Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki

A splendid haven for flora from every corner of the world.

Botanical Garden is a Cultural Building which increases island's attractiveness when having plant items equipped in its modules. It requires Botanica DLC icon Botanica DLC and can be built only in the Old World (and Cape Trelawney) and the New World. Some of the plants form sets, completing each set can provide significant bonuses. Via the bus network the botanical garden can also fulfill the hot spot need of Tourists Tourists.


There are three types of modules which can belong to a botanical garden:

  • Plots - main modules where plants are equipped and displayed
  • Pathway Ornaments - modules which role is to provide a connection between the botanical garden and its modules
  • Music Pavilion - a module where music sheets can be equipped in order to boost the botanical garden and the attractiveness it generates

All modules need to be connected to the botanical garden's main building, either directly by being adjacent to the main building or indirectly by being adjacent to other modules. It is impossible to place modules separately so that they would be disconnected from the rest of the botanical garden.


Empty plots are the main modules of the botanical garden. Each of them costs 500 Credits and 10 Influence and can display one plant. A single botanical garden can include up to 100 plots. Due to the free limit of influence in the botanical garden subcategory, up to 20 plots in total can be built without spending any influence, every next plot costs 10 influence. The amount of attractiveness a plot provides is determined by the rarity of the plant item equipped inside of it:

Plant Rarity Attractiveness
Common 10 Attractiveness
Uncommon 20 Attractiveness
Rare 30 Attractiveness
Epic 40 Attractiveness
Legendary 50 Attractiveness

Pathway Ornaments[]

Pathway Ornaments are ornamental modules of the botanical garden, which increase attractiveness just like all ornaments do, but they also allow to connect the main botanical garden building with its plots without having to place the plots right next to the main building.

Music Pavilion[]

For more details, see: Music Pavilion

Music Pavilion Music Pavilion is a cultural module, available in Botanica DLC icon Botanica DLC, which can boost the culture building it belongs to, using a music sheet item equipped in the pavilion. Music sheets increase island's attractiveness and give a bonus percentage to attractiveness obtained from items belonging to certain sets, if those items are equipped in the same cultural building as the music pavilion with the sheet. Only one music pavilion per botanical garden can be built.


For the list of all plants, their sets and bonuses they provide, see: Items - botanical garden

Plant items are the only types of items which can be equipped in botanical garden's plots. Every item can be equipped in only one plot and every plot can hold only one plant. Equipping several plants of the same type requires owning several copies of that plant and placing several plots - one plot per every copy of the item.

Some plants form sets, completing a set within one botanical garden provides a specific bonus to buildings across the whole island or ships in the same region. If a plant belongs to a specific set, it is clearly indicated in the item's description. All sets and plants which belong to them can also be checked in every botanical garden's overview menu. For a set to provide its special bonus, all plants that belong to the set need to be equipped in plots of a single botanical garden. Having some plants of the set in one botanical garden while the rest of it is in another botanical garden does not form a completed set. Completing the same set multiple times on the same island, either in the same botanical garden or in different botanical gardens, does not provide several bonuses, a bonus from one set can be active on the same island only once (or only once per region). However, completing sets on different islands or in different regions provides bonuses to each of these islands/regions.

Tourists' hot spot need[]

When Botanica DLC icon Botanica DLC is active, Tourists Tourists have an additional optional hot spot need for the botanical garden. It can be satisfied only via the bus network. Both a botanical garden and a hotel have to be in the circular range of bus stops. The fulfilment level of the need is determined by two factors: amount of attractiveness generated by the botanical garden and the distance between a bus stop with the botanical garden in its range and a bus stop with a hotel in its range. When the distance between the bus stops is equal or shorter than 30 tiles for Dirt Road dirt roads or 45 tiles for Paved Street paved streets, the hotel is effectively within the full range of the botanical garden. If the distance is longer, the fulfilment linearly decreases until the distance reaches 300 tiles for dirt roads or 450 tiles for paved streets, when the fulfilment reaches its minimum limit of 75%. When the bus stops are even further away, the fulfilment of the botanical garden need remains at 75%. In order to fully satisfy the need, the botanical garden has to provide at least 300 Attractiveness.

When Hotel Hotels are in the full effective range of the botanical garden which generates at least 300 attractiveness, each hotel gains 3 happiness and generates more income depending on game settings:

  • high income: +468.75 coins per minute per hotel
  • medium income: +421.875 coins per minute per hotel
  • low income: +375 coins per minute per hotel


Some items when equipped in town halls can have an impact on botanical gardens.

Specific items[]

Automatic Souvenir KioskAutomatic Souvenir Kiosk
DLC Required
The Passage
Old N8 was inspired to create one of these after one of his many trips to the Far East.
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Affects Cultural Buildings
Botanical Garden Botanical Garden
Museum Museum
Zoo Zoo
Attractiveness: +5%
Maintenance Cost: -25%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +15
Crafting Cost
Oil Lamps 10 Oil Lamps
Lost Expedition Scrap 25 Lost Expedition Scrap
Pocket Watches 10 Pocket Watches
Gramophones 10 Gramophones
Source: crafting at Old Nate's workshop in the Arctic
Proclamation of KnighthoodProclamation of Knighthood
DLC Required
The Anarchist
The cultural capital of a city belonging to a knight of the Queen is hard to match!
Town Hall Equipped in Town Hall

Botanical Garden Botanical Garden
Museum Museum
Public Mooring Public Mooring
Tourist Mooring Tourist Mooring
Zoo Zoo
Increased Visits: +10%
Attractiveness: +10%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +75
Available from Sir Archibald Blake quest: No Gods, No Masters 5 — Order
Unique: you can have only one such item in the game

Additional tips[]

  • There is no limit to the number of botanical gardens which can be built on the same island. Items can be split across several smaller botanical gardens in order to exploit smaller empty areas or to take advantage of different bonuses from music sheets, as only one music pavilion is available per botanical garden. The only downsides of having more botanical gardens are the higher maintenance costs and more space used in total - every botanical garden's main building contributes to higher maintenance and requires more space than if all plants belonged to only one bigger botanical garden.
