Botanical Ornaments are a set of 11 ornaments, available in Botanica DLC. Just like other ornaments they generate attractiveness. They are available in Old World, Cape Trelawney and New World regions, unlocked after reaching 500 Artisans and ? Obreros, respectively. To be able to place them you need to have building permits. After acquiring the permits in form of items, you need to click on them to activate them and add them to your construction menu.
Ornaments items[]
To place botanical ornaments you need to acquire special permits. You obtain them as items, each item containing up to four permits, and after left-clicking on the item the permits for ornaments get added to the global permits pool. The ornaments items have three rarities, each rarity containing different number of permits:
- Common: 2 permits
- Uncommon: 3 permits
- Rare: 4 permits
When it comes to ways of how to obtain those items, they can be divided into two groups:
- All flower gardens - can be bought from Madame Kahina
- Hedge Maze, Topiary Avenue and Topiary Gardens - can't be bought from any trader
The difference between them is that the flower gardens can be obtained via trade while this is not possible in case of the hedge and topiary ornaments items. All of those ornaments items can also be acquired via botanical exhibitions in World's Fair, quests, botanical expeditions and as military rewards from certain AI opponents.