Copper is a Raw Material. By default, it can be produced only in the Old World.
Raw Material[]
Copper is a Raw Material, and is used for the production of other goods.See the Production Chains section for more information.
Copper can be used during expeditions, it grants 15 bonus points to Crafting skill and 30 bonus morale per 50 tons.
Copper can be passively sold for 100 or purchased for 250 per ton. It can be actively bought from Eli Bleakworth for 250 coins. No neutral trader sells Copper for a special price.
Copper is produced in a Copper Mine. All regular production chains involving Copper are listed below.
• 225 Engineers Residences (up to 9000 Engineers)
• or 112,5 Investors Residences (up to 5625 Investors)
• or 277,8 Elders Residences (up to 5555 Elders)
Steam Motors[]
Steam Motors
★ The Coal Mine may be replaced with two Charcoal Kilns
for +10 +30 -10 -400 -4 +5
• 760 Investors Residences (up to 38000 Investors)
• or 95,2 Scholars Residences (up to 11428 Scholars)
Steam Carriages[]
Steam Carriages
★ The Coal Mine may be replaced with two Charcoal Kilns
for +10 +30 -10 -400 -4 +5
• 600 Investor Residences (up to 30000 Investors)
The Passage DLC[]
Oil Lamps[]
• 333,3 Explorers Residences (up to 3333 Explorers)
• or 166,7 Technicians Residences (up to 3333 Technicians)
The High Life DLC[]
Shopping Arcades[]
Copper is also used at Shopping Arcades in the following patents:
New World Rising DLC[]
• 3846.15 Artistas Residences (up to 153846 Artistas)
• 2300 Artistas Residences (up to 92000 Artistas)
Copper can be also used in the following production chains when particular items are equipped in a Trade Union.
Pocket Watches (Chronometrist Chiara)[]
Chronometrist Chiara Epic | ||
She will not rest until every cog is whirring in perfect agreement. | ||
Equipped in Trade Union Affects Clockmakers |
Effects Replaced Input Instead of Gold, the building processes Brass. Maintenance Cost: -40% |
Expedition Bonus Crafting: +40 |
Pocket Watches
Chronometrist Chiara
• 510 Engineers Residences (up to 20400 Engineers)
• or 255 Investors Residences (up to 12750 Investors)
Gramophones (Johan the Inventor)[]
Johan the Inventor Epic | ||
Johan famously gathers anything he can find, glues it all together, and hey presto! | ||
Equipped in Trade Union Affects Gramophone Factory |
Effects Productivity: +40% Replaced Input Instead of Wood Veneers, the building processes Timber. |
Expedition Bonus Crafting: +40 Diplomacy: +20 |
Johan the Inventor
Notice that the green custom productivity values illustrate the optimal production ratios between the buildings, IF you want to prevent under- or overproduction.
You can choose to actually increase productivity or you can choose a different way to obtain more of the input goods.
Gramophones supply:
• 912 Investor Residences (up to 45600 Investors)
• or 114,2 Scholar Residences (up to 13704 Scholars)
Oil Lamps (Fat Chunk Candle Maker)[]
Fat Chunk Candle Maker Epic DLC Required
The Passage | ||
With such squat and portly candles stomping off the production line, your lamps can go without brass. | ||
Equipped in Arctic Lodge Affects Oil Lamp Factory |
Effects Productivity: +35% Replaced Input Instead of Brass, the building processes Copper. |
Expedition Bonus Crafting: +35 Crafting Cost 10 Whale Oil 25 Lost Expedition Scrap 15 Brass |
Source: crafting at Old Nate's workshop in the Arctic |
Oil Lamps
Fat Chunk Candle Maker
Notice that the green custom productivity values illustrate the optimal production ratios between the buildings, IF you want to prevent under- or overproduction.
You can choose to actually increase productivity or you can choose a different way to obtain more of the input goods.
Oil Lamps supply:
• 450 Explorer Residences (up to 4500 Explorers)
• or 225 Technician Residences (up to 4500 Technicians)
The following items may mention Copper, or share a name with an item that does.
Gritty Gas Extractor Legendary DLC Required
The Passage | ||
A mule so assiduous in its quest for gas, it is willing to pause only for copper and zinc. | ||
Equipped in Arctic Lodge Affects when activated Gas Mine |
When activated Productivity: +40% Extra Goods Occasionally produces extra Zinc every 2nd cycle Occasionally produces extra Copper every 2nd cycle |
Expedition Bonus Crafting: +25 Crafting Cost 20 Gas 50 Lost Expedition Scrap 10 Steel 5 Caoutchouc |
Source: crafting at Old Nate's workshop in the Arctic |
Ore Extractor Uncommon DLC Required
Sunken Treasures | ||
A sideline in copper and zinc. | ||
Equipped in Trade Union Affects All Mountain Mines when activated Bauxite Mine Coal Mine Copper Mine Gold Mine Helium Extractor Iron Mine Mineral Mine Zinc Mine |
When activated Extra Goods Duration:01:00:00Occasionally produces extra Copper every 5th cycle Occasionally produces extra Zinc every 5th cycle Chance of Fire +50% Destroyed after use |
Crafting Cost 10 Scrap 10 Steel |
Source: crafting at Old Nate's workshop in Cape Trelawney |
Extra Ore Extractor Rare DLC Required
Sunken Treasures | ||
A proper cropper of zinc and copper. | ||
Equipped in Trade Union Affects All Mountain Mines when activated Bauxite Mine Coal Mine Copper Mine Gold Mine Helium Extractor Iron Mine Mineral Mine Zinc Mine |
When activated Extra Goods Duration:02:00:00Occasionally produces extra Copper every 4th cycle Occasionally produces extra Zinc every 4th cycle Chance of Fire +100% Destroyed after use |
Crafting Cost 10 Nice Scrap 10 Steel 3 Steam Motors |
Source: crafting at Old Nate's workshop in Cape Trelawney |
Extractor of Ore-someness Epic DLC Required
Sunken Treasures | ||
One of Old Nate's more down-to-earth inventions. Gathers precious metals at a remarkable rate. | ||
Equipped in Trade Union Affects All Mountain Mines when activated Bauxite Mine Coal Mine Copper Mine Gold Mine Helium Extractor Iron Mine Mineral Mine Zinc Mine |
When activated Extra Goods Duration:04:00:00Occasionally produces extra Copper every 2nd cycle Occasionally produces extra Zinc every 2nd cycle Chance of Fire +150% Destroyed after use |
Crafting Cost 5 Special Scrap 15 Steel 5 Steam Motors |
Source: crafting at Old Nate's workshop in Cape Trelawney |
Fat Chunk Candle Maker Epic DLC Required
The Passage | ||
With such squat and portly candles stomping off the production line, your lamps can go without brass. | ||
Equipped in Arctic Lodge Affects Oil Lamp Factory |
Effects Productivity: +35% Replaced Input Instead of Brass, the building processes Copper. |
Expedition Bonus Crafting: +35 Crafting Cost 10 Whale Oil 25 Lost Expedition Scrap 15 Brass |
Source: crafting at Old Nate's workshop in the Arctic |