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Anno 1800 Wiki
Anno 1800 Wiki

Arctic Gas Mine is a Production Building which produces Arctic Gas Arctic Gas from Gas Pump modules placed on gas deposits within the mine's radius. It requires The Passage DLC icon The Passage DLC and can be built only in The Arctic, it requires Heater Heating. Arctic Gas can be used to power a Gas-Fired Power Plant Gas-Fired Power Plant to provide electricity to buildings.

For more information about electricity, how to generate it and provide it to buildings, see: Electricity.


With one gas pump it takes 4 minutes and 30 seconds (270 seconds) to produce 1 ton of arctic gas so the production rate is 0.22 tons of arctic gas per minute per pump. Productivity can be changed by using items.

Gas Pump[]

Arctic GasGas Pump is a resource extraction module for arctic gas mines, which enables the production of arctic gas. Each gas pump increases the base productivity of the mine it belongs to by +100%, without affecting the maintenance cost or workforce requirement of the mine. Gas pump has to be built on top of gas deposits located within the radius of the mine, the pump's size is 3x3 since this is the size of the deposits. It does not need any road connection and cannot be affected by city incidents.

Construction costs

  • 4000 Credits • 6 Timber • 8 Steel Beams


Production Chains[]

All production chains involving the Arctic Gas Mine are listed below.

Tourist Season DLC[]

Food & Drink Venues[]

Arctic Gas Mines are involved in the following Food & Drink Venues recipes:

Age of ExplorationAge of Exploration
The Iron Tower Recipe
Tourist Season DLC iconThe Passage DLC icon

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
• Max Residents: +10%
• Bonus Residents +1: Residences gain bonus residents from:
FishBreadCanned FoodUniversityCoffeeLight BulbsChampagneSteam CarriagesChocolate
• Consumption reduction: Coffee -15% • Champagne -15% • Chocolate -15%

Balance -2820Farmers -80Technicians -500Tourists -200Attractiveness 250

Credits 44100Timber 96Steel Beams 50

The High Life DLC[]

Shopping Arcades[]

Arctic Gas Mines are involved in the following Shopping Arcades patents:

Department Store Patent
The High Life DLC iconThe Passage DLC icon

Affects All Old World Residences except Scholar Residences:
• Happiness: +4 Happiness positive
• Income: +22% Credits
• Consumption reduction:Penny Farthings -20% • Light Bulbs -10%

Balance -7000Workers -300Artisans -960Jornaleros -40Technicians -1250Attractiveness -10

Credits 244400Timber 496Bricks 500Steel Beams 409Windows 320Reinforced Concrete 140


Some items when equipped in arctic lodges can have an impact on arctic gas mines.

Specific arctic lodge items[]

Gritty Gas ExtractorGritty Gas Extractor
DLC Required
The Passage
A mule so assiduous in its quest for gas, it is willing to pause only for copper and zinc.
Arctic Lodge Equipped in Arctic Lodge

Affects when activated
Gas Mine Gas Mine
When activated
Productivity: +40%
Extra Goods
Occasionally produces extra Zinc Zinc every 2nd cycle
Occasionally produces extra Copper Copper every 2nd cycle

Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionCrafting Crafting: +25
Crafting Cost
Gas 20 Gas
Lost Expedition Scrap 50 Lost Expedition Scrap
Steel 10 Steel
Caoutchouc 5 Caoutchouc
Source: crafting at Old Nate's workshop in the Arctic

Arctic lodge items for all production buildings[]

Music BoxMusic Box
DLC Required
The Passage
Irritate coworkers by cranking out the same tunes over and over and over again.
Arctic Lodge Equipped in Arctic Lodge

Affects All Arctic Production Buildings
Productivity: +20%
Expedition Bonus
ExpeditionDiplomacy Diplomacy: +25
Crafting Cost
Lost Expedition Scrap 10 Lost Expedition Scrap
Timber 10 Timber
Source: crafting at Old Nate's workshop in the Arctic
