape Trelawney).

Need fulfilment and effect on residences[]

Like many other buildings the department store can fulfill needs of only those buildings which are connected to it by roads and are placed within its range. Its range (dark green) is 42 tiles for Dirt Road dirt roads and 62 for Paved Street paved streets.

When Engineer Residence Engineer Skyscrapers are in the range of the department store, each of them gains 20 inhabitants. When Investor Residence Investor Skyscrapers are in the range of the department store, each of them gains 25 inhabitants.

When residences are within the circular radius of the department store, they are affected by the bonus provided by the active patent. Each bonus increases the happiness, income and reduces consumption of specific goods.

Department stores also have a special effect on the Skyline Tower Skyline Tower. Every operational store with a unique recipe increases the tower's population by 100 inhabitants, who do not contribute to the consumption of other needs. The tower does not have to be in the range or radius of the store, they can be located anywhere as long as they are on the same island. Having five department stores on the same island, every store using a different patent, can increase the skyline tower's population by 500 inhabitants.

Production requirements[]

Department store fulfills the population's needs and provides all its bonuses only if a few conditions are met:

  • Artisan workforce is available
  • The building is provided with necessary goods
  • The building has access to electricity

It requires three different input goods and it takes 60 seconds to process 1 ton of every input good so the consumption rate is 1 ton of every input good per minute. Because the department store needs an input, it requires a Warehouse Warehouse or Trading Post Trading Post to be located within its range in order to send out carts to transport goods. Alternatively, the department store can be within range of specific production buildings which could deliver required goods they produce directly to the store.


Department Stores fulfill a myriad of everyday needs– A toasted slice for breakfast? A chill drink? A snazzy bag? There is pleasure for the customer merely in exploring such a miscellany.

Department stores can work based on five different patents, three of them are available without additional DLCs, one requires The Passage DLC icon The Passage DLC and another requires Land of Lions DLC icon Land of Lions DLC. Each patent needs different ingredients, while providing different bonuses to nearby residences - additional happiness, bonus income and reduction of consumption of particular goods. Choice of the patent has no impact on the fulfilment of the department store need. Each department store can use a different patent, effects of different patents stack, but the effect from the exact same patent cannot be applied twice to the same residence.


This fully automated breakfast machine is, apparently, calibrated perfectly for the toast that's 'just right' — simply pop in a slice, wait, and soon you'll smell the delightful scent of perfectly toasted bread! If you like your bread rare or well-done, look elsewhere.

Department Store Patent
The High Life DLC icon

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
• Happiness: +2 Happiness positive
• Income: +5% Credits
• Consumption reduction:Jewellery -10% • Light Bulbs -15%

Balance -5350Workers -400Artisans -960Engineers -600Attractiveness -10

Credits 253000Timber 308Bricks 595Steel Beams 312Windows 380Reinforced Concrete 200

Vacuum Cleaners[]

No more sweeping things under the rug! This machine removes dirt in no time. Five minutes until the guests arrive? No problem! It'll huff and puff and leave the apartment clean as a new dime. It can even tackle the bigger stains! Sick of the cat, the kids, the wife or husband? You know what to do!

Unlock condition:

  • Once you've provided your citizens with toasters and accepted the hunt for new patents from Donald, you should attempt to fulfill his demands.
  • Have at least 5 Investor skyscrapers of level 3 height. Expanding the amount of habitable square meters may create new and more efficient ways to keep them clean.

Vacuum CleanersVacuum Cleaners
Department Store Patent
The High Life DLC icon

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
• Happiness: +5 Happiness positive
• Income: +16% Credits
• Consumption reduction:Glasses -25% • Steam Carriages -15%

Balance -5370Farmers -20Workers -300Artisans -960Jornaleros -155Obreros -500Attractiveness -50

Credits 395800Timber 436Bricks 700Steel Beams 240Windows 320Reinforced Concrete 140


Feel good about having guests again! Set the table for any occasion — a cosy breakfast, a quick lunch, a fancy dinner party — then leave the dirty dishes for the next day! Or the one after that... Or just throw them out and buy some more!

Unlock condition:

  • Once you've provided your citizens with toasters and accepted the hunt for new patents from Donald, you should attempt to fulfill his demands.
  • Have a member's club next to a pub. The proximity of the classes may lead to new innovations for the dining room!

