Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki

Uses recipes to satisfy Tourists' needs.

Bar is a Food & Drink Venue building, which when provided with appropriate goods fulfills the basic need of Tourists Tourists. Additionally, it can provide buffs to residences within the circular radius of the bar. It requires Tourist Season DLC icon Tourist Season DLC and can be built only in the Old World (and Cape Trelawney).

Need fulfilment and effect on residences[]

Tourists' basic need for bar can be satisfied only via the bus network. Both a bar and a hotel have to be in the circular range of bus stops. The fulfilment level of the need is determined by the distance between a bus stop with a bar in its range and a bus stop with a hotel in its range. When the distance between the bus stops is equal or shorter than 30 tiles for Dirt Road dirt roads or 45 tiles for Paved Street paved streets, the hotel is effectively within the full range of the bar. If the distance is longer, the fulfilment linearly decreases until the distance reaches 300 tiles for dirt roads or 450 tiles for paved streets, when the fulfilment reaches its minimum limit of 25%. When the bus stops are even further away, the fulfilment of the bar need remains at 25%.

When Hotel Hotels are in the full effective range of the bar, each hotel gains 75 inhabitants and generates more income depending on game settings:

  • high income: +375 coins per minute per hotel
  • medium income: +337.5 coins per minute per hotel
  • low income: +300 coins per minute per hotel

The maximum fulfilment of the tourists' need for bar can be limited if tourists are unhappy about island's attractiveness, newspaper or lack of peace. For more information, see: Tourists Needs.

When residences are within the circular radius of the bar, they are affected by the bonus provided by the active recipe. Each bonus increases the happiness and reduces consumption of specific goods.

Production requirements[]

Bar fulfills the population's needs and provides all its bonuses only if a few conditions are met:

  • Tourist customers are available
  • The building is provided with necessary goods
  • The building is connected to the bus network

It requires three different input goods and it takes 60 seconds to process 1 ton of every input good so the consumption rate is 1 ton of every input good per minute. Because the bar needs an input, it requires a Warehouse Warehouse or Trading Post Trading Post to be located within its range in order to send out carts to transport goods. Alternatively, the bar can be within range of specific production buildings which could deliver required goods they produce directly to the venue.


The latest, modern take on the great spirit-imbibing tradition, bars provide tourists with the much-needed option of getting 'right sloshed' while maintaining an illusion of elegance and grace.

Bars can work based on six different recipes, three of them are available without additional DLCs, one requires The Passage DLC icon The Passage DLC, one requires Land of Lions DLC icon Land of Lions DLC and another one requires New World Rising DLC icon New World Rising DLC. Each recipe needs different ingredients, while providing different bonuses to nearby residences - additional happiness and reduction of consumption of particular goods. Choice of the recipe has no impact on the fulfilment of the bar need of Tourists Tourists. Each bar can use a different recipe, effects of different recipes stack, but the effect from the exact same recipe cannot be applied twice to the same residence.

Daiquiri Tropic[]

Rum, Sugar, Bananas — not a foot put wrong across the white sand, between coconut husk, pink crab and driftwood, the sun plummeting towards cool night and the gentle sway of melody. Isabel Sarmento rarely has occasion, but if she did raise a glass...

Daiquiri TropicDaiquiri Tropic
Bar Recipe
Tourist Season DLC icon

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
Happiness: +2 Happiness positive
Consumption reduction:Schnapps -10% • Beer -25% • Rum -25%

Balance -2140Jornaleros -130Tourists -480

Credits 9780Timber 208Bricks 140

Black Muscovy[]

The very definition of a stiff drink. The ice, they say, comes directly from the larch forests of the frozen north, where dark-bellied bears loom on their hind legs behind every towering timber.

Unlock condition:

  • If you build a new members' club, your Investors might dredge up some ideas of their own for once...

