Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki

Uses recipes to satisfy Tourists' needs.

Café is a Food & Drink Venue building, which when provided with appropriate goods fulfills the basic need of  Tourists. Additionally, it can provide buffs to residences within the circular radius of the café. It requires  Tourist Season DLC and can be built only in the Old World (and Cape Trelawney).

Need fulfilment and effect on residences[]

Tourists' basic need for café can be satisfied only via the bus network. Both a café and a hotel have to be in the circular range of bus stops. The fulfilment level of the need is determined by the distance between a bus stop with a café in its range and a bus stop with a hotel in its range. When the distance between the bus stops is equal or shorter than 30 tiles for dirt roads or 45 tiles for paved streets, the hotel is effectively within the full range of the café. If the distance is longer, the fulfilment linearly decreases until the distance reaches 300 tiles for dirt roads or 450 tiles for paved streets, when the fulfilment reaches its minimum limit of 25%. When the bus stops are even further away, the fulfilment of the café need remains at 25%.

When Hotels are in the full effective range of the café, each hotel gains 55 inhabitants and generates more income depending on game settings:

  • high income: +375 coins per minute per hotel
  • medium income: +337.5 coins per minute per hotel
  • low income: +300 coins per minute per hotel

The maximum fulfilment of the tourists' need for café can be limited if tourists are unhappy about island's attractiveness, newspaper or lack of peace. For more information, see: Tourists Needs.

When residences are within the circular radius of the café, they are affected by the bonus provided by the active recipe. Each bonus increases the happiness and reduces consumption of specific goods.

Production requirements[]

Café fulfills the population's needs and provides all its bonuses only if a few conditions are met:

  • Tourist customers are available
  • The building is provided with necessary goods
  • The building is connected to the bus network

It requires three different input goods and it takes 60 seconds to process 1 ton of every input good so the consumption rate is 1 ton of every input good per minute. Because the café needs an input, it requires a Warehouse or Trading Post to be located within its range in order to send out carts to transport goods. Alternatively, the café can be within range of specific production buildings which could deliver required goods they produce directly to the venue.


Cafés are hubs of social and artistic graces, so it's only natural tourists should flock there too, for a whiff of the 'soul' of the city, a dash of darkish brew, and a nibble of pastried bliss.

Cafés can work based on six different recipes, three of them are available without additional DLCs, one requires  The Passage DLC, one requires  Land of Lions DLC and another one requires  New World Rising DLC. Each recipe needs different ingredients, while providing different bonuses to nearby residences - additional happiness and reduction of consumption of particular goods. Choice of the recipe has no impact on the fulfilment of the café need of  Tourists. Each café can use a different recipe, effects of different recipes stack, but the effect from the exact same recipe cannot be applied twice to the same residence.

Donut Fourré[]

The Fourré is the sum of several scarcely-distinguishable 'solid donut' strains. Rarely does the absence of nothing cause such controversy as with a donut without a hole, yet when that centre is richly jammy, what fool could possibly complain?

Donut Fourré
Café Recipe

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
Happiness: +3
Consumption reduction: -10% • -5% • -25%

-1300Farmers -145Workers -80Tourists -240 -16

6050Timber 118Bricks 95Steel Beams -8


A dish to really give people something to choux on, this narrow strip of morning ecstasy may disappear down the gullet in a flash. Forget all the pretenders — a filling of rich and velvety dark chocolate is the only way to go.

Unlock condition:

  • Progress through the Tourist's questlines to unlock
  • Sustain any café recipe long enough, and the Tourist may offer some alternatives...

Café Recipe

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
Happiness: +1
Consumption reduction: -30% • -15% • -10%

-1180Farmers -50Jornaleros -40Obreros -200Tourists -240

7640Timber 134Bricks 75

Palmier Biscuit[]

Crack apart a palmier, and a whiff of all-too-buttery spice perfumes the air. It's easy to make a pig's ear of these delicate treats, but they're said to look like so many different things, it's become part of their appeal. A props game over coffee!

Unlock condition:

  • Progress through the Tourist's questlines to unlock
  • A new elephant enclosure at the Zoo might inspire equally weird and wonderful cookery...

Palmier Biscuit
Café Recipe

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
Happiness: +2
Consumption reduction: -5% • -20% • -15%

-1300Farmers -110Workers -80Jornaleros -35Tourists -240 -16

6050Timber 118Bricks 95Steel Beams -8

Venison Tartare[]

A light lunch for café-goers. To some, eating raw meat is repugnant; to others it is the epitome of delicacy. After all, molecular gastronomers may argue that exposure to any form of heat can do nothing but damage the quintessential flavour of an ingredient.

Unlock condition:

  • Build one additional post office in the Arctic, and the fresh north wind might deliver!

Venison Tartare
Café Recipe

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
Happiness: +1
Consumption reduction: -15% • -10% • -20%

-1930Farmers -40Jornaleros -35Explorers -50Tourists -240

34950Timber 134Bricks 80

Banana Surprise[]

The banana is a mysterious and exotic gift that this dish only desires to celebrate. Festooned with sprinkles of cinnamon, the real and genuine surprise here is the uncompromising hit of sour, goaty savour that comes with the goat milk.

Unlock condition:

  • Add at least a ton of bananas to one of your Enbesan warehouses, and unlock a whole world of surprises...

Banana Surprise
Café Recipe

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
Happiness: +2
Consumption reduction: -10% • -20% • -5%

-1065Jornaleros -45Shepherds -60Tourists -240

4050Timber 96Bricks 80Wanza Timber 10

Cone O'Copia[]

There is fun to be had with this dessert. Couples can be seen spooning it into each other's mouths and dissolving into fits of giggles, much to the ire of stiffer patrons. The names of many a pastry chef have been made on the quality of their quenelle scoops - a smooth pod formed by quickly passing the ingredients between two spoons.

Unlock condition:

Cone O'Copia
Café Recipe

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
Happiness: +3
Consumption reduction: -65% • -15% • -15%

-3190Farmers -105Jornaleros -50Tourists -720

13870Timber 294Bricks 240


Some items when equipped in trade unions can have an impact on all cafés.

Items specific for cafés[]

DLC Required
Tourist Season
"Sir, an extra side of fries with the fish?"
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Restaurants (Non-Monument)
Bar Bar
Cafe Cafe
Restaurant Restaurant
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Jam Jam every 3rd cycle
Workforce Needed: +50%
Expedition Bonus
Crafting: +5
Force: +10
DLC Required
Tourist Season
Every chef needs a capable second.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Restaurants (Non-Monument)
Bar Bar
Cafe Cafe
Restaurant Restaurant
Attractiveness: +25
Maintenance Cost: -30%
Workforce Needed: +50%
Expedition Bonus
Crafting: +15
Medicine: +5
Marie-Louise Carême, Chef de Cuisine
DLC Required
Tourist Season
As ruler of the kitchen kingdom, she knows there’s much more to fine cooking than good taste alone.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Restaurants (Non-Monument)
Bar Bar
Cafe Cafe
Restaurant Restaurant
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Canned Food Canned Food every 2nd cycle
Attractiveness: +30
Workforce Needed: +75%
Expedition Bonus
Crafting: +10
Diplomacy: +15

