Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki

Chassis Chassis are a Intermediate Good. By default, they can be produced only in the Old World.


Intermediate Good[]

Chassis Chassis are an Intermediate good, and are used for the production of other goods. See the Production section for more information.


Chassis can be passively sold for 1622Credits or purchased for 4056Credits per ton. They can be actively bought from Old Nate for 4056Credits coins. No neutral trader buys Chassis for a special price.


Chassis are produced in a Coachmakers Coachmakers from Wood Wood and Caoutchouc Caoutchouc. All regular production chains involving Chassis are listed below.

Steam Carriages[]

Steam CarriagesSteam Carriages

Balance -23410Farmers -5Workers -500Engineers -2950Jornaleros -40Attractiveness -100

Credits 995500Timber 280Bricks 470Steel Beams 360Windows 320Reinforced Concrete 320

The Coal Mine Coal Mine may be replaced with two Charcoal Kiln Charcoal Kilns
for  Balance +10Workers +30Attractiveness -10Credits -400Timber -4Bricks +5

  • 600 Investor Residences (up to 30000 Investors Investors)


Chassis can be also used in the following production chains when particular items are equipped in a Trade Union Trade Union.

Steam Carriages (Susannah the Steam Engineer)[]

Susannah the Steam EngineerSusannah the Steam Engineer
Susannah's success can be condensed down to her hybridised steam cylinders.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Cab Assembly Line Cab Assembly Line
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Light Bulbs Light Bulbs every 4th cycle
Replaced Input
Instead of Steam Motors Steam Motors, the building processes Filaments Filaments.
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +45

Steam CarriagesSusannah the Steam Engineer - epic Trade Union itemSteam Carriages
Susannah the Steam Engineer

Balance -18660Farmers -5Workers -50Engineers -2800Jornaleros -40Attractiveness -20

Credits 829600Timber 148Bricks 305Steel Beams 240Windows 220Reinforced Concrete 220

The Coal Mine Coal Mine may be replaced with two Charcoal Kiln Charcoal Kilns
for  Balance +10Workers +30Attractiveness -10Credits -400Timber -4Bricks +5

Steam Carriages Steam Carriages supply:
  • 600 Investor Residences (up to 30000 Investors Investors)
Light Bulbs Light Bulbs supply:
  • 80 Engineer Residences (up to 3200 Engineers Engineers)
  • or 40 Investor Residences (up to 2000 Investors Investors)


The following items may mention Chassis, or share a name with an item that does.