Department Store Patent
The High Life DLC icon

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
• Happiness: +4 Happiness positive
• Income: +15% Credits
• Consumption reduction:Gramophones -10% • Cigars -25%

Balance -5510Farmers -70Workers -200Artisans -960Engineers -200Jornaleros -45Obreros -250Attractiveness -40

Credits 378200Timber 384Bricks 650Steel Beams 272Windows 350Reinforced Concrete 170


Tired of going up and down the stairs to the ice cellar at garden parties? Dashing to the iceman for your icebox, or worse still, waiting for that big snow? Imagine ice every day, all year 'round! Spoiled food? Yesterday's worry! A perfectly iced glass of summer strawberry and cucumber? Coming right up!

Unlock condition:

  • Once you've provided your citizens with toasters and accepted the hunt for new patents from Donald, you should attempt to fulfill his demands.
  • Invent and equip "The Magnificone" Ice Cream Maker in a town hall in the Old World. The concept of chilling food could be a study for your Engineers.

Department Store Patent
The High Life DLC iconThe Passage DLC icon

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
• Happiness: +4 Happiness positive
• Income: +22% Credits
• Consumption reduction:Penny Farthings -20% • Light Bulbs -10%

Balance -7000Workers -300Artisans -960Jornaleros -40Technicians -1250Attractiveness -10

Credits 244400Timber 496Bricks 500Steel Beams 409Windows 320Reinforced Concrete 140


A superior leather attaché for people with all-too-important business to attend to. Perfect for legal documents, top secret papers, diamonds, and cash bribes — all the essentials in one place! But for goodness' sake, don't leave it lying around.

Unlock condition:

  • Once you've provided your citizens with toasters and accepted the hunt for new patents from Donald, you should attempt to fulfill his demands.
  • Place a Department Store next to your Scholar residences. The particularly inspired customers could lead to new fashionable trends and patents...

Department Store Patent
The High Life DLC iconLand of Lions DLC icon

Affects All Old World Residences:
• Happiness: +5 Happiness positive
• Income: +12% Credits
• Consumption reduction:Leather Boots -20% • Cigars -10%

Balance -7070Workers -200Artisans -960Jornaleros -155Obreros -500Shepherds -80Attractiveness -80

Credits 484200Timber 480Bricks 800Steel Beams 336Windows 400Reinforced Concrete 220Wanza Timber 16


Some items when equipped in trade unions can have an impact on all department stores.

Items specific for department stores[]

Store GreeterStore Greeter
DLC Required
The High Life
Greeting customers makes them feel seen ...especially if they leave without making a purchase.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Shopping Arcades
Department Store Department Store
Drug Store Drug Store
Furniture Store Furniture Store
Attractiveness: +5
Workforce Needed: -10%
Illness Chance: -20%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +5
Vandalised Vanity Screen AdvertisementVandalised Vanity Screen Advertisement
DLC Required
The High Life
It's your vanity screen poster! But most of your design's been obscured by the vandal's artistic additions — a red and white logo of a falling man. Some say it's a bad omen...
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Shopping Arcades
Department Store Department Store
Drug Store Drug Store
Furniture Store Furniture Store
Workforce Needed: -10%
Attractiveness: +25
DLC Required
The High Life
His trick is to turn window-shoppers into proper shoppers.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Shopping Arcades
Department Store Department Store
Drug Store Drug Store
Furniture Store Furniture Store
Attractiveness: +50
Workforce Needed: +20%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +20
ExpeditionFaith Faith:+5
Original Vanity Screen AdvertisementOriginal Vanity Screen Advertisement
DLC Required
The High Life
It's your vanity screen poster in all its glory — and what a slogan! This is one of the few that was not defaced. A rare original!
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Shopping Arcades
Department Store Department Store
Drug Store Drug Store
Furniture Store Furniture Store
Workforce Needed: -20%
Attractiveness: +50
Belinda San Pedro, Head of Arcade AcquisitionsBelinda San Pedro, Head of Arcade Acquisitions
DLC Required
The High Life
Belinda loves to people-watch — from the moment they step into the arcade to the moment they step out, she observes and takes note.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Shopping Arcades
Department Store Department Store
Drug Store Drug Store
Furniture Store Furniture Store
Replaced Input
Instead of Cherry Wood Cherry Wood or Wood Veneers Wood Veneers, the building processes Wood Wood.
Instead of Coconut Oil Coconut Oil, the building processes Tallow Tallow.
Instead of Steel Steel or Brass Brass, the building processes Iron Iron.

Workforce Needed: +10%
Fire Chance: +10%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +10
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +25
Trait: Pirate

