Caribou Meat is an Animal Product. By default, it can be produced only in The Arctic.
Animal Product[]
Caribou Meat is an Animal product, and is used for the production of other goods. See the Production Chains section for more information.
Caribou Meat can be used during expeditions, it grants 10 bonus morale per 50 ton.
Caribou Meat can be passively sold for 40 or purchased for 100 per ton. No neutral trader buys or sells Caribou Meat for a special price.
Caribou Meat is produced in a Caribou Hunting Cabin. Caribou Meat is involved in the following production chains:
• 83,3 Explorers Residences (up to 833 Explorers)
• or 41,7 Technicians Residences (up to 833 Technicians)
Tourist Season DLC[]
Food & Drink Venues[]
Caribou Meat is also used at Food & Drink Venues in the following recipes:
The following items may mention Caribou Meat, or share a name with an item that does.
Taliriktug The Husky-Voiced Epic DLC Required
The Passage | ||
She knows that strong dogs make the best companions, and strong geese have the best feathers. | ||
Equipped in Arctic Lodge Affects Goose Farm Husky Farm |
Effects Productivity: +40% Extra Goods Occasionally produces extra Caribou Meat every 6th cycle |
Expedition Bonus Crafting: +40 Faith:+20 |
Outdoorsy Grill Epic DLC Required
The Passage | ||
Drop a thick walrus steak on the angry red bars, and watch the place sizzle up. | ||
Equipped in Arctic Lodge Affects Explorer Shelter Technician Shelter |
Effects Arctic Flu Chance: -40% Reduced Needs: 30% Residents consume 30% less Pemmican |
Expedition Bonus Crafting: +10 Crafting Cost 5 Caribou Meat 25 Lost Expedition Scrap 10 Coal |
Source: crafting at Old Nate's workshop in the Arctic |