Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki

Canned Food Canned Food is a consumer good consumed by five different population tiers: As a basic need of Artisans Artisans, Engineers Engineers, Technicians Technicians, and Scholars Scholars; and as a lifestyle need of Shepherds Shepherds. By default, it can be produced only in the Old World.

For a detailed look into the profitability of Canned Food as a consumer good, see Profitability of Consumer Goods.


Basic need[]

Canned Food Canned Food fulfills a basic need of Artisans Artisans, Engineers Engineers, Technicians Technicians, and Scholars Scholars.

Consumption Influx Income Research Points
Artisans Artisans 0.00017094 4 +7.5/+6.75/+6 -
Engineers Engineers 0.00034188 12 +20/+18/+16 -
Technicians Technicians 0.0002 3 +12.5/+11.25/+10 -
Scholars Scholars 0.001 19 - +1.2

Lifestyle need[]

Canned Food Canned Food fulfills a basic need of Shepherds Shepherds.

Consumption Influx Income
Shepherds Shepherds 0.0001666667 3 +0.25/+0.225/+0.2


Canned food can be used during expeditions as extra rations, it grants 40 bonus morale per 50 tons.


Canned food can be passively sold for 450 coins or purchased for 1126 coins per ton. Neutral traders or pirates offer no special deals involving canned food.

Regular Production[]

Canned food is produced in Cannery Cannery from Iron Iron and Goulash Goulash. The basic production chain for canned food is shown below:

Canned Food[]

Canned FoodCanned Food

Balance -2650Farmers -240Workers -50Artisans -1050

Credits 189040Timber 184Bricks 145Steel Beams 112Windows 112

  • 390 Artisans Artisans Residences (up to 11700 Artisans Artisans)
or 195 Engineers Engineers Residences (up to 7800 Engineers Engineers)
or 66,7 Scholars Scholars Residences (up to 8000 Scholars Scholars)
or 333,3 Technicians Technicians Residences (up to 6666 Technicians Technicians)

Production with Items[]

When particular items are equipped in a Trade Union Trade Union or an Arctic Lodge Arctic Lodge, Canned Food is involved in specific modified production chains, or can be obtained as an extra good alongside the production of other goods.

Using Pigs instead of Beef[]

Marcel Forcas, Celebrity ChefMarcel Forcas, Celebrity Chef
M. Forcas' larger-than-life personality draws captive audiences to his cookery demonstrations.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Artisanal Kitchen Artisanal Kitchen
Productivity: +100%
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Sausages Sausages every 5th cycle
Replaced Input
Instead of Beef Beef, the building processes Pigs Pigs.
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +25
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +25
ExpeditionMedicine Medicine: +25
Recipe ArchivistRecipe Archivist
Trawls the history books for cooking's best kept secrets.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Artisanal Kitchen Artisanal Kitchen
Productivity: +30%
Replaced Input
Instead of Beef Beef, the building processes Pigs Pigs.
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +15
ExpeditionMedicine Medicine: +15

Canned FoodRecipe Archivist - rare Trade Union itemCanned Food
Recipe Archivist

Attention! Notice that the green custom productivity values illustrate the optimal production ratios between the buildings, IF you want to prevent under- or overproduction.
You can choose to actually increase productivity or you can choose a different way to obtain more of the input goods.

Balance -2410Farmers -200Workers -50Artisans -1050Attractiveness -12

Credits 173940Timber 152Bricks 145Steel Beams 112Windows 112

Canned Food Canned Food supplies:
  • 507 Artisan Residences (up to 15210 Artisans Artisans)
  • or 253,5 Engineer Residences (up to 10140 Engineers Engineers)
  • or 86,7 Scholar Residences (up to 10404 Scholars Scholars)
  • or 433,3 Technician Residences (up to 8666 Technicians Technicians)

Using Pigs instead of Goulash[]