Black MuscovyBlack Muscovy
Bar Recipe
Tourist Season DLC icon

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
Happiness: +1 Happiness positive
Consumption reduction:Chocolate -15% • Schnapps -10% • Champagne -25%

Balance -2640Farmers -140Jornaleros -130Obreros -300Tourists -480

Credits 56924Timber 222Bricks 146

Montmartre '75'[]

Left bank, right bank, nobody's sure... either way, it's a drink for thinkers, or those that like others to think they're thinkers. Crisp and clean in its profile, this cool drink became a classic from the moment it was first shaken into being.

Unlock condition:

  • Running a new exhibition at the World's Fair? The Tourist might be inspired...

Montmartre 75Montmartre '75'
Bar Recipe
Tourist Season DLC icon

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
Happiness: +2 Happiness positive
Consumption reduction:Canned Food -30% • Beer -10% • Rum -25%

Balance -3085Farmers -40Workers -25Artisans -250Jornaleros -45Obreros -50Tourists -240

Credits 78430Timber 164Bricks 115Steel Beams 24Windows 15Reinforced Concrete 15


Thick, oleaginous clouds swirl up through this magnetic polar blend. Some report having seen the aurora borealis shortly upon drinking; others merely sensations of comfort and warmth, as well as temporary immunity to the push and pull of the sea.

Unlock condition:

  • Perhaps after a successful expedition to the Arctic region, your sailors will have good ideas for a hearty winter brew...

Bar Recipe
Tourist Season DLC iconThe Passage DLC icon

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
Happiness: +2 Happiness positive
Consumption reduction:Beer -20% • Coffee -10% • Champagne -10%

Balance -2000Farmers -40Jornaleros -35Explorers -60Tourists -240

Credits 34950Timber 140Bricks 80

Enbesa Sunrise[]

Though rather a typical image of Enbesa, dawn is indeed a magical and dreamlike time there. You may even find the Elders in a good mood after their morning purge, filled with bright hope for the strictures of a day yet to come.

Unlock condition:

  • Keep Elders euphoric for long enough, and they might let you in on the closely-guarded secret of their confidence...

Enbesa SunriseEnbesa Sunrise
Bar Recipe
Tourist Season DLC iconLand of Lions DLC icon

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
Happiness: +2 Happiness positive
Consumption reduction:Schnapps -15% • Rum -10% • Champagne -25%

Balance -2280Jornaleros -90Shepherds -120Tourists -480

Credits 22780Timber 184Bricks 140


The effects of Green Fairy upon the drinker's bodily health are something of a cause célèbre - except, that is, to Jacobins and poetic types, who appear only to thrive on its corrupting bitterness. Indeed, the drink is so bitter, it comes to the customer complete with its own dedicated sugar spoon.

Unlock condition:

Bar Recipe
Tourist Season DLC iconNew World Rising DLC icon

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
Happiness: +2 Happiness positive
Consumption reduction:Rum -15% • Schnapps -15% • Mezcal -35%

Balance -1080Farmers -70Jornaleros -20Obreros -50Tourists -240

Credits 5052Timber 102Bricks 70


Some items when equipped in trade unions can have an impact on all bars.

Items specific for bars[]

DLC Required
Tourist Season
"Sir, an extra side of fries with the fish?"
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Restaurants (Non-Monument)
Bar Bar
Cafe Cafe
Restaurant Restaurant
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Jam Jam every 3rd cycle
Workforce Needed: +50%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +5
ExpeditionForce Force: +10
DLC Required
Tourist Season
Every chef needs a capable second.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Restaurants (Non-Monument)
Bar Bar
Cafe Cafe
Restaurant Restaurant
Attractiveness: +25
Maintenance Cost: -30%
Workforce Needed: +50%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +15
ExpeditionMedicine Medicine: +5
Marie-Louise Carême, Chef de CuisineMarie-Louise Carême, Chef de Cuisine
DLC Required
Tourist Season
As ruler of the kitchen kingdom, she knows there’s much more to fine cooking than good taste alone.
Trade Union Equipped in Trade Union

Affects All Restaurants (Non-Monument)
Bar Bar
Cafe Cafe
Restaurant Restaurant
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Canned Food Canned Food every 2nd cycle
Attractiveness: +30
Workforce Needed: +75%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +10
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +15