Chef MichelChef Michel
Michel believes in seasonal ingredients, and traditional cooking methods.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Cannery Cannery
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Sausages Sausages every 2nd cycle
Replaced Input
Instead of Goulash Goulash, the building processes Pigs Pigs.
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +20
ExpeditionForce Force: +20

Canned FoodChef Michel - epic Trade Union itemCanned Food
Chef Michel

Balance -810Farmers -120Workers -50Artisans -450

Credits 93300Timber 56Bricks 65Steel Beams 48Windows 48

Canned Food Canned Food supplies:
  • 390 Artisan Residences (up to 11700 Artisans Artisans)
  • or 195 Engineer Residences (up to 7800 Engineers Engineers)
  • or 333,3 Technician Residences (up to 6666 Technicians Technicians)
Sausages Sausages supply:
  • 100 Worker Residences (up to 2000 Workers Workers)
  • or 50 Artisan Residences (up to 1500 Artisans Artisans)

Using Flour instead of Iron[]

Mrs. Mayson, The Very Good HousekeeperMrs. Mayson, The Very Good Housekeeper
A true domestic authority, Mrs Mayson was unfazed even by setting Mr. Wibblesock's chaotic household in order.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Cannery Cannery
Productivity: +50%
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Tortillas Tortillas every 3rd cycle
Replaced Input
Instead of Iron Iron, the building processes Flour Flour.
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +25
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +25
ExpeditionFaith Faith:+25

Canned FoodMrsCanned Food
Mrs. Mayson, The Very Good Housekeeper

Attention! Notice that the green custom productivity value illustrates the optimal production ratios between the buildings, IF you want to prevent under- or overproduction.
You can choose to actually increase productivity or you can choose a different way to obtain more of the input goods.

Balance -2580Farmers -100Artisans -900

Credits 164120Timber 192Bricks 130Steel Beams 96Windows 96

Canned Food Canned Food supplies:
  • 390 Artisan Residences (up to 11700 Artisans Artisans)
  • or 195 Engineer Residences (up to 7800 Engineers Engineers)
  • or 333,3 Technician Residences (up to 6666 Technicians Technicians)
Tortillas Tortillas supply:
  • 46,5 Obrero Residences (up to 930 Obreros Obreros)

Extra Canned Food with 2 Items[]

The Uncanny Pocket CanneryThe Uncanny Pocket Cannery
DLC Required
The Passage
The little machine that can. N8 once canned a batch of horse meat with it to sell it in bulk as beef.
Arctic Lodge Equipped in Arctic Lodge

Affects when activated
Pemmican Cookhouse Pemmican Cookhouse
When activated
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Canned Food Canned Food every 5th cycle
Workforce Needed: -50%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +25
Crafting Cost
Caribou Meat 10 Caribou Meat
Whale Oil 5 Whale Oil
Lost Expedition Scrap 50 Lost Expedition Scrap
Canned Food 20 Canned Food
Source: crafting at Old Nate's workshop in the Arctic
Marie-Louise Carême, Chef de CuisineMarie-Louise Carême, Chef de Cuisine
DLC Required
Tourist Season
As ruler of the kitchen kingdom, she knows there’s much more to fine cooking than good taste alone.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Restaurants (Non-Monument)
Bar Bar
Cafe Cafe
Restaurant Restaurant
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Canned Food Canned Food every 2nd cycle
Attractiveness: +30
Workforce Needed: +75%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +10
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +15
Affected Building Item Productivity Production Rate Canned Food Production Rate
Restaurant Restaurant Marie-Louise Carême, Chef de CuisineMarie-Louise 100% 1/min 0.5 Canned Food/min
Café Café
Bar Bar
Pemmican Cookhouse Pemmican Cookhouse The Uncanny Pocket CanneryPocket Cannery 100% 1 Pemmican/min 0.2 Canned Food/min

Town Hall items[]

There are several Town Hall items which supply canned food to residents, reduce consumption of canned food or provide some benefits from supplying canned food to your people. Here is a list of those items:

Sunday RoastSunday Roast
Comes with all the trimmings.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects Residences when activated
When activated
Happiness +5
Provided Needs
Residents are provided with Canned Food Canned Food, Sausages Sausages, Fish Fish, Tortillas Tortillas.
Destroyed after use
Expedition Bonus
Extra rations
Extra rations will help keep your crew happy during long expeditions.

The Withdrawal AmendmentThe Withdrawal Amendment
An eighth child? How wonderful.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects Old and New World residences, excluding scholars
Farmer Residence Farmer Residence
Worker Residence Worker Residence
Artisan Residence Artisan Residence
Engineer Residence Engineer Residence
Investor Residence Investor Residence
All Skyscrapers All Skyscrapers
Jornalero Residence Jornalero Residence
Hacienda Jornalero Quarters Hacienda Jornalero Quarters
Obrero Residence Obrero Residence
Hacienda Obrera Quarters Hacienda Obrera Quarters
Artista Residence Artista Residence
Hacienda Artista Quarters Hacienda Artista Quarters
Bonus Residents: +1
Residences gain bonus residents from Fish Fish,Bread Bread,Canned Food Canned Food,University University,Coffee Coffee,Light Bulbs Light Bulbs,Champagne Champagne,Steam Carriages Steam Carriages,Chocolate Chocolate,Fried Plantains Fried Plantains.
Happiness: -2

Tinned FishTinned Fish
Food bank.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects Residences when activated
When activated
Happiness +5
Provided Needs
Residents are provided with Fish Fish, Canned Food Canned Food.
Destroyed after use
Expedition Bonus
Extra rations
Extra rations will help keep your crew happy during long expeditions.

Walks the boards to full houses up and down the country.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects All Old World Residences
Farmer Residence Farmer Residence
Worker Residence Worker Residence
Artisan Residence Artisan Residence
Engineer Residence Engineer Residence
Investor Residence Investor Residence
Scholar Residence Scholar Residence
All Skyscrapers All Skyscrapers
Happiness: +3
Bonus Supply
Residences with the Variety Theatre Variety Theatre need fulfilled, are provided with Rum Rum, Canned Food Canned Food
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +20
ExpeditionFaith Faith:+20

Contraception RegulationContraception Regulation
All should be free to have as many bouncing babies as they wish, or indeed, as they don't wish.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects Old and New World residences, excluding scholars
Farmer Residence Farmer Residence
Worker Residence Worker Residence
Artisan Residence Artisan Residence
Engineer Residence Engineer Residence
Investor Residence Investor Residence
All Skyscrapers All Skyscrapers
Jornalero Residence Jornalero Residence
Hacienda Jornalero Quarters Hacienda Jornalero Quarters
Obrero Residence Obrero Residence
Hacienda Obrera Quarters Hacienda Obrera Quarters
Artista Residence Artista Residence
Hacienda Artista Quarters Hacienda Artista Quarters
Bonus Residents: +2
Residences gain bonus residents from Fish Fish,Bread Bread,Canned Food Canned Food,University University,Coffee Coffee,Light Bulbs Light Bulbs,Champagne Champagne,Steam Carriages Steam Carriages,Chocolate Chocolate,Fried Plantains Fried Plantains,Mezcal Mezcal.
Happiness: -3

Rabies VaccineRabies Vaccine
That'll stop them foaming at the mouth!
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects Old and New World residences, excluding scholars when activated
Farmer Residence Farmer Residence
Worker Residence Worker Residence
Artisan Residence Artisan Residence
Engineer Residence Engineer Residence
Investor Residence Investor Residence
All Skyscrapers All Skyscrapers
Jornalero Residence Jornalero Residence
Hacienda Jornalero Quarters Hacienda Jornalero Quarters
Obrero Residence Obrero Residence
Hacienda Obrera Quarters Hacienda Obrera Quarters
Artista Residence Artista Residence
Hacienda Artista Quarters Hacienda Artista Quarters
When activated
Bonus Residents +2
Residences gain bonus residents from Fish Fish,Bread Bread,Canned Food Canned Food,University University,Coffee Coffee,Light Bulbs Light Bulbs,Champagne Champagne,Steam Carriages Steam Carriages,Chocolate Chocolate,Fried Plantains Fried Plantains.
Chance of Illness -90%
Destroyed after use
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionMedicine Medicine: +8

DLC Required
The Passage
Nate was vexed to find the yak milk butter in his larder had turned a rancid orange, and knew something must be done.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects Residences
Bonus Happiness: +2
Residents gain bonus happiness from Bread Bread,Fish Fish,Beer Beer,Canned Food Canned Food,Schnapps Schnapps,Sausages Sausages,Champagne Champagne,Rum Rum,Chocolate Chocolate,Coffee Coffee,Fried Plantains Fried Plantains,Tortillas Tortillas.
Bonus Income: +2
Residents gain bonus income from Bread Bread,Fish Fish,Beer Beer,Canned Food Canned Food,Schnapps Schnapps,Sausages Sausages,Champagne Champagne,Rum Rum,Chocolate Chocolate,Coffee Coffee,Fried Plantains Fried Plantains,Tortillas Tortillas.
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +25
Crafting Cost
Gas 5 Gas
Lost Expedition Scrap 10 Lost Expedition Scrap
Source: crafting at Old Nate's workshop in the Arctic

Papal Paper of Prenatal PreservationPapal Paper of Prenatal Preservation
Preventing the natural course is the gravest sin, rules religious leader, and fourteenth child of his family.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects Old and New World residences, excluding scholars
Farmer Residence Farmer Residence
Worker Residence Worker Residence
Artisan Residence Artisan Residence
Engineer Residence Engineer Residence
Investor Residence Investor Residence
All Skyscrapers All Skyscrapers
Jornalero Residence Jornalero Residence
Hacienda Jornalero Quarters Hacienda Jornalero Quarters
Obrero Residence Obrero Residence
Hacienda Obrera Quarters Hacienda Obrera Quarters
Artista Residence Artista Residence
Hacienda Artista Quarters Hacienda Artista Quarters
Bonus Residents: +3
Residences gain bonus residents from Fish Fish,Bread Bread,Canned Food Canned Food,University University,Coffee Coffee,Light Bulbs Light Bulbs,Champagne Champagne,Steam Carriages Steam Carriages,Chocolate Chocolate,Fried Plantains Fried Plantains,Mezcal Mezcal.
Happiness: -4

Saint D'Artois, Vision of the ValleySaint D'Artois, Vision of the Valley
D'Artois appeared as a vision to a poor beggar man, entrusting him with spreading her illuminating wisdom.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects Old and New World residences, excluding scholars
Farmer Residence Farmer Residence
Worker Residence Worker Residence
Artisan Residence Artisan Residence
Engineer Residence Engineer Residence
Investor Residence Investor Residence
All Skyscrapers All Skyscrapers
Jornalero Residence Jornalero Residence
Hacienda Jornalero Quarters Hacienda Jornalero Quarters
Obrero Residence Obrero Residence
Hacienda Obrera Quarters Hacienda Obrera Quarters
Artista Residence Artista Residence
Hacienda Artista Quarters Hacienda Artista Quarters
Bonus Residents: +2
Residences gain bonus residents from Fish Fish,Bread Bread,Canned Food Canned Food,University University,Coffee Coffee,Light Bulbs Light Bulbs,Champagne Champagne,Steam Carriages Steam Carriages,Chocolate Chocolate,Fried Plantains Fried Plantains.
Chance of Illness: -50%
Chance of Riots: -50%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionFaith Faith:+50
ExpeditionMedicine Medicine: +30
Trait: Hypnotist

Arctic Lodge[]

There are no Arctic Lodge items which supply or reduce consumption of canned food in The Arctic
